
I was going to reply to this post instead I'm making a post so everyone understands. If they can manipulate the GOP PRIMARY to install their candidate, a candidate they have compromising information on, then they control EVERYTHING. That is why it all looks like controlled opposition or a uniparty. HUGE swaths of the GOP are either controlled or being manipulated by the same people that are holding Biden/Pelosi's leash. The ones they don't have blackmail over are simply bought off or they are just greedy corporate owned stooges.

That's why the Democrats constantly get their way is because the GOP is divided into 4-5 different camps with different agendas or reason for voting on certain issues. Hardly any of them represent us and the few people that do run who would represent us are quickly defeated in a primary and cut off from any funding to get their message out. The Democrats on the other hand vote 99% the same. Why? Because they are all controlled by a central authority. Same with the media, centrally controlled.

The election fraud issue is on BOTH sides. How did Gov Kemp of GA get his job? He was Sec State. Who runs elections? Sec State. Why did he nominate Kelly Loeffler? Of course he got something out of it. They are ALL corrupt.

There are only two things to worry about... Exposing the election fraud so that we can have REAL elections. Then making sure quality MAGA candidates win every GOP primary election at every level of government.

Everything else is just a side show. Its all curing symptoms, not fixing the actual disease. Its all band-aides being put on major gunshot wounds. None of it will fix anything. Exposing the election fraud is the only thing that matters right now.


I'm not a pipeline expert, but I've been doing computers sense the early 90s. You have a pipe. It has pumps and valves. You have a computer that controls it all. The computer gets hacked. UNPLUG THE DAM COMPUTER... and plug in another one. Then restart the pumps. If they are too incompetent to figure out a workaround then get the hell out of the way and let someone else try.

If there is one thing I've learned with computers its that the guy at the console is god. There is no such thing as taking over from a remote location. Anyone that tells you differently has been watching too many movies. Send real actual human beings out the the pumps, unplug the dam computer and just turn the pump on manually. Yeah, a person might have to watch the pressure and flow rates etc rather than the computer. So the hell what. Get the dam gas flowing again morons.


I'm watching a DVR or Tucker from last week. The very last interview in the last 10 seconds of the show Tucker asks Josh Philipp of the Epoc Times if anyone in congress is standing up for them. He replies that 17 members of congress have...

Coincidence? Or is Josh gas-lightning the deep state for shits and giggles?

Only video I could find of it. Time code 38:53. EP - 4-27-21



Long ago L&O (and SVU) was a good show. Sure they pushed some lefty non-sense every once in a while but sometimes they would push right wing talking points too. In the last 5+ years its gone down hill big time. I think it was last year they did some stuff that really irritated me because it was just pure propaganda. I swore if I saw anything like that again I'd stop watching. Yeah, I know I should have stopped ages ago.

I just watched the SVU crossover with the new show where they bring Stabler back, Organized Crime. Wow. If you want to see some top tier full on cabal propaganda just watch the first part of that SVU EP(S22E09). They catch a right wing person that was supposedly mixing it up with antifa at a protest and they run through all the tropes. They talk about how he believes in election fraud and that the pandemic isn't real... but they do it in a way to imply he's a crazy nutjob for believing that. It got even worse in the new show. The Italian mafia boss was just a strait up racist, and his son married a black woman, had kids with her, etc etc. I actually caught myself laughing at how stupid it was. SMH...

Anyway, I won't bore you with the details. The new CW show Kung-Fu did the same BS talking about white privileged blah blah. I canceled that one too. Wish I hadn't wasted my time watching the first EP.

I watch a lot of TV, too much really. I used to notice stuff but I filtered it out. These days I notice it a lot more because I know the truth, but its not just that I see it better/more its that there is more of it. EVERY show has a gay character(in Kung-Fu the brother is gay). Some of them half the dam cast is gay. On and on and on. They are now going full bore with brainwashing. It used to be subtle. Now its out in the open.

I think its time we all re-examine the shows we watch.


Seriously. If everything goes to shit when they try to deal with the cabal then the power could be shut off country wide for weeks. If that happens tens of thousands maybe more could freeze to death. It would only take 2-4 weeks to create a disaster just look at Texas. Is it possible the only thing holding back a response is that they are trying to wait until the weather warms up??? Even if its not THE reason it seems like maybe its one of the bigger concerns that factor into when they should move forward.



Many people have gravitated to checking what Q post matches the date/time code on Tweets etc right? What if this was never how Q intended his posts to be decoded but he simply saw how we reacted to his posts and adapted to our way of thinking? In other words we aren't reading Q's coms... Q is feeding us coms on our wavelength...

So in theory somewhere in all the Q posts there is an undiscovered pattern. Or is it possible that was always the Q plan... to adapt to our responses... to use whatever technique we grabbed at as the way to send us a message.



We're being used. The whole point of the Q operation isn't to quell the masses... or at least that is a secondary goal. The point is to gas-light the cabal. Look at what's been happening over the past two weeks. We datefag. The MSM reacts. Everyone's wrong, but the MSM half the time ends up looking like idiots. I know I'm probibly wording this wrong, but I really truly have begun to believe that the reason we feel like its "hurry up and wait" is because we've been left in the dark to flail about like fish out of water on purpose. The cabal doesn't know what the fuck is going on either. They know Q is real. They know Q has a plan. They think they might be able to glean information from Q's public coms. So they study our interpretations of those coms.

But what if its all one big giant red hearing. Its a rope-a-dope but not using actual blows its using disinformation. The cabal is reacting... and reacting... and staging a FF to then react again before the FF ever happens. Everything they've reacted to sense Jan 6th has been one false narrative after another put into their heads by Q and the Anons analyzing Q.

Its literally the boy who cried wolf... reverse weaponized. The cabal knows the move is coming. They know the wolf is real. They just don't know the when and the where. The one thing all tyrannical lunatics have in common is paranoia. Its a true weakness. Hitler, Saddam, Stalin, Mao, etc all suffered from it. They feel like everyone else is out to treat them the way they treat others.

So now we have Q gone silent. His last message was "we aren't going to take it any more". We have Anons reaching at every straw/crumb imaginable looking for dates, for answers, but what if all the public messages are just garbage. Well thought out and highly structured garbage. Its a half truth. Pedos and human trafficking, color revolution etc all that stuff is real. The basic facts of the cabal are real. Plus there is just enough info to prove Q is real, he has real high level access. However, there is no road map to a "plan". Because the plan is to make everyone including us run around trying to figure out the plan.

That also means the cabal is running around like a chicken with its head cut off. It means they are checking and double checking their backup plans and conferring with leaders... exposing everything. Normally the little cabal people wouldn't talk to the big dogs, but a threat like Q and Trump would bring all the roaches out from under their rocks. Its all one big giant gas-light.

Lets' face it. The military doesn't really need to know anything or have any sort of plan in place. The only thing that is ever required to bring the whole cabal down is exposure. Twenty people in a room, hell one, with the right info could push a single button sending out just a few terabytes of data onto the internet and the whole thing would blow up like a nuke. No one would need to invade DC. There would be no need to arrest anyone. The guilty ones if exposed to the public couldn't walk down the street.

The reason the gas-light hasn't ended... they haven't reached the bottom of the rabbit hole yet. There is still more info to be gathered. There are still more guilty people to expose.

It is a show, but the show isn't for us its for the cabal. The best part is even if the cabal reads this they will still go right on being paranoid and over reacting to every little thing they see. Look at "ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE". These idiots fell for that even though they were told the plan in advance on a public message board. Its like the NG in DC. If they remove them then they face a very real threat of a thousand guys from some militia deciding they've had enough, but if they leave them in place the cabal looks like the tyrants they really are. Its lose lose.

If they stop reacting to Q and Trump then they might miss a move and end up behind the narrative. They have to be proactive. They have to keep using the FBI to cover up election fraud... exposing their agents... or the fraud might be fully exposed. On and on.

Kek... Its kind of clever actually. The enemy is literally defeating itself. All Q has to do is sit back and watch. Just gather info. Unrest isn't even a problem. If some utterly insane shit-storm kicks off all they have to do is take their compiled info add the latest bits to it and boom a few hours later its all over the net. Whatever event, think Bundy Ranch type BS(but with shooting), was happening would almost instantly end. Everyone would be watching the video of HRC peelings kids faces or whatever. Who cares about the cows.

Worse just imagine if the agent in charge(and/or others) is implicated in the info dump. His own men would end up arresting him on the spot. And the other side, the militia or whatever, they would be laughing their asses off. They could honestly tell those agents "You were being lead by a pedo, traitor. Fuck off." That type of revelation ends a fight way quicker than guns more often than not.

If I'm right this is going to be a lot longer process than we thought. Sigh.

Just a theory. Or maybe I'm starting to lose my mind. :)


Kek. I was chill-in and my phone goes off. I panicked for a second then I saw the message. It went off again like an hour later with updated info so I was a little more prepared.

Back to hurry up and wait.




So NSA says next 40 days blah blah. https://qalerts.app/?n=1125


It set me to thinking though. In a different post they talked extensively about Trump's EO saying that 45 days after election fraud they would/could confiscate assets etc. The question I asked was when was the election stolen? So I asked myself... when did Trump stop fighting? Trump went silent and stopped resists not long after Jan 6th. So if we consider the counting of the electoral votes the completion of the election fraud then when is 45 days later?

From Wednesday, January 6, 2021 Added 45 days Result: Saturday, February 20, 2021

Technically it happened early the next morning. So 45 days would be Sunday morning Feb 21st. If the 45 days didn't start on the 6th then certainly it started on the 20th which is only 2 weeks later. A lot of people seemed focused on that timeline. Although it seems to me if they are going to do something it might not happen exactly on the 45th day. Why does this have to be so infuriating? I'm not trying to datefag this and say something will happen, but everyone should probibly keep their head on a swivel. I've caught myself being lax lately because everything seems so calm. Too calm...



Based on Q's posts this is a military operation. Trump was asked to help. What if Trump inserted his own plan and they said sure we can do that... For arguments sake throw out all the theories Trump is still POTUS and that part is all fake. Trump is OUT. He might still be helping but he has no "official" power.

Soon the military steps in and tosses the cabal out on their ass. So who is POTUS? What if they put someone else in an POTUS? Say Pompeo? Why? Because technically on Jan 20th Trump is out(per constitution), the rest are arrested and on that day Pompeo was SecState in the line of succession. My point is rather than try to reverse litigate the disaster that was Nov 3rd 2020. They just accept it, and with the bad actors removed by charges of treason etc someone sane can be placed in as POTUS let's call him POTUS-X. I'm not sure who this person is but I'm sure the Military has a plan. Most would assume its Trump. What if its not and...

POTUS-X nominates Trump as VP. It takes a few months to reform congress(because everyone's been arrested). Trump is put in as VP... but hold on POTUS-X stays in place and spends the next year plus cleaning house while Trump works in the background and takes it easy for a while. Then at the two year mark POTUS-X resigns. His job is done. The cabal is utterly destroyed world wide, or at least in retreat.

Per the constitution if they time it right Trump could run again in 2024 making him a 10 year POTUS and more than making up for the fact that his entire first term was one giant shit-show. He would have 6 years with a cooperative congress to actually FIX THE USA FOR REAL!!!

By the time he's out of office he's old enough to be ready to move on anyway. While its seems like trickery no one is going to complain. 90% of the people that would object are cabal or MSM and they are all toast. Instead of trying to put Trump back in place immediately and thus denying him even more time as POTUS out of his 8 years total this flips the script and gives him more time rather than denying it. That's how Trump thinks. Turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

Welcome to Schrödinger's Presidency!!! (media.greatawakening.win) ? SHITPOST ?
posted ago by Darwyn ago by Darwyn

I understand why everyone keeps grasping at the idea that none of it is real. The idea that Biden REALLY is POTUS-46 is a bit unnerving. It simply isn't possible that this is all a show. Let's go beyond the fact it would require several hundred vain lunatics including members of the MSM and Hollywood to keep it all a secret. Let's talk about what Q has posted.

Q-4381 "The ONLY thing that matters to them is regaining power."


TL;DR There are military protocols in place that guide them on what to do if the US is infiltrated by a foreign power. IE a Manchurian candidate gets elected. The idea is simple... they were cheating during elections. So Q/Russia etc used cyber techniques to prevent the cheating in 2016. That allowed Trump to win a free and fair election. That then gave the military 4 years of control to plan and prep for the next stage. Notice how Trump constantly talks about restoring the military, and every bill he signed was all done because it gave the military money. See 4381. The reaction of the cabal is predictable. They will desperately seek to regain power. In 2018 and 2020 they would be ready for the cyber counter measures used in 2016.

"ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED." Q says this 14 times. Search for it and read those posts. In particular read Q-4003, Q-4125, Q-4152 hell almost all of them. "[D] party death spiral." "a full-scale insurgency attack" Its not about Q deploying assets. He's talking about the fact that the cabal is in an all out effort to regain power. What is it Sun Tzu says??? Never stop an enemy when he's in the middle of defeating himself. The cabal's desperate efforts to oust Trump has red pilled more people that the entire Q effort times two. Maybe times five. These people now seem like lunatics. MSM lies are on display for all to see. Its at a point in the past few months with the election fraud and Biden's memory issues that its just blatantly obvious. Its become a joke. That's the whole point.

I'll lay this out in military terms because the military staged this op. Trump's platoon is out front. He was told defend the line. He put up a hell of fight. That's what he does. We all know he won, but the cabal CHEATED. They pulled out all the stops and overran Trump. At the last second Trump was told its over... no need to die... retreat. Trump went silent, and fell back as fast as he could. The cabal rushed forward... WE'VE WON! Orange man bad is defeated. Yeah, they just rushed headlong into a giant kill box, Battle of the Bulge style.

You know they have evidence to prove all the cheating, and corruption, and pedophilia, and on and on... why haven't we seen any of it. Why haven't we seen arrests. Two theories. A - the cabal has a fail safe insurance plan... nukes, chem weapons, dirty bombs, etc. I'm sure that has already been dealt with. B - They want this to be all or nothing because its an insurgency. If you only round up 1/3rd or 1/2 of the bad guys then you just start all over again. They have to get 90% or more of them in a short period to utterly break the back of the enemy. So they allowed them to expose themselves with their all hands on deck efforts to oust Trump. They held fire until they can see the whites of their eyes. Until the entire enemy force is fully inside the kill box.

So the cabal have power now. The steal is complete. Why wait 10 days??? Simple. They needed the show in DC with the 20k NG troops to prevent riots etc. But now they need those NG troops out of the way. They need everything to go back to normal. So they are waiting for the draw down. In a few days when their is only 3...4...6k of them left maybe even less the military will make its move. They will spring the trap using regular non NG troops. They need the NG gone because if there is enough of them there and somehow someone gives them an order to fight it could turn into a friendly fire nightmare. Its better if they are out of the way. Truth is them moving in and out of town will provide regular troops easy access. At least some of them can just sneak in unnoticed.

This is all a movie. Its all a show, but the show isn't for YOU... the show is for THEM. "think mirror" They think they've won. They believe they have power.(see below about the real power of POTUS) They aren't celebrating because it seems like a hollow victory. The hair on their arms is standing up. It doesn't feel like its over... because its not. The Pentagon is giving them the cold shoulder. Why? Because all they have to do is hold out for a week or so then spring the trap. These lunatics are too busy looking at artwork in the capital rotunda to realize they should send Kamala to the Pentagon and she should demand answers in person. They keep sending soy boy lackeys who just get shown the door. By the time they send someone with some balls(like Kamala) and/or "real authority" its already too late. Nothing can stop the trap from springing closed. They are already inside the kill box. NCSWIC.

Understand??? Trump is no longer POTUS. Biden really is POTUS. That's the real Whitehouse. They aren't all under arrest, YET. None of it is fake. It can't be fake. If it is fake the military couldn't and wouldn't do anything about it. You can't arrest people for a fake theft. You can't arrest people for a fake government takeover.

Everyone needs to understand a simple truth. POTUS only has power because he is the commander in chief of the US Military. If the US Military has been purged of traitors within its ranks and has the evidence to prove Biden and crew are pretenders to the throne... that they are would be tyrants and communists dictators. Traitors literally. Then the truth is Biden has about as much power as your average big city mayor or police chief. He's nothing. The Pentagon will step on him like the bug he is. "PATRIOTS IN CONTROL."

What should we do? I'm waiting until February 1st and then re-evaluating. Nothing we have seen changes the basic equation. The USA isn't lost or destroyed. Waiting a few more weeks won't be the end of everything. These people at some point HAVE the face 50+ million gun owning US patriots. So quit spiraling and dooming or making up tall tails about everyone being arrested. Let it play out and keep your eyes open. We are in the eye of the storm. The other side will hit soon.


Why has Trump and Q been silent for weeks on end?

Why did they not completely declassify the truth to us? POTUS-45 had the power to do so.

Why where the people who we can see have committed crimes in public information not arrested??? Hunter? FBI/DOJ conspirators? etc?

There is only one logical explanation. These lunatics have a backup plan, a fail-safe, a dead man switch, some mechanism preventing them from being exposed and removed. Whatever they have setup is so insane that telling the public would just create panic. Exposing the dead man switch would in fact guarantee that it gets used. So they can't tell us anything until they neutralize it completely.

In another post there is a picture of a US Airforce Minuteman maintenance trailer being used in Kentucky. There are no Minuteman missile silos in KY. Its not regular maintenance being done during an unusual/stressful time. The likely truth is it was a secret silo built by the cabal in the 60s and its been sitting there as their private leverage for decades.


One would assume that trailer was the Q team pulling the missile out of the silo and hauling it away. That activity shows some form of success. BUT what if there was four of them and they only found three? What if after they took away all four missiles they discovered the cabal had a backup to the backup. Nerve gas or a bio weapon or a whole freaking nuclear sub they built with all their dark money or whatever you can imagine...

The only logical conclusion is the threat is still there in some form. Thus they simply ran out of time. I'm convinced the problem isn't that Q was a LARP or Trump didn't fulfill his promises etc etc. I'm convinced the plan failed. The question is was it a complete failure or only a partial failure or maybe just a delay in the timeline given to us 2-3 years ago when the plan was created.

"No battle plan survives contact with the enemy."

Everyone has the false impression that Biden being made POTUS-46 instantly ends the fight. There could be men out their right now with orders from POTUS-45 given to them days/weeks ago to go find these dead man devices and remove them. Biden and the cabal don't know who those men are or what those orders are. It will take them weeks maybe months to track them down or possibly to even realize they exist. Until they find them and issue contrary orders those men will continue their mission.

This is EXACTLY what Obama/HRC did to Trump. Believing that Trump can't or wouldn't do the same to them in return is foolish. Beyond that one would assume those men have been told the truth. Those men understand Biden is a traitor. They won't stop until they complete their mission or they are tracked down and stopped physically.

I'm not moving any goal post either. I'm reacting to new information. Admittedly its limited and a few assumptions are required which is bad, BUT it explains everything. In a way it proves Q right... this is a "great awakening". The whole world has a gun to its head. Everything else is fluff. Its Kabuki theater. We can't do anything about any of the other problems(corruption, election fraud, pedos, etc) until that backup plan is fully dismantled.

I'll tell you what gives me hope right now. I'm watching these people go through the motions of the inauguration and the other stuff after it. They don't look like they won anything. They aren't celebrating. They don't seem excited to have seized power. Biden looks like he might pass out from all the stress. If they weren't wearing masks I bet we would see the truth even more clearly.

They know the fight is still happening. They know for the first time in fifty plus years(JFK) someone came after them HARD, and maybe came close to knocking them off their throne. Something clearly has them rattled. They won but they're rattled? Doesn't make sense. Yet again what I lay out above explains everything. The one thing that shielded them from consequences, their trump card, was almost taken away from them.


Why silent? Q posts are a phone call from a friend with a gun to his head trying to send you subtle messages to let you know he has a gun to his head. If they break the silence without disarming the fail-safe they trigger the fail-safe.

What do we do now? Short term, we let it play out. Nothing we can do. In fact doing something like say attacking the inauguration/DC would be counter productive. Long term, we need to get ready for what's to come. This boards rules won't allow me talk about that though. We The People have to fix this. Its not an impossible task.

There are plenty of things we can do in the digital/information war. Dooming and giving up accomplishes nothing. We are awake now. So we FIGHT... and we keep fighting until we can't fight any more.

I'm going to get off the internet and go do the one thing only I can do that will actually make a difference. Sorry to be cryptic, but now is not the time to go public. And no it doesn't involve violence, the exact opposite actually. I'm going to give the people a voice that these lunatics can't take away and can't ignore.

I suggest you all do the same. Find something you can do to fight the fight. Work smarter not harder... later.



That isn't a missile launcher. Its a transport trailer. Props to FUSnowflake for the link. They are removing or installing a missile into a tube in the ground.


I'm just spitballing but WHAT IF that is the whole problem. What if the deep state's backup plan is the blow the whole fucking world up. They literally have a gun to the worlds head. It would only take a handful of those missiles with MRV capabilities to really do some damage. Fire just one of them at any other nuclear country and instant WWIII. Or maybe everything would just get blown to shit, The Day After style.

Now go back to the beginning. When did JFK die??? "The Minuteman entered service in 1962 as a deterrence weapon"


Did these fucking lunatics setup their own little backdoor PERSONAL nuclear threat and JFK said owe fuck no... so they killed him???

I just find it strange as hell that with all the stuff going on right now they are pulling a missile out of its tube while the whole damn country is about to explode and/or Biden is going to be sworn in. You would think someone would say hey let's play with the nukes in a week or two after the dust settles. The 5 year maintenance check can wait another week.

We just assume our nuclear arsenal is totally secure. What if it isn't?

Is that what Q means by "You are safe."?

I'm totally out of a limb but... it would explain a shitload of things. All those planes... Looking for the nukes? Or jamming them? Or ready to shoot them down if they launch?

It would explain why the military has let this shit go on for so damn long and why its all or nothing.

Probably nothing, but weird as hell.

EDIT - Just read these. Or search for the word missile.

These people are freaking power mad lunatics.



EDIT 2 - There are no Minutemen missiles in KY!!!


The closest ones are on the west side of Missouri. That Airforce truck is either lost or this is a MUCH larger story.

I checked his reply tweets.

Other- Kentucky? Near Frankfort?

Him - No north

Other - Who, what, where, when, how? This could be anywhere. Gonna be needing some receipts for this.

Him - Kentucky. Just popped up today. Haven't seen it b4 n I been here my whole life




Zero doubt in my mind now. The Q team just pulled a rogue Minuteman missile out of a hidden silo and took one of the deeps states toys.



So yesterday I went down a rabbit hole about capitalized statements from Q with a 2 or 3 year delta.(see above link) The one thing I can't figure out is what this post is about.


Its just four booms but if you push ahead 2 years Jan 11, 2019 3:19:34 AM EST becomes Jan 11, 2021 3:19:34 AM EST. So what happened on January 11th??? Did we miss something? What night was it the weird shit went on at the Vatican???

Trumps TX speech was the very next day. Well really like 36 hours later from 3am.

The only other thing I've found is this. "Human Trafficking Awareness Day started in 2007, when the U.S. Senate designated January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the hopes of raising awareness to combat human trafficking."

Its just eating at me. Everything else lines up at least loosely, but this seems like something big should have happened yet I see nothing.



Posts 2104, 3603, 3608, 3610, 3614, 3644, 3668, 3705, 3958, 3996, 4040, 4096, 4105, 4112, 4333, 4345, 4373, 4476, 4499, 4509, 4510, 4526, 4536, 4602, 4611, 4612, 4615, 4620, 4627, 4645, 4723, 4764, 4798, 4811, 4832, 4855, 4859, 4875, 4886, 4943

Forty times Q posted those words. Information warfare isn't about bullets and soldiers on a battlefield. This is not and never was about soldiers with guns going and arresting anyone. This is an information war. These evil people believe they control the flow of information. They don't allow you or anyone that is willing to do anything about it to see the depths of their crimes.

Q isn't about arresting anyone. That is purely a side effect. Q is The Great Awakening. Q is about telling the world the truth. Q is about gathering information and then giving it to the people. Q is about giving THE PEOPLE the digital ammunition they need to obliterate the swamp, the deep state, and the NWO in one sweeping fatal blow.

The soldiers are in DC and at the state capitals to manage to rage of the people once they are told the TRUTH. Burning the whole of DC to the ground would be bad.



Infiltration and insurgency can't survive when exposed to the public for the frauds/enemies that they are.

INFORMATION WARFARE. Get ready for an information dump like no other. Its coming. Sooner rather than later. Hours at best. THE GREAT AWAKENING.



So I read this post... then I start trolling through the previous and following posts. I notice something. Q ends quite a few messages with 1-3 lines that are in all capital letters. What I find most interesting is when you read only the capitalized messages they are actually predicting the future. Some of it has already happened.

Start with post Q-474 Jan 06, 2018 1:04:06 PM EST THIS IS NOT A GAME. THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Q-480 Jan 06, 2018 4:07:34 PM EST DO NOT LOSE FOCUS ON LOOP CAPITAL.

Q-481 Jan 06, 2018 4:14:22 PM EST GOD BLESS.

Q-483 Jan 07, 2018 1:21:21 AM EST FEAR.


Q-498 Jan 07, 2018 10:09:13 PM EST LOCK: 15-10-5 DEFCON [1] [1] SIG

Q-500 Jan 07, 2018 10:18:45 PM EST DEFCON 1 4-10-20 FIRE & FURY (9) states of CLAS-ready go-live. (34) commands LIVE. CODES command ACTION. [non nuclear]. [1] OWL [1]

Q-501 Jan 07, 2018 10:27:43 PM EST P_pers: [1] Con rmed. _ACTION_DBF5Cz-BSY-1_y FOR GOD & COUNTRY. SKY FORTRESS ENGAGED>


Q-520 Jan 13, 2018 10:09:38 PM EST Q-521 Jan 13, 2018 10:18:18 PM EST


Q-540 Jan 18, 2018 9:09:31 PM EST Are you following the news today? WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY. These people are REALLY stupid. This will be the END of the D party. This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES.

Q-541 Jan 18, 2018 9:16:41 PM EST

Q-542 Jan 18, 2018 9:20:29 PM EST Fight, Fight, Fight. DEMAND public disclosure. BE LOUD. BE HEARD. This is just the beginning. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q-543 Jan 18, 2018 9:22:18 PM EST THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Q-551 Jan 18, 2018 11:51:03 PM EST THE BEGINNING OF THE END> DWS FAILED to FLEE.

Q-554 Jan 19, 2018 12:20:58 AM EST CLOWNS FAILED.

Q-559 Jan 19, 2018 2:45:44 AM EST These people are STUPID. DECLASS-POTUS_ THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.

Q-560 Jan 19, 2018 3:11:44 AM EST THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.

Q-561 Jan 19, 2018 3:23:37 AM EST JUDGEMENT DAY.

Q-562 Jan 19, 2018 4:02:49 PM EST Remember THIS DAY.

Q-563 Jan 19, 2018 4:53:00 PM EST


A few of them I didn't paste because its the whole post. Look at the time stamps. It lays out everything that has happened and will happen. Just push ahead 3 years.

Posts 540-543 are just insane to read. For weeks I've wondered what was going to happen and when. Its all laid out right here. They start tonight. 9:09 PM EST.


Its all about the capitalized lines/words. There is tons of fluff. The fluff is current things mostly. Its what happening on that day in 2018. Future proves past... The capitalized posts are telling you the future and it will prove the past posts accurate... but only the capitalized parts.

I'm sure someone else has noticed this. I didn't check. I wanted my thoughts to be my own not someone else's rabbit hole.

Even look at post 571... "the" is lower case. its not fear THE storm... its "FEAR STORM". The deep state losing its freaking mind with fear. 542 push ahead 3 years "2021 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Look at 483 "FEAR" that was Jan 7th the day after the Capital attack. Its not possible to come up with a better single word to describe that day. The deep state lost its mind in shear terror of a mob coming to drag them out into the streets and lynch them. Its almost like someone planned to stage an attack on the same day they counted the fake electoral college votes. Hehe.

Look at the time stamps on 480 and 481. Four freaking PM on Jan 6th. That's when all that shit started and one of the posts mentions "CAPITAL LOOP". SMH...

There is so much more to this but I gotta go eat before I pass out. Break out the popcorn people. Tonight is going to be a total blast. Tomorrow looks like it will be even more insane. Read 540 and 541...

So Q talks about them moving troops around in order to quell riots and unrest... but then using those troops to arrest the deep state. Yeah, yeah, that's not his exact wording I'm speaking in generalities... so if the deep state knows Q is real(one would assume) and they have read his public posts and know this is the plan... then why in the hell are they allowing 10k+ troops to be placed in DC knowing they will be used to screw them over??? I'm just saying. Doesn't seem very logical.

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