New vaccine has shown up in internal pharma databases. Labeled as (not joking) "SpikeVax". Listed as "2023-2024 formula"

Not sure if there is any news on this anywhere but if it is as ominous as the label sounds. The toll should be getting a lot higher over the next year.

And no I cant divulge without possibly doxing someone. But have seen it with my own eyes.


Figure it this way. We have to keep the popcorn handy and we have to man the cannons longer.

Trump has kept fighting. He never went back to his former life. He never stopped. None of us should.

Imagine if he had.


Been thinking about this and I really dont get why this seems to be so hard. The easy way to stop the cheating is not letting it happen and hoping god people stand up and hold people accountable. That has not worked for decades.

We need everyone on all sides to be demanding forensic audits and demanding things change so it cannot happen again. Why would any voter on the left ever care? They win and thats all thry care about. They dont care about honesty or integrity.

Why arent the Republicans trying to "out cheat"? Why are Republicans not printing up any ammount of ballots necessary to win? So what if there are 10 million ballots too many per county. Ot would become so obvious that no one could deny it and it would give Republicans wins that would send Dems to the courtrooms asking for audits.

I dont know why no one even seems to be trying this.


I am wondering. The FBI/DOJ is stating Trump had top secret documents. Now, I dont know how this works but. If he has clearance what is the issue? If he has the proper clearance and has already had the secure location verified, what exactly is the crime? I dont see one. All I see is the DOJ/FBI playing town crier "He has secret stuff!!" Ignoring the idea that he has clearance to have them.

I am also wondering, if these documents are soo sensitive. Why are run of the mill FBI agents now in posession of them when they dont have clearance for it?

Who is going to go break down the FBI's doors and get the top secret stuff out of their hands before an agent sells to the highest bidder?


Been thinking about the 87,000 new agents, 4500 new weapons, 5 million rounds of ammo for the IRS.

If these were just analysts, auditors, or tax agents. How long would it take to hire, train, and deploy that many people? Even to the tune of 1000 people a month we are looking at years before they are all in place.

But why all the new guns and ammo at the same time? Maybe they are all enforcement hired by a private company. A new Army, that will answer to the Dems?

An Army answering to the Treasury. Now, what could they be coming for? What are they really planning to use them for?

Any ideas?


That Trump indeed is GEOTUS. And encited the largest erection on record.

Ill see my way out.


Ok, I have been looking for a way to prevent a lot of the feigning of the Constitution in this country and it got me wondering. If someone passes a a law, in direct contradiction to the Constitution, is it legal? In that, if we made it a Federal Crime to attempt to pass a law contradictory to the US Constitution, could this all be avoided in the future? Assuming the corruption gets cleaned up.


So, my neighbor is a true leftist. Dating back to the 60's. We started talking earlier about politics and events and here is what the left thinks.

  1. Republican Congress is responsible for Jan 6th and should be jailed. And "most people arrested were set free.

  2. Liz Cheyney will win cause "she is sticking it to the Republica establishment.

  3. Ukraine is having zero impact on the US economy

  4. The election wasnt stolen enough to matter

  5. Republicans are the only reason the War in Iraq happened a second time and at the same time it was neccessary.

  6. The economy will fix itself

  7. There is no chance of food shortages

  8. Its senseless to stand against the government because the government will just take out people who oppose them. And they are fine with this.

  9. Madison Crawthorn(spelling) is in trouble because of insider trading, not for calling out the sex/drug orgies.(he named the person)

Granted, this dude is old and very set in his ways. But the message they are getting is so wildly off base its amazing. He simply cannot let go of the idea that Democrat good Republican bad. And obviously has zero proof outside of what he is told by the media.


In the.midwest have started hearing ads talking about the rise of Terrorist Groups in the US and that US Veterans are joining them at an alarming rate. It made a direct corellation to Jan 6th stating that many US veterans are "joining these groups to attack other veterans who are still trying to find their way"

Anyone else hearing these on the radio?


Shills, glowies,and Doomers will be out in FORCE today. Man your battlestations and DEPORT DEPORT DEPORT!!!!!


All, I have been searching for ever and cannot find the vid. It was posted a few months ago where a statistician was explaining how all timelines reguarless of actions taken eventually all led to the great awakening and it freaked governments etc out. Have not been able to find it. Does anyone remember this? Need to use it if anyone can share.


Not to give out too much info. There are 'black' hawks in and out of WPAFB today, and A-10s. This is not normal in the first place and the volume of them is more than I have seen since 9/11. Has anyone seen coms related today?