CovfefeInChief 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk. But it made her ask questions why they would make that a big deal. I haven’t explained any of GAW to her but this was a baby step in the right direction

CovfefeInChief 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. This isn’t normal where I live. A cold day for us is usually around 20-30 degrees.

CovfefeInChief 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can say without a doubt it’s BS now. In Mississippi with a “significant winter weather event”. Sleet, snow, and frozen roads and lows into the single digits the next couple days. cLImAtE CHaNgE

CovfefeInChief 3 points ago +4 / -1

Did they forget they’re there by choice? Maybe because they love their country? That’s extremism? Are they so scared of hurting someone’s fee fees they try to get rid of some of their own? You take away their reason to be there then what?

CovfefeInChief 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes! My son used to watch it 6 years ago (way before I was even aware of what’s happening) even then as he watched he was almost in a trance. Wish I would’ve knew then what I do now.

CovfefeInChief 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree to an extent. I feel like people not paying attention is what got us in this mess to begin with. But it is healthy to just forget it once in a while. ?

CovfefeInChief 22 points ago +22 / -0

You’re not alone my guy. My alcohol problem got it’s worst after Nov 3. I realized I was drinking way too much and it was destroying my life, marriage, and family. I haven’t had a drink in 3.5 weeks, it may not seem like much but it’s a huge deal for me. Just recently figured out how much the world sucks and this site has helped me make sense of some of it. I can’t talk about any of this to my wife she thinks I’m crazy for even thinking corona is a hoax. But anyways, keep on keeping on brother. You’re not alone