States are opening up and $AMC earnings statement comes out this week so we'll find out soon enough. I think the entire market is being held back to encourage people to make low buys and gravitate away from $GME.
If they really can't stop $GME then letting it hover over $100 is probably the best thing they can do. For the longest time I wasn't buying until it dropped back down to $50 and most people probably see it like I did. A ship that sailed without me.
The thing is it's back in port and the next time it leaves it's gone.
Exactly why I bought them.
I have some long term investments that I let money sit in but keep about $500 in a day trading account to gamble with.
I was betting on $AMC and $RKT Friday but was sorely disappointed. Friday morning I only had about $150 in my gambling account so I bought on share of $GME for $131 and I ended the day with a profit.
That one stock turned a profit while $AMC pretty much broke even and $RKT too close to a 6% loss.
When I looked at the pattern all week it became evident that as soon as Biden allowed Trump's interest rates to rise then most of the "gambling stonk" was tanking and about the only reliable daily earner left is $GME
That's what finally made me break down and seriously give this thing some credit.
Now Forbes is calling it "calculated" and acting like they come up with it.
The veil is starting to rip and they are already planning the spin so the whole system isn't revealed.
When that happens, my 3 - 5 shares I'll have will pay off my house and let me retire early and if not I'm out $500
Can't pass up the golden ticket.
Well that's the beauty of this lopsided pyramid scheme. The same federal regulations that allows these soy-fed cucks to trade stonks they don't own also says they HAVE to buy them at a certain time to repay the debt.
As long as REAL $GME share holders don't sell (and if there are truly only 50 mil in circulation the Redditt owns at least 75% of them) then they have to liquidate assets and buy the stock to repay their debts.
I avoided $GME like the plague in my portfolio until yesterday. I just knew it was gonna crash and burn but Trump's cool interest cuts dropped off a few days ago and guess who the only real stock seeing any growth in the last few days has been? $GME
It's stabilized at $130 or so a share and ain't dropping.
I'm only holding one ticket to the moon now but if $AMC and $RKT don't do something Monday I'm dumpling the rest of my day trade portfolio into $GME and riding it out.
I too am stacking silver BTW
I don't understand how somebody that is here illegally can legally obtain a gun when citizenship and legal status are all questions that are asked to buy a gun.
Questions that you and I would do a year in prison for answering wrong, let alone outright lying.
I was at a local gun shop when the state police showed up and arrested a felon trying to get a gum.
I don't understand ... me ape, me hodl