Diddytalks 8 points ago +8 / -0

My father is an anesthesiologist and a lot of the time, people he's meeting are not taking IVM doses properly and for the proper duration. Whether you feel fine after taking IVM a few days is irrelevant, it should be taken for 5 days. Like antibiotics, you don't stop after 2 days if you are good, you continue until its done.


Take 0.5 mg/kg IVM Take 100mg of Zinc Take 10,000 UI of Vitamin D3 (most peoples levels are low in the winter anyways) Take 250mg Quercetin BID - should be taken at different times of the day with food. Melatonin helps with inflammation and can be taken to assist with sleeping.

I just spoke to him and had to alter numbers, I still may be a few things off here but your family doctor won't help either so I'm the best you'll get haha

Now, I'm also a ex-varsity runner, 800m. I too perpetuate "I am an animal and COVID won't stop me". Please, if you are healthy and exercise, TAKE IT EASY FOR ATLEAST 10 DAYS.

I tried to run much too early when I had the china flu and found myself extremely gassed after a normal distance run.

This virus is a meme but you must just take the long term affects into perspective when recovering.

Best of luck brother!

Diddytalks 4 points ago +4 / -0

So, my father and myself recently started our own silver company. We don't have the fancy presses (yet!!) but we make hand poured art! We make our own molds and can customize anything you want! www.jagaurbullion.com

Also, my Dad is an anesthesiologist of 30 years and lost his privileges because he wouldn't get the jab. Mom's a nurse, same thing. And my brother's in the military, and that looks inevitable too.

Email us directly at [email protected] if you want proof of anything. Not a vax pass though!!!

This is our way of fighting back against this government tyranny and becoming self dependent.