Your Chiro should know of some reputable Massage Therapists. You can go the the massage professional associations, ABMP or AMTA sites, they will have a search options to find a Therapist with the the modalities you're looking for. Hope that helps friend.
If the set up is a lawn lounge chaise and a towel, that is not a quality Therapist, that is human trafficking situation that I have personally seen, and those poor asia women are living in the back, cleaning themselves with buckets of water in the back, yes here.
You do not have to remove your clothes with a quality Therapist, if that is an issues, if you do most clients leave their unders on, but you are always covered with sheet and blanket, except the area they are working on. Wear running shorts for stretching.
Medical Massage Therapist of 28 years 2 cents. How often don you take you car in for oil change or tune up? When was the last time you took your meat suit in for a tune up/ oil change. Tight muscle to tendon to bone, pull you out of alignment, chiro put back, 2 daya ater your in the same place, a quality therapist will relax and stretch the muscle, removes waste build up in the tissues, speed up lymph sysm (cellular waste) circulation recovery.
Hell Yes a civil class action suit against this administration.
So worth the view this morning, thanks for sharing!
In that boat, working but living out of my car. No way I can work enough to cover a very basic rent now.