I worked in these buildings, 2730 is next door. A boring rectangle building with the immigration group. (Per the map)
These are just crappy 80’s style offices, mostly a medical college.
This lady has been posting. While I’d love this to be true, seems like she wouldn’t be able to get this close to even the pretend president.
Ahh fair, no blame intended! I was just like,”congress did wut?”
Commas are important. I was so confused!
Is there a way to make the title go to the article and you have to click “comments” to get to here like the OG Donald.
So does the real Oval Office have striped or patterned wallpaper, I feel like I’ve seen Trump in both?
Over all I like the colors in dark mode, but the boarders around EVERYTHING is a lot in busy posts. A little hot pink goes a long way.
The No Agenda Show.
There was also an “order” lowering the number of PCR cycles, which will also lower the number of “Cases”.
Lame coaster to match his target gold frames?
I’m the most annoyed that someone who felt the need to come here just to be a general dick used a Homestar Runner reference.
Does it make people feel better to do this shit?
Anderson Pooper did too.
I have a work colleague who went and ran tech support on the day of. He’s not a Biden supporter.
‘Cause he doesn’t mumble enough... But at least he’s not double masking?
This works... if they aren’t trying to kill you...
My guess is this is set up to be a sound stage for these types of Video appearances - sitting at tiny desk, standing, wired for sound and video.
Didn’t it go to the Biden site before hand? Just a luck domain purchase to screw with people.
3 of them right? I also saw a few b52’s but I super suck at my plane Identification, I’m looking them up every time...
Hot Monday night for you buddy?
Wait, I thought he moved to El Dorado Hills?
All links to this story are shitty, but I remember riots at his house when they all went to Hawaii in December and it was def the cookie cutter Serrano area.
I was thinking he had better makeup than most of my girlfriends... Or a great filter. V highlighted.
Wut. Like Ellen hasn’t done this too with her smug BS face.
If you haven’t, and you find that awful... def don't google Podesta’s art.
Check the other .win communities, we have it all.
Looks offline now. :(
My guess is this is the bullshit wording they stick in blog template to show you what it will look like when you fill it up - they used to use bull shit latin, looks like they change to start up buzzwords.