DaesDaemar 15 points ago +15 / -0

The OP did the research and made a post.... they should present the research with evidence, not unsubstantiated assertions.

Do you want me to post how the sky is falling, and then reply "don't believe it, then do the research"... it's not helpful.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I haven't thought about how many bots there would be at this point. Makes me wonder if there are any traders outside of algorithm programmers and tenders for the bots.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep there's definitely a large buffer of tendies that can be enjoyed before major stoppage happens. Just wish I had more tickets to the tendie club. If the Fed is imploded, I'm even happier.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm less and less confident that they (gov't, banks, wall street, etc.) will let it get to that kind of thing. What prevents half the shares being sold, bought, resold, etc until the shorts are covered? I imagine at some point there would be a bailout before an infinity pool would be allowed. I'm not aware of any other precedent that would justify it. There's a long precedent of gov't bailing out stuff.. GM, etc.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's your sell strategy from Computershare? I assume it will be tiered. I'm not sure what the best plan would be from there when things go lunar.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Oasis really needs to be open-source like HTTP, but right now if I had to bet, it would be Facebook that runs the Metaverse. I hate saying that, but they have the money, userbase and clear motivation to make it happen.

DaesDaemar 5 points ago +5 / -0

VR Nerd here -

Facebook bought out Oculus and required users to associate their facebook account to their VR gaming account.

Facebook has made a VR equivalent to Zoom calls for remote work which they're rolling out. This means all meetings within this app could be monitored.

There is a Sci-Fi history of "Cyberspace" which is a digital world/universe that is in essence a world you can go in VR and live your life. Work, play, hang out, etc.. all connected together in a "Metaverse". This is their clear goal. As a nerd, I love this idea, but as someone who cares about their privacy, having Facebook run the whole show means a huge risk to privacy for entire digital lives.

Not just social media posts.. but spending time with friends, online dates, digital Bible studies, work meetings, anything you can do in RL (real life) that you end up doing there.. can be spied upon.

Tie a monitoring and China-style credit system into VR and you have a place that punishes people's social lives as devastatingly prejudicial as an unpopular Tweet or bot-demolished Reddit post.

Remember this is not just about Baby Boomer lives not caring about VR.. but all the younger generations who grew up on the internet and are VERY READY to spend their Social Media time in VR when the technology is right.. and I'd say that's within 5 years. And we're easily 1+ years into deep adoption.

VR IS NOT JUST FOR GAMING NERDS.. the social element attract WOMEN (who typically don't game, awesome exceptions notwithstanding) and non-gamers in general. Want to watch the Big Game with your buds? You can do that in VR. This is Iphone level technology changes, once it's rolled out.. and FB has triple-downed on it by doing this.

Trump social media developers.. you need a VR gameplan... NOW. I recommend SteamVR.

DaesDaemar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Praying for ya. You may want to put in some details on the kind of work you do.

DaesDaemar 10 points ago +10 / -0

We need Trump to make a new non-woke LinkedIn for job listings.

I expect "Unvaccinated" will be a good keyword for jobs and dating in the future.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well said. We have to know that this stock will be given the GME treatment, and it'd be nice to catch them shorting.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

np, thanks for the tips.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice, thanks for the tip. Where's an easy place to see that?

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

how do you know there aren't any shares to buy?

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep I hold both. I see GME as being a bit more risky, given the tricks the elite may play to somehow duck out of the way. But if they get nailed, GME will moon hard. DWAC is doing well, but more like Google, Tesla, etc.. not two commas in the stock price like GME could. In my novice opinion. :)

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm, try going to the trading menu and starting a trade, and do a preview of it. Somewhere in there it should show you how much you have available to trade with.

If you have a new account it may take you longer though, I have had mine active for a good while by now. I'm sure they have a phone # you can call for help also, if nothing's working out. Hope it works out for ya!

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me how to successfully play Windows games on Mint with no performance hit, including SteamVR and I'll install it. I want to get rid of Windows so badly, but the pain of leaving is great. Also Adobe products. I really like OSX, but hate Apple for constricting it to their hardware (without hassle) and not selling any decent gaming machines, lack of Steam, SteamVR, etc. I know Valve has been mucking about with their own *nix for gaming but it seems dead.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed, I'm torn on GME, I still think it'll go up eventually but this new company I believe will be successful on merit, not because it was oversqueezed. My DWAC position quickly overwhelmed my GME one also. We'll see if we get one last boost before the weekend or not.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden and Kamala are the two worst leaders in my recollection of the Presidency.. but Tucker was the one that got me annoyed here.

Clearly Biden is a puppet, a puppy dog at this point with his mental deficiencies, but this came across as Tucker kicking puppies and making fun of normal awkward work birthday parties. Robot? Alien? I'm not seeing it.

Now, that said, they can't leave office fast enough, and probably deserve Jail or worse. Certainly a lot do around them.

I mock them because they chose to be placed in the white house, not because they're robots or aliens. Possessed, not unlikely, but robots?

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

DWAC is the share, DWACW is the Warrant giving you the right to buy the share at a set price (11-12 some say, not sure) and DWACU is the Unit package consisting of a Share, a half-warrant and possibly more. (one listing says 1/10th of a share, but the other does not) Newbie stock person here, just passing on what I've read. I bought DWACU to own shares now, the right to buy half again later. I am long-term. I don't have a recommendation on what is best, but they're all going to the moon.

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