This is fearmongering and will keep those who truly need hospitalization from seeking treatment. I work in a hospital and this statement is not based on facts. When patients go to the hospital with COVID it is usually because they cant breathe and have had COVID for awhile. Some have not even sought medical attention at all. These patients are placed on oxygen and sometimes high flow oxygen to aide them in breathing. People wear themselves out trying to breathe and start retaining CO2. They are given fluids, IV steroids, antibiotics for secondary infections, nebulizer breathing treatments to open up the airways and yes, sometimes Remdesivir, and if it is early enough, monoclonal antibodies. Some patients have been vomiting or have had diarrhea and are are given meds for that. IV fluids are important in keeping lung secretions thin because when patients are dehydrated it causes lung secretions to thicken. Yes, some patients have to go on ventilators and some do die. Most of the ones who have died are obese and/or have diabetes. The majority of hospitalized patients are discharged home.Before you spew misinformation, may I suggest that you do some factual research. Most patients who seek medical treatment in an emergency room, are treated and sent home on medications and are not admitted to the hospital. If patients want to use alternative meds such as Ivermectin, they are free to do so, but if it doesnt work, I would never discourage anybody from waiting until it is too late to go to a hospital. Those are the patients most likely to wind up on a vent. Early treatment is key with vitamins c, d, and zinc, and ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, etc. Stay safe.
There are several videos from several angles. I watched this over and over and it wasn't until someone suggested that she was forced into the van that it became apparent to me. Nobody on her team would grab her under the arm like that and chuck her face down into a van with the tops of her feet dragging the ground. Then they "took her to Chelsea's apartment" where she emerged several hours later all cheery and fine. NO WAY. If she were having a medical emergency they wouldn't take her to Chelsea's apartment.
I understand. I dont know what to believe or not to believe. The reason I stated what I did is because my personal experience is real, not just something I read somewhere. Your choice to believe or not. I can tell you that our staff has no agenda. I can see each chart and how the nurse designates. Blessings to you.
Ok please give it a rest. I am only telling what is going on in our hospital. I will not post any more to suit you. The disease is real but the magnitude is not. I know we are at war. I know that we are fighting the dark side.
I am not hoodwinked. I agree with most of what you say above. Whatever you want to call COVID, we are seeing patients with the same types of severe respiratory symptoms that we have not seen before. Almost every patient on our COVID unit has those same symptoms; mostly upper respiratory, and is characterized by the lack of taste and smell, so it is the same strain of whatever you want to call it. So whether it is COVID or a certain other strain of flu, our hospitals in our system are being overrun by this type of patient. Yes, we have seen hospitalizations increased every year, especially in the winter by flu complications, especially in those with comorbidities, and especially COPD, but never like this. You are correct, we did not have a "flu" outbreak this past year and people who probably did not have COVID were lumped in with them. Call it what you want. We are seeing the same type of strain of virus that has specific symptoms in common. I would call that an outbreak of a specific virus. Did the people who have not required hospitalization but have been diagnosed with COVID have just the flu or common cold? Yes it is likely. Was this purposely perpetrated on the world? Yes. Did our politicians and government take advantage of this and create a false narrative? Yes they did. Did they lock us down to try to take us down? Yes they did. What I am saying is that I am not going to let somebody who is not on the front lines try to tell me what I am seeing and not seeing with my own eyes. We have too many of the same type of respiratory patient with exact same symptoms for their not to be outbreak of a specific virus. I am just repeating myself, so if whoever wants to believe whatever, I am ok with that. I know what I know.
Most of the patients who are in the hospital presented to the ED with upper respiratory symptoms that included shortness of breath, fever, etc. Some patients didn't know they had COVID. Some patients were treated as an outpatient for COVID by their physicians but failed outpatient treatment. Some patients presented with some other illness but tested positive. Some patients suspected they had COVID because a family member had it or they were exposed. All patients were sick enough to be hospitalized. Patients who are morbidly obese are at the biggest risk. Diabetes and hypertension are also big risk factors. So to answer your question, there have been a variety of situations, but currently patients who are testing positive are presenting with respiratory symptoms and usually have pneumonia. I was told that 90% of those hospitalized now are unvaccinated. I see a list everyday of the current patients in the hospital and their vaccination status. There is a separate list of COVID patients with their designation as vaccinated or unvaccinated.
I can only speak from my personal experience and what I say about my hospitals is truth. During the height of the surge last year we did not have enough clinical staff to adequately take care of all of the COVID patients and FEMA sent in physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists to relieve some of our staff to care for our patients. Also, many staff members contracted COVID and had to be off work to recover. Two of our physicians contracted it and were hospitalized in our hospital. I have no reason to make this up. Since I have been in the medical community for over 40 years, I have many friends who are nurses and physicians that work at other hospitals who can provide similar accounts. Do I believe the numbers of COVID patients nationwide was inflated? Yes, absolutely I do, but there are patients who contract COVID and get extremely ill and require hospitalization and some do die from it. My brother died in March, not from COVID, and yesterday I took his ashes to the cemetery for burial. The staff there was telling me how difficult this past year has been with deaths of younger people, many from COVID. I do not believe the MSM any more and I am awake. There have been many lies about this pandemic with inflated numbers, but the fact remains that there have been surges where people get very Iil and die from the complications of COVID. It attacks the lungs like no other virus I have ever seen. You don't know me and I dont know you. There are some kooks on this sight and I am not one of them. I am an open minded person and that is why I have become awake to the radical Left and cabal and their agenda. China perpetrated biological warfare on the world to help usher in the new world order and D.C. is in on it. You have to know that everything you read on GA is not true and some people still get their info from the MSM. What a shame it is that when somebody is telling the truth from their own experience that it is not believed, but what somebody read somewhere and they regurgitate it, is taken as gospel. Yes, this was a scandemic on many fronts, but it does not mean that people haven't gotten very ill and died from the actual COVID virus. The radical Left used COVID to further their agenda with unecessary lockdowns and used fear to control us and the MSM carried their water. Yes, COVID was probably put on death certificates when it shouldnt have been, but it doesnt negate those that truly died from it. Those people are a small percent of the overall population, but when you have over 40 of these patients in a small hospital, it taxes the hospital's resources because it takes a lot of staff to care for them. These patients can turn bad quickly and it takes a lot of care when they start turning to try to keep them off of a ventilator. Many are on high flow oxygen and they become exhausted from trying to breathe and some are placed on vents to provide rest and to keep them from full blown respiratory and cardiac failure. It viciously attacks the lungs. Some patients go into a cytokine storm where COVID for some reason causes their immune system to over react and then they get into trouble. I really dont care if you believe me or not. That is your choice. What I do find ironic is that people will believe what somebody posts based on something they read and not personal experience. Think about it. 40 plus patients is not a lot of people compared to the general population of our community, but it is s lot of people to have in a small hospital with the same diagnosis, especially when many require an ICU bed and it taxes the hospital. Again, you are correct that this was a scamdemic with artificially inflated numbers, but it does not negate the fact that there are people who became seriously ill from COVID and required hospitalization. You are free to believe what you like, but you have no basis to call me a liar. I am certain that you got all of your info based on personal experience and not what you read from your computer where you sit all day in your xxxl stained tshirt covered in Cheeto dust.. Carry on. And no, I will not stfu
Anybody can "go to" the hospital, but for your insurance to pay for you to be an inpatient, you must meet severity of illness and intensity of services for them to pay for your stay there. You can be seen in the emergency room but you wont be admitted to a hospital unless you are sick enough to be there. I know this because it is part of my job to review cases and update insurance companies.
We survey all patients who come into the hospital regarding their vaccine status. 90% of our current COVID census are unvaccinated. The patients we are seeing this surge tend to be younger. I heard that this could possibly be due to that many of the elderly were vaccinated. The average age is 50, that is not to say that we don't have some in their 30's, 40's, 70's, etc. I was surprised to learn this as I had no idea whether the vaccines were effective. I am not advocating for the vaccines.
We have 4 hospitals that I oversee, but I am based at the 175 bed hospital. The other hospitals are 50 beds, 45 beds, 38 beds, as we are rural. We are being inundated with COVID patients for the past 2 weeks. We went from 2 COVID patients to over 40 in less than 2 weeks. These patients are very ill and take a lot of resources (staff). I will be happy if this virus ever goes away.
Thank you. In the beginning convalescent plasma was being given, and it still is, but the medication that we were told yesterday on a call that is working the best is Regeneron monoclonal antibodies. They are still using Remdesivir. Dexamethasone (steroids) are used to reduce inflammation, and antibiotics for secondary infections, especially for pneumonia. By the time a person is sick enough to be hospitalized, they pull out the big guns. The goal is to keep a person off of a ventilator.
Here are some facts. The hospitals look empty because during a COVID surge, visitation is shut down and the visitor parking lots are empty. Also, during a surge, many outpatient services are shut down, such as outpatient surgery, and those buildings are empty. If you happen to drive around to the back of a hospital during a surge, you will see a full employee parking lot. Also, many hospital employees that don't have direct patient contact have been working from home. The hospital I work at was full today with 18 patients holding in the ED. If you walked down the hall it looked like a ghost town because of lack of visitors, and many people do not want to come to the hospital during a surge to have their lab, xrays, etc. and go to outpatient clinics instead, so yes outpatient testing is not as busy, thus fewer cars in the parking lots. Many physician offices that are located on hospital premises are still doing virtual visits so those parking spaces are also empty. I hope that this helps with why hospitals look empty when in fact they are full of very sick people with physicians and nurses working their butts off. You are looking for answers, and I hope that this answers some of your questions.
Thank you. I call truce. Seriously, I am on GA because I am awake. I know that this virus is a biological weapon that was engineered. I know the black hats are taking full advantage of it with lockdowns, masks, high cycles of testing, etc. I know that it is being said that the vaccine is also a weapon. On the other hand, I know what I am seeing with my own eyes from personal experience. The virus is real and is no joke to the unfortunate ones who have had a cytokene storm, or who waited too long to get treatment. It has taxed our small hospital to the hilt and this week was horrible with some young people coding and dying. Many, many people have had COVID and it was no big deal, but the hospital industry has been inundated. People say, "But I drive by the hospitals and they look empty!". Yes they do, because visitation is shut down and the visitor parking lots have few cars. I am a truth seeker and I support this site, but I get upset when people refuse to listen to people who have first hand knowledge. Thank you.
I can only tell you what I know from our hospital. Pre-COVID the visitor parking lot was always full, but when COVID hit, visitors are extremely limited. Our hospital is full to the brim, but the visitor parking lot looks empty. If you drive to the back of the hospital, the employee parking lot is full. Also, during a surge, patients tend to not get their outpatient testing done like normal, so the outpatient lab, x-ray, etc. is not very busy.
Hit a little sore spot, huh? The FU comment is usually used when the person doesn't have anything intelligent to say. The PCR tests are not the only thing used to diagnose COVID. There are a set of symptoms that go along with a positive test. These are the people we are seeing in the hospital, not merely the people who have minor flu symptoms who don't need to come to the hospital. The hospitalized people are the ones I am talking about. You work in healthcare? What? The janitor in a physician's clinic? Did I aggregate the data personally? No, but I know the actual numbers of 4 hospitals that report the numbers because I am over those hospitals. I am the director of case management and am on the front line. My department has RN's who work directly with families of COVID patients who deliver messages back and forth when the patients can't have visitors. My employees work trying to find placement for these patients when they are on a vent and we need to free up rooms because we have 20 patients waiting in the ED to be admitted. My employees deliver the last message a patient wants to get to their families before they die of COVID because they can't come off of the vent. My employees sit with families of a 40 year old COVID patient who has just coded 3 times in one day. My employees witness the nurses and physicians exhausting themselves taking care of these high maintenance patients day in and day out. Tell me what your personal experience is in working directly with COVID patients. We are a 170 bed hospital with 43 COVID patients in the hospital today, many of them in their 30's, 40's, and 50's, and many of them on ventilators. I am currently trying to get one of our local SNF's to partner with our hospitals to re-open their COVID unit and the hospital will supply the necessary PPE, so that we can free up some of our beds. They don't have staff because 6 of their nurses are out with COVID and their DON is in the hospital with COVID. Don't try to tell me what my experience is Mr. janitor boy.
I dont post because of that but I read posts 4 to 5 times per day