ConsiderTheFollowing 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you post as Q using a new trip and ask for Watkins to verify you, Watkins has the power to say "Yes, you are Q" or "No, you are not Q, this other person is actually Q" and this had to happen multiple times because Q's trip was cracked often early on. https://qposts.online/post/467

ConsiderTheFollowing 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is your point? My point is that ultimately Q is whoever the Watkins say Q is. If you don't think there's anything suspicious about that... well, obviously you don't, you believe in Qanon.

ConsiderTheFollowing 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to Frederick Brennan, creator of 8chan, the original Q was Paul Furber the moderator of the /cbts/ board on 8chan. This is likely because whenever Q's tripcode got hacked Paul Furber would "verify" the new Q tripcode, presumably by comparing IP addresses. Throughout this whole time Furber claims to be in direct communication with Q. According to Brennan, the Watkins, owners of 8chan, would come to realize the power Q's popularity had and wanted to bind Q to their website. One day after a Q post, Furber claims Q's trip has been hacked and that the Q post is fake. "Q" denies being fake, and asks for "codemonkey" (Ron Watkins) to confirm his identity (once again, presumably by comparing IPs) and Watkins does. Q claims Furber is compromised and has the Watkins create a new board for him. From this point on the Watkins have taken control of the Q trip which is why the style changes (e.g. much more all caps). More proof of Watkins controlling Q is that, after 8chan got taken down following the Christchurch shooting, it stayed down for months. The Watkins are able to get a new site online but it's not able to support a large amount of users yet and posting is throttled. Despite this, Q is able to post on it, something which, according to Brennan could only be explained by it being done through an admin account. Q posts to perform a little theatre piece with the Watkins where the Watkins tell him they're going to be rotating the salt on the tripcodes and that therefore his tripcode will change and they coordinate so that the Watkins can once again verify him once it does.

ConsiderTheFollowing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool. Gonna come back to this when the troops leave DC and Biden is still president.

ConsiderTheFollowing -17 points ago +5 / -22

It's interesting to see how people can believe something despite a complete lack of evidence. I came here yesterday expecting to see people realize Q/GA/The Storm were all fake seeing as Biden was sworn in, but it appears most posters have some rationalization for it: Biden is actually secretly a prisoner and being made to act as president while Trump has secretly been sworn in; Trump just knew about Q, he isn't actually the one pulling the strings, wait and things will happen. This is despite the fact that none of Q's primary predictions (Hillary getting arrested, Obama getting arrested, Podesta getting arrested) have come true over 3 years later. I'll make a prediction myself. Biden and Hillary will die of old age before any of Q's predictions come true.

ConsiderTheFollowing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Italian gov could fall because of Renzi (not because of the US election) but it won't because despite his arrogance, Renzi realizes he would get destroyed at the polls. So he will play ball for now, he needs people to forget what a piece of shit he is.

ConsiderTheFollowing 2 points ago +3 / -1

What will it take for you to stop believing in Q? I understand many of you are holding on to hope that something is happening behind the scenes and that it will take 10 days or more, but at what point will you start questioning it?

ConsiderTheFollowing -2 points ago +1 / -3

Hotwheels is convinced of it and I found his explanation pretty persuasive.

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