CornPop2024 4 points ago +5 / -1

I never said I disagreed with the post he stole the content from. I can assure you that I don't want a Biden/Harris administration as much as anyone else here, but you need to understand that some people are all about those views and ad money.

I don't know enough about this dude, nor do I care enough to look into his prior videos, but I heard advertisements in both videos of his I listened to today. You cool with somebody stealing and passing off someone else's theory as their own whlie monetizing it? I'm not.

CornPop2024 62 points ago +62 / -0

You guys realize much of this video's content was taken from here right? Start listening at about the 10 minute mark and check out this post from earlier.

You can absolutely tell he's reading off that post and he literally says much of it word for word. I ain't here to bash on Q nor do I support that faggot Biden, but while I was listening to this earlier I noticed I had read exactly what he was saying for much of it.

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