When I've pointed out a Q proof to a doubter--usually when Q says something and then on the delta, anniversary of the post, Trump says the same thing, they will say "it is just a coincidence."
If you show them multiple Q proofs, they will say it is "confirmation bias"--the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.
They will insist that you are finding these coincidences because you are actively looking for them, and in time, they will show up. Think of if you just buy a new red Ford Focus. Suddenly you start noticing all of the other red Ford Focuses on the road.
Here is why this theory falls flat. If the Q proofs and the incredible coincidences were simply a case of "confirmation bias," we would be finding them everywhere than just Q proofs.
Anons would be finding these coincidences in Twitter posts by Ted Cruz, Hannity, Kari Lake, or any other conservative personality. The fact is that nobody ever never finds these concidences anywhere other than Trump (80%), Scavino (10%), Military (8%), Trump Family and others close to the President's mission (2%).
Of course, these people are the intellectually lazy types that will allow the TV to do the thinking for them, so good luck getting most of them to look into it further themselves.
Edit: Note: I'm referring to social media and public comments only made by public figures. World events that match up to Q posts would be in a category of its own.
I also edited the percents after someone mentioned Scavino often posts Q proofs, which I completely forgot about.
Obviously, we can only speculate. But here's what we know:
It was something that scared the heck out of the DS members -- particularly Jeb and Laura Bush.
The White Hats wanted to wait until the casket was directly in front of the Bushes before presenting them the envelope.
The envelope must have something visual for such an immediate reaction. The Bushes would give an F if it said "We have it all." They already knew that.
Immediately after Jeb gasped in horror, he immediately turned and looked at the casket again as if thinking "Is that what happened to Dad?"
Just putting that out there.
here's the link. It never gets old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLIJ69rVtqM
I remember a post about this, but cannot find it now.
I have to admit, the blindness and even the stupidity of the Q doubters never ceases to amaze me. I often think "this is the proof that is SO OBVIOUS" that even the densest of skeptics will see it.
I remember when General Flynn took the oath to defend the constitution ending with "WWG1WGA" 2 weeks after Q challenged supporters to do that. I was thinking "It's a done deal. No more need for Q proofs. No way anyone can ever deny this one!"
No such luck. The same individuals continued to call those that saw it as a "q proof" as wacky.
Recently, Trump used the music called WWG1WGA for one of his videos. Even Media Matters accused it of being "no accident." I've seen this Q proof shared on various conservative sites, and our same blind friends remain unmoved. "Retard! This means nothing!" They continue to scream.
In the 90s there was a show called "X-Files." I believe the main character's name was Moulder, and his red headed friend was named Scully. Moulder was constantly trying to convince his skeptic friend that UFOs were real. Scully's skepticism became ridiculous and frustrating that no matter times she had seen something supernatural, she never became a believer. I remember thinking "nobody could ever be this dense!" But that is the way a huge percentage of people are when something goes against the narrative they believe it.
I don't suggest constantly barraging others with Q proofs, but I believe it helps the movement that we continue showing others Qproofs or predictions when they are a very obvious and don't require a lot of deciphering. There was a time when we did not realize the Q posts were real, or maybe even some of us were skeptics at a time!
I remember I heard a lot of buzz around Q in late 2018, and I comment about how skeptical and naive those Q people. Then in January of 2018, someone shared a Q proof. I remember Q wrote the word "goodwin" and just minutes later DJT wrote "good win" on Twitter. I looked back and forth between the two posts. I was thinking "this can't be? Maybe DJT wrote good win first and Q followed?" But that was not the case. The timestamps showed the truth. That's when I had my "Aw shit! I think it's true!!" After that I keenly paid attention to DJT and Q posts to see if there was indeed a correlation. I became solidly convinced shortly within weeks.
So Friends, keep up the good work. You never know when something will register with someone. The skeptics are so loud, so dense, so hopeless, that we can feel all people are that way. Do not despair, every day fence straddlers continue to jump off and join our movement!
I have grown increasingly amazed at the inability of so many to see trends that are so clear and obvious to us here.
I'm definitely claiming any kind of superior intelligence--I was a steady B- student throughout all of college. I agree 100% with the statement "I can't be smart enough for there to be so many people dumber than me!" (I can't remember who said that).
Yet, we have been brought to a new understanding of our reality in the past 2 years-- that the vast majority of people get their beliefs and understanding of the truths based on what they are told--not by what they see.
We have seen a number of mysterious vaccine deaths and injuries. Of course the vaxxed have seen and experienced it even more. Instead of gaining an immediate sense of concern and suspicion, they just consider what they've seen around them as a coincidence or bad luck until they hear CNN say otherwise.
The "believe what you are told, not what you see" group tends to lean left, but there is certainly no shortage of those on the right also--just look at Patriot.win.
How many "q proofs" convinced you Q was real?
After seeing one q proof, I thought "whatever". After 2 Q proofs I thought "interesting!" After seeing my third Q proof I thought "Wait a minute...is something going here? I'm going to pay close attention from now on to determine if these are just coincidences or if POTUS and the military are nodding "yes, it is real! yes, it is real." Sure enough, in a month of careful observation, I was 100% convinced it was real.
Yet, we all know other conservatives that have been exposed to dozens and dozens of q proofs, and it never intrigues their interest in the least.
Any how, this is my rant for the day. Anyone else feel the same?
Our patriotic friends on The Patriot and elsewhere are panicking and freaking out. Don't be like that.
Q told us three important things:
- Patriots are in complete control.
- Trump is 100% insulated.
- You are watching a show.
If the DS could have taken DJT, they would have by now. Reflect on how much "in control" the White Hats have been in for awhile. They got John McCain, possibly the most powerful Republican in congress to quietly leave the scene under the pretext of cancer to accept his fate--whether that be the needle, the rope, or Gitmo. The Deep State couldn't do a single thing about that.
At this point of the game, the DS certainly will not have any power take actual legal retaliation against DJT.
I reviewed the 45 people DJT followed on Twitter and there was one that really stood out to me-- Vince McMahon, owner of WWE. I don't think DJT was necessarily great friends of Vince's. I do believe Trump is a great admirer of the shows McMahon put on. There was really nobody better at creating heroes, villains, drama, and and plot twists than Vince McMahon. I believe Trump and the white hats have been working hard to manipulate real events and even generate false events to create an awakening.
Everyone knows that in good shows the hero is almost out for the count, when he heroically rises and totally defeats the villain. Buckle out, because we are not even to that point yet.
Stay comfy!
Here's the one's I've seen that I personally suspect VAX damage.
My uncle (aged 73) had a stroke in September last year. (he's a super liberal kook aid drinker. I don't even need to ask his vax status). Because of his age, there's of course some plausible deniability, but still, what a coincidence.
My 52 year old brother was walking in the streets and had a seizure and was hospitalized a month after the vax. Never had a seizure before in his life.
My friend's healthy 26 year old brother died 2 weeks after getting the 2nd vax. (My friend says he won't get vaccinated if a gun is to his head, yet his stupid liberal sister got all vaccines because she "wants to be able to travel" and post images on Instagram.)
There are a few more that I know who is a friend of a friend, but I won't mention those. Which vax damage stories have you seen in your own life? No exaggerating!
I"m just putting this out there, because there have been a series of odd things happening lately.
- Biden catches covid again
- Biden reported getting better
- Biden reported getting worse
- Kamala talks about Joe, while filled with glee.
- Biden is not seen for a while, but is then reported as seen as getting better.
- Video of obviously Deep Fake Biden appears.
- Speaker of the House Pelosi flies Tawain,
There would be some very valuable reasons for the creators of "the show" to put Pelosi into office of President of United States. In the past, every individual that was clearly a "natural born citizen." However, in recent years, it has been a question of debate if the candidate (or even winner) was indeed a natural born citizen:
Obama Kamala Harris Ted Cruz
Donald Trump was the only candidate with enough spine to question the eligibility of some of the candidates. But questioning will not be enough. Who will have the fortitude to file a lawsuit against a candidate born out of the country who's parent was of a different nationality?
It is important that we define "natural born citizen" or the requirements will become more and more lenient, but if a Republican candidate were ever to file suit against an election winner, the screaming of "racist" would be deafening.
Why not let that divisive fight happen between two highly unpopular democrats?
Recently, the vaxxed were screaming that the unvaccinated were charged higher rates due to their "burden on the healthcare system." I believe that's what will likely happen eventually.
Insurance companies take many things under consideration for your coverage--your age, sex, if you smoke, if you have pre-existing conditions.
If what Dr. Malone and other anti-vaccine experts have been saying is true, we could be looking at massive increases in illness and deaths across the spectrum--I think it's already happening!
It seems the blood clots happen almost immediately, but Dr. Malone and others have been saying that the mrna vaccine will devastate one's natural immunity--basically, we're looking at tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions with a (hopefully) mild form of AIDS--not good!
I've heard rumors that insurance rates are already on the rise. It's possible that we'll all have to pay for the increase. However, if an insurance company does want to be competitive with their rates, they'll cater to those with the lowest risk.
I'm sure if insurance companies begin discussing charging more for the vaccinated, Congress will immediately hold hearings to discuss banning charging more. (wouldn't it be funny to see the whiplash in opinion if the insurance companies begin discussing charging different rates for vaxxed vs unvaxxed, and after weeks of debate, it's revealed it's the vaccinated they intend to charge more for?)
If and when this happens, the devastation of the vaccine will be undeniable. (I'm thinking probably in 2024)
I can already hear the crying normies. "This is NOT fair! I was following the rules!"
In one of Q's posts, he wrote
"10 days. DARNKESS. War. Good v. Evil."
A Google search of "darnkess" brings up a book called "Three Days of Darnkess" "John Staggar must fight his way through the city to save 5 year old Susan Riddle during three days where hell reigns on earth."
The word apparently darnkess is a typo that remained in the final version. So most people believe Q was referring to this book.
This book is rather amateurish written and remains riddled with typos. At the beginning of the story, a faithful priest is discussing the prophecy of Saint Padre Pio who warned that in the future, there would be 3 days of darkness where Hell descended onto earth. This is what this book is all about. Demons and the damned from Hell come onto earth to cause havok for three days.
There is a 5 year old girl who lives in fear of her Luciferian parents who seems somewhat relieved when they are devoured by a demon. She asks the main character John, a man who has lost his faith, to take her to a Catholic Church. Most of the book is then about John and Susan as they travel through the streets to see how the people are overcome by evil and violence and kill each, while at the same time, the world is filled with demons who are constantly eating the unfaithful, and torturing the wandering damned in horrible ways.
After many scenes of violence, John finally brings Susan to the church and all is well for them.
In the afterwards of the book, the demons and damned have returned to Hell, but in the aftermath, the good and the evil of the world have separated themselves into different communities. And that is how the book ends.
Maybe this was not what Q was referring to, but it seems to be. Does anyone have thoughts what Q's message could have been if this was what he was referring to?
I've seen some of the more liberal local institutions, like the public library, where everyone is starting to mask up again.
Mid-term elections are just over 3 months away. What have you all seen? Are they going to try it again?
We know we are going through the "Great Awakening." But what are the things that the public really must know in order to be awakened? Here's my list of what I can think of:
Elections are rigged. (currently being shown)
Dangers of not being energy independent (currently being shown)
3.Dangers of leaders being compromised by foreign countries (currently being shown)
- Our world is ran by Satanic Pedophiles (a few hints shown. barely anything so far).
5.The dangers of a woke society. (we're being shown, but not sure if this is by White Hats or bad guys).
Corruption of big pharma and medical industry (currently being shown).
School shootings are done by our own FBI or orchestrated by our government (barely anything shown yet).
9/11 was an inside job (barely anything shown yet).
Both parties are actually a single Uniparty. (have been shown this)
MSM is controlled fake news (currently being shown, and quite successsfully)
The dangers of vaccines (currently being shown)
Our government has been involved in a huge human trafficking enterprise for years. (hints of this has been shown. Not enough.)
Global warming is a hoax designed to enrich the globalists and will cause harm to the rest of us. (has been shown for a while for anyone paying attention)
what else can you think of?
It has now been about a year when the world was sharply divided into the "vaxxed" and the "unvaxxed".
About a year ago, a large percent of the population decided that everyone should have an experimental injection put into their bodies. These people were so sure that the unvaxxed would soon die from the deadly Covid virus.
Of course, we never feared Covid, and we pointed out at the risks of this experimental medicine.
Yes, there are many cases of infertility and sudden adult deaths, but we are not really at a "we told you so" point yet.
Nonetheless, the Vax Nazis must certainly be aware that the unvaxxed are doing just fine, and Covid just keeps on moving along in all nations. If the unvaxxed are not healthier than the vaxxed, then we probably seem like it and believe it. We are mostly the opposite of hypochondriacs. If we have a virus, we will often believe it is allergies, a bad night of sleep, or came across a cold.
So, I'm curious, what stories do you have of those you know who were militantly pro vax mandates a year ago. What are they saying now?
Every six months, I make a post asking everyone for their predictions for what they believe will happen in the next six months (In January and July). Then I go back and review to see what was correct. Often we get a lot wrong, although last time, many of the predictions turned out to be rather accurate.
So here's my best guess for the next six months:
Mid-term elections:
I do NOT predict a red wave of any kind. I do predict that Republicans will win a few strategic seats, and we'll have some real conservatives in seats where RINOS have been for a while. We will see some nice Republican wins in areas such as Missouri where vote ID now exists. Cheating is not cleaned up enough, and as actually barely touched. Thus, Dems will retain will retain a lot of power.
We'll probably see a few states strengthen voting laws a little more during this period.
Trump will not be in the White House at this time, but we'll certainly be seeing a lot of him around the country by that time.
Covid: In winter we will enter seasonal flu season again--which is now called Covid spike time. As Covid has become a liberal's best friend, I don't think we'll see flu relabeled as flu again. What we see will be called another resurgence of Covid,
I predict that next virus season, people be getting somewhat sicker than they did during the Omicron season. We in GAW will be saying it is the vaxxed that are much less healthy and exhibiting symptoms.
By January 2023, I believe there will be greater concern that there is something wrong with the health of the vaxxed. There will be scattered lawsuits around the world, but don't expect anything from our cowardly politicians or leaders by then.
I believe we may hear about a few random countries around the world banning the vaccines as more data comes in though.
Most places of business that have vax mandates will have removed them by then, small chance the military will reverse this by then.
If Fauci isn't dead or disabled, I expect him to be the face of stupid bureaucratic advice.
Expect to continue to see a handful of masked idiots when you go out in public.
Expect small to no relief from gas prices. Good chance the Ukraine, Russia conflict is over by January, and the gas prices remain the same. Then MSM and the dems will have to find a new scape goat.
I don't foresee starvation or even many empty shelves at the grocery store, but I believe buying food will start feeling more noticeably painful, based on the prices at the time.
January 6 event
The MSM and Democrats will continue to waste our time taking about this over all "non event." We will probably see a lot of boomerang information come out from this, but it doesn't matter. Boomerangs and being proved to be hypocrites never harm those people.
Voter Fraud and 2020 election
True the Vote and other forums will release more indisputable information that proves that the 2020 election was stolen. Like always, this information will just be going to those that already believe this. The MSM will tell the rest this information "has been debunked." and those people will continue to believe without questioning.
I believe the names of Ghislaine Maxwell's clients will remain sealed. I say there is a small chance Prince Andrew is charged with anything. Moderate chance Maxwell is suicided.
Return of Q A lot of pessimism here I know. I do believe that the return of Q does mean a turning point though. Thus, I do foresee we'll see some very nice victories in the next victories in the next 6 months. What these will be is very difficult to predict, but it could be bringing down institutions, powerful figures, or laws that we never thought was possible.
Anyhow, those are my predictions for the next six months. What are yours?
Hi Everyone! I left GAW and shut off all news of any kind on Ash Wednesday, intending to come back in 40 days on Easter. Then I realized how nice it was to stop hearing all of the "news" that is sent to us regularly, so I didn't come back until I heard about RvW being overturned, and that day Q returned, so I got hooked again. As I'm pleasantly ignorant on what has happened for a while, I've had to look some of this up!
Anyhow. Every six months I make a post to predict the world in six months in the future, and then review the predictions we made half a year earlier. Here's what I and others predicted for July back in January:
Prediction: 2020 stolen elections: "I believe some important information gaps will be filled from the Maricopa Audit and other locations -- like who printed the fake ballots?"
Accuracy: We didn't learn who printed the ballots, but we learned a bit more about drop boxes.
Prediction: "Within six months, a stream of more election fraud information will come in. Sadly, the only ones that will really know this information, will be the same ones that are already aware of it. Trump will annoyingly continue talking about the election was stolen from him and will continue make hints how he is returning soon."
July: As predicted
Prediction: "We will see some new state laws to prevent voter fraud going into place, but we'll be aware it will be much to little to tackle the obviously giant issue on hand."
Acuracy: Seems as predicted. At least Wisconsin has banned drop boxes. Still too many states with easy cheating systems.
Prediction: Covid: In July 2022, we will still have many masked idiots within our midsts. Don't expect this to go away. It has become their religion.
July 2022: Spot on.
Prediction: This season will have the highest "Covid" infections yet! Yet, the provax and media will never question the effectiveness of their jab.
Accuracy: Spot on.
Prediction: "The Supreme Court will make a ruling on the vax mandates. I hope I am wrong, but I believe they will side with Biden's mandates."
Accuracy: Mostly wrong as Biden's mandate was stopped, although I believe they allowed it for health workers.
Prediction: "To date, there has not been a single politician or mainstream personality who has spoken ill of the "vax." All the best of them will say is "I am pro-vax but I am anti-mandate." I believe we may start seeing a few of the bolder politicians and personalities to switch from "anti-mandate" to "anti-vax" as it becomes more and more obvious it is worthless and harmful."
Accuracy: Probably wrong. I haven't followed the news enough to know for sure, but I haven't heard of any gutless saying anything. Have you?
Prediction: "Like Israel, I expect USA will begin providing a 4th jab, probably starting in April time.
Accuracy: After a news check, I see there is another booster going around.
Prediction: I believe will will see new tyrannical (vaccine) mandates in USA and around the world
Accuracy: Fortunately mostly wrong
Prediction: "By July, there will be a clearer picture of the health of the vaxxed the un-vaxxed. There will be noticeable trend the vaxxed are less healthy to anyone that is to find and review the data."
Accuracy: From my own observation, this seems to be accurate. The vaxxed at work are always getting covid again or some other illness.
Prediction: "I now believe Fauci will remain in place providing garbage advice."
Accuracy: Spot on.
Prediction: Pedophiles "Epstein Client List: Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of trafficking minors...to nobody named. A few public figures are demanding the full list of these people the kids were trafficked to. I anticipate we will be someone disappointed in seeing the full list, but a few names will come out. I expect Prince Andrew will make more headlines in the next 6 months."
Accuracy: Nope! Even more disappointing that predicted!
Prediction (made by other anon): "6 months from now we will still be waiting on the storm"
Accuracy: Spot on.
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!
I'm wanting to give up something meaningful for Lent and that will be Great Awakening any world news for that matter. As you know, this site can be addictive!
Now seems like a difficult time to give up on paying any attention on current events. What will happen with the Ukraine\Russia conflict? What about the trucker convoys? Will Covid be gone by Easter? It seems the CDC is releasing damning information now, what will become of that?
I gave up the same last year, and it definatly gave a great sense of peace to have little to no input on world events for 40 days. Returning was actually really disappointing. The only developments I came back to last year were discussions of airlines requiring vaccinations, and talk at GAW about "the upcoming Arizona audit."
Keep up the good fight Patriots!
Until April 17.
Last year, the government (Navy?) released videos of small tic tac shaped UFO. I don't remember the specifics, but I remember these objects traveled thousands of miles per hour, and could make 90 degree pivots, if I recall correctly.
So what do you think those are?
A. Someone is hoaxing the government.
B. The government is hoaxing us.
C. Some natural explanation (like bug on camera lens)
D. Classified high tech of the government
E. Extraterrestrial
F. Some hidden world civilization.
G. Spiritual beings (ie demons)
These are all of the options I could think of. What are your thoughts?
I when this movie came out, I remember Hollywood declared this movie as being highly "anti semantic" and were protesting against it strongly.
This never made much sense to me because.
This movie was not atypical to any other movie about the crucifixion of Christ. There had been many movies about the crucifixion of Christ showing Pharisees in a bad light prior to this. There were about 25 minutes of Jewish people treating Jesus cruelly. The rest of the movie was of the Romans brutalizing Christ.
I really doubt these white skinned secular Hollywood billionaires really feel any connection to these ancient Hebrews.
So what was the real reason for this outrage?
I when this movie came out, I remember Hollywood declared this movie as being highly "anti semantic" and were protesting against it strongly.
This never made much sense to me because.
This movie was not atypical to any other movie about the crucifixion of Christ. There were about 25 minutes of Jewish people treating Jesus cruelly. The rest of the movie was of the Romans brutalizing Christ.
I really doubt these white skinned secular Hollywood billionaires really feel any connection to these ancient Hebrews.
So what was the real reason for this outrage?
I'm pretty sure they do it often but I can't remember many instances. Here's a few I remember:
Trump signed an EO to take property of those involved in human trafficking on winter solstice.
Trump gave a certain kind of orchid to the Pope when meeting him.
Dog comms?
The T in Truth Social is the Q in the Masonic alphabet.
Can anyone think of some other instances?