Nope. If the first step isn’t proving our elections are fucked, I ain’t getting roped into any “political party”. It’s pointless
Yepp. The people who come in here to make fun of Q, for some reason think it’s a better existence to smugly march into the gulags, rather than hold out for a last shred of hope. OR Q people have reached a point; “either we fix this corruption, or fuck civilization, I’m out” -this where I’m at now, if no chance of a “we the people” government, then fuck society, fuck tech, fuck commies, I’m goin off grid
He’s my backup hopium. Can’t tie him into the plan because whatever he’s doing, nothing is stopping him or slowing him. Even if all goes to shit in a year, dude is already trying to implement mew tech that could get us back on our feet quickly. Or possibly offer a new approach entirely
Obama had custom decorations. Maroon curtains and all. They don't swap out paintings for shits n gigs
Still waiting for you to name the president they based it on... You throw accusations, but don't back up your own position. lol nice job exposing yourself commie. you gotta learn how to deboonk better if you wanna actually blend in
"Gone is the portrait of populist President Andrew Jackson that Trump so admired, replaced by a grand portrait of progressive President Franklin Delano Roosevelt," from businessinsider So no. The only article mentioning that specific portrait location, says it shouldn't be a "past president's choice". Also, can you show me the president who used that painting? Cuz I can show you a movie set that did.
nvm, its the same painting. lol bidens in a replica. this shit is amazing
hmmmm. they have an oval office "replica". I cant tell for sure, but that looks like the same painting
I'd been dooming up until about 12 hours ago when i started noticing shit just seems off about everything being done/shown. now my question is, how many good guys are with use that we believe are currently bad? media feeding bullshit narratives to elites maybe? big tech possibly flip to good side (twitter banned CCP's US embassy)?
That would be quite a rare set of circumstances to create that coinceidence. Given Q has said we are watching a movie/good actors/etc. I think Occam's razor actually favors Q on this one
theres driveways in the back. you can see them from videos of trump in the office as well
Maybe, but when Trump was there the portrait hanging in that spot was Jackson. So this means they took Jackson portrait down, hung 'default' flag painting, and it just so happens they hung the same default flag painting, in the same spot, as they did in 1996 for independence day?
I get that. bussinessinsider even wrote an article about biden's redecorations. They said in it "replaced portrait of Jackson" with portrait of someone else. The painting in the picture^^ is in the location of where Trump had Jackson hung. But bigger question. Why is the painting in biden's oval office, the same painting in the independence day movie's oval office? I kinda doubt hollywood is allowed to shoot movies inside the actual white house/oval office
It's worse than that...
Independence Day (1996) scene: @ 0:55 Biden "Oval Office" Painting: @ 3:21
What’s really fucking weird... when Biden signed the 3 EO’s the other day, when the press was shuffled out, same painting was on the wall. Weird #2. There’s literally an article out rn stating Biden replaced Trump’s Jackson portrait with someone else. But this weird flag painting is what’s actually in the old Jackson spot
Heh kek. Had to come edit to say, if anyone has trouble defining kek, this is THE example. my first time seeing true kek n it’s glorious
Misinfo. Stripe wallpaper was Obama, trump changed it to the white w/design, Biden hasn’t changed it. I looked earlier because I though same thing
Holy hell
I saw this too, the audio was shit the entire time. Then he breezed through 3 EOs without reading them, then the press was panic shuffled out. That shit was weird
My district uses voting machines, what about yours?
What would be the point though. Majority of us had a cynical view of the gov before this. I only voted because trump got elected, then I saw the Q stuff and thought “what if”. If it turns out to be fake, I and many other go back to not giving a fuck or voting. So what was the point?
I caught that children line as well. There was a lot of things in that speech that I think we will have cleared up tomorrow. But it definitely didn’t sound to me like a concession to Biden
I did notice the name “Biden” was absent and he did say the best is yet to come
Exactly. Under the premise the military steps in, I’ll be a lifelong supporter