When I joined this place a few years back, I had but one objective in mind: ease everyone's transition into the storm, and into the new world that awaits us all at the end of time. Said purpose has now been achieved successfully. And, as a result, my purpose here comes to a conclusion/fruition.

As mentioned earlier, said storm begins right this coming year in 2025. Expect the fireworks to start going off as soon as DJT takes oat; coz he sure won't keep ya'll waiting, that much I can promise you.

So before I take your (collective) leave, I'll ask you all for one final favor, (despite how very difficult it may even be for some of ya'll to hear): LET BYGONES BE BYGONES. No use holding grudges against your "enemies" forever, for serve you it does NOT.

For I know for a fact here that a good number of you on here are driven by certain vengeful interests and a certain bloodthirst for revenge (against the "wokes" or whoever); but - and mark my words on this - such approaches are utterly devoid of long term (spiritual) benefits or gains. For what you hold within (YOUR energetic/auric field), only helps or harms or hinders YOU. Whether such are the energies of love and joy; or anger and vengeance. Instead, forgive, forgive, and forgive just a tad bit more.

As choosing diplomacy over destruction will lead you into the new world and the paradise that awaits therein. Ignore this advice at your own peril, and I do NOT say this for "dramatic effect". Rather, the next time such feelings pop up from deep within you (towards certain ones in our populace), make it a point to ask yourself: "Would the Christed One enjoy watching me do this?"

Listen to your heart on that, and you'll hear that answer LOUD and CLEAR.

For those who are new to my work on here, I've already shared a considerable amount of guidance/resources on here regarding how to:

A. Ride out the storm,


B. How to help your loved ones (or absolutely anyone else) achieve the same.

These (posts of mine) you can find out by clicking on my username (to view my profile) and checking out my 'Posts' section. Or you can just click to read my MAIN POST upon said subject, or the short version of it, or the UPDATE TO IT posted elsewhere. Also, here's my handy guide for sharpening one's discernment skills, just in case you even needed one, that is. (You will need one pretty soon though, mark my words on this one too).

Farewell GAW. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

posted ago by DonSpectacularis ago by DonSpectacularis

This one's for all of you who read my previous pฬถoฬถsฬถtฬถ GUARANTEE that Donald Trump IS the 47th President of the United States of America (no questions ASKED); and wanted to see if I can get even more detailed than just that.

So around 19 hours back (from the time of writing this), I decided to check if I can get those numbers right here as well.

And so, here it is: for YOUR eyes ONLY!

Only time will tell how accurate I am, I s'pose.

Enjoy the SHOW ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰


You all saw my last post upon the above topic, and you'll be happy to know that what you've seen is but the TIP of the ICEBERG of the absolute WINAMI that is headed for all of us patriots. And, oh yes, before I forget: "WINAMI" is a portmanteau of the words WIN and TSUNAMI. And I'm guessing further clarifications regarding that aren't exactly required here.

I usually give like twenty examples to drive home my point. But today, I'll just give ya'll just two.

You'll not even be needing any more of those "Hopium Shots" after that.

Here's a sweet little montage of two very interesting posts from two different front pages of two (entirely) different websites. The former is a screenshot from the (currently stickied) post on GAW. The latter, a screen-cap from the liberal shithole by the name of Leddit.


Not to even mention the fact that literally EVERYONE from DJT himself to thousands of YouTube, TikTok and Twitter comments (hell, even a surprising number of downvoted LIBERAL comments on Reddit of all places) are ABOVE one hundred percent CERTAIN that DJT's WINNING, AND winning by an utter LANDSLIDE at that. I mean, even attempting to dispute such by trying to play "devil's advocate"; or even as a mere "thought experiment" feels BEYOND ridiculous given who all we are even comparing here.

Now but obviously, this is NOT a call to get complacent and you ABSOLUTELY MUST vote and urge EVERY SINGLE PERSON OUT THERE to do the SAME; just wanted to mention how BIG said panic has even gotten for the scum that tried to destroy us all at Every. Last. Opportunity.

Their endgame is nigh, and to know just why, how about you give my SECOND and FINAL EXAMPLE a try? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Enjoy the show ;)


While Panic In DC is something that is currently ongoing, the real show (for the masses) will begin shortly for one and all to see, in the hallowed month of January 2025, as I've revealed to ya'll already in one of my previous posts on here. Nevertheless, the signs of what is to come are already here.

Take Reddit, an (allegedly) "liberal" platform. I say allegedly here because the website has very little to do with how actual liberals think and / or feel about matters right now. In fact, the ENTIRE MAGA-hate narrative on there is primarily created using Bots, Paid Astroturfers, Admins and Moderators, with some sneaky AF gaslighting and shadow-banning (typical cabal censorship tools) on the side.

Nonetheless, TRUTH, ALWAYS finds a WAY.

For example, a SURPRISINGLY LARGE NUMBER of the born-with-a-WiFi-router Gen Z's are able to see through the left's lies utterly effortlessly. And to see to what extent that is happening, just go read this post. Also, the moderator on the Gen Z sub openly told haters to FUCK OFF with the idea of silencing and censoring dissent, likely a FIRST for a major subreddit. And yes, don't bother reading the comments on that (the linked) post though, coz it's filled-to-the-brim with the Russian Bot narrative (generated, ironically, by actual bots); and FULL of pure COPE.

And speaking of cope, the whole lot is coping hard and sweating buckets with Trump's Joe Rogan podcast literally racking up a MILLION views by the HOUR. Every single comment thread on that (bot-owned and astroturfed) subreddit is some version of "It was a dud" and "what a complete waste of time" and "most BORING podcast EVER". The YouTube comments? Tell an ENTIRELY different story. Also, mainstream media is HARD at work cherry-picking out of context comments and writing an ONSLAUGHT of articles about said "boring" podcast; NOT realizing that they're literally PROVING TRUMP AND JOE'S POINT (on said podcast) about how Fake News does that all the time, and will awaken MANY more lefties / centrists who bothered to watch the whole thing in full. And yes, many, many, MANY MORE are currently watching or listening to it, even as you read THESE very WORDS!

Not to mention that Kamala declined the offer to appear on said Podcast, which is even being questioned by some of the BIGGEST libs out there. Then they also tried to put out some weird narratives the likes of "Rogan's podcast isn't big enough", or that "Call Her Daddy" is an "household name" in the podcast game and shit. As a result, any and all such comments (on those subreddits) got fact-checked THEN and THERE and by their OWN PEOPLE no less.

TLDR; While 'Panic In DC' officially releases in theaters in January 2025; the trailers for what is to come are already here.

Enjoy the show ;)


It could be individuals, their characteristics, or their stances / policies / ways and such. It could also be something that is seen as a 'net negative' about them, but seen in a positive light. Or it could simply be a silver lining to an otherwise dark AF cloud.

As an example of (one of the) above instances, I've seen some of the most hardcore leftists openly admit that -- despite the 100,000,000,000+ things about DJT that they utterly despise --- that they nevertheless find the man GENUINELY funny AF. Despite their negativity towards the guy (and that whole TDS part); they appear to give credit where it's due, well, in this particular instance anyways.

Many of them, as you all know, did indeed laugh at the jokes (cracked at THEIR very expense) in his AI Smith dinner speech the other day. Similarly - and of late - I've even seen some of them admit (albeit begrudgingly) acknowledge that Elon Musk - as much as they fucking hate him now - is nevertheless LEGITIMATELY the driving force behind SpaceX's incredible achievements.

What are some of YOUR TOP PICKS (from those you otherwise oppose on an average day) of THIS very sort?

Would love to know! :) :)

A CRITICAL MESSAGE: The Great Awakening Timeline ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ’ญ Theory ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ’ก
posted ago by DonSpectacularis ago by DonSpectacularis

Everything that I've wanted to say, I have said already. And so, I will keep this message short and sweet. (ALSO READ: The Great Awakening MASTER KEY) --- (Note: you'll have to scroll down through the main post once again AFTER you click this link to be able to READ it)

So, for years upon years now, you've been dying to know the "when's". When do the darkest of dark secrets (many of which hide unnoticed in plain sight) finally get revealed, in a very public way? When do the unimaginable crimes of the deep state cabal become obvious, to even the most non-discerning of eyes? When does the cover finally get blown? When does all of that karma come a knockin'?

WHEN EXACTLY does the great awakening even BEGIN?

Well, your wait for redemption is almost over. Your moment of vindication arrives shortly.

For this process shall begin to gain momentum (quite rapidly) as soon as the upcoming US election's done. Expect EXPLOSIVE revelations beginning end-of-December (if not earlier), and continuing all-throughout the year 2025, and also the rest of 2026. Approximately 40% of the revelations/exposures will be achieved by the year 2029. The remaining 60% by the year 2036. There will also be much, MUCH rebuilding of ALL systems (education, finance, healthcare, governance and whatnot) from SCRATCH during this time period.

But yes, for all intents and purposes, 2025 is the very year that shit hits the fan. (Or hangs off of it, heh). Expect shocker after shocker and revelation after revelation with EACH. PASSING. DAY. Expect the dominoes to start falling BIG TIME. Expect most normies to have their minds blown off (a rare few will regardless choose to remain in denial/delusion/sleep despite all evidence to the contrary; but that won't be the majority.) And yes, you too will have your mind blown. Coz if you think you've got the whole picture; well, you're in for massive surprises (and they'll surpass all imagining, I can guarantee you that much.)

It will rain evidence. It will rain public announcements. It will rain mass arrests and all sorts of crazy ongoings. And yes, while the White Hats are in control indeed, do NOT (foolishly) expect those of the dark to go down without a damn fight. They're a wounded (and cornered) animal at this time; so expect some unfortunate things to happen (as part of that whole "collateral damage" / "dead-man's-switch" thingies). But all in all, the light WILL outlive, outlast and outclass the dark beyond a doubt, THAT MUCH is a GIVEN.

The term "conspiracy theorist" will no longer have negative connotations attached to it by the time the year 2025 ends. In fact, many* of these (not ALL) will be SOUGHT greatly for their assistance and guidance. *Note: Only the sane and perceptive ones will be sought; not every conspiracy theorist is some 500 IQ genius, just to be very, VERY clear here.

QUESTION. So, how can I contribute to this whole thing?

ANSWER: The first and foremost thing, take care of your own self FIRST AND FOREMOST. The whole "secure your own oxygen mask first" before helping others and all. This includes physical self care (exercise, hydration, connection with nature/animals and grounding); mental self care (peace/healing based meditations); and spiritual self care (connecting to God/prayers/blessings/mass meditations etc.). Which, most of you will NOT be able to magically get used to in a day, so PLEASE start practicing this TODAY. Plenty of meditations and exercises and whatnot exist on the internet (especially YouTube); pick the one(s) which resonate with you and get GOING! Because practice makes perfect, and it may just get way too late to find any time at all to practice later.

I will tell you all something that I personally do here, which is that I firstly list down ALL of my WORST possible fear scenarios and sequences (how bad can things even get, really? natural disasters? civil war? world war? zombie apocalypse? or what-else-have-you?). Then, I rapidly imagine myself OVERCOMING said situations in my FULL POWER mode. So I essentially just imagine/visualize myself in those very scary situations (I've literally imagined watching all of my loved ones dying in front of me and whatnot); and then, imagine myself as a full-blown SUPERMAN-version of myself who KNOWS that they are PROTECTED by GOD no matter WHAT; who KNOWS that not even their HAIR can be TOUCHED; who KNOWS that they're here to fulfill a grand PURPOSE; and who KNOWS that they can remain at PEACE and TRANQUILITY no matter WHAT madness happens around them. Who KNOWS that they can neither be DEFEATED nor DESTROYED; only FEARED by those who seek to cause even an IOTA of harm to them or their loved ones. And yes, since your body doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality (try imagining consuming your favourite delicacy right now if you don't believe me); this practice ACTUALLY makes you immune to ALL fear and centers you in utter and total PEACE.

After all, what you practice, you become. And the more that you practice it, the more ready you are to face the worst of the worst. And it won't get THAT BAD, just so you know. But it's good to be prepared nonetheless. After all, you simply CANNOT fear what you already KNOW. The moment we have FACED an enemy (in this case, our worst fear), it is no longer the UNKNOWN to us. And the more you've faced it and WON (even if it's just inside your "imagination"), to your MIND, that is still WINNING and OVERPOWERING your DEEPEST of FEARS.

Once you've done saving YOU; start assisting your LOVED ONES; and beyond that point, extend the same to your local COMMUNITY in any which way that you possibly CAN. Hell, even you saving / healing just YOU is more than enough; anything more than that is just a BONUS for the world. Do it if you've still got some surplus energy left (which you WILL, if you start practicing and prepping TODAY!)

So yes, assist all who are near and dear, and then, your local community in whatever small way that you can. Above all, PLEASE BE COMPASSIONATE towards those who have just awakened, or even those who ask you "silly" questions. NOT the time to be nasty/mean/hurtful to them. Also, when they ask for answers; don't give them more than they can chew. Start simple and understandable, let them digest it, and then keep adding more info as they ask. Dropping the whole Q-Encyclopedia on their heads will achieve the exact opposite. So yes, COMPASSION IS THE KEY HERE, fellas.

Finally, if something VERY terrible happens in the near future (not saying it will, just prepping you mentally for the same), PLEASE remember the following words:

It HAD TO be this way.

PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE EVERYWHERE and to everyone that you possibly can reach (doesn't matter if you're posting it even to your local community chat groups, your friend circles, your LinkedIn's and even your Tinder profiles, for that matter). HELP TRANSLATE THIS in ALL of your local languages; AND also you can also HELP CONVEY IT CREATIVELY through memes, podcasts, songs, YouTube videos, skits, and what-else-have-you!

And that's how we all collectively help save the entire planet.

Enjoy the show.

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