On live right now: Starting about an hour into the PodCast, Juan O’Savin is for the first time, directly talking about the Q-Operation. No hidden/coded talk. Straight forward telling us the posts were done by the Q-Team, Trump picked by 200 current and retired Military Generals to run due to those Generals not okay with The Cabal’s plans, using sound and heat DEWs on the population, using Covid to attempt the depopulation, and using the highest level computer and military geniuses to set this all up. The Q-Team knowing the Cabal’s worst plans, hinted upon by divine intervention. He did not go into detail on this little piece but that we would know soon enough, when the timing was right. But much was also built off things already told to us through movies, tv, and books (Behold a Pale Horse-like) etc, that the military knew was coming and not okay with. Knew it was wrong! Show is still going so I’m still listening but for us Anons this is wonderful to hear and get more confirmations.

This is a very good program stripping back the vale in very clear terms/info. I’ve been saying it for years, Juan is the real deal. For myself, this podcast confirms much more. And Confirms what other Anons have said and brought forward through the last few years. Listen in peeps and decide on your own too.



Redacted put out a good video today about what to expect in the coming weeks or so. I think they lurk here, ZeroHedge, and listen to X22. Some good info in this “short” bit from their main podcast on Yellen’s Ooopsy I’m Sorry there goes all your money. And yes oh yes, the Cabal really hates America and really hates Patriots.



Let we not forget this is an International War against the Cabal, and we have thousands of Anons here world-wide.

So in Burma, a country close to Cambodia South Asia that had near half its population decimated by the Khmer Rouge after the Vietnam Conflict, is still in Civil conflict today, and now even religious places are no longer safe from a losing Cabal driven military. We The People in Burma are Winning, but I’m sure the cost will be extremely high, and possibly make Cambodia’s 70s Killing Fields death numbers, look like a small town cemetery.

It’s sad to know but a good reminder to us all that in countries almost freed from Cabal hold, our war is not over! We all may be tired, but we MUST FIGHT On for all of them as they fight, or as they sleep! Because Where We Go One We Go All, World Wide and together.

God bless and save us all.



I wish we could see how many One-Way tickets are being purchased by Diddy Friends, and Cabal idiots prepping to flee the US. And I’d love to be a fly that could warp from idiot Cabal house to house seeing and hearing the panicked crying, cussing, fear, and plans/bag packing!! It would be epic Anons! 😂😂


Listen listen my frens. Dave lays out thee final battle of this first part of our world wide war. We free the US, and then turn to help save the world. Why? Because Where We Go One We Go All, together with Christ our God. NCSWIC!



Alright Anons dig, eyes and heads looking everywhere but where the Cabal is trying to get us to look. X22 trying to Telegraph when the DS False Flag is coming? Tomorrow to “halt” the Election? Or days later to infuriate us Patriots, or wait until Jan for RatSkin to vote to block Trump from being certified/inaugurated? Man we need to VOTE and Win tomorrow, but The Cabal is not going down without chaos. See what you can see out there Anons, what seems odd, status of DC, China, Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, and the Middle East. Even the banks/Econ, power grid, internet, odd military or police alerts on scanners, Radar-Plane-guys, scan it all Anons. Let’s see if we can’t get some early warning somehow, someway. You are the best of the best and God and the world are counting on us.




Tagging off Anon Purkiss’s Thread regarding Lara Logan’s media shift warning for AFTER the Election; David Nino who has his own site (and puts a non-FluffTube version on Rumble later today), was just discussing the “plans of the DemoLibs and RINO’s are already “projecting” for after the election.


You can listen but I’ll list-summarize points here:

  1. Trump wins but “somehow” loses Senate and House. Jeffery’s made House Speaker and votes to disqualify Trump Admin, attempts to take Control. Chaos for months

  2. Planned Capital Exercises; is this for Team Trump to “fumigate” the Capital of rats, or is it for Team Cabal to showcase America’s Near Death?

  3. Trump Wins, and gets House & Senate, but Raskin votes Trump ineligible, Quorum done by Republicans, throwing Congress in standstill, and until this is sorted out, Kamala is put in as President-Temp since she is the prior VP and 2nd most vote gainer of the election. Marshal Law is established. Then weeks or a month or 2 after Jan 6th, Democrats refuse to leave when Supreme Court gets involved. ANTIFA/BLM Chaos spanning from Nov-Jan., and Sheeple think: America has certainly died.

  4. Economy Collapse at any time from day of or after election, or a few days later as chaos erupts, and continues until Election sorted out legally. Marshal Law in place.

  5. WW3 continues to boil up/expand in the Middle East and Black Sea/Ukraine/NATO. Then China goes after Taiwan during our own internal chaos regardless of Election winner. America’s Near Death, US and World economy collapse.

  6. Most MSM political-social-economic-etc. Narratives shift toward projecting what will happen after the election. And hammer on Trump Admin either being illegitimate or focus on more lawfare/“crimes” Trump or Team people have “committed” or might be guilty of. They also push chaos and seem fine with America being burned to the ground. Think 2020 “Summer of Love” riots all over again, but even more vehemently supported by The Media, Celebrities, and DemoLib politicians, focusing the Sheeple to look at this here, but not to look over there Diddy, Crimes against Children, and the Banks stealing your money to cover Econ Collapse.

These are all items amongst other stuff Anons have discussed at length here, that’s coming the last few years. All has been discussed by X22, Q, Trump’s Team, and every legit Truther.

From Election until probably the end of Feb., is just going to be crazy rough Anons! But we should be prepped for this and able to help keep some calm out there. Team Trump wants to make his side look as “organic” as possible going through all of this, all while letting the other side look totally Nucking Futs! So Hold That Line, and God bless you all as we all do this together.



Yes I know it’s Aljazzera, a very left leaning and news outlet but I check many places to find what’s up in the WW3 Watch.

So it appears Turkey is retaliating against the Kurds shooting rockets at their Aerospace Industry, so they have responded by attacking targets in both Syria and Iraq.


So the WW3 fray is possibly expanding if retaliatory strikes continues between current and new factions. Let’s see, in the Middle East we have US backed Israel vs. 2-3 terrorist groups in/and including vs. Syria vs. Lebanon vs. Iran vs. Yemen. And let’s not forget Russia is in Syria and could be “accidentally” struck be anyone of these groups, and retaliate.

Then over in US backed Ukraine we have Ukraine vs Russia, with N.K. now training in Russia to possibly join just to get battle experience, and South Korea may add troops to Ukraine.

Then POTENTIALLY we have US backed Taiwan vs China with N. K. vs Philippines vs Japan vs Russia vs Vietnam, with Australia already saying they’d back the US.

And the stupid DemoLibs said Trump would start wars!! Yep guys and gals, Biden-Harris has done F’d up royally!


Okay Anons, just my tiny walk dogs theory, and after reading threads the last 2 days on Trump going hard on early voting. We must remember this is a 5D Chess Game between the Q-Team and The Cabal.

Q has said in Post 4014, “Change of Batter Coming?” And “Why was she saved from formally announcing?”

Juan has said now on several occasions, in several videos that The Cabal would be “chained to the rotting corpse of a candidate they have.”. He used the Masons Candidate Rights as an example: that if a new Mason or any Mason tells secrets of what goes on in the temple chamber, then they will be chained, have their throat slit and tossed from a boat to sink and rot at the bottom of a river. This has stuck with me and really makes more sense to what is now happening with early voting. (Edit add for props to him) Dave on X22 would also elude to “Sneak One In” regarding Michele Obama.

So if the Cabal was going to throw another candidate in besides Kamala or Biden, the “Change of Batter”, could they really do it after the votes have already started, especially in the “swing” or “Battleground” States? Not if suddenly the conservatives swarmed the early voting booths and mail-in ballots. Another candidate thrown in after this fact would automatically lose those States/delegates that already voted.

Unless they found a way to legally redo the count or election. But, but this would still put Trump ahead regardless, as he would garner the same votes. Also, Each State has its own Election Laws. This means some States may redo, while others would Hold The Line! Now could the military be activated if Biden says Force A Redo by order? Yes, but for We The People only, not for him forcing a redo election. The military is SWORN 1st to the Constitution and its laws! 2nd it is sworn to protect We The People from foreign and domestic enemies!

So I think the Q-Team slightly riding on the Cabal thinking we Trump people would again hold out for day-of voting, decided instead to play their game and force the Cabal to stick with their nasty, rotting candidate. And forced a serious 5D Chess Move into them swallowing that gross green lugie Hauk-Tuah Harris!

This is why their only other moves are to pause the election by “ Iran or China election hack”, or put us into war and/or chaos, or try to block Trump “legally” from taking office. Of course 2 out of 3 of these will directly involve the Supreme Court. And shifting to the other 2 out of 3 gets the US Military directly involved in sorting out the problems.

Either way this creates a near impossible but forced by gun-point El Capitan climb to escape. But with no harness and ropes, no gloves, during a downpour with 50-60mph winds, and no net below; just a few guys with guns hoping they get to put a few new holes in you if you live from the fall.

Just my brain spinning theory from all this stuff swarming in my head that Juan O’Savin or Dave on X22 has said numerous times, crashing against what all you Anons are discussing here and there in threads. Let me know what you Anons think. God bless you all, and We Will Win!



We’ve had numerous Anons posting articles on China’s Prep, and movements in/around Taiwan, and what the US has or hasn’t done. Most recently for the US, Seal Team 6 has been added for training in/for Taiwan. Seal Team 6 is a smaller unit, so I bet they are going to be used to get “important leaders/people out” when the fighting or invasion starts.

Anyway, Xi has formally ordered the military to further step up its prep for war/invasion after its most recent surround Taiwan drills. I’m sure they feel they have a solid plan on how fastest to do this, and hoping to just flat overwhelm the island and avoid overwhelming casualties. I’m pretty sure China is assuming most of the security and populous of Taiwan will just give up if they just blitz the Country from every side. Sea, air, and land blitz. Just shower the country with hundreds of thousands if nt millions of troops from every angle, and overwhelm what defenses they have.

And reading in US Prep, it doesn’t seem they are that concerned with an overwhelming blitz type move. At least I don’t read anything from our side this way.

Anyhow, I think it’s coming soon, most likely right before our elections or right after. If I was Xi’d military strategist, I would invade when the US media, people, security, and government will be in its most confused or narrowly focused state; regarding our own elections and the lead up to, confusion during, or fallout right after.

I fear and feel for the common folk of Taiwan, but I don’t think Biden-Harris is going to do much to stop what is coming.



Other recent Anon’s threads and additional articles below:




This last article is concidered a deep dive on when this journalist or analyst thinks the invasion will take place. But after reading it, he is very far off, but like most of us have no solid clue. My take, it’s coming soooo much sooner than people like this expect and surly must happen while Biden-Harris are still in power; and our own current political system and security is overwhelmed and confused.



US Fox News is reporting “Breaking News” Netanyahu’s home hit by drone attack while him and wife at home. They are unharmed, no one else harmed per current/breaking reports. Netanyahu is already commenting and promising full retaliation for this direct “assassination attempt, and is directly calling out Iran. Things are about to get somehow even hotter in the Middle East.


Edit Added Link: https://www.timesofisrael.com/hezbollah-drone-targets-netanyahus-house-in-caesarea-pm-wife-not-home-no-injuries/

Edit: looks like this was first reported near 6 hours ago by another contributing Anon, BerlinWallCrosser, and linked above Israel Times. Our US news is just reporting as “Breaking”, so I’m linking his thread here in mine. Thank you Anon for the quick point-out! 👍🏻😊 https://greatawakening.win/p/199OFqyTNo/hezbollah-drone-targets-netanyah/c/


Below is my response to CatsFive’s EU Post here. To support the point the PM made about Russia. And no y’all I’m not Russian or if Russian decent. Just a scholar from the US of US and World history. And no I’m not going to link sh1t, as what I’m posting you can research to read and learn as I had to. Yes my Russian Anons here, a good Ol’American actually gets y’all. 😁 Thank you and God bless each of you.


 People reeeeally need to “Unlearn what they have learned” about Russia, especially in the last 10-15 years. Yes, Russia has a long history of being a closed minded Country, ever since The Wall fell, and since an ex-KGB Officer became its Leader. 

 But in the “timeline” of becoming a new thinking Nation, they’re still young. Like America in its first 200 years, which was focused on ONLY building itself, Russia has been ultra focused on the same; rebuilding a more free democratic-ish Russian Country from the Communist horror it once was. And frens, that takes decades! 

 Don’t forget the Bolsheviks and later Communists, along with WWII, lost near 2-3 complete generations of people by executions, Gulags, and the Nazis. So the current people and their thought processes are young being led by a very very old guard trying to drop their past. And unlike most people think, if you deeply research Putin and LISTEN to his actual speeches, he’s no different than Trump in what he wants for his country. He wants to focus on Nationalism, for His People, His Country.

 And by Country, Russia is certainly not racist to “Russian” people. Most uneducated people and those outside Russia’s cultural sphere think everyone there is of white European-Russian decent. No! Russia is actually made up of many cultures as it covers a massive space on Europe, Asia, and touches the Middle East. Yes the Communists attempted to culturally and religiously control everyone. But as soon as The Wall came down, that stopped almost immediately, in the context of rebuilding a prior-Communist governed torn country. 

 So to be REAL, Russia has needed and still needs more repairing and blooming time into a much better Nation. And they are getting there. 

 Just like Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, and now Trump, yes Putin himself wants what is BEST For His Country and His People. Just on Ukraine, we Anons know Oblama Coup’d Crimea and certain areas away from Russia in 2014. Realistically, Putin only wants back the areas that have democratically, VOTED by paper ballots, to rejoin Russia. And so there is that fight going on. 

 But frens, go on Rumble, go on YouTube, and watch any video on western people, especially from the UK, Australia, and the US visiting Russia right now, or over the last 5-6+ years especially. The responses are overwhelmingly positive of Russia, patriotic of their own Nation building, and their living standards are being slowly rebuilt all over the Country. And at a faster pace positively than the Communists could have ever forced! Most tourists are blown away how nice their cities are, how peaceful they are, and how FREE people feel within their country. Yes, they inforce their laws more harshly and quickly than we do now; but just 20-30 years ago, we were just as conservative and quick at whipping criminal ass! 

 Point is, Russia is still rebuilding itself after a devastating century. Russia is trying to move back into a democratic power nation that uses economics vs. brute force to expand its business interests for itself and its people. THAT IS what Nationalism is all about! EVERY country goes through phases of it CONSTANTLY; especially at birth or a rebirth. And Russia is in the Nationalistic rebirth stage. 

 Russia could, with China, just confiscate all of Europe and Asia easily. But it hasn’t, and Putin states he does not want to!! That’s because that would be Russia going backwards and not forwards, for itself. 

 And on China, yes they do have “possibly” very different end outcomes. But that is for another day once I complete my research process of them. And they decide how far they will or won’t go in this Cabal war.

 But after the Cabal is wiped out, the US and every other Nation is going to have to do some internal Nationalistic “rebuilding”. And yes, it will take years if not decades to completely recover and us all to move forward. The Best Is Yet To Come! WWG1WGAWW.

Now this may concern many of us! Especially us on the west coast which most have Taiwan built Solar Panels. Luckily mine are Korean, but still it is most likely the semi-conductors which Taiwan makes most of them. Cause for a Heads Up my Frens. This could strike or at least scare a lot of people in the US and abroad.

Edit and additional thought: See Q-Post 111 & 142 about “something that could send 99% of us to a hospital.” Could that mean our electronic devices parts that come from Taiwan? We all have them, carry them, or are in/on our homes. This would make a lot of sense to that “multiple meaning” line in those 2 Q-Posts. And why would communications neeeeed to be brought down?!

Things that make me go hmmm! I don’t want to make us all paranoid my frens, but it’s something for us to reeally consider now and do some research into. This could become a big scare for sure if MSM begins to flood on it. Stay vigilant Anons.





I’m just putting these articles down to update as the Conflict in Ukraine is heating up some more. Some people depending on what browser or news you follow is now “blocked” from Russian Media by the Elite Media Overlords. So you can use these links to research for yourselves. 😊.

Both sides reporting they’ve hit major targets, though Russia doesn’t seem as stressed on the target Ukraine hit. Russia has reportedly wiped out Ukraine’s Starlink Center, so info will be spotty as we go forward.

Ukraine Media: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3906851-ammo-depot-attacked-by-ukrainian-drones-used-to-store-iskander-tochkau-missiles-source.html

US Russian Media: https://sputnikglobe.com/russian-special-military-op-in-ukraine/

Official Russian Media: https://tass.com/military-operation-in-ukraine

US MSN Media Outlet: https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/18/world/video/ukraine-drone-russian-ammunition-depot-digvid


A very interesting video with Ian Carroll going on some short Rabbit dives and some twists into Red Pilling narratives “Normies” and lefties are struggling over out of the “Conspiracy” and Q crowds.

I found some of the info interesting but also found some of the ways Ian discusses things as curious, especially around Trump, Israel, digital WW3, Epstein, Trafficking, and then the Vatican piece is good.

Anyway check it out Anons and maybe discuss your thoughts on the info given.



Dave repeats many things in each X22Report but about 10-20min each 50min to 1hr of “b” segment is new info. Why? Why is this done? Coded to provide those that “know” vital information. And to imprint what could happen in the listening PatriotAnon’s mind of what all COULD come/go down; and to remain calm, cool, and know how to help others that may get confused, frustrated, upset, and scared.

Why historically? Think WWII French Underground Radio, Navajo Code Talkers, Vietcong’s Hanoi Hannah. Radio coding for both military and “loyal/Patriot” Civilians on the front of or behind enemy lines.

This X22Report is probably thee final broad Summary Report of what all is about to come/start over the next 2 months. Dave lays out the What, Why, How, but of course leaves out WHEN to civilians except knowing all: CAN/COULD/MAY/MIGHT/NOT/Large or Small version/PIECES OF Will Come over the next few months.

Yes the military under DJT knows exactly when, but that’s it. Though, are there general time hints to civilians? Yes listen to “Timing Relative” details.

Besides that us Anons should be mentally, physically ready (as best we can), Supply/Prep Ready, and Media Ready to help in our local communities and stepping up the “dropping of truth bombs” online to Awaken Sheeple Nationally/Internationally as events possibly approach and then tee off.


You are HERE on GAW because God & Christ prepared you for this Anons. Like it or not, realize it or not, have faith in it or not, your brain was divinely touched to “Rabbit Hole” it’s way here. To be in The Right Place At The Right Time. God bless you all as for Him, and for all humanity we are ready to help and serve. WWG1WGA


While we Americans are being distracted by the Democratic Clownshow Convention, and awaiting the impending stupid ANTIFA wreckage of Chicago, somehow on the other side of the Globe, the Ukrainian Military is suddenly becoming more able to fight again. Well I wonder why? Could it be the US, UK, and NATO “assistance” helping Ukraine suddenly jump back to fighting life, or just a “2nd Wind”?


Where are they suddenly getting all these Drones to attack deep into Russian land?

It really sucks to know innocent people on both sides are getting hurt and killed, all for a few elites to make big bucks off conflict. I don’t understand why we just can’t Drone the Elites and be done with them….


And just a little article on Taiwan, and their intelligence on how and when the Chinese may act. I think it’ll be much sooner that 2025, possibly in the next 2 months, but this article’s writer doesn’t seem to think so.


Anyway don’t forget that the world is burning in places while our Democrats and media focus on their own stupid shit-show here at home. Much love and respect Anons.


Looting and Protests going on in Chicago due to the police being diverted to the DNC area, so Chicago is a protest mess. Ingersoll’s The Last President foretells both Chicago and DC being burned to the ground by protests from the Socialists taking over America. If you haven’t read The Last President, it’s linked here:


My buddy Wolf that does Live Podcasts on Twitch and YouTube has the live feeds from Chicago running. He may also be switching to several shootings going on in Baltimore and Florida, but will mostly be focusing on the DNC Protests. He has the Chicago Police Scanner running too, and it’s non-stop reports of looting and theft, currently of this writing this Sunday.



Eyes on Iran and Israel Anons. Looks like it’s about to get real WW3 hot as the two Middle East rivals might go toe to toe ASAP.



Take a look at the 2nd video caption. Any Q-Posts to tie in Anons? I bet there is.

How’s about a reading of Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper? Or a stroll through Revelations and the Pale Horse of Death during the Olympics?

And if you haven’t read both, you really should do so ASAP. Just amazing how these “symbols” keep coming back up in this movie like perfect “time stamps/proofs”. We must be drawing close to the finale my frens. We must be close. WWG1WGA.



X22Report is fire! I’m listening to it now Anons. Worth a listen because events “had to be this way”. We knew it was coming Anons, just didn’t know the exact date to the Q-Posts until Future Proved Past.


And Future may prove Fusca too. If you saw who was behind Trump, standing and looking very concerned after the shooting, you’d see Fusca. I’ve discussed this before, and hinted about Fall of the Cabal Part 10 going back near 4 years. It’s “time” to review this episode Anons, perhaps. It is what brought me here, what helped create my epiphany on Q and Christ, and what is possibly, or most likely to come. No coincidences Anons. WWG1WGA



Okay Anons ASAP and simple: Please Dig on this recurring Flase Flag Warning of a NATO Dirty Bomb plot to blame Russia. When need facts/info to provide proper world wide warnings if true. Or if BS. But as we all know the Cabal says it before they actually do it!

So, please dig deep all over, and post on this thread please. I’ve linked a new article on the same UK Parliment Member giving the same warning again, and the two most recent related GAW threads. Y’all are the best of the best. So let’s see what we can expose and warn on if possible/necessary. Thank you kindly. WWG1WGAWW




First warned from Russia that Ukraine may do so in 2022 below:



As the rest of the world is quickly catching on Finally to the whole Covid BS, and all the bullcrap safety of the “Vaxx’s”, Taiwan of all places that need to be weakened, is still in full Fauci Goose-step to wiping themselves out slowly. Any Covid decent is crushed there still. So when China decides to take Taiwan, the CDC, WHO, WEF, and Fauci Elites have made it 100% easier to take their military and civilians down. Leaving the US and Japan to bring the strength, to a loosing battle of the largest military on Earth, China, taking a far inferior and Covid-weakened Nation.

It’s just like a set up for heavy US and Japanese casualties, to attempt to help a country just 70 Nautical Miles from that massive CCP red tsunami. So I hate to even think or type this, but if Biden balks and we/US just let it happen, then it may just save thousands of US and Japanese lives that shouldn’t be wasted on a non-nuclear-non-winnable endeavor.



I do understand much of this will be reversed. But this just goes to show how asleep the American people are. So while Droolin Joe’s mental frailty and Hunter’s crack-gun-purchase stupidity runs cover, our extra-stupid Congress write up and approves this shit! They not only added the Mandatory selective services for men, instead of the choice to sign, but actually went ahead and drafted the policy for women to be Mandatorily drafted as well! And this wording was again voted and approved by the House of Congress!

Two years ago DemoLib Controlled House attempted this, and it was fought off. Now Trump, I know mentioned that the US “should” do this, but as Trump loves to trap the idiots, he Did Not Say “MUST”. And here he gets the idiots to show their fascism wide open, by now forcing the draft issue into actual policy, that House Congressional idiots approved!

The Senate has their own version that has not come out in clear, or near finished documented form yet. Probably this week or next. Let’s hope their’s, since they usually go by actual current laws, still provides Selective Service “CHOICE” vs Mandatory.

But this is a big WTF moment for the DemoLibs, especially “Women’s Rights” advocates to wake up and see where their equality and equity is about to get them, and that’s right on the front lines of war. And WW3 is here!




In responding to my local area university newspaper regarding their Editor Review of the movie Civil War. Enjoy the article below and my own Red Pill coated or coded 😉 response Anons. God bless you all.


I must admit I never write newspapers Grace, due to my distrust of Mainstream Media since the late spring/beginning summer of 2019 when I watched cities burn, and the media calling the protests “mostly peaceful”. Or they ignored ANTIFA and BLM joining forces, supported by George Soros and the World Economic Forum (WEF) to test run a Socialist-Fascist push into media and nearly taking control of all true/factual politics and events, to put “their” spin on these things. And that “spin” being the fault of conservatives and Patriots whom have long been prepped for a Red Dawn event in this country.

Well it has slowly and efficiently encroached and arrived through our social media, again Mainstream media, and heavily into our colleges. And is attempting to be shoved down into our pre-college education systems. Being from a small farming/ranching town, I think you understand what I’m saying.

Anyway I found your article wonderful and hopeful, from a very fresh media perspective on the divisive “narrative” this Civil War movie shows about our country, but maybe, just maybe the media feeling confused or they possibly got things all wrong. Which is really the truth. The majority of Americans don’t live by the media, we live by our upbringings and have been mostly faithful to our laws and especially have enjoyed our Constitution. Our forefather’s fled here to escape religious and political tyranny, and we’ve developed a culture to kind-of stay that way. Just be left alone in our community and lives, and get along as best we can. Well the infiltrated media hand in hand with an infiltrated government (That’s called fascism by definition), slow Red Dawn-style, has decided that our young 450 year+ culture NEEDS to be torn down.

You may not know but maybe you do, an informational war has been going on, and is about to make a Quantum leap in an extremely rougher but more positive outcome result by the end of it all. So I for one hope you keep your heart right where it is. Give us Patriots hope that the media can do the right thing soon, and report on the full truth once again. Just like it more or less did a decade or so ago.

Thank you and God bless you Grace. You truly seem to know Where We Go One We Go All, together.


P.S. Just in case certain “protests” happen here. I will provide you with how the actual directions and information gets “coded” to ALL ANTIFA & BLM provocateur coordinators. And sadly it “prints” from our town.

Main site and “narrative coded” articles. Also was found & highlighted by conservative Reporter Lara Logan.


See link to 2nd listing below.


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