It's time for the Year of the Boomerang! (www.youtube.com) ⚒️⚒️ - J U S T I C E - ⚖️
posted ago by Crossroads ago by Crossroads

PREFACE I just got off work, and was thinking about this my entire shift. I know that most people on this forum are Catholic and I wanted some thoughts on what I believe. I an Agnostic, as I do believe there is something that is always judging us, but I don't believe in a big man in the sky spying on me playing survival/farming sims on my free time. This isn't an attack, just my thoughts.

REASON I very recently lost my cousin. Last time I saw/talked to him was on Easter. We both hung out outside near the firepit while the majority of the party was inside. We talked about this and that, caught up on our lives, and made plans to hang out sometime when our schedules aligned. That never happened.

We don't know how we died, just that he was found dead in his bed by his Dad (my Uncle) when he came over to visit him. This is the same man that lost his wife as he slept right next to her and had his daughter (my other cousin) spiral into darkness and use the family for her habits. The latter managed to come back, and just started a family of her own. Having found his son dead in the same house where all the other stuff went down has probably killed him emotionally. He was physically shaking at the funeral. Getting off topic, though.

MAIN POINT With his passing, and while I grieved, I started to think about life after death. I always had a theory, and I would like to share it.

In life, we are given two doors. One when we enter, and one where we leave. The hallway between them is our existence. It is a predetermined path that our life must take before we can leave and move on to the next. In this hallway, there are points where we can "die", but we don't really. Think of these as our near-death experiences. Our consciousness has to follow this path from start to end, and if we "die" before we reach the exit door, our spirit is moved to a healthy body in a different dimension/parallel universe where we keep living our predetermined life. This parallel is mostly the same, except for small differences. Think Mandela Effect. We have these memories that are considered false, but they are only "false" to the reality we slipped into where we "died".

When we reach the end door of our life, we are judged by something. God himself, a council of beings, the Flying Spaghetti Monster g for all I know. They shows us our deeds of our life, and how we respond to them. This determines where we are sent next. Either to live again on Earth as a second chance, or sent somewhere else to live a new life. Have adventures and trials as we did on Earth. It';s not like Buddhist reincarnation, as you will always come back as a sentient being with thoughts/emotion/empathy/etc.

I like to think that my cousin either "slipped" or he reached his door, and left to a new step in his eternal journey. It makes me more happy that he lives on somewhere else as opposed to a urn of ashes buried in the ground next to his mother/my aunt. I don;t know, I guess I am just venting and miss him a lot.

What are your guy's thoughts?

Before you down vote and treat it as me saying "This is just a 'This is not true Communism' argument redressed!", take a moment to temper your rage and read.

The world as it is now (fighting, labels, hatred, etc.) is being forcefully marched into a type of unity that should not, and can not exist. It is because these elites want to rule over the peons while they pillage and rape the land for it's resources and wealth all to engorge themselves in excess and have control.

The victim blaming does not make unity. The censoring of information does not make unity. The corporate blackmail does not make unity. The loss of individualism does not make unity. I could go on, but i will stop the list as you probably get it.

I believe, not in our lifetime, as I see us a too small brain and barbaric to grasp it, that Globalism is a inevitable outcome IF done the right way. This way allows people to co-exist not as a label, but as a person. As a human. Once we, as a species, see ourselves as humans and not as a list of words or a number, only then can it start the right way.


Just a little thought experiment that I would like to introduce to the community through a random neuron that won't go away in my brain.

"If every Corpo just suddenly dissolved (go bankrupt/cease operations/forcefully shutdown/etc.) tomorrow, what would realistically happen to society as we know it?"

I am looking for actual conversation out of this, and the ramification that would happen. How we, as people, would mitigate this newly formed power vaccuum/problem, and what would rise out of the sudden implosion of a very corrupt and greedy arm of the world's economy.


Now, this is just a BIG tin foil hat theory, so bare with my Maple Flavored Insanity (TM)

I am ready to get massive down voted for this, but I read a document the other day that Bill has been doing the vaccine thing for years, mainly in underdeveloped countries. I want to go out on a limb, and say that Melinda is a long time plant for some kind of undercover sting against this guy. They separated becasue the investigation finally had enough, and got what they want, or Bill and the cabal found out and had her 86'ed.

I have no evidence to back this up, as it's just a stray thought and a massive leap in logic, but if anyone wants to jump in and theorize (or call me a bundle of stick), feel free.


First of all, a little music. Music is good for the soul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egn_VNVKzI4

Spoilers for a 4 year old game are in this post.

In NieR, there are two factions in the game: Androids made by Humans and Machines/Robots made by invading aliens. The Androids, under the orders of the humans that are Moon, are charged with eradicating all the Machines/Robots to make way for humanity's return. This is just scraping the surface, but I thought of Antifa/BLM/Leftist as the Androids, doing what the Elites tell them to do, or in this case, the Humans on the Moon. The Elites have made us out to be the Aliens/Machines/Robots. We don;t have emotion like they do, we are just a disruptive force that must be eradicated. You can also look at in reverse if you were a Leftist as well.

Anyways, in the 2nd play through, near the end of it as 9S, you watch as YoRHa is backdoored by the Robots, and is overrun, causing a lot of Androids to die and go berserk from a virus. It is revealed near the end of the game (3rd playthrough as A2+9S) that there was a protocol put in place that would open a backdoor into YoRHa, and allow the machines in to exterminate the Androids as their use had been fulfilled, and they were not needed on Humanity's return. It's a little hazy as it was awhile ago when I played it, but I think it was them being scared that the Androids would gain a soul/sentience and war against their creators.

The kicker is that there are no Humans on the Moon. Just an archive of humanity's knowledge. A giant server. There was never going to be a return, and all the deaths on both sides are all for naught.

I feel, and expect that is what is going to happen to those that are currently being used by the Elites. It is why I don't want to give up on people and wake up as many as I can and make them see that the Elites don't have our best interests in heart...just their own interests and how they can grow their pockets. I don;t care oiif I have to yell at them, slap them, or outright punch them to make them see. I just don't want to give up on my fellow man, as that is what "they" want. A mutual assured destruction.


I live with my grandparents at the moment, as I have mentioned before in past posts here and on Patriots. I worry about them a lot becasue they both type 1 diabetic and one is very overweight.

On April 9th, 2021 they are set for their vaccine appointment, and with all the info I have on hand, I have been trying to not get them to go. Even showed them videos and told them about news posts I have. My other set of grandparents got thier shots a few weeks ago, and according to my Mom they are fine, but I still worry about everyone.

Please, someone tell me I am not going to lose them. I really need to hear it.


I can access the GA community from my phone like normal, which is to be expected, but AVAST stops me from coming here on my computer, and like many people have said, just add an exception to the anti-virus.

Thing is, I can't access any .win site. Not OmegaCanada, not Patriots, not even Funny. When I go to check my AVAST, it doesn't say the greatawakening.win or omegacanda.win, it says authenticator.win

This is just my tired ramblings, but what if there really is a phishing attempt going on in the authentication process before any of us even get to these sites. Shouldn't this be taken with a grain of salt, and have the process checked by admins to see what the problem is instead of instantly getting rid of AVAST, or adding am exception? Maybe that is what this wants you to do, so it can get your info.


..that I didn't know we were living in Tom Clancy's: The Division 2.

Ah, morning joke is best joke.