I'm guessing their moms probably got them the regular mac and cheese instead of the Spongebob shaped ones for supper or something like that.
He may not be wrong. When the NG first got there and biden's paranoid ass was demanding that they remove anyone who might be loyal to Trump, it was in the news that they had removed their ammo. I know, it makes no fucking sense. So, par for the course in the biden "administration."
In all sincerity, I would pay very good money to watch antifa square up against the Marines. Just seeing that would make the entire past year worth it.
Yep, I'm with ya on this. The fact that Crowder and timmy "Money Eases The Pain Of Having No Balls" pool are both still allowed to be on Youtube while better men have been banned really makes me wonder if they are actually paid opposition. They'll spit on anything to do with Q and pretend that it's still two-party politics usual. And anyone who is proceeding under that assumption should be completely disregarded because that is, objectively, no longer the reality we live in.
Sad, as I used to find Crowder very entertaining. But knowing that his opinions are based on a reality where elections are still valid, there is no longer any point in listening.
I don't have time to read through all of this, but do they mention the "alleged" KID FUCKING?
Yep, that one shot from that new video that came out about it convinced me. Had to be at least a foot and a half too low to hit her in the neck.
Anyone who missed it, here it is: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qyDhHI2Ya4Ns/
Makes a whole lot of good point and also makes it funny and entertaining, so share it around. Very convincing.
Anyone who is still on Twitter, go reclaim that shit. Throw some truth on that fucking tag.
Well that doesn't sound like they are planning on using the military to attack their own citizens at all. Everything is fine here.
If anyone is working behind the scenes to prevent the complete destruction of our republic and the unimaginable suffering of millions of innocent people, now might be a really great time for them to do something.
Oops, I did post there first but I'm making sure to build a persona of a compassionate, hippy libtard so nothing divisive. And I joined a bunch of other tame subreddits.
This is fun, it's kind of like role playing a character in Skyrim, but if Skyrim was extremely phony, uneducated and toxic.
I started off in politics. God damn, i feel dirty just reading that shit. I feel like I should be wearing a condom when I go in there so I don't catch something.
Wow, thanks for the heads up, I had no idea it was that bad over there.
YES, that's the spirit! I think this is probably the most useful thing we could do right about now.
Very important that everyone build up a "Durr I'm a retarded commie" persona so be prepared to say and agree with some really stupid shit before you start dropping red pills.
I guess the politics subreddit would be the most obvious spot but if anyone knows some other good ones, drop em here. And maybe try to work a some kind of inconspicuous wink to Q into your username so we can spot each other and help out. I have a few ideas but I don't want to drop them here because you know they've got shills everywhere. Get creative though. ;)
Seriously, who the fuck actually wants Twitter back? I can't wait for the day that site finally crashes and burns.
Fuck yeah man, that's literally a drop in the bucket. Every tax paying American should be absolutely fucking furious about this.
And then you also have to consider that they've already done this exact same thing to us with the last one they passed, presumably paying off all the countries that helped them steal the election.
See also: Hunter gets a raise in his allowance
I think that's the worst part about all of this: They do stupid shit and fuck up their cities/states, their base STILL votes for them, and to top it all off, we have to fucking fund their complete corruption and incompetence. All because we are the ones who actually have jobs and aren't in college working on our "black gay gender studies basket weaving" degree.
Just imagine how much further ahead humanity would be if the game wasn't rigged and we actually funded things that would benefit the human race.
Yeah, WE know that... the goal is to make people who don't know that wonder about it.
I'm trying to aim it at lefties though, showing that even IF it were the best case scenario, this is how it would break down. All they will see is the $5757and share it out of anger. Further discussion in comments will then reveal (possibly via their own friends, whom they trust) that the reality of it is even worst than what the meme is showing.
I'm tryin here, I feel so helpless and just want to at least do something. :(
Definitely. Post it around and mention in your post that it's probably only like 75% of Americans getting it, making it even worse. Going for impact here and leftist would pick apart whatever percentage if you put it in the meme.
I know, gotta keep it simple though.
Stick a "#dothemath" hashtag or something catchy on it.
Furthermore, if $1.9 trillion were divided equally between 330 million Americans, they would each be receiving a check for $5,757.57. That sure would buy a lot of silver, non-perishable food and ammunition. But who would be losing on out a huge payday in that scenario? It sure seems to me like we should have a right to know the answer to that. The government would not be allowed to exist if it wasn't for us.
Now just imagine if they learned how to do math and realized that, even if 330 million Americans qualified for the $1400 (realistically, it would be about 75% of that), it amounts to $462 billion. So if the bill in total is for 1.9 trillion, that means that only 24% of it is going to the American people. They might then wonder where the remaining $1,438,000,000,000 (1.4 TRILLION dollars) is going.
I don't know who I blame more, the bullshit media or the people who listen to it and never question anything or do even the smallest bit of research for themselves. Anyone who comes to this forum out of curiosity should see that free-thinking and non-violence are the two primary themes of this place and this entire movement.
I wish this were the case but I'm convinced that they are 100% bought and paid for, and having a thought of their own like that is beyond their mental capacity. Whatever is going on is most likely just for show, imo.