It's so funny when you think about it. Very rarely do we use words beginning with (or having any special emphasis upon) the letter 'Q' in everyday life in absolutely any context. Like think about it, when was the last time you used the word quilt, quagmire, or quokka? Like literally every other letter gets ALL of the visibility and the recognition there is. The As and Cs the Ds. The Ms and the Ns. The Rs and the Ss. Even the letters X and Y and Z are considered all hip and cool. But who the fuck talks about Q? The letter sits in there, all lonely and misunderstood, almost unnoticed, like that ignored loner autist from your class or something. Even a letter such as 'K' gets used as a short-form for 'Okay', and we all know an SJW or two who's great at taking Ls.
Until one day this Q came along and utterly became an overnight sensation for some reason. The letter's got all the HYPE now, bringing triggers and PANIC everywhere it even goes lmfaoooo.
Quite the qute faqt to qonsider, eh?
What if, Q was us all along, from the future?
Either future timeline reincarnations of ourselves, or straight up future versions of our current selves -- who either figured out or were given time travel and anti-aging technologies -- so that WE could be the ones to save OUR OWN SELVES down the road. And if you think that's too far fetched, think CERN, think Project Camelot, think Montauk Project, think Tunguska, think Philadelphia Experiment, and so much, oh so much more.
Maybe there's more to the looking glass than meets the eye, eh?
A creation to combat 'Q' aka 'you'. [Q Drop #4449]
You [we] are not helpless. [Q Drop #4550]
Are you ready to finish what we started? [Q Drop #4944]
Are you ready to serve once again? [Q Drop #4607]
But, you must go back before you can go forward. [Q Drop #4226]
Sometimes the future can find the past. [Q Drop #3827]
Sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past. [Q Drop #2476]
Mistakes to you are roadmaps to others. [Q Drop #4533]
The future will not repeat the past. [Q Drop #2655]
On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. [Q Drop #2305]
Future un-locks past. [Q Drop #609]
(Note: Spelling from original Q post has been slightly altered here to relate the idea of Q rescuing mankind from lock-downs -- whilst also helping un-lock their never-endingly fastened slave-chains)
Future answers past. [Q Drop #220]
Future shows past. [Q Drop #176]
Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.
If time travellers can be sent to kill you, time travellers can be sent to protect you as well.
In the meantime, ponder over this image from the Through The Looking Glass documentary.
You are the news now.
Where WE go ONE, we go ALL.
;) ;)
It's right in front of you. It always has been. - Q
[hidden in plain sight]
Enjoy the show. ;) ;)
The following is a channelled message to all awakened members of the global human populace.
Quite so timely, given that we are all discussing messages from the otherworld here today; and also given the fact that the storm is now very much so here, something that I've mentioned multiple times on here over the course of the past few days.
Given the above developments, it must then logically follow that we must now be PREPARED TO HOLD THE LINE as BEST as we quite so possibly CAN, as the shit hits the fan and the fan hits the ceiling that then gets taken off by the storm instead.
Thus, and in addition to my own guidance upon the matter linked herein, this channelled message, in my own humble opinion, very much so does justice to the topic fairly well -- as also does it truly resonate with the energies/feelings of TRUTH, at least for me personally anyways. Finally, for those concerned with the fact that the following message is channelled, write off these messages at your own risk --- I've personally read about the plandemic agenda, vaccinations and oh so much more from channelled messages dating all the way back to 2014, if not even earlier. Others who have followed such messages will guaranteed report similar experiences themselves (although, it must be said here that not ALL channellings are 100% of the TRUTH here either), so do indeed use your own discernment here as always, and also, go get yourself some freshly made popcorn here as well --- for the grand show is indeed, about to get rollin'.
Enjoy the show.
The time of the slow turn of the wheel is finished. Humanity was given the opportunity to move gracefully into self mastery and into understanding the complexity of your global situation (the light and the darkness) in a gentle manner, providing plenty of opportunities to move into mastery, to practice holding your centre, your intuition. That time is now past.
Those who did not avail of the opportunity will now learn a much harder way.
The emotional overload will be significant and ALL awakened beings will by default become first responders. All those who did not take up their opportunities to learn slowly will have to learn and assimilate enormous amounts of shocking information in very short timeframes. Their inner worlds shall resemble the images of hell that you have only seen in paintings heretofore.
They will now therefore rely on you awakened ones for comfort, compassion, kindness and forgiveness of themselves, and for ease from the shock that threatens to completely and utterly overpower them.
Being kind to yourselves must be your very first priority! Put on your own oxygen masks first!
That means ensure your energy is high, that you have enough good will to share, kindness to share.
If you are tired and grumpy, burnt out, angry or frustrated, then the person who needs your loving kindness THE MOST and ON TOP PRIORITY is YOU. First and foremost. Put yourself first, or you WILL BURN OUT too quickly to help absolutely anyone.
Self care has been falsely advertised as "selfish" and "bad". Instead, it is self-ful and good. It is vital and that’s why they don’t want you to prioritise yourself, your care, so that you remain far too tired and weak to assist.
Yet again, we remind you of the importance of balance in a time when it will appear that balance is entirely null and VOID.
Keeping your well being in balanced harmony will model to others that self care is important, even when the world appears to have gone mad. Holding grief, anger and pain in a way that is balanced, where you are compassionate but not boiling over with your own grief, anger and pain will model emotional balance -- it will provide a reassuring comfort for many who feel utterly UNABLE to even as much as CONTAIN THEMSELVES.
The sharp, sudden shock is COMING. Humanity WILL AWAKEN. If you wake up with the alarm clock at 4 am, you get ample time to do everything calmly and peacefully. If you wake up five minutes before you must leave, there is only stress, confusion and anger. The choice has always been there and each being was free to choose their own respective timeline.
J: I don’t mean to be rude, but it does strike me as a tad unfair that those of us who have done the work have to deal with the raw, unprocessed emotions of those who refused to awaken.
A: Did you not train for this moment? Did you not come here for this moment? Do you really think they wouldn't have woken up already if they truly could have? The truth is you were specifically awakened by God for this time, knowing you would care for those injured by the fallout. You awoke because your understanding had reached a sufficient level to en-force a mass awakening; those who rested longer did so because they were unwilling – and therefore unable – to achieve the same. The last thing required from anyone here at this time is blame and shame, or arrogance and PRIDE.
This is a moment for sharing your common humanity.
A moment, for speaking through your hearts to their hearts.
Finally, there was ALWAYS going to be a FALLOUT --- if not fallout type A, then type B or type C without as much as a SHRED OF A doubt. The day of reckoning was ALWAYS going to come; and you awakened ones were ALWAYS going to be on the front lines – for indeed, THAT IS WHY YOU CAME. To be of utter, unconditional, and truly dedicated service in a most brutal war. To create healing and transformation where most others simply could NOT.
This is your moment. This is your moment to let your light shine so brightly, so dazzlingly.
You are ready.
A channelled message by Jennifer Crokaert
Way I see it, the storm is already here.
Everyone from Killary to Hussein suddenly contracting the rona all at once along with some surprisingly similar comms, Schwab is down, Soros is now a wanted terrorist, that damned laptop just won't shut the fuck down, and their beloved WW3 simply isn't happening...and yet, their PANIC levels are straight up skyrocketing wherever you so look!
There's a reason all comms have (covertly) begun telling you it's all about to get real stormy in here, hell, even mother nature agrees.
But hey, what do I know of storms with an aptitude towards exposing pedo-files, it's not like I'm a weatherman or anything.
What you're now seeing are the very first little winds of the momentum-gathering STORM. A few leaves blown over here, a few branches thrown over there.
Very, very, shortly; you'll see their entire forest of darkness being uprooted in front of your very eyes. Who knows, maybe, just maybe they'll even announce it on their fancy ass EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) thingy too!
Enjoy the storm.
Coz it's about to get real windy.
One, you're not a lab rat for experimental gene therapy.
Two, you don't have a chip on your shoulder, well, quite literally.
Three, you have the intelligence to discern between what is right, and what just isn't.
Four, you can think for yourself, judge for yourself, and, above all, decide for yourself.
Five, you have the courage to stand up for yourself against all odds.
Six, having enough courage to do the right thing is one thing, having enough courage to stand up even against all types and forms of peer pressure is yet another.
Seven, having courage to not give in to peer pressure is one thing, having the courage to even risk losing and disconnecting from all of your nearest and dearest loved ones is yet another.
Eight, neither of the above mentioned forms of courage even really come close to having enough courage to literally put your very livelihood, your very life at stake for what is right.
Nine, having compassion towards those who shunned you, snitched against you, mocked you, and even backstabbed you, to the point that you're still willing to assist them out of this all when the time comes...
...that, my friends, makes you a fucking saint.
Which then brings us to...
Ten, You discerned and overcame the very GREATEST brainwashing, gaslighting, hypnotising, manufactured mass consensus generating, propaganda campaign (an information war that literally was WW3) in all of recorded human history.
You displayed everything from courage and compassion to intelligence and seamless adaptability, along with healthy doses of patience, digital warfare skills, research and analysis skills...without losing the LOVE held within your very hearts.
You're more than just a pureblood sperm donor, fren. Your PRICE TAGS read PRICELESS, and it is apt that you're the ONLY ONE that is allowed (and even able) to breed hereafter, because NATURE ALWAYS CARRIES THE VERY BEST AND THE VERY FINEST GENES FORWARD.
Enjoy the show.
Greetings, frens. We all now have damn good reasons to believe that the (highly awaited) storm has finally BEGUN. The ever growing numbers of "coincidences" after "coincidences" nod their heads in agreement; the things now being openly said by people agree in unison, and even the five letter word known as PANIC appears to be in MASSIVE agreement too.
But that's not even all.
Even mother nature is giving us comms that the STORM is HERE... and I'm SO NOT KIDDING about any of this. And as many of you on here know already, mother nature is by far the very queen of using symbolic communications and synchronicities to tell us all as to "what's up," by reflecting the goings-on within the collective consciousness at any given moment. For any of you who are into dream interpretation and reality interpretation, this is nothing new. And for those of you who are deep into history, ya'll already know as to just how certain events have for long heralded the arrival of imminent change. Comets, eclipses, earthquakes. You know the drill. And guess what, your animals know of such things too, and all too well at that.
And for the many of you who missed out on my last post marred by the site's filters, even the psychics and intuitives of this world appear to be in agreement with the inevitable conclusion now being drawn by those in the know all across the world...
...the STORM is (FINALLY!) HERE.
Which brings me to the MAIN POINT of my post...
How well prepared are YOU for this STORM?
My dear frens, please, please, for the sake of all that is good, DO NOT take the advice that follows lightly. AND it is a very, VERY simple advice...
That's it. It's that simple.
And it's all that you even really need to do in here... save the world, and, above all, to save YOU.
In case you still haven't started, right fucking NOW would be a FANTASTIC time to devote to learning or practising the art of meditation. And thankfully, there's literally PLENTY OF RESOURCES available (BOTH online AND offline) for the same, from Blogs and YouTube videos to what-else-have-you!
Or the art of powerful, positive, PRAYER, if that's what makes you tick.
If you're not too good at either praying or meditating, worry NOT. How about you connect with nature directly, the easy way? Kudos to u/revised2 for THIS incredibly BRILLIANT post about it!
If not that, you can also straight up tune directly into pure fucking HAPPINESS instead! Because, after all, there's a damn good REASON WHY all of it even really WORKS you know.
Folks, we are going to need a goddamned ARMY of people stabilized within the energies of PEACE and CALMNESS if we wish to COLLECTIVELY ride the storm with the very HIGHEST amounts of EASE and GRACE.
This means having and holding BOTH mental stability AS WELL AS emotional stability.
This means having (and being able to maintain a state of) COMPLETE and TOTAL INNER PEACE and CALMNESS while the SHIT HITS THE FAN.
This means being able to prevent people from freaking the FUCK OUT by offering them the ENERGY and the STABILITY of a truly PEACEFUL STATE of being --- simply by being a true blue EXAMPLE OF THE SAME.
This means being able to truly assist people by telling them as to exactly what's going on "out there", and being able to calm them down to the very LEVEL BEST of your abilities when it's finally TIME.
The time to learn how to STAY CALM when caught within the very CENTER of the storm is NOW.
The time to learn how to RIDE OUT THE STORM by staying right within the EYE OF THE STORM (as it rages on ALL AROUND YOU) is NOW.
Remember, even if you literally hate all of the MKULTRA programmed sleeping zombie NPC populace who are about to get jolted to the moon and beyond courtesy of our storm very very shortly, you will NEVERTHELESS HAVE TO ASSIST THEM IN GETTING THROUGH THIS (shit)storm because we are STILL going to need a real world to live in (and rebuild anew from scratch) once the storm has passed.
Such a world won't even be able to exist if EVERYONE just fucking loses their minds and goes out on a psychotic rampage or something.
Besides, even from a purely selfish perspective, we are indeed going to need these ones (and their very specific talents and skillsets) when it finally is TIME to rebuild our world ya know.
So STAY CALM and JOYFUL, RADIATE CALM and BLISS-FULNESS and TEACH OTHERS YOUR WAYS as and when they ask you to. And yes, having a sense of humour during this ULTRA CHALLENGING TIME will help you a long, LONG way in putting people at ease and diffusing some of their tensions, as long as you're not doing it in completely inappropriate ways / places / timings of course. Obviously I'm not asking you to go crack jokes here about satanic child abuses here or anything, hell no. But yeah, with (relatively) lighter issues like stolen elections and such, feel free to lighten up on things. Remember, the TRUTH is anyways going to hit them HARD. The very LEAST that we can even DO in here is to soften some of the BLOWS here a tad little bit --- coz ain't NO POINT in having an unhinged bunch of rage-roided normie sheeple NPC zombies go ALL OUT on a nation-destructing rampage here --- shit's gonna help literally NO ONE. Plus, given their less-than-satisfactory intelligence levels, allowing for such to happen is also generally a truly bad idea in like... any case. And that much is just quite so obvious at this point in time.
So, to sum it all up, STAYING CALM and BLISSFUL (and TEACHING OTHERS as to just HOW TO really even DO THE SAME) is BY FAR THE master key to making it to a brand new world with ease and grace, and peace and love.
You can leave the "I told you so's" for laters, because, trust me, you'll get (more than!) PLENTY of time (and ENDLESS opportunities) for that shit LATERS.
And, as a matter of fact, avoiding saying those words at ALL. Because once these ones find out that you, their "tinfoil-hat-wearing" alt-right, nazi, "conspiracy theorist" friend/loved-one were right ALL ALONG, your TACTICAL SILENCE is going to hurt them a helluva lot MORE than your respective "I told you so's". In memer-speak, the former (aka, the silent killer) makes you look a whole lot more like THIS DUDE on the right, whereas the latter makes you look a helluva lot MORE like the triggered normalfag on the LEFT, (ALL puns VERY MUCH SO intended). And so when you take the tactical silence route, expect to hear endless apologies from them left, right and center --- as the TRUTH starts becoming all the more UNDENIABLE with Each. Passing. DAY. And YOU get VINDICATED FOR GOOD and FOR TRUTH accordingly.
Enjoy the STORM.
WWG1WGA the story just got a lot more interesting. For those out of the loop, u/MidnightDriver posted this little thread on here a few days ago (which also got stickied). Basically, the video shows a patriot claiming that he got a visit from none other than the FBI, that too, while his 11-year-old son was at home. And that these ones claimed that DJT was STILL very much so the President of the US of A, among a few other interesting things. Some others have made their very own threads upon the exact same subject here as well. (And I may even have missed some.)
And this is where things begin to get, let's just say, really, REALLY interesting...
So first up, the patriot got interviewed by BeforeItsNews (WARNING: This site is Utter. Fucking. Cancer). There, he mentioned his truth-fulness being verified by none other than the world famous Tarot reader Tarot by Janine. That being said, for what it's worth, I myself do NOT see OR sense this guy as telling lies, at least as far as my OWN gut feeling / intuition goes. Nevertheless, do run your very own logical+researched+intuitive discernment checks on him anyways. And come to your own (respective) conclusions accordingly thereof.
Which leads us into the current, and some (incredibly!) interesting developments, namely, the potential for an upcoming EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) announcement to occur very, very shortly, well, as far as her card readings go in any case. Yet another renowned channeller will be talking about the exact same issue on the 24th of this month or so, so let's wait and see as to what he has to say on the subject here as well. Finally, last but by no means the least, Janine also mentioned someone known as Linda Paris on someplace known as McAllister TV saying that everything will go down at the end of the month. Now I don't know who this one even is or where to actually even find them, but then I found this one interview (that I myself haven't really even watched as of yet) that seems to be somewhat fitting of the description. If anyone knows more about this one, please do let me know in the comments! Finally, for those curious about the true nature of Starlink, here's a really interesting perspective upon the same as shared by the super talented intuitive Megan Rose!
Finally do let us all know just in case any of ya'll have any more info pertaining to all of THIS!
Enjoy the SHOW.
...the answer is now all around you. Because whether you're a believer or a doubter, a hopium-addict or a doomer, one thing is pretty fucking much 100% UNDENIABLE at this point: Something's just no longer RIGHT with the Deep State Cabal.
In other words, they are all now in sheer, utter, PANIC.
Imagine being a Deep State Cabal member for a second.
Used to having every last thing done your way.
Used to silencing people at the drop of a (dark) hat.
Used to offing dissenters at but the snap of a finger.
Ah, the good old days.
Alas, the tides have turned now.
Some random nobody dude on Twatter goes and Twats out a couple images about the Ukranian Biolabs.
💥Boom. Shit's all over the news within, what was that, less than 24 hours or something?
That laptop everyone knew was a "conspiracy theory?"
💥Boom. One of their own out-lets goes and lets-out the c̶a̶t̶ laptop out of the bag.
💥Their Biden won't stop bumbling.
💥Their Kamala won't stop kackling.
💥Their Psaki won't stop being utterly fucking Pstupid...
💥...and their Pelosi just went complete fucking (American?) Psycho.
💥Literally everywhere you look, they are running for cover.
💥Cover up this. Fail. Cover up that. Fail again.
💥Frightened of podcasters. Scared of comedians.
💥It's been nearly an entire MONTH since Putin took on the Khazarian Mafia and they've STILL not been able to bring their World War Wet Dream to fucking fruition.
💥And did I mention that their wicked plan to wipe out a whopping 95 PERCENT of the human population out (through that virus and that vax) was a complete and total fucking...FLOP SHOW?
💥If you wanna know what PANIC really looks like, go look at the face of their little Nazi Californian "Gubernator" making his weak pleas and propagandistic presentations.
💥Go look at how desperate their (wannabe) "Anonymous" has gotten, literally begging other hackers to go hack the Russians for their "good cause."
💥Go see how their own are now getting busy eating their own.
From Schwab to Schwarzenegger, their end is nigh.
Their very greatest FOOLISHNESS was to think that they could take on GOD.
Never happened. Never will.
Trust The Plan.
Do you see it?
Enjoy the SHOW.
And how would you rate them on a scale of 1-10 --- 1 being the very lowest (in terms of accuracy, depth of research, presentation skills etc.) and 10 being the very highest?
So I've been around here within this community for a LOT longer than what my user registration date would so imply, and, as some of you can (rather easily) tell from my posts on here, I'm more of the "spiritual", "love and light" kind of person. Needless to say here, that outside of this website too, I hang out at such places where spiritual discussions are being had, and otherwordly things such as channelled messages, aliens, UFOs etc. are all routinely being discussed...on the regular.
So what I've personally observed in all of those (spiritual) communities, from YouTube and Facebook to Forums and Blogs and what-else-have-you, is basically a MASSIVE crowd of doomers, pessimists, and negative naysayers. People who constantly appear to be reminding one another as to just how the world's now going to all hell, and how dark it's all even getting. Rather funny, given that spirituality is all about creating your OWN desired reality by always having positive thoughts, feelings and emotions; having empowering beliefs; forever holding joyful expectations; and, above all, recognizing your own true POWER.
In stark contrast, this community is very deeply into memes, research, exposures, and the occasional prayer post. And yet, the sheer amount of POSITIVITY and INSPIRATION and UPLIFTMENT (and a general sense of HOPE) that I find on here is fucking INSPIRING. More so because you guys are not traditionally what one would consider (so-called) "spiritually-aligned" in your ways and thinkings, and yet, TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, you're all literally doing a 1000000000000000X BETTER JOB OF IT IN HERE, than people who are supposed to be doing that FOR REALS. And it's also the reason why you see me hang out on here So. Fucking. Much, because spending time (and energy) on here is, Fucking... WORTH IT. Can't say the same about most of them other places (yet!), most unfortunately.
A great credit of this (MASSIVE!) WIN also goes straight up to the mods and admins of this place, because I've routinely seen them get rid of doomers, bots, ignoramuses, and shills faster than that Psaki lady comes up with excuses to defend Brandon. And that is also why I've even HAD enough hope and COURAGE left within me to put up posts such as this one about collectively predicting the future; this one about supporting your local Freedom Convoys, this one about the Art Of Fighting a Spiritual War, and this one about just...well... happiness.
Now, is there any place for improvement for this particular community / collective (as seen from the spiritual angle of things) as a whole? I'd say yes, specifically in the learning how to forgive your enemies department and the having a little more compassion for the unawakened department. But hey, guess what, even in those specific areas, this community is STILL doing INSANELY / UNBELIEVABLY better than almost 90%-95% of the "spiritual" forums and communities and groups that I myself frequent regularly... and that's like...a HELLUVA LOT. In other words, my dear guys make me fucking PROUD.
Proud to be a part of this whole community, Proud to be a part of all of the laughter that we all share together on here, and, well, Proud-er to be a part of all of the relentless datefagging that we all collectively (and sometimes, sneakily), attempt to pull off on here, and that too on a day-to-day basis at that.
So don't worry guys. Stay POSITIVE no matter who says or does WHAT. Stay Optimistic. Stay Thoughtful. Stay Awake. Stay Aware. and, above all, Stay JOYFUL and In-Control.
Because the patriots are indeed IN CONTROL. How else could they POSSIBLY NOT, with GOD in charge?
Stay Blessed. For we are INDEED, WINNING THIS.
...for getting rid of COVID-FUCKING-19 OVERNIGHT! Like seriously, ZERO news outlets covering it anymore, ZERO people fighting over masks, ZERO people remembering that they been locked down in their houses for the last 2 FULL FUCKING YEARS, ZERO people realizing that they just got jabbed (and had their KIDS jabbed) for something that's now... gone?
I gotta tell you this. As much as I'd thought I'd known normies and NPCs for this LONG, even I was shocked to see just how very INSTANTANEOUSLY they all just...moved on. Like, the FUCK? Is THIS what a well executed MKULTRA societal programming / brainwashing / hypnosis / deep sleep-ening / zombie-fication operation even looks like?
Scary. And I'm so NOT exaggerating things here.
In the next few weeks and months, you will all see and witness redpill drama the likes of which has never before been seen. The storm before THE storm, if you will.
It has begun with the masses receiving their very first HIGH DOSE redpill 💊 in the form of Trump's podcast deletion. Why else would Donald J Trump, of ALL people, choose to sit together with a bunch of inexperienced young interviewers, who, it wouldn't surprise anyone if they had a young and liberal viewer base? But that's not all. The man correctly "predicted" that the video would be removed really, really quickly. And within 2 full days it just... did. Hmm...2 full DAYS. They, the Deep State Cabal, who don't even allow troubling people to last another day, let their very greatest enemy have a full 48 hours and 6 million+ views... all to himself?
NOT happening.
Not even by the standards of the very first big step on their own damned PLAYBOOK right here.
Now, some of you on here might just remember how I'd surmised an extremely high likelihood of the following...
Policy change? White Hat Takeover (e.g. YouTube).
So, putting all of those twos and twos twogether, it is my current working theory or understanding that not only has YouTube been compromised by the White Hats long, looooong back; but that it is now SPECIFICALLY being used to redpill normies and exactly show them as to how nasty censorship can even censoring THEIR FAVOURITE CONTENT CREATORS (young and liberal types!) for a change!
President Trump knew exactly what he was doing here, as absolutely ALL evidence suggests. Besides, he has a whole team and the entire White Hat collective at his service now. NO WAY one of the smartest strategists on the planet (who is also EXTREMELY self-conscious about his image) with an EQUALLY SMART AND CAPABLE TEAM is doing absolutely any of this shit on a whim. Also, quite wise of them to leave Joe Rogan out of this madness (even though many would otherwise see him as the first / best choice of podcast). After all, his platform is best suited for dropping all of the final Redpill N-Bombs once the apt time to do so is at hand.
💊💊 REDPILL #1 working as intended. 💊💊
The whole Ukraine Biolabs shitshow is another SUPERMASSIVE redpill for the normies. Because they all just saw things going from "conspiracy THEORY" to "conspiracy FACT" in a matter of mere DAYS. Even normies and NPCs with literal dementia probably haven't got a memory that is "short term" enough to forget THIS MUCH RIDICULOUSNESS.
And the government's initial outright denials of things (if not deletions and censorings); followed by immediate "Russian Disinformation" brandings of the claims; all followed by a brand new acceptance of facts each day (as more and more EVIDENCE comes creeping through by the hour) --- this is WITHOUT A DOUBT a MASSIVE White Hat operation in the works.
💊💊 REDPILL #2 working as intended. 💊💊
So we now have folks such as DefiantLs and DisclosureTV redpilling Twatter 24x7 (by being as uncontroversial and as easygoing as possible). We have (just in time!) the saviour social platform of the masses known as Truth Social ready for launch. We have Elon Musk redpilling his global fanbases on Twitter (more and more and all the more) with each passing day, regardless of what side he is working for. Also, the gas prices are skyrocketing (as any last remaining ratings for Joe Biden reverse-skyrocket) by the hour --- not to even mention Jen Psaki coming up with newer and newer retarded excuses and rants each day for their IMMENSE governmental failures. And all of THIS is but the very BEGINNING of the SHOW.
Now if, for some reason, Juicy Smollett does indeed "commit suicide" in that prison cell of his -- then -- my frens -- I fucking GUARANTEE you ---> it's going to be a REDPILL BLOODBATH --- and NOT JUST in just the US of A....BUT ALSO within the entire WORLD ITSELF. Coz that's what the cabal gets for making it a GLOBAL level ISSUE as a part of their "us vs them" battle proliferatings --- thus making absolutely CERTAIN that EVERY LAST REMAINING LIBERAL AND LEFTIE ACROSS THE VERY GLOBE gets to know ALL TOO WELL now about this whole insanity, and absolutely everyone's got their eyes (and even ears) on him now as a direct RESULT of just that.
And if it happens so, I personally would STRONGLY suspect it to be a White Hat operation; whether it was done by scaring him that the cabal is about to suicide him (to get that courtroom rant out of him), or, by making some kind of a mercy deal with him (faked death/suicide etc.); in return of him giving us the said rant. (By the way, is this the "suicide weekend" that they all keep talking about now? I so wonder...)
The end will NOT be for EVERYONE.
Enjoy the show.
Is it just me, or does anyone else remember that not too long back, there was this whole big ass media circus thingy about this woman who was some kind of a "whistleblower" from Fakebook? And, as the lame stream media and Leddit would have had one believe, the next big hero of the masses? I mean, not like these ones extended the same love to the Assange types out there or anything, but well, she was such a "brave" and "bold" whistleblower who put her very "life at risk" and all that, right?
Where did she even go? Whatever even happened to Mark McLizardFace after that? Did everything about that whole news affair just... vanish into thin air?
Beats me!
Remember your childhood? When you were taught things such as: "This person is so intelligent. They're a scientist." "That person is so very smart. They've got a 200 IQ." "This person is so truly brilliant. They work at NASA." "Know what a sheer genius this person is? They've got 3 degrees and a PhD." "Yo, check out this wise old man with a 10,000 EQ."
MANY such so-called "wise", "intelligent", and "brilliant" minds (some, that folks such as you and I know personally) were COMPLETE and TOTAL FAILURES when push came to shove, and (nefarious AF!) agendas did get shoved into their very faces.
People seen as being complete and total winners at, ironically, logic, yeah those high IQ people and scientists and doctors and educationists and all, easily falling for lies left, right, and center. Buying every last bait placed before them hook, line, and sinker.
In my perspective and understanding, the only real sensible and logical indicator of true intelligence and true wisdom is NOT winning at some math test or knowing the whole world's history or cracking your local / international quiz competition --- it is instead winning at LIFE ITSELF.
It's knowing when you're being lied to.
It's knowing when you're being gas-lit.
It's knowing when you're being manipulated.
It's being able to USE logic to your very greatest advantage.
It's being able to figure your way out of tricky situations and life challenges.
It's being able to discern as to what's truly best for you and what isn't.
And above ALL things...
It's being able to live a truly JOYFUL, PASSIONATE, EXCITED, FUN, WONDERFUL, and DELIGHTFUL life DESPITE your CHALLENGES, and WITHOUT being a DICK to others and / or causing HARM or taking undue ADVANTAGE of others or MANIPULATING them or shit.
It's about one's ability to FIND THE RIGHT BALANCE between LIVING JOYFULLY THEMSELVES, and, at the very least, staying NEUTRAL, if not BRINGING OTHERS JOY, LOVE, and POSITIVITY TOO.
In my eye, the (so-called) "average" / "everyday" / "un-educated" Truckers and Blue Collar Workers and Autistic Anons who SAW THROUGH this BS and dared to TAKE A STAND against it ALL...and who may or may not have had "high IQs", "Ivy League degrees", "PhDs", "High Social Standings", "Commercial Successes", "Political Accolades", "Nobel Prizes", "Grammar Nazi Of The Year awards from Tumblr" or Blue Ticks (for sucking out people's blood?) ...are far, FAR MORE up there on the (real!) IQ, Intelligence, and Wisdom spectrums (and may I add even the Courage, Bravery, and having a fucking SPINE spectrums) than absolutely ANYONE ELSE!!
For to me, that's some REAL INTELLIGENCE. Real WISDOM. Real COURAGE. Real MERIT. Real BRAVADO.
Everything else is just horseshit.
Or should I say, horse paste?
Enjoy the SHOW.