posted ago by Copperselectrons ago by Copperselectrons +27 / -1


In fact, tho launched with USAF, on 11-5-20 under DT, the USSF took over completely, solely. No longer an AF involved mission. They assigned delta 9, the 'orbital warfare' unit. They do surveillance from space.

The fledgling U.S. Space Force's Space Delta 9 is tasked with performing a mission set that the service describes as orbital warfare. This includes keeping an eye out for potentially hostile activity in space, as well as deterring those threats and even potentially defeating them, according to the unit's official website. Publicly, it provides this support primarily through various space-based surveillance and communications systems, but, interestingly, it is also responsible for overseeing the operations of the experimental X-37B mini space shuttle, the exact mission and capabilities of which remain obscure.


Also fun fact I didnt know buy USSF insisted on calling their units 'Deltas' over other hoped for names. Nice. we like deltas. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/34678/here-are-the-names-space-force-rejected-in-favor-of-calling-its-new-units-deltas

Anyone think evidence of 2 fraud elec has been safely in space for 2 years? Possible?

ETA: In case anyone wondered, like I did, if the mystery mission of this aircraft that just came back could have been on a surveillance mission, (since it was secret and all incl msm have speculated on what it could be)--such as one that would have evidence of foreign and all interference in our elec. Well, according to their description, Id say it fits the Delta 9's unit purpose.