Too many Canadians willing to get their neighbors black bagged over not wearing a mask or 1 too many people in your house for my liking... reminds me of the nosey Karens back in Germany that would have considered it their civic duty to inform the SS of some girl in the neighbors attic...
the point of the exercise is what if everything to be read is from blackhats and the rest is a goosechase, its a terrifying thought i do not subscribe to, i just wanted to hear multiple reasons why others to are comforted away from this train of thought...
lmao, even Biden didnt sound convinced lol, still saying the lines though. He's got it the easiest i think though cause he's on the verge of death anyways. Great to see Nancy is gonna die knowing she has no legacy anymore
holy shit.... i didnt see any cops last night but i sure as fuck do now