I want to express a huge thank you to each one who prayed for our fren’s sister who was recently hospitalized with a digestive disorder. She is home now and doing much better, though there may be some follow up care needed, possibly to include surgery. May God bless you all as you live for Him wherever you are. What a gift the GAW family has been through these unusual past couple years! 🙏


I’m posting this on behalf of a fren who has been a frequent contributor here in the past but has been very occupied with family life for the past several months and therefore mostly MIA. Our fren’s sister is currently extremely sick with a serious digestive disorder and has been hospitalized for the past several days. I was asked to reach out to all the praying people I could think of to lift this young lady before the Throne of Grace, and I know many of you will gladly respond. Thank you in advance for raising your voices in prayer on behalf of our fren’s family and helping to shine Light into the darkness they are experiencing now.


Link to Part 1 is in comments

  1. Codes. Many of Q’s messages are relatively easy to understand, as are many Scriptural passages, and yet both also contain many things that take real digging to uncover, as well as new possibilities of meaning that pop up as we look at them again with more understanding over time. Probably the best example of codes in Q drops would be stringers, but there are many others. Scripture has many, many layers of coding within the text, even within apparently simple passages, let alone the more cryptic ones. A fascinating book about this is Cosmic Codes by Chuck Missler. He has written many other very interesting books on studying Scripture, as well—highly recommended.
  2. Multiple perspectives of interpretation, multiple meanings, and multiple fulfillments. As people have worked to decode Q’s messages, different autists have often arrived at different possible interpretations of many of the more difficult ones. Some are straightforward enough that there is a pretty solid consensus, but in other cases, everyone presents their theories and then we sometimes “agree to disagree” while we wait to see which one(s)—or something entirely different—turns out to be accurate. Interpreting Scripture is similar. Some passages are pretty straightforward, while others (particularly prophecy) currently have multiple theories and perspectives that can be reasonably well supported, and time will tell what is actually correct when it happens. Along with this idea, we understand individual Q drops by looking at how they fit in with the rest of the drops—what is the big picture? Similarly, “Scripture interprets Scripture.” A single, isolated verse may convey a message that is very much out of context without considering the rest of the surrounding passage and the consistent message of the Bible as a whole. Also, as we have studied Q drops over the past several years, a fascinating phenomenon has emerged: many messages have meant multiple things and been fulfilled in multiple ways at more than one time. We have recognized “deltas” in which drops referred at one level to events happening close to the time they were written but also pointing ahead to events that would happen a year or more in the future. In some cases, we thought the event would happen close to when the drop was written, but only the future delta was important. This same phenomenon occurs many, many times throughout scripture, with prophetic messages explaining a current event as well as a future event.
  3. Future proves past. God knows everything, so the predictions He gave to His prophets throughout Scripture sometimes pointed to events that would happen hundreds or even thousands of years in the future. Obviously, Q’s predictions, derived through finite tools, are much more limited in scope and on a much smaller time frame. However, in both cases, we find events occurring in the future which prove that the one (or One) speaking in the past somehow had foreknowledge of the future events
  4. Treasonous imposters. If the God of the Bible is in fact actually the One and Only True God, as He says He is, then any imposters claiming that position are frauds like we are observing with “Resident” Biden—only much worse. It is impossible for the Bible to be true AND other “gods” to be legitimate, because the God of the Bible claims He is the only one—there is no other—and Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through me.” (Isaiah 45:6, Isaiah 45:21, and John 14:6) These are claims of absolute exclusivity. There are not two legitimate presidents: there is one president and one imposter. There are not multiple gods. There is ONE God and many (demonic) imposters. Many well-meaning people have believed in them, and many followers of false gods have still come to understand a number of important and accurate truths, but there is still only one real God.
  5. The evils described and judged in Scripture make a lot more sense now. People have often claimed that God was “unfair” or “harsh” to proclaim such fierce and total judgments on various groups of people in the Bible “just for worshipping other gods.” However, as we have seen throughout history (and are, heartbreakingly, rediscovering today), the rituals of worship required by these (demonic) “gods” were often horrible, hideous, disgusting, unthinkable tortures and murders. We are made in the image of the True God, and as such, our hearts cry out for justice to be done. How much more does the heart of God Himself ultimately demand and require justice for these victims? His judgement was (and will be) FIERCE, but it was and is completely justified. He doesn’t want anyone to perish—He gives people opportunities to repent and change (interestingly, we’ve seen Trump do the same thing REPEATEDLY over the past several months for those involved in election fraud and whatever else)—but He will not wait forever.
  6. A goal of rescue and restoration. The Trump/Q/military rescue plan (to save us from the effects of satan and his cabal on earth) and God’s ultimate rescue plan (to save us from satan’s deceit and our own sin for eternity) are stories of redemption and restoration from a fate we could never fight on our own. The care, commitment, and sacrifice it has taken for them to do this on our behalf draws out from us a truly beautiful love and deep respect for the rescuers and for those being rescued along with us. A friend pointed out that what we are seeing is a brilliant illustration of the passion of Christ and our response to it. As we recognize this in the tangible, earthly example of having someone sacrifice and fight for us here—especially for the children—against satan’s minions, it should point us that much more to understanding a glimpse of all that Jesus did in order to provide our complete, total, and eternal rescue from hell—and love Him even more.
  7. “We have it all.” Trump and Q have told us many times that, thanks to NSA and other military intelligence surveillance (much of which the deep state has been using against us for years), we have been able to collect all the evidence we could ever need in order to prove that the coming judgement is justified. Dear friends, God truly “has it all,” down to our very thoughts, and all of it is irrefutable evidence. We may think (understandably!) that we are “good people” because we have never done the kinds of truly hideous things we have now learned exist in the world. There would be truth to that—their crimes are much, much greater. But He must—and will—judge each and every one of us, as well. Likewise, He will take into account every aspect and influence in our lives, but we will still not be “innocent” unless we have been perfect, which none of us has. God’s standard of judgement is absolutely perfection according to the 10 commandments, which is a standard none of us can ever reach, despite our very best efforts. All of us have lied, used God’s name wrongly, made other things more important in our lives than Him, stolen things (even if little things), hated people (which Jesus said is murder in our hearts), looked at someone lustfully, wanted things that weren’t ours, and so on (Matthew chapter 5). He must—and will—judge each member of the cabal with absolutely perfect judgement, taking into account every single aspect and influence of each person’s life. He has all the information, so this is not at all difficult for Him. We will all stand before God on judgement day, guilty of many things and destined for sentencing—and the sentence for all of us is death (Romans 6:23). But God has provided us with a way to avoid it. His Son, Jesus, lived that perfect life in our place, and then He died in our place as well—paying the required penalty on our behalf, which means God can have mercy on us while justice has still been served. He rose again on the 3rd day to prove His power even over death. If we tell God we are sorry for breaking His laws, “trust the plan” that Christ’s sacrifice paid for all our sin, and then ask Him to help us and seriously determine to live the way He wants us to moving forward, we are saved from eternal punishment in hell and He has promised to give us eternal life in Heaven with Him. What an amazing gift! “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

One VERY significant difference (and I’m sure there are many more) between the Q movement and the ultimate totality of Biblical truth is that we know disinformation is necessary within the current, earthly plan—some of the things Q has told us are actually and intentionally not true. Of course, this is in order to not tell the enemy our plans which would enable them to counter the things we need to do. This is not the case with Scripture. While Q must play “mind games” in order to prevent the plan from being defeated, our all-powerful God has no need to do so. Like Q, He does not tell us exact times and dates for everything, but unlike Q, not one single thing He HAS told us is false. This is a very comforting assurance!

These are imperfect, incomplete thoughts by an imperfect person who still has much learning and growing to do, but I hope they may be an encouragement to others as you seek the Lord in your own walk. We are still watching as Q’s immediate plan and God’s master plan continue to play out, and from what I’ve seen, I believe Q’s plan is a significant part of what God is ultimately doing in the universe at this time in history. They seem to be intertwined on multiple levels, but I believe one significant way they fit together is how the experience of current events through a “Q” framework illustrates far greater realities of Scriptural truth. May our loving God richly bless you all as you seek Him during this Holy Week.


We are living in a truly unprecedented period of history, teetering on the edge of destruction, yet clinging to hope in a rescue, and far more importantly, clutching tightly to our ultimate faith in Almighty God. As we observe the increasingly-strange events of each passing day and try to make sense of them, many thousands—perhaps millions—of people are turning to God through Jesus Christ for the first time, while many more are renewing or deepening their relationships with Him. As I have been watching this all play out over the past several months (I’m relatively new here!) and doing my own soul searching, I have observed what seem to me to be many parallels or illustrations of Biblical truth exemplified through various aspects of the Q movement. Some friends have encouraged me to get my thoughts on paper and share them, so this is my attempt to do that. As we enter Holy Week, remembering and celebrating the Passion of our Lord on our behalf, I pray this will be a blessing to you as we all seek to understand these extraordinary “Biblical times” a little better.

I am not a theologian, but I have been a believer and studied Scripture for many years and have read through the Bible several times. I realize there are MANY different perspectives on every possible topic and many sincere Christians have reached a variety of conclusions in response to various Biblical passages. It is not my intention to address every possible view or to start debates. These are just some “musings” I’ve had as I’ve gone about my day. Above all, I have NO intention of elevating the Q movement or any other earthly thing above its proper place, or to disrespect holy things in any way by making any inappropriate connections between the two. However, I believe our loving Father Who created us provides us with a variety of earthly illustrations and tangible expressions of the ultimate realities He is overseeing on our behalf—and it can sometimes also be difficult to clearly ascertain where the illustrations end and the ultimate realities begin. God seems to be using the things we can see and feel and experience through the Q movement and current events in order to point us toward deeper truths about Himself and what He is doing. Watching these things play out in our daily experience right now seems to me to make the deeper Biblical applications less abstract. As you read this, please seek the Lord for wisdom about whether there is truth here or just, again, human musings. There is so much more that could be said about all these topics—this is just barely scratching the surface and by no means intended to be the final word.

  1. Singular and plural. The doctrine of the Trinity—God existing simultaneously as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all of them equally “God”, distinctly 3 and yet only one—has been the subject of much study and discussion over many, many years. I’m certainly not going to do a deep dive on that here, nor am I going to do a deep dive into how many members of the Q team have actually posted on the board. However, it has seemed to me that there has been one main communicator (“Q singular”—the PERSON we call “Q”) as well as the Q team (“Q plural”, the team of less than 10, mostly military), which strikes me as an interesting parallel.
  2. Read the source. We have all seen people spout off their own theories about “Qanon”, dismissing his/their existence or legitimacy (not to mention labeling Q followers as crazy or worse), and in EVERY case, the people doing this have read very few, if any, of the actual drops. They certainly haven’t read enough of them to understand how they fit together in context or how they connect with historical and current events. They make a judgment about something they’ve never honestly looked into. The same is true of many people’s “assessment” of God. They make their decision based on what someone else has said or just their own opinions rather than actually studying Scripture in context. To know the truth, read the source.
  3. False “prophets”. We know there are many “injected anons” who have been intentionally inserted into the movement in order to cause division and confusion among those who are truly seeking the truth. There are others who have no ill intent but are just misguided and end up leading others off the road. The Bible tells us that the same is true in the Christian life (Matthew 13:24-30 is one example). In both cases, the imposters are planted by our enemy in order to deceive us and do us harm, and we are told to use discernment and wisdom (and prayer) to stay focused.
  4. “Doomers” and “faithful”. Both within the Q movement and in the spiritual life there are those who begin to lose hope when things don’t seem to be happening the way they expected or want them to, while there are others who continue to be full of joy and hope in spite of everything. In both cases, the difference generally lies in our focus: are we looking more closely at the problems we see around us or on the truths we’ve been shown? When Jesus and His disciples were caught in a storm at sea (during which Jesus had fallen asleep), the disciples panicked, woke Him, and asked whether He even cared that they were perishing. He told the wind and waves to be quiet (which they immediately did) and then asked His disciples why they were afraid (Mark 4:35-41). Yes, the storm was real, but HE was there with them—they needed to put more trust in Him than in the danger of the storm. Now, Jesus is the Son of God and CANNOT fail. The reality is that Q and the team—while truly amazing and with unbelievable tools at their disposal—are not God, so failure is technically an option. Nevertheless, we have been assured repeatedly that Patriots are in control, and more importantly, GOD WINS. We choose to recognize what we believe is more powerful—the turmoil around us or the hope we have been taught.
  5. Deep mutual love and respect. President Trump, Q, and their team are so dearly loved by so many because of the love and respect they have shown to us, and as we follow them together, we (usually) show the same to one another. Those who have attended rallies have experienced this in an even deeper way than those who only communicate online, but it’s still there, and it’s powerful. The love that Jesus and His disciples shared was like this, and Jesus commanded us to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34, John 15:12). Jesus and the apostles focused strongly on our need to be united and that “a house divided against itself cannot stand” (Matthew 12:25, Luke 11:17). Q has taught us the same concept many, many times—[they] want us divided. United, we are strong. Trump gave up so much in order to be president—more than we can really fathom. He’s sacrificed his reputation, lots of money, his well-earned lifestyle, soooo much sleep, and much, much more for our sakes. Jesus gave infinitely more than that, literally leaving heaven to be born among literal sheep in a stable in Bethlehem in order to save “sheeple” and ultimately to be humiliated, tortured, and executed in the most cruel manner the Romans could invent. Trump’s love for us is unmistakable (despite his gruffness at times) in every speech or statement, and Q’s love for us radiates throughout his posts. The love of God for us jumps off of every page of Scripture and nowhere more evidently than in Christ giving His very life to rescue us from the consequences of our own sin and to provide us with hope and a future.
  6. Occasional exasperation! As much as Trump and Q love us, and as much as they have praised the American people (and digital soldiers/autists specifically), there have to be times that Trump has been annoyed with us over these past 5 years. Even those who support him (let alone those who don’t—yet) are so easily swayed by fake news and the various winds that blow. While Q has very often praised the autists for their digs and compilations/graphics, etc, there have been a few times that he has clearly been a little irritated by our slowness to understand what he’s trying to communicate: “Perhaps we overestimated your abilities.” Similarly, while Jesus’ love for His people is overwhelmingly the theme of the story, there were also a number of occasions in which He called out various ones among His followers for foolish things they did or said, or their slowness to understand and believe. Matthew 17:17, John 20:27, and Mark 8:11-12 are a few examples.
  7. Undeterred in the face of ridicule and persecution. By now probably all of us have been laughed at by someone for believing in and following Q, and certainly the movement as a whole is being relentlessly attacked every day. In many cases, it has gone beyond ridicule to everything from social media bans, political consequences (such as MTG being removed from her committees), and more. We all know the deep state would like to do much worse things to all of us if they have the opportunity. Yet, when you know the truth, you know it. Once you are solidly convinced (through the thousands of proofs, etc) that Q is who he says and doing what he claims, then it really doesn’t matter what threats they use—you KNOW the truth. There is even, sometimes, a sense of joy and honor in this: “I was enough of a threat to be kicked off Twitter.” “POTUS has taken so much for us, I can go through some things for the cause of freedom myself.” This illustrates on a small scale what so many of God’s people have experienced for thousands of years—and still go through today in many places—being willing to suffer and even die for what they KNEW was the truth and even considering that an honor worth celebrating. No matter how bad the attacks may become in the future before all things are finally made right, let us hold fast to what we know is true despite any cost.
  8. Good and faithful servants, and soldiers prepared for battle. Scripture speaks extensively about the rewards and heavenly recognition that God has in store for those who have loved and served Him throughout their lives. This is not the path to our salvation, or rescue from the consequences of our sins, which is entirely paid for by Christ’s death on the cross for us. Rather, AFTER putting our faith in Christ and His sacrifice, we are to put that faith in action (which the power of the Holy Spirit within us enables us to improve at over time), and those right actions are eventually rewarded. This is the idea of being told, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” upon our entrance into heaven one day (which is pictured in a parable told in Matthew 25:14-30). As a small reflection of this, many of us have wondered about what recognition will be given to the efforts of the Digital Soldiers when this whole story is finally told and thoroughly explained. While none of us are doing this work in order to receive recognition (and we shouldn’t serve God for self-serving reasons, either—our very lives come from Him, and we owe Him everything), those “shout outs” from the important players sure warm our hearts and help keep us going, and the thought of having our efforts and sacrifices more fully appreciated one day is very satisfying. Connectedly, Ephesians 6:10-20 describes the full armor of God for Spiritual warriors, which Q has referred to several times for the Digital Soldiers to never be without.
  9. Consistency of the message and our commission to share it. Q and Trump have discussed many, many topics and issues over the years, but the main themes have never, ever wavered: we will make America great again (in many specific areas) which will then spread throughout the world, we will end human trafficking, the best is yet to come, and we will never give up. There are others—these are just the highlights. Even now, when on the surface all seems lost, Trump continues to stand by these promises. Also, we have seen many other people contribute small pieces of the big picture through their messages to us, including Dan, Pompeo, Don Jr, Flynn, Grassley, and many others who seem to have been given little hints to pass along to us. The message has never changed. At a much deeper level, the message of Scripture is unified from beginning to end: God created a perfect world and put perfect humans in it, satan deceived humanity and has been messing with us ever since resulting in our doing his dirty work for him throughout history, God still loved us and planned an elaborate rescue that has taken thousands of years to play out, including the death and resurrection of His perfect Son on our behalf in order to pay the just penalty for our sins, and this will ultimately end in Him conquering satan once and for all before finally renewing and restoring all things to perfection, after which, those who have trusted in Him will live joyfully together with Him for eternity. Obviously, this is a very simplified overview (please read the Bible for yourself!), but the message is consistent from beginning to end. This is particularly remarkable considering Scripture was written across a span of over 4,000 years, in 3 languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek), and by many different authors from extremely varied backgrounds, yet their message is incredibly unified—they all were shown different pieces of the puzzle, but when put together, it is clearly the same puzzle and was being orchestrated by a single Divine Author. In both cases (Biblically and within the Q mission), we have been commissioned to share the good news about what we’ve learned in order to “awaken” and rescue more people. In both cases, there is bad news that must be understood before the good news makes sense, and we must use discernment and wisdom in knowing how best to share our message. And sadly, in both cases, not everyone will listen or accept the truth of what we have to say.
  10. Proofs/evidence. Neither following Q nor believing in God is a matter of blind faith without reason. Q understood how important it would be to prove his legitimacy, as he was claiming something pretty outlandish AND the role of digital soldiers in waking up the public was (and still is) absolutely essential to the success of the plan. For this reason, he provided thousands of proofs which quickly reached the point of being mathematically impossible to disprove. Many brilliant apologists and theologians have written extensively on the topics of the evidence for the existence of God and for the trustworthiness of Scripture, so you can search those out on your own for a deeper dive into those topics. However, the fact that we have a creation is clear proof that we have a Creator, and the fact that there is still so much goodness and beauty in the world in spite of how badly it has been damaged by satan and by our sin is evidence of the beautiful goodness in the heart of God toward us.

To be continued (link in comments)


My son just showed me this video today (warning, contains quite a bit of language, etc--probably not best for work or around kids). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sDSv5WQ1m0 It pulls together about a zillion "conspiracies" we all talk about and which Q has confirmed, but it was posted 11/17/16--almost a year before Q's first post. What I found especially interesting was his "open letter" at the end, essentially telling the deep state that we're going to win and it's game over for them. This whole video is basically Q theory from start to finish, including that we will WIN, but it predates Q by a year, and it looks like Neal Fox has been posting conspiracy info for about a decade. I don't know that this has any significance other than being interesting, but I thought I'd share it and see what you all think about it.


“I should tell you that I was standing in the yard talking to (neighbor) from next door and he was witnessed to me about his relationship with God. It was very unexpected. He said he prays for us every day. He also started talking about his Beliefs in Q Anon and it sounded like I was talking to you. He said to me, “You do realize that Trump is still the president and something huge is going to happen between now and Easter.” He said that I should get my popcorn and pull up a seat. I honestly thought I was talking to you. He also is vehemently opposed to getting the vaccine. Shares your views on that too.”

Another fren redpilled (forgive him for setting firm dates—hope he’s right, though!), helping my MAGA dad not doom, and best of all, he has Awakened to God. My dad now has two guy friends who he’s known for years telling him Q stuff, which helps me sound less crazy/hopium-addicted. ? Nice.



GEORGENEWS, [19.02.21 12:13] [Forwarded from Donald Trump Jr] Maxine Waters Said WHAT? - This Is Insane


Asking for a fren.


So, with the recent dog comm posts, I figured I'd do a little digging into what the dog comm thing is all about (yep, still a newbie), which led me to a post that referenced this IPOT video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ZHuhwNG7wMh/ which was very informative. Interestingly, at about 23 minutes in, they started a very thorough discussion about the Mickey clock for sale on Amazon. What's interesting is that this video was posted on 9/20/20, but I had run across some Mickey-clock-related posts earlier today (before researching dog comms!) on telegram. Specifically, someone pointed out that the Mickey clock (from drop 4730) was being advertised on the front page of amazon.com today, $3 off. (TL; DR: don't buy the spy clock!)

Anyway, I would HIGHLY recommend watching (or rewatching) that video, since dog comms AND the Mickey clock both turned up today and are discussed in a lot of detail in this particular video from last fall. Which is a REALLY weird q-incidence, for me to accidentally stumble across all 3 today.


It has NOT yet been listed on www.donaldjtrump.com/news.


Obviously, literal meaning is chicken tenders, but what's the significance/backstory/figurative meaning? Thanks for helping expand my vocabulary!


Remember this telegram post from 2/24? Which they also forwarded to their GeorgeRadio channel (I think it's only the 2nd message on their so far).

"They need to give you a distraction. Will it be TERROR, or DISCOVERY?

Or both?


We were talking about what the ds might use to distract us in these ways, but I found another related connection by accident tonight. I was digging around on their YouTube channel looking for something else and ran across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbIxf5gnpuI
"TERROR or DISCOVERY" Mar 20, 2Q19

Yes, that's how the date is formatted. The video is only about 13 minutes.

The message shared is VERY pertinent to current events (justice is getting VERY close to the deep state, so they need to distract, and here are some things they will likely use--Antarctica/aliens and FF events at top of list), and a 21 day countdown is mentioned. Totally just THEORY, but what if the 21 days starts on 2/24 when this was posted by George? That would land on 3/17 (St. Patrick's Day--let's drive the SNAKES out!). Not making predictions--just doing the math and throwing it out there. I'm still new at this, so we need some much more seasoned eyes on this topic besides mine, but we've clearly been "guided gently to certain concepts or people" here, I think.


Some wonderful anons have captured George's quotes from several of the past chats, which I've been saving for my reference (thanks, pedes!) and wondered if this one has been done but not yet posted. George was very talkative the other night! We need to capture all quotes from GeorgeNews (orange highlighted), George in blue font w/moderator wrench, YouTube Live in blue w/moderator wrench, and it would probably be good to also include the donation-linked quotes from YouSeeNothing. Whoever that person is seems to have some significance as well.

If no one has done this yet, I'll try to tackle it in the next few days, but I have no idea how to make it look pretty. There is also another chat tomorrow night (3/7) at 11:40 EST. I know not everyone is convinced yet whether George is friend or foe, but those of us who are convinced they're who they say they are--let's keep eyes on this and keep posting our findings here. Paraphrasing a little, but they've told us that sometimes a post is just a post (decoding everything won't necessarily always lead us anywhere), but they've also stated that "guiding us gently to a certain topic or person" is not outside comms pretending to be Q. If nothing else, they are wonderfully encouraging, so I'm all in for trying to figure out what they are "gently guiding" us to look at, and the more eyes the better, as with anything.


I haven't had a chance to watch yet (just dropped tonight), but here it is:



This group was linked from The Epoch Times. Their organization is called sharetogethernow.org, committed to rescuing and restoring victims of human trafficking, particularly children. I know that not all these organizations are legit, but they appear to be the real deal--very possibly "frens". They have several resources (videos, devotionals, study materials) available, and they also have a coffee company: https://xn--restrcoffee-o9b.com/. We've been talking about who we can support with our Patriot dollars. I'd recommend giving them a look.


George just posted this at 12:17 am: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0Zmr4A8mLM&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=GEORGEnews Very cool video, and notice use of #delta and run the dates listed: 12/18/20 (filmed), 3/1/21 (released by DoD), 3/2/21 (date posted). Video length is 4:31, and numbers 1 and 6 are mentioned (positions of the planes in delta formation). Several interesting connections, but I especially found these noteworthy:






I'm sure there are other interesting finds in here that I'm too new and non-autist to catch.


Hi, Frens! Maybe someone has already started this, but we need a running list of based, Patriot-run businesses to support. Please add to the list!


Goya beans


GEORGENEWS, [25.02.21 10:01] It's the message, that's most important in a time like this.

Not the messenger.

So ask yourself, "What IS the message?"

GEORGENEWS, [25.02.21 10:11] [Forwarded from GEORGENEWS] QUOTE:

“I will fight on, just as I have, for the last five years (even before I was successfully elected), despite all of the election crimes that were committed against me. We will win”


02/22/2021 PALM BEACH, FL


KEK! Asking for a fren.


So, I was checking out the merch on their spreadshirt store (not intending to shill for them, but it's www.shop.spreadshirt.com/georgenews if you want to follow this lead--they do have some cool stuff, FWIW), and one of the designs they have is called "Saint George Old English" font. They also have "God Wins" and their name in a variety of other fonts, but the "Saint George" font really caught my attention. If you are familiar with the story of Saint George, he lived in the early 4th century, defied the Roman emperor Diocletian who was persecuting Christians at the time, and killed a dragon that was terrorizing a village. For a time, the dragon had been satisfied with sacrifices of sheep, but eventually, that stopped keeping it happy, and the townspeople have to offer human sacrifices to appease it. One day, the lot falls to the the king's daughter to be sacrificed, and the king says that if anyone can slay the dragon, he can marry the princess and will be the next king. George happened along while the princess is bound outside the village, waiting for the dragon to come devour her. He kills the dragon, saves the princess and the townspeople, and leads the whole village to Christ. He later became the patron saint of several countries including England and Greece.

So, it's an interesting twist as we dig into the origins of the "George" in GeorgeNews. It obviously is connected to JFK Jr's old magazine, and probably gives at least a hat tip to George Washington, but the fact that they are calling one of the designs in their store "Saint George" is, I think, probably a significant clue, especially given the pertinent details of the legend that refers to.


I'm looking for an easy-to-read compilation of drops coordinated to the Q clock, similar to how q-clock.com does it (plug in a date, it shows each position on the clock including the mirrors, click the "time" in chart below that, and all the related drops are compiled in a single graphic)--however, these beautiful graphics are hard to read, and you have to click on EVERY link to pull up associated pictures, etc. Not like qagg.news or qalerts.pub (for example) where most pictures are shown automatically. qpress.org also has a clock function, though I haven't quite figured it out yet, and the drops seem to be shown with their original board numbers rather than the drop numbers we usually use. Does anyone know of an easy way to pull up all the drops that coordinate with a position on the clock but is also easy to read?

Those of you who use the clock regularly, what are your tips and tricks to make it as easy and time efficient as possible? So much to catch up on, and so little time!


I did a search, but I couldn't find what I'm looking for. About a month ago, there was an updated abbreviations list that had been posted from wearethene.ws, but now I can't find it, and I haven't found a way to do a search on wearethene.ws. The last one I've seen appears to have been posted 1/10/21, I think. I printed it at the time, but I just realized that the "Great Awakening" header cut off the top few entries on each page, so I need to find it again and print it differently. Thanks in advance, frens!


I just discovered his work (I'm still pretty new to this), and it's amazing! Looking through his comments, he seems to Know Some Stuff. What do you guys know about him? I'm starting to piece together clues about several people I follow who seem to be closer to all this than most of us are. It's notable that not one of them is dooming, by the way. Very interesting.


GEORGENEWS, [13.02.21 03:08] EVERYONE: SAVE AMERICA, 45! 45: Hold my Beer...


Now, what are the pin sightings supposed to tell us? Timestamp/drop connection? Sorry--new to the George stuff.


I completely understand how important it is that we are extremely careful which Telegram accounts we are following and especially which ones we promote here. However, I know we're also really trying to find people, so I've been following some trails. Check my math and DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE, but here's my work. Please do not ban me. I did my research before posting and am merely proposing my findings for your careful consideration:

  1. I remember when Parler was still up but threatening to go down, Sidney said she was moving to @SidneyPowell on Telegram. In fact, that was the whole and only reason at the time that I even GOT Telegram, for whatever that's worth. Of course, since Parler is down right now, you can't confirm that unless you saw it at the time. HOWEVER, we can double check her account in other ways:
  2. We know that Lin's account @LinWoodSpeaksTruth is confirmed.
  3. I figured Lin probably had a connection on his Telegram for Sidney, and sure enough I found it. Go to Lin's account, go to the search bar, and type in Sidney. It will pull up several messages, but I went to 19.1.21 which pulls up a message that was forwarded from @SidneyPowell--this confirms it's her. Her account is forwarding messages to his verified account, and he's accepting them as legit. There are more--that's just the first message I found in my search.
  4. Additional proof: If you go to @SidneyPowell on Telegram, there are also messages there forwarded from Lin's account to her (so, they're going both ways). Also, the @SidneyPowell account links to her other websites and shows pictures of signed books packed up and ready to ship.
  5. @RealKrakenWood is confirmed in the second message from the top by both Lin and Sidney's accounts, linking to each other and to the www.kraken-wood.com website. This strengthens the support for the legitimacy of all these accounts.
  6. Lin verifies @bobbypiton @themonicamatthews @pastorlocke1/93 @truthsparklesnow @realmarjoriegreeene (yes, it has that many "e"s)
  7. Marjorie Taylor Greene verifies @repmattgaetzchannel and @mcenanychannel
  8. CJTruth is @cjtruth316, verified by his gab account: @truthandlife
  9. @mattcouch is verified by his gab account: @realmattcouch

I'm watching each of these confirmed accounts for additional accounts they've verified and recommend. Lin, especially, recommends accounts to follow pretty frequently.

Again, I DON'T EXPECT YOU TO TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, but I'm personally very confident these are legit for the reasons listed above. The "paper trail" is there, and the accounts sound like their owners. Please track them yourself and tell me what you think. You may need to scroll through quite a few messages to verify each of these on the accounts where I found them, but they're there.


I watched a video about it but still don't really understand. First of all, what specific information is the clock supposed to give us? And second, how do we use it?


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