Nice people here. See below the response when I openly state a title, which uses 2 f-bombs with the obligatory omg for sensational emotion grabbing effect--is click bait.

I mean, sometimes I do expect more from GAW, since most here are supposedly awake. My bad. Still, this is prob the worst, rudest comment Ive ever received, anywhere online. This person is disgusting.

But prop them up, GAW. What fine, intelligent, highly awake and thoughtful people.

–Copperselectrons -7 points 4 hours ago +7 / -14 Im not saying this isnt of value. BUt this is the most clickbait title as it gets.

Sometimes this place.

–magayd45 [S] 4 points 3 hours ago +6 / -2 who gives a fuck cunt i wanted people to click it it’s important lick my balls nerd


Before DT speech: Russshhha attacking Poland. Now its maybe UKRAINE that fired it?? Will green crew neck puppet Z manipulate the ukraine flag wavers on this one? wow this could get good.


ETA so surely the billions $$ can be cancelled then.

Also the tide is turning, First ftx/ukraine $ laundering, now the truth about who ACTUALLY launched missile and its the US saying it? NICE

Just wondering in case I missed where he said what he would be announcing is the thing that would be historical. Or if I assumed it was

Hopefully, tomorrow will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!

Nov 14, 2022, 9:09 AM

Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!

Nov 14, 2022, 10:21 PM


Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

Ps 20:7


For whatever reason theres little interest in the delta 9 post I shared. BUt thats not a surprise.

ANYWAY, I thought it was notable that the men and women of Delta 9 are called the Stormbringers.



In fact, tho launched with USAF, on 11-5-20 under DT, the USSF took over completely, solely. No longer an AF involved mission. They assigned delta 9, the 'orbital warfare' unit. They do surveillance from space.

The fledgling U.S. Space Force's Space Delta 9 is tasked with performing a mission set that the service describes as orbital warfare. This includes keeping an eye out for potentially hostile activity in space, as well as deterring those threats and even potentially defeating them, according to the unit's official website. Publicly, it provides this support primarily through various space-based surveillance and communications systems, but, interestingly, it is also responsible for overseeing the operations of the experimental X-37B mini space shuttle, the exact mission and capabilities of which remain obscure.


Also fun fact I didnt know buy USSF insisted on calling their units 'Deltas' over other hoped for names. Nice. we like deltas. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/34678/here-are-the-names-space-force-rejected-in-favor-of-calling-its-new-units-deltas

Anyone think evidence of 2 fraud elec has been safely in space for 2 years? Possible?

ETA: In case anyone wondered, like I did, if the mystery mission of this aircraft that just came back could have been on a surveillance mission, (since it was secret and all incl msm have speculated on what it could be)--such as one that would have evidence of foreign and all interference in our elec. Well, according to their description, Id say it fits the Delta 9's unit purpose.


Check my work in case of typo, did on paper first

Even if it the remaining votes are at 2020 percentages (which would be a lie, but since they are lying criminals, sure) here is that scenario

Right now its at LAXALT 436,854 - 49.4% MASTO 421,042 - 47.6% LAXALT AHEAD BY +15,812


12% REMAIN ~ 73,011

LAXALT @ 44.3% —> 73,011 X .443= 32,344 MASTO @ 53.7% —> 73,011 X .537= 39,207


23% REMAIN ~ 34,499

LAXALT @46.3% —> 34,499 X .463 = 15,973 MASTO @ 50.8% —> 34,499 X .508 = 17,525


10% REMAIN ~ 2216

LAXALT @ 63.4% —> 2216 X .634 = 1405 MAST @ 33.9% —> 2216 X .339 = 751


25% REMAIN ~ 4774

LAXALT @ 54.2% —> 4774 X .542 = 2588 MASTO @ 42.8% —> 4774 X .428= 2043




Hey tho Im pro life, Im not even going to argue about that. But to voters that think they voted for prochoice bc omg abortion is a riiight (its not)--fine they think of it as they want the dumbasses. Fine pro choice but for some of their 'prochoice' candidates its promurder--not prochoice.

For any voter and some that call themselves Christian--for example my state, NV, if they voted for gov sissy--his position is up to 24 weeks. For the disaster of a person senator masto--she is for 40 weeks. BIRTH. Full term. This is murder.

Im going to initiate this conversation and every similar one with the ppl that voted so heinously. They need to realize what they are doing when they support these people.


Why? bc the more they counted their ONLY 2 blue counties, which are the biggest and ones they rely on--the gap was closing. And oopsie it closed on one, Washoe, which they rely on to stay blue.

-Senate and Gov both leading RED, they stopped

-One of their 2 blues, turned red, and they stopped counting bc it kept getting MORE red

-Their relied upon big blue (where I live and is NOT blue in truth) was getting so light blue, with the gap blue ahead by 11-13% now at 3-5%--so they stopped.

PLease watch NV everyone. We not blue and they stole it big in 2020 and its harder now but they are trying. btw all residents here received 2 mail in ballots--TWO. They are trying to cheat, please all eyes on NV.


ETA: They know the votes left are strongly red. WHy? Maybe partly bc so many of us voted on elec day, for the first time instead of early voting. I am grateful for the R canvassers that said if we could do that it would make it harder for them to cheat. So now what are the criminals doing? Trying to figure out how to make red votes turn blue. They are terrified to continue counting their only 2 blue counties, bc 1 flipped red the more they counted. And their big one is going to too. Look for pallets of ballots.


Maybe Im tired but I love math. Go here


hover cursor I see a 1% diff in clark county. BUt the rest are red and the total % shows wide margin


-CA lottery announces last night it will be delayed

-Some state, not named yet as far as I know, created delay due to security something or another and data being slow something or another

-Back in action and yes! theres a winner! In CA.

-Winning ticket bought at...JOES Service Center

Thanks for playing



Who gets it and is awake and to proud to vote conservative like her parents. Thank God!

God bless and protect us from evil and please let any fraud be caught in Jesus name. When they try, I pray its the snare the wicked falls into that they set themselves and it catches them for 2020 too. In JESUS name let good people win and no evil prevail. We need YOU GOD. Amen


And the alternative to twt is TRUTH SOCIAL. lol wow this is pretty nice to see for once. After weve been brutalized by lies for so long



R door canvassers stopped by today, they asked if I was voting early or on ED. I said early. They asked that I would vote on ED bc the more early votes, the more info he D's have to give an idea of how many fakes they will need to steal it again.

Totally makes sense. I told them thanks, and yes, we will now go on ED. Just thought Id share in case anyone else had not thought about it that way. I had not so I was glad it was brought to my attention



Her word salad: Harris said of the relief: 'We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity'

Wow. Important to document offline, exactly how their despicable racism is happening in real time. To protect future gens from false history narratives.

How long will this go on? How long will this radically demonic admin be allowed to destroy this country


As I view the world of today, in the light of the gigantic struggle we have witnessed, I am filled with conviction that the interests of humanity would be best served if the United States remained true to its traditions and kept out of “entangling alliances.

Like globohomo alliances? who? un? Oh boy did NK hit the nail on the head here.

This one tho:

Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid notions and foolish ideas prevailing.

deficient observation Savage. Is NK saying that being uninformed and clueless is why one cant see clearly and thats the reason for prevailing lies and narratives.



When it started to spread beyond sodomites, it is to children--babies, toddlers. Except I saw an animal got it too.

The 'experts' concern is that with school starting it will spread.

The 'experts' concern is that sodomites will be unfairly viewed and hated.

But the 'experts' are not concerned about how little ones got it in the first place.

Worse than sodom & gomorrah days are here.

ETA: Oh really downvoted yeah? Whoever is displeased, do tell why

Tell me if you will why its not frightening that of the sodomite disease spreading past their relations, its to little children.

Its not terrifying to know some children have been infected by sodomites and no one in the expert cares?


My conclusion is he (or anyone for that matter that none of us can verify for ourselves) is as dead or alive as the media reports him to be. And some thinking ppl may think thats based on what the clowns need for the current narrative/perception

NOV 2020 died of health issues, supposedly asthma https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13251511/al-qaeda-leader-ayman-al-zawahiri-dies-asthma/

MARCH 2021 some talk of a vid where his voice is heard https://www.lawfareblog.com/al-qaeda-after-ayman-al-zawahiri

APRIL 2021 the date of his intro of part of his 'book series' is released by AQ https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2021/09/12/presumed-dead-al-qaeda-leader-ayman-al-zawahiri-appears-in-new-video.html

JUNE 2021 UN says hes alive, probably https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/al-qaeda-chief-is-somewhere-between-afghanistan-pakistan-un-report-2458093

SEPT 2021 now a vid by him circulates in MSM https://nypost.com/2021/09/12/al-qaeda-leader-ayman-al-zawahiri-seen-in-video-after-death-rumors/

APR 2022 hes in another vid

JUL 2022 Oh look at that--recent talk about how hes alive--just before the big missile re-kills him https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2022/07/ayman-al-zawahiri-is-alive-taliban-and-al-qaeda-remain-close-un-reports.php

AUG 2022 droned by ninja missle, no dna confirm bc its not needed and they have evidence of other kinds and just trust joe he did a great thing right before midterms

If anyone likes to mull over this stuff, came across this, he has some good points about how questionable this drone strike slaying by potato of the same guy whose been slain many times already over decades https://dennisghurst.com/lyin-biden-on-ayman-al-zawahiri/

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