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  1. Codes. Many of Q’s messages are relatively easy to understand, as are many Scriptural passages, and yet both also contain many things that take real digging to uncover, as well as new possibilities of meaning that pop up as we look at them again with more understanding over time. Probably the best example of codes in Q drops would be stringers, but there are many others. Scripture has many, many layers of coding within the text, even within apparently simple passages, let alone the more cryptic ones. A fascinating book about this is Cosmic Codes by Chuck Missler. He has written many other very interesting books on studying Scripture, as well—highly recommended.
  2. Multiple perspectives of interpretation, multiple meanings, and multiple fulfillments. As people have worked to decode Q’s messages, different autists have often arrived at different possible interpretations of many of the more difficult ones. Some are straightforward enough that there is a pretty solid consensus, but in other cases, everyone presents their theories and then we sometimes “agree to disagree” while we wait to see which one(s)—or something entirely different—turns out to be accurate. Interpreting Scripture is similar. Some passages are pretty straightforward, while others (particularly prophecy) currently have multiple theories and perspectives that can be reasonably well supported, and time will tell what is actually correct when it happens. Along with this idea, we understand individual Q drops by looking at how they fit in with the rest of the drops—what is the big picture? Similarly, “Scripture interprets Scripture.” A single, isolated verse may convey a message that is very much out of context without considering the rest of the surrounding passage and the consistent message of the Bible as a whole. Also, as we have studied Q drops over the past several years, a fascinating phenomenon has emerged: many messages have meant multiple things and been fulfilled in multiple ways at more than one time. We have recognized “deltas” in which drops referred at one level to events happening close to the time they were written but also pointing ahead to events that would happen a year or more in the future. In some cases, we thought the event would happen close to when the drop was written, but only the future delta was important. This same phenomenon occurs many, many times throughout scripture, with prophetic messages explaining a current event as well as a future event.
  3. Future proves past. God knows everything, so the predictions He gave to His prophets throughout Scripture sometimes pointed to events that would happen hundreds or even thousands of years in the future. Obviously, Q’s predictions, derived through finite tools, are much more limited in scope and on a much smaller time frame. However, in both cases, we find events occurring in the future which prove that the one (or One) speaking in the past somehow had foreknowledge of the future events
  4. Treasonous imposters. If the God of the Bible is in fact actually the One and Only True God, as He says He is, then any imposters claiming that position are frauds like we are observing with “Resident” Biden—only much worse. It is impossible for the Bible to be true AND other “gods” to be legitimate, because the God of the Bible claims He is the only one—there is no other—and Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through me.” (Isaiah 45:6, Isaiah 45:21, and John 14:6) These are claims of absolute exclusivity. There are not two legitimate presidents: there is one president and one imposter. There are not multiple gods. There is ONE God and many (demonic) imposters. Many well-meaning people have believed in them, and many followers of false gods have still come to understand a number of important and accurate truths, but there is still only one real God.
  5. The evils described and judged in Scripture make a lot more sense now. People have often claimed that God was “unfair” or “harsh” to proclaim such fierce and total judgments on various groups of people in the Bible “just for worshipping other gods.” However, as we have seen throughout history (and are, heartbreakingly, rediscovering today), the rituals of worship required by these (demonic) “gods” were often horrible, hideous, disgusting, unthinkable tortures and murders. We are made in the image of the True God, and as such, our hearts cry out for justice to be done. How much more does the heart of God Himself ultimately demand and require justice for these victims? His judgement was (and will be) FIERCE, but it was and is completely justified. He doesn’t want anyone to perish—He gives people opportunities to repent and change (interestingly, we’ve seen Trump do the same thing REPEATEDLY over the past several months for those involved in election fraud and whatever else)—but He will not wait forever.
  6. A goal of rescue and restoration. The Trump/Q/military rescue plan (to save us from the effects of satan and his cabal on earth) and God’s ultimate rescue plan (to save us from satan’s deceit and our own sin for eternity) are stories of redemption and restoration from a fate we could never fight on our own. The care, commitment, and sacrifice it has taken for them to do this on our behalf draws out from us a truly beautiful love and deep respect for the rescuers and for those being rescued along with us. A friend pointed out that what we are seeing is a brilliant illustration of the passion of Christ and our response to it. As we recognize this in the tangible, earthly example of having someone sacrifice and fight for us here—especially for the children—against satan’s minions, it should point us that much more to understanding a glimpse of all that Jesus did in order to provide our complete, total, and eternal rescue from hell—and love Him even more.
  7. “We have it all.” Trump and Q have told us many times that, thanks to NSA and other military intelligence surveillance (much of which the deep state has been using against us for years), we have been able to collect all the evidence we could ever need in order to prove that the coming judgement is justified. Dear friends, God truly “has it all,” down to our very thoughts, and all of it is irrefutable evidence. We may think (understandably!) that we are “good people” because we have never done the kinds of truly hideous things we have now learned exist in the world. There would be truth to that—their crimes are much, much greater. But He must—and will—judge each and every one of us, as well. Likewise, He will take into account every aspect and influence in our lives, but we will still not be “innocent” unless we have been perfect, which none of us has. God’s standard of judgement is absolutely perfection according to the 10 commandments, which is a standard none of us can ever reach, despite our very best efforts. All of us have lied, used God’s name wrongly, made other things more important in our lives than Him, stolen things (even if little things), hated people (which Jesus said is murder in our hearts), looked at someone lustfully, wanted things that weren’t ours, and so on (Matthew chapter 5). He must—and will—judge each member of the cabal with absolutely perfect judgement, taking into account every single aspect and influence of each person’s life. He has all the information, so this is not at all difficult for Him. We will all stand before God on judgement day, guilty of many things and destined for sentencing—and the sentence for all of us is death (Romans 6:23). But God has provided us with a way to avoid it. His Son, Jesus, lived that perfect life in our place, and then He died in our place as well—paying the required penalty on our behalf, which means God can have mercy on us while justice has still been served. He rose again on the 3rd day to prove His power even over death. If we tell God we are sorry for breaking His laws, “trust the plan” that Christ’s sacrifice paid for all our sin, and then ask Him to help us and seriously determine to live the way He wants us to moving forward, we are saved from eternal punishment in hell and He has promised to give us eternal life in Heaven with Him. What an amazing gift! “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

One VERY significant difference (and I’m sure there are many more) between the Q movement and the ultimate totality of Biblical truth is that we know disinformation is necessary within the current, earthly plan—some of the things Q has told us are actually and intentionally not true. Of course, this is in order to not tell the enemy our plans which would enable them to counter the things we need to do. This is not the case with Scripture. While Q must play “mind games” in order to prevent the plan from being defeated, our all-powerful God has no need to do so. Like Q, He does not tell us exact times and dates for everything, but unlike Q, not one single thing He HAS told us is false. This is a very comforting assurance!

These are imperfect, incomplete thoughts by an imperfect person who still has much learning and growing to do, but I hope they may be an encouragement to others as you seek the Lord in your own walk. We are still watching as Q’s immediate plan and God’s master plan continue to play out, and from what I’ve seen, I believe Q’s plan is a significant part of what God is ultimately doing in the universe at this time in history. They seem to be intertwined on multiple levels, but I believe one significant way they fit together is how the experience of current events through a “Q” framework illustrates far greater realities of Scriptural truth. May our loving God richly bless you all as you seek Him during this Holy Week.