If you're not HAPPY, you're not HELPING.

- Bentinho Massaro

Please do read the above statement / quote as many times as it takes to truly, deeply, sink in.

Because if you can truly get it, it will change everything.

WHAT IF I told you there was a WAY faster way to speed up the Great Awakening than merely redpilling people?

WHAT IF there was a way to shift yourself into a reality where the Great Awakening was already in progress?

WHAT IF you had a secret power to awaken the masses, that had nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with what you did, but instead, what energy or frequency or vibration or vibe you RADIATED?

The universe's greatest secret (hidden from you most deviously by your buddies of/from the Deep State) is that YOU are the whole and soul CREATOR of your Own AND* Collective REALITY.

And how do you even CREATE your own REALITY?

SIMPLE. By radiating a higher Vibrational Frequency or VIBE.

And how do you do that, you wonder?

You do so simply through being in complete and total alignment with God's very greatest vision for you, i.e. his beloved children.

And what is God's very greatest vision for YOU?

What does God truly want you to even BE?

Same as what every single parent wants for their child.

For them to be happy.

So in order to align with God's highest vision for you, you must first find ways to bring in *ever more JOY into your life using literally WHATEVER means that so you have at your disposal, except for, of course, addictions and excesses (as excess of absolutely anything is bad, simply owing to Nature's / God's Laws for maintaining balance and harmony between everyone and everything).

You bring more joy into your life by following your truest, deepest desires.

It could be as simple as enjoying a hot bowl of delicious soup as it snows outside. It could be as complex as solving a challenging mathematical puzzle.

It could be going for a walk in nature. It could be making incredible art or music. It could be listening to music that uplifts your mood. Or doing so simultaneously whilst watching a fun 4K HD tourism video on YouTube or something and totally, entirely, immersing yourselves in the experience.

It could be watering your plants. It could be playing your favourite sport or indoor game. It could be as simple as having a joyous conversation with a loved one.

But, you can take it even further by actually finding en-joy-ment even in your everyday "boring" tasks such as doing the dishes or painting your fence. Just remember how kids (usually under 3-5 years of age) are able to find JOY in the simplest, silliest of things --- often, even things that adults see as troublesome chores.

But that is not ALL that God wants of YOU.

Because you see, since God wants ALL of his children to BE and EXPERIENCE pure JOY, it logically follows that you bringing joy to all of God's other remaining children too, must in fact bring God (and by virtue of that, bring YOU) tremendous amounts of joy too.

In other words, SERVING others is a FANTASTIC way of amplifying both your OWN JOY, AS WELL AS that of OTHERS as WELL.

After all, as GOD'S children, you are all a whole lot like siblings at the end of the day.

Since at your very core, and ALL of your imagined "differences" aside, you are all ONE and ONE WITH GOD too.

Thus you are all connected ETERNALLY at the end of the day.

Thus when you bring JOY, HOPE, LOVE, or POSITIVITY into another human's, animal's, (or even plant's!) LIFE, you are not only serving THEM but also serving YOU.


This JOY you can FREELY experience through even but the SIMPLEST acts of UNCONDITIONAL SERVICE.

This SERVICE (towards others) can be as very challenging as providing food for 10 others in your neighbourhood during a natural disaster, or as simple as merely smiling at someone feeling lonely / depressed and making their very day, reminding them deep within that they are SEEN, LOVED, and that EVERYTHING is going to be OKAY for them too eventually.

It can be as simple as simply praying for another, or as tricky as playing Ronin Hood when so needed.

Hence the words, LOVE thy NEIGHBOUR as thy SELF.


EVERY LAST ACT of KINDNESS that you do towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.

EVERY LAST ACT of LOVE that you put out towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.

EVERY LAST ACT of FORGIVENESS that you put out towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.

EVERY LAST ACT of COMPASSION that you put out towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.

Every smile you put on another's face, must boomerang back on your own.


Every sadness-filled TEAR that you put on another's face, must ALSO boomerang back on your OWN as well.

The CHOICE to do what or avoid doing what is always, always, ALWAYS YOURS.

The TRICK here is to find a way to bring JOY to others' lives *as well as to that of your OWN SELF SIMULTANEOUSLY.

If you simply serve your OWN SELF at the COST OF (inappropriately) snatching something away from the rest, it's an imbalance because you're literally fucking with the joy of God's other children.

At the same time, if you simply went and martyred your own self at the cost of serving or pleasing others, then that too is an imbalance as YOU are God's child too. Thus that too is basically giving God a big fuck you, no matter how very "well intended" or "noble."

Of course, there ARE INDEED times and places when one must legitimately martyr oneself for a TRULY noble and greater cause, the greater good, so to speak. However, these opportunities are indeed THAT BIG (in their scope / significance / importance / numbers-of-people-served), and NOT to be considered an everyday occurrence in absolutely ANY way, shape or form. In other words, such situations / opportunities to serve the WHOLE by martyring one's OWN SELF (for a far, FAR GREATER cause) are ENTIRELY exceptions and NOT the RULE by any means.

IN SUMMARY: whether you bring JOY to your OWN SELF (without indulging in excesses, addictions, or inappropriately snatching away some thing from another)... OR... whether you bring JOY to another without (unnecessarily) martyring your OWN joy in the process, you are increasing your VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY OUTPUT.

Which in turn speeds up the Great Awakening GREATLY, not only just for YOU, but also for all OTHERS too! (as ALL are CONNECTED to one-another for eternity, ultimately).

So go find some ways to make your own life more and more and all the more JOYFUL with EACH passing DAY and EACH passing MOMENT no less.

AND + OR find some ways to be of UN-CONDITIONAL SERVICE to another! For serving others too is perhaps one of the very GREATEST ways of finding, and truly FEELING joyful YOURSELF!

So go FIND YOUR JOY in creating inspiring artworks or catchy poetry or creating MESMERIZING songs or even fucking bathroom singing, if THAT'S what makes you happy / floats your boat! (we do no judgements, here!)

Go FIND YOUR JOY in solving your favourite mathematical equations or coding or inventing something cool.

Go FIND YOUR JOY in painting your bike in your garage or simply watching raindrops trickle down over your window panes.

Go FIND YOUR JOY in being a CHILD AT HEART once again.


What if the LACK OF LOVE AND KINDNESS that you see in your OUTSIDE WORLD was simply a lack of love that you feel TOWARDS YOUR OWN SELF AND ALL OTHERS?

...moreover, and this one's perhaps gonna hit many of ya'll hard ...but...

What if all of the CHILD ABUSE that you see in the EXTERNAL WORLD "out there" was merely a REFLECTION of you perpetually abusing the hell out of the CHILD WITHIN?

Just a little something for you to think about and ponder over.

Be KIND once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.

Be COMPASSIONATE once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.

Be FORGIVING once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.

Be LOVING and HELPFUL once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.

and, above all...


Be JOY-FULL and JOY-FILLED once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.

Also, a quick note before I end this: You can even send your LOVE and GRATITUDE towards your (so-called) "inanimate" objects too. And watch how joy-fully and help-fully THEY TOO respond to you in return For God is in ALL things, and ALL things are conscious in some way, shape, or form. And even science itself is getting closer and closer each day to this very understanding.

As an example, try being loving and appreciative and GRATEFUL towards your Car for instance. And literally (as "silly" as this may even sound), ASK IT to keep you safe on the streets. ASK IT (if it's running low on fuel) to see if it can go a little more distance... just for YOU. ASK IT to maintain itself from within in such a way that it not only requires less maintenance, but also, that any maintenance operations it therefore undergoes flow smooth, easy, NICE and QUICK.

ASK the GOD within your CAR or OVEN or WHATEVER-ELSE to WORK FOR YOU in the most PERFECT and EFFICIENT way IMAGINABLE. And you'll well be SURPRISED with what you'll truly end up FINDING, here.

There's an incredible spiritual teacher I'm aware of who basically shared a story of how a full blown tornado was to hit her home shortly. And she just looked towards the approaching tornado and sent it a thought-message (telepathically) with pictures of her own home, requesting it to NOT harm it (her home) in any way, shape or form. And so, the tornado ended up ripping through her whole town, ravaging her neighbours' homes and all, and yet, somehow, her home was left alone. Just a fun story I was guided to share with you all here, today. (Go try it to believe it!)

IN CONCLUSION: The higher your vibrational frequency, the higher the amount of Joy or Love or LIGHT that you bring into and RADIATE ONTO this world of ours. And, as more and more people start doing just that, well, the more the amount of LIGHT there is to RAPIDLY dispel all darkness at speeds faster than your very wildest CONCEPTIONS!

And since GOD / SPIRIT ultimately rules over ALL MATTER --- this is by FAR THE fastest technique of assisting the Great Awakening, all because it works directly FOR and WITH GOD; and by using (energetic / spiritual / metaphysical) ways, laws, rules and principles OF God (and aligned with God's truest, deepest, highest intentions for hue-mankind) to achieve the same.

And this is the way to ultimately fight a SPIRITUAL WAR.

FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS MESSAGE wherever you so can for the benefit of ALL, be it through directly sharing this to your Social Medias, or your online offline groups and communities and chats, or through your conversations with loved ones and neighbours and acquaintances and colleagues, or even telepathically!

Thank you all for reading!

Enjoy the show.




This post is a response to THIS QUESTION. The answer ended up becoming so very long, that I decided to make it into its own post for the benefit of ALL. Finally, this post is especially relevant for anyone with (any of) the following questions:

"Will ALL my VACCINATED loved ones die in a MASSIVE mass death tragedy?"


"I'm super FEARFUL of death. Can anyone help me out?"


"I'm super AFRAID of someone close to me DYING. Can anyone help me out?"


"Someone close to me just DIED. Can anyone help me out?"


"Oops! I TOOK the JAB! Can anyone help me out?"


"Is it possible for ME to conquer DEATH ITSELF?"


THE ANSWERS: (super LONG post alert!!!)


First of all: Will ALL of the vaxxed ones die? Or will they ALL live to tell the tale? Well, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. And there are many multiple reasons for this: ONE: not ALL vaccines were toxic necessarily (as is commonly understood as being THE fact); a fact that has little to nothing to do with those of the cabal suddenly having a change of heart or anything --- but rather, many, MANY such toxic vaxxes were simply replaced by those of the White Hat variety into completely harmless injections. That being said, there's no real way (at least, one that we know of or are aware of) to tell which is which; which in turn makes this vax-taking experience more of a Russian Roulette type situation --- for better or for worse.


TWO: There are some amongst us whose life journeys / paths / missions / needed-life-experiences / life-contracts require them to survive this particular predicament, either in good health or in compromised health (depending upon their respective chosen life contract stipulations); and thus, Divine Intervention will save these ones for the time being.


THREE: This is actually THE MOST important point. And you may have to read this one a few times over and over to TRULY get it. But that: Those who truly and firmly BELIEVE that they'll NOT be harmed by the said vax, will simply NOT be harmed by the said vax, boosters, or whatever else there is...even IF these were of the MOST TOXIC variety. What's more, should they firmly believe (i.e TRUST) that this vax will PROTECT / BENEFIT them, then that is EXACTLY what they'll end up EXPERIENCING!

Now, this particular sentence might baffle / anger many folks on here, so allow me to explain this with a simple illustration: Take the common teaching that kids in our world are taught since their very childhood: "Wash your hands any time you touch something unhygienic." So, as a somewhat gross example, should you ever end up peeing on your hands, you'll obviously want to wash those before grabbing a snack, right? So that something terribly dangerous doesn't go into your body?

Weeeeell, not really....

Enter Bear Grylls, who, forget washing hands after peeing; dude's busy drinking his OWN PISS whenever so needed and living a perfectly healthy and happy life. So, no cholera for him...not even a simple diarrhoea.

And this man is as human as you or me. Not like he was raised by the apes in some African jungle like Tarzan or anything either. Not to forget that the very character of Tarzan itself is very much so human too. But let's forget fictional characters for a moment.

Let's talk about Wim Hof, a very, very real person...who is also as normal a human as any of US. At the age of 55, the man has 26, yep, you read that right, TWENTY SIX FUCKING WORLD RECORDS to his name. One of those insane achievements, by the way, is that he climbed Mount Everest wearing just shorts.

Yeah, let that one sink in.

A man as human as you or me or anyone else.

As it turns out, we have been heavily brainwashed and conditioned and lied to through fake manufactured fear porn systems such as "science" and "education" and "modern medical science" created by elites, that will have you believe that humans are somehow super weak, helpless creatures at the mercy of nature; & random & unexpected viral & bacterial outbreaks, and, above all, them (i.e. the elites, big pharma, & what-else-have-you).



Fact is,


The sheer incredible STRENGTH of your MIND, WILL, DESIRE, and, above all, your SELF BELIEF, can even move MOUNTAINS, --- defeating a few "deadly" little VIRUSES and BACTERIA is literally NOTHING for YOU.


THIS IS WHY hypnotherapy WORKS. (go look up Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy aka QHHT for yourself!)

THIS IS WHY people are able to perform UN-IMAGINABLE and IN-CONCEIVABLE FEATS under hypnosis.

THIS IS WHY you need a Guinness BOOK to VERIFY and RECORD those World Records -- because otherwise...NO "HUMAN" should even as much as be able to IMAGINE PERFORMING any of those feats, LET ALONE have people BELIEVE that they did.

THIS IS WHY you have Shaolin Monks performing INCREDIBLE feats on camera (some of them can dodge bullets too).

THIS IS ALSO WHY even many of your "basic" circus performers are often able to perform absolutely unimaginable feats. Because they've never really been taught to LIMIT THEMSELVES.

THIS IS ALSO WHY you have so-called "myths" of Indian Yogis and Masters directly ingesting poison, sleeping on a bed of nails, and walking over hot coals. And I'm not even getting into the more, well, miraculous parts here.

THIS IS ALSO WHY THIS PARTICULAR STORY about Method Actors creating literal ILLNESSES within their bodies (using just their very minds) EXISTS.

But THAT'S not even THE BIGGEST SCANDAL of them ALL...


The GREATEST BIG PHARMA SCANDAL IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY is something that has commonly been known as the "PLACEBO EFFECT."

Placebo Effect: To put it in laymen's terms, the Placebo Effect is a Researched, Documented, and SCIENTIFICALLY Well Recognized, Verified, and Authenticated phenomenon which basically involves curing people with a literal sugar pill. That's right, you give a patient a LITERAL SUGAR PILL (and tell them / convince them that it's a real "medicine"). And then, LITERALLY magically, they actually get CURED.

Beat THAT.


But what you WON'T be able to beat (no matter how very hard you try!), is the fact that "scientists" have "NOT" been able to figure out as to "WHAT" causes this effect...for... wait for it, OVER TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE FUCKING YEARS.

And you thought their asking for 55 years for releasing virus documents was a big deal.

And these are the exact same people who had within them the incredible "scientific capability" to discover a working cure for an entirely UNKNOWN virus in like...what was that again... 3-6 MONTHS?

Even vaxes for KNOWN viruses take a BARE MINIMUM of 10 WHOLE YEARS to just DEVELOP; let alone TEST and RELEASE.


And I'll just put it this way, if I was a pharma scientist or a pharma organization or the very MEDICAL fucking ESTABLISHMENT THEMSELVES, the PLACEBO EFFECT would be the VERY FIRST PUZZLE that I'd devote literally ALL of my energies and attention to.

I mean come on, you potentially have the literal CURE to EVERY HUMAN AILMENT IMAGINABLE waiting to be discovered here; and, GIVEN THAT you can find the way to beat a BRAND NEW VIRUS in a mere 3 MONTHS' TIME... surely... surely 223+ FUCKING YEARS is (more than!) ENOUGH of a time for you to figure out THIS PARTICULAR EFFECT, right?


Alas, THAT is so NOT how MONEY GET$ MADE.


As always, I'd like to end this on a more POSITIVE note, however. And it IS indeed the understanding that no one, and I mean NO ONE is ever, ever, EVER REALLY "SEPERATED" from you (by what you call your (physical) "death".

Of course, I don't want you all to take my word on this...just go read through the BIGGEST LIBRARY OF NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES ON THE INTERNET to discover what the TRUTH is for YOUR SELF! Also, there's another similar such library for OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES too!

And there are many, MANY entire BOOKS and blogs and entire websites dedicated to the said topic -- a simple internet search should help find you MANY of these.

And if you've lost someone (or may lose someone) near and dear to you and are having trouble understanding as to how to deal with the loss of a loved one, then, THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO IS MEANT FOR YOU.

And finally, quoting the epitaph one of the very GREATEST spiritual masters to have ever graced this incredible planet of ours...

Never BORN – Never DIED. Only visited this planet Earth between December 11, 1931 and January 19, 1990.


A few more additional related reads (regarding the sheer POWER of your MIND / WILL) for your perusal:

The BLIND WOMAN with a "SEEING EYE" (Split Personality!) (this one's an incredible (and scientifically validated) read!!!)




HOW just your WILL-POWER ALONE can even help you or your loved ones BEAT DEATH ITSELF.


How you can all too EASILY be killed via MENTAL STRESS ALONE.


FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS SUPER IMPORTANT MESSAGE through your Social Medias, your conversations, and anywhere else you can think of. ESPECIALLY SHARE IT with absolutely ANY person you know who' is afraid of death, OR, who is afraid of a loved one dying, OR, who is grieving the loss of a loved one. For this is the very LEAST you could do for THEM here!




SUPER CRITICAL EDIT: The GLOBAL MASS PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS FOR ESTABLISHING PEACE IN RUSSIA-UKRAINE (and all around the world) need YOU to join in!! Let's show the cabal and their minions that their plans to kill us all in a World War 3 / Nuclear Holocaust have exactly ZERO POWER in front of the POWER OF THE PEOPLE!!!

Also Read: The INSTANT REDPILL for anyone and everyone in need of a super easy ammo for awakening any hot sheeple near them! There's also the TRUE AGENDA behind the Great Awakening and 100% PROOF THAT GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE for anyone so curious!


I often read many frustrated (if not outright dooming) comments on here that say something on the lines of "I can't believe they're getting away with all of this" or "How much longer shall all of this madness even LAST?" or an "I can't even really take it anymore" or WORSE. And I'm so NOT here to blame or shame anyone on here for saying such. After all, I understand EXACTLY how you all feel. For I too, am one of YOU. That being said, this mindset calls for a little bit of correction (if not more). Because without such a (timely!) correction, we all, as a COLLECTIVE, become all the more WEAKER. And a weak collective is a dead collective, I'm sure we all know and understand THAT PART real well. (If not, just look at all of the double-masked, quadruple-vaxxed people dying in droves currently).

So, how exactly can we get our hope back?

Let me start by giving you all a little of that juicy hopium dose. A hopium dose in the form of a surprisingly simple statement:

The deep state is EVIL, not STUPID.

PLEASE read this ONE LINE over and over and OVER AGAIN until it sinks in.

"The deep state is EVIL, NOT STUPID."

And how does THAT line change anything at ALL?

My dearest friends, THAT ONE LINE is the ANSWER that you've all been so longingly (and may I just add, so desperately looking for).

The one SURE SHOT SIGN that ALL IS WELL. The sign that not only are we winning this war, that this war has already been WON.

What remains now are but mere formalities.

So, why exactly am I so very certain of this?

The answer is simple.

You see, the Deep State has NOT controlled humanity for millennia by being obvious and blatant. They didn't announce their plans for 9/11 openly in the 9/10 evening news, they did it via putting that shit (that too, in the form of a 'code') in obscure magazine covers, movie easter eggs and children's cartoons. They never advertise their allegiance to Satan in open press conferences; they sneak that shit in inside your favourite pop music videos. In fact, have you ever wondered why nearly every single hero / superhero within our movies and comics etc. has this ridiculous "I won't kill" stance even against the most despicable, most monstrous of villains in their universe? OF COURSE they don't want y'all to be "learning things." You see, they've all learned their lessons after "burn the rich" became rather viral during the renaissance.

In short, while they're all 'long-term stupid' (because even IMAGINING that you could take on GOD is hilarious, frankly); they're NOT short-term stupid. They don't just have plans, my dearest frens, even their PLANS HAVE PLANS.

Except, well, whatever the FUCK has been going wrong with these fucks lately.

You see, in an "ideal" world (from THEIR perspective), Mr. Bumbling Biden (with a generous dosage of dementia and other psychotic breakdowns to add) would NEVER be the president for even a DAY, let alone MONTHS, "elected" or NOT.

In an "ideal" world, big bad BJ from the Yoo-Kay won't be blithering rampant about retarded shit pertaining to Peppa Fucking Pig of all things.

Oh, and have you seen lately as to how "debunked conspiracy theories" are now coming TRUE at a SURPRISINGLY fast speed?

One day, you have mandatory vaccinnes.
The next, mandatory boosters.
Plus a rather generous helping (or two) of "Quarantine Camps" on the side.
Vaccinne passports, early release for all!
And wait, the chips, too, are here already?? (Who woulda even thunk?)

Guess some people will finally connect-the-wires now and find out what that whole worldwide chip shortage was all about, really, eh?

"The Deep State is Evil, NOT Stupid."

In an "ideal world," Mr. Let's Go Brandon would've been replaced by Kamala or literally WHOEVER-THE-FUCK-CAN-KEEP-THE-RATINGS-UP within DAYS, and NOT MONTHS.

In an "ideal world," BJ would be giving HJs to some elitefag seeking mercy before EVER being allowed to freely (and openly) ramble retarded shit in front of the damn presstitutes.

In an "ideal world," the vaccine rollouts, booster rollouts, lockdowns, and such would be rolled out SUPER-FUCKING-SLOWLY, and that's way, WAYYYYYY BEFORE they even DREAM OF bringing in the Quarantine Camps, the Passports, AND the MICRO FUCKING CHIPS of all things.

Alas, this is so NOT their "ideal world."

My dearest awake frens, this is NOT how the Deep State operates. EVERY LAST OPERATION of theirs is, a. PLANNED to perfection; and b. EXECUTED to perfection.

There's no rushing about. There's no being this OPEN and OBVIOUS about things. And there's ZERO loose ends.

The sheep population are slowly, slooooooooooowly herded into compliance. One small restriction at a time. One small "rule for being a good citizen" at a time. One small reward for being obedient at a time.

Remember how they sloooowly brought in the surveillance state after orchestrating 9/11? Yeah, THAT. THAT'S how they work, ALWAYS.

Remember the story of the boiling frog? Boil it too quick, it escapes?

So you gotta take it all sloooooow and easyyyyyyy? Like how the Deep State have always done with US?

These guys are NOT ones to take risks. These guys are NOT ones to rush in and do things all haphazard. EVERY SINGLE MOVE is calculated (some, for millennia). EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SCENARIO is worked on, Experimented on, and STUDIED WELLLLLL IN ADVANCE. Precautions are taken. Back up plans are made. Observations and iterations are made. Plans are written and rewritten. Research is done. Models are drawn. Studies are done. Risks calculated. Risks (swiftly!) ELIMINATED, too.

The Deep State is EVIL, NOT Stupid.

Now, add all of those points up. And don't worry if NOTHING really adds up, because it's not meant to.

The Deep State is finished. Ended. Chapter closed. Check mated. Thank you all for playing.

This is not to say that they are all fully removed just as yet, but the major players and their groups are most certainly ALL down.

A Deep State in working condition cares NOT about ANYBODY (whether it's on "their" side or the "enemy" side). A blithering Biden would be treated by them with about as much "love" as a tampering Trump. And we ALL have seen the sheer AMOUNT OF "love" that they have poured on Mr. Trump for the last four+ years.

Mr. Epstein was one of THEIR OWN. Their very BELOVED-EST. And yet, look what they did to him without but the SLIGHTEST of hesitation when push came to shove.

The Deep State cares for NOBODY but ITSELF. And in the Deep State, it is indeed, EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF.

And so, here's a little reality check for all of you". The 'Deep State' that you worry so much, is all but GONE. Just LOOK AT all of those mass resignations of CEOs. To make things worse, people are awakening left, right, and center (all kinds and manners of puns intended).

Name change? Code for White Hat Takeover (e.g. Facebook becoming Meta). Logo change? White Hat Takeover. Policy change? White Hat Takeover (e.g. YouTube). Management change? White Hat Takeover. (See: CEO Mass Resignations). Strange shutdowns (e.g. CNN shutting down its offices because of COVID), White Hat Takeover.


No, Meta is NOT going to all-of-a-sudden start releasing Q drops everywhere just because the White Hats are now in charge. Because ALL changes will be slow and steady. And this is for a LARGE VARIETY OF REASONS.

One, think of the asleep ones like little BABIES. Too much info at once might just send them all into utter SHOCK, if not complete DESTRUCTION. Now, YOU might be super happy doing this to them, but NOT GOD. Because to God, ALL of his children are EQUAL, and therefore, EQUALLY LOVED. And ALL will therefore be cared for by GOD. After all, the unawakened are unawakened for a reason, and even YOU were very much unawakened once! Everyone learns at their own place, some are first graders, others are ninth graders. It is ridiculous (if not straight up foolish!) for a NINTH grader wants to expect the FIRST GRADERS to learn things at HIS pace. NEVER happened, NEVER will.

Two, most people will NEVER wake up unless someone lights up a fire under their butt. Which means that some WILD THINGS simply HAVE TO "ALLOWED TO" HAPPEN so that the unawakened ones realize just what is REALLY GOING ON. So rather than expecting the censorship to vanish overnight (be it from Twitter or from Meta), imagine it becoming SO BLATANT and SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS / OBVIOUS that even the sheepiest of sheep has to ask, "The Fuck? THAT got censored? WHYYYYY????" As an example, see how BLM folks recently started getting their first real taste of tech-censorship.

Three, this is a spiritual WAR. So there are still VERY MUCH many STRATEGIC MOVES at play. So, for example, some of the Deep State operatives might be all happy communicating tactically over Facebook (or sharing CP and shit) because they think Daddy Zuck is still in charge and all protective of them. And then, unwittingly, they end up giving up their true location, or end up providing evidence that may be eventually brought out to make MANY people answerable for their crimes, and more.

Not EVERYTHING has to happen the way YOU WANT IT TO. Because THIS, is a WAR. And us civilians simply DO NOT get to dictate war strategies, simple as that.

You ALL need to understand that this is a Spiritual War of INCOMPREHENSIBLE proportions that we all are fighting in here. It is NOT something that can be done in mere moments, this shit is going to take us fucking YEARS by ANY IMAGINABLE LOGIC, so best ACCEPT IT instead of attempting to rush it, freak out about it, or lose all hope! (i.e. going all "doomer", so to speak). Not helping your cause, that. We are here to WIN, if not for our own selves, then for our poor CHILDREN at the very LEAST! Can't give up on THEM. Just, can NOT. Even if it means fighting till the last drop of blood is left within our veins and the last gasp of breath struggles to leave our lungs. Can't betray THEM. We are ALL that they have at this point. Can't break their trust for ANYTHING in the world. Endofstory.

So, to sum it all up, what you're seeing now is all theater. Smoke and mirrors. A SHOW put on to awaken the sleepers, and show them what the Deep State would have REALLY done to them had they continued remaining asleep. Hence the rushed "Great Reset" announcements and Nazi Camps and Passports and all of that other stuff. This will continue for a while until people have finally had ENOUGH and folks start putting their FOOT DOWN. Through protests, mass quitting, or what-else-have-you. And even folks like Trump are playing along with some of this shit, because, let's be fair, what else is even there to do? It's not as if the Libs are suddenly going to start believing a damn thing he says NOW. And yet, do you not see how, even when the first time he asked his own followers to take vaccinnes, he smoothly added that one thing (that Deep Staters HATE folks saying) that goes, "IF you WANT TO, of course." He said the same a few days back, too. Guys, the entire Deep State machinery had NO reason to be against him to that insane DEGREE had this guy been on their side.

Same goes for platforms like Meta. The very DAY that Facebook announced this "shift", Deep State's pet dog Reddit started slobberring all about "the evils of Facebook and Zuckerberg" all over the place. On the SAME. FUCKING. DAY. You can just go do a quick n easy Reddit search for the (slew of) 'recent posts' on that topic to verify this fact. Not to mention the sudden arrival of Facebook "whistleblowers" prior to this. Ask yourself this: When was the last time that ANY of Deep State's pet platforms had "whistleblowers" (real or fake, doesn't matter) coming out AGAINST that very platform? Compromised.

When was the last time the Deep State gigawhore CNN got touched by ANY fucking allegation whatsoever, let alone those of SEXUAL ALLEGATIONS and the like? Compromised.

When was the last time that the CEO of a MAJOR Deep State channel like Twatter not only STEPPED DOWN, but also had THIS SHIT go about trending OPENLY FOR ALL TOO SEE AND TALK ABOUT? Compromised.

The "world leaders" that you're now seeing are either clones / duplicates, or, in some cases, actual people who have been told to go along with the plan or face IMMEDIATE execution. Most of the White Hats ARE former Dark Hats after all. They know EXACTLY how to get folks singing, way, WAY better than those of us do.

Seriously, have you never wondered why Q not only says "Trust The Plan", but also, "Enjoy The SHOW"? That's because it IS one. Hence all of these "coincidences."

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

Enjoy the show.

  • notQ

RAPID EDIT: Just found this incredible new GUIDED PRAYER/MEDITATION for establishing PEACE and LOVE in Ukraine-Russia (as well as within the rest of Planet Earth) for the cause!!! Enjoy!!! :) :) :)

So I'll keep this short and sweet: The dark ones' no longer have a game to play; and everything that they've done so far to the peoples of this planet is about to come right out into the open. And I'm not even the one saying, feeling, or intuiting this, most of you all guys are, just read through the majority consensus intuitive responses in here!!!

Now this development, they obviously do not desire in the very slightest. So they're attempting to throw us all into a world war 3 nuclear holocaust situation, where we all die and they win, yet again.

NOW, is NOT the time to sit back and let them win this game. Because your POSITIVE, LOVING and PEACEFUL thoughts, hopes, prayers, blessings and vibes, even if you're a tiny number of people, have enough power to disable entire nukes. Don't think that's too much of a big deal for God to take care of. But even God won't override your free will here ultimately -- it's called your God-Gifted Free Will for a damn good reason.

So I beseech you all, PLEASE DO START putting out your positive thoughts, love, light and peace with immediate effect. And even but a tiny handful of you doing this can save our world because just a single positive thought / expectation is more powerful than a million negative ones. Because that's how powerful LOVE even is.

PLEASE remember, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE that YOU CREATE, for better or for worse. In other words, think, believe in and (ultimately) expect war, get your asses holocausted back to extinction. Think, believe in, trust and expect peace, and you'll see yourself (and your loved ones) live to see exactly that. There's nothing more that needs to be said here that I haven't said already. Here are all of the necessary links for your perusal anyways...


The 'Why To Pray' Guide

A Few More 'Tricks Of The Trade'


Another HIGHLY useful read for people wondering HOW TO STAY POSITIVE 24x7x366.

PLEASE SPREAD AND SHARE this message as far and as wide as you possibly can. Through your Social Media and through your conversations and through every last communication channel that you have at your disposal!!

And finally, a

SUPER FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: WHAT IF I ended up bringing PEACE to a place where NECESSARY DESTRUCTION was taking place? Am I not DIRECTLY INTERFERING in the PLAN then???

ITS NOT-SO-FREQUENTLY-GIVEN ANSWER: For anyone wondering whether bringing peace will interfere with the plan or something... HELL NO! This plan, IS GOD'S PLAN after all! And while it does require some destruction indeed (such as the elimination of bio labs and blasting one's way through underground child abuse bases or so), you need to understand that the negative ones are attempting to use that very (necessary) destruction as a means to their end of kickstarting World War 3 nuclear showdown. So while your intentions will indeed bring peace to places/countries full of innocent people where the dark ones are wishing to escalate war (this includes your specific country too, in case you're unclear), it will NOT stop any destruction that is critical for the plan to function.


Because GOD'S ENERGY is NOT a dumb, zombie, NPC-type of energy that goes ahead and "does what it's told"... THAT'S WHY. It is, instead, a 100% CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT energy. It is the VERY POWER that creates entire fucking universes, after all!!!

So TRUST that energy to do whatever it is that NEEDS TO BE DONE; all whilst simultaneously preventing other unwanted agendas from reaching fruition in any way, shape, or form here, whatsoever!

Enjoy the show!



So if 8KUN can get themselves a ping, surely all of us at the biggest Q portal on the interwebs right now can get one too, right? At least then, all of us too can finally get that (much deserved and desired) boost of pure hopium, inspiration and motivation to keep on keeping on, and some of our most beloved "theories" can finally be put to rest! Say what?

I propose that this ping be in the form of the word dream. After all, we are all here mainly because, despite (and against) all odds, we are daring to dream the impossible. For some, it is the promise of a true American Dream free of all corrupt agendas and dark intentions. For others, it is the dream of a better future for one and all upon this planet. And above all, and perhaps the most critical, it is our dream of realizing a better and happier future for all of our children, so that they too, are free to live, and free to dream their dream lives into real-ization nonetheless!!

UPDOOTS to the left if you love this plan!


...sure seems headed in that direction, does it not?

Just thinking out loud what I feel has been weighing on nearly everyone's minds lately lol.


FINAL EDIT: A HUGE THANK YOU to one and all for your UNPRECEDENTED response to this! Hope that you're all enjoying comparing and contrasting your answers to those of everyone else, because I can very, VERY CLEARLY see some SUPER common themes emerging in here on literally every single answer! Finally, a personal observation, take it or leave it; in that a few people on here, in my humble honest opinion, are still using their logical minds and past experiences to "predict" what will happen, as opposed to purely tuning into their intuition with an open-mind and an open-heart! Believe it or not though, the future is anything but "logical" necessarily, and we've literally been witnessing this for the last what...6 or so years already? Just an observation that I felt like sharing with you all! Thank you all for this amazing and exciting and FUN interaction, everyone! :) :)

It is said that we only use a tiny little percentage of our brains, and little to nothing of our own innate intuition / gut feeling / sixth sense -- whatever you choose to call it -- DESPITE having 100% access to it at all times. So this, right here, is GA.WIN's first ever GUT FEELING poll. Given below are a few interesting questions about our (potential) futures. I want all of you reading this to deeply FEEL INTO the question asked, and (this part is somewhat challenging) --- WITHOUT pushing it through the logical / intuitive / reasoning filters of your mind, type out the answer as is.

One Final Thing: You'll be greatly tempted to check what other folks have answered in response to these questions, either for the purposes of seeking validation or wanting to "not be wrong" or "not look silly / stupid / ridiculous". Please do try your LEVEL best to avoid the said temptation, for this is just a fun game, and NOT a test of "right" or "wrong." Finally, beware of your mind's innate tendencies to want a specific (desired) answer to a given specific question, and instead, please just be open to whatever the answer may be, be that favourable to your own liking or NOT.

And now, your questions...

Please Note: Your gut feeling is the VERY FIRST (UNFILTERED!!!) ANSWER that comes into your mind / heart when you ask a question (to the universe / God etc.) with a deep INTENTION of receiving the answer to it. Hope this helps!

QUESTION ONE: What does your GUT FEELING say about the ENERGIES (on a GLOBAL level) for the next 3 months? In other words, how will experiencing this time period FEEL like?

QUESTION TWO: What does your GUT FEELING say about the ENERGIES (on a GLOBAL level) for the entire year at large? In short, what kind of energies / experiences do you expect the rest of the year to bring to the people, on a global scale?

QUESTION THREE: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the COVID agenda before the end of this year?

QUESTION FOUR: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the human trafficking agenda before the end of this year?

QUESTION FIVE: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the stolen US Election agenda before the end of this year?

QUESTION SIX: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the stolen Scottish Referendum election poll before the end of this year?

QUESTION SEVEN: Will (the REAL) Q make a comeback this year? What does your GUT FEELING say?

Go give it your best shot. And please remember, this is all just for FUN so PLEASE do NOT take this seriously! It's perfectly OKAY to be "right" or "wrong" here! In fact, there ARE NO rights or wrongs here! Just avoid looking at other people's answers and just write down the VERY FIRST ANSWER to any question that comes into your minds / hearts!

P.S. I'm expecting that many women on here will be great at this stuff because I've legit seen some incredible examples of what is commonly known as women's intuition or women's sixth sense / gut feeling, so I'm REALLY counting on them to deliver the goods, here!

Enjoy the show.

EDIT: I'd also like to add in here (for those curious) the idea of timelines. In that ultimately, each of us aligns ourselves to either a positive or negative time-stream or experience-stream (depending upon the TYPE of majority of our thoughts, feelings, intentions, beliefs, and, above all, expectations). In that, people with more of a positive attitude and expectation from life (i.e. the optimists) will actually, LITERALLY experience a positive future, while people who (inwardly) expect negative / depressing things to happen (i.e. the pessimists), will find themselves living exactly JUST THAT! Yeah this one's a mind-bender, sci-fi, parallel universe oriented concept, but it's a fun concept to ponder on for curious and inquisitive minds nevertheless! :) :)


This post is inspired by this brilliant post by u/ChangeAgent (brilliant username too, by the way). In a similar vein, I too, would like to offer you all a super simple, super effective redpill that works without a whole lot of debate, and pointless goings back and forth. The redpill in question is quick, effective, and above all, highly efficacious to engaging in time consuming logical arguments and evidence-showing and proving things through data and all such sorta stuff. In that, the method only involves asking the normie in front of you two simple questions and asking them specifically to honestly answer them. (specifically asking them that makes it harder for them to consciously lie...even to themselves). So, without further ado, let's get right into it!

The first question you ask them is, "Do you sincerely believe that the media is filled with honest, legitimate journalists who only and ONLY have your wellbeing in their hearts at all times?" No sane person can respond in the affirmative to that one, but just in case they do, ask them the even simpler follow up question: If that part were somehow true (i.e. the media being super HONEST and all), would we not be living in a complete and total UTOPIA? Because the media would literally be exposing lies and corruption ALL DAY LONG, surely there's more than enough of it in our world to cover and expose already, if nothing else, definitely from the political-party-they-hate-the-most right? In a world where the media was doing its work right, lie and corruption exposures would be so nonstop, the politicians would be pissing their pants. But if, instead, the media is focused on Kim Kardashian's next sextape and BTS' next song release, it's more than obvious that they're not exactly honest and truthful about matters, here.

If so, then how the FUCK would this exact same mediapeople start caring about ALL of the world's people health and wellbeing, literally overnight?

Redpill ONE launched into orbit successfully.

Next, ask them the exact same question regarding the world's governments. Here, even the normiest of normies would answer that no government throughout history has given a single, flying FUCK about their wellbeing. And if it were so, they would ALL be living in a UTOPIA by now --- ZERO homelessness, ZERO poverty, ZERO debts, ZERO problems, FREE healthcare, FREE life basics (food, water, shelter) for ALL, and so on and so forth. And it's NOT like "the government does not have that kinda money" is even a real argument here, OF FUCKING COURSE they have that kind of money. Just look at their trillions of dollars in fucking WAR and MILITARY spendings, excessive personal security, lavish and luxurious lifestyles, insider stock trading, handouts to billionaires, lobbying, corruption, excesses...need I even go on any further? They have enough money to make our civilization beautiful and prosperous and STILL have tons more cash to SPARE.

And so, how is it even possible that these lying, scummy, corrupt, scandalous, and straight up evil governments and politicians and bureaucrats, and ALL ACROSS THE PLANET at that, all of a sudden, transformed into these saints and sages and "well wishers" of their people's health and safety and wellbeing? And transformed enough to the point that they're now somehow willing to * checks list * FORCE INTO THEM an untested vaccine that somehow just magically appears within a couple MONTHS from the onset of a pandemic? (Science is science not magic, and it takes YEARS to even as much as develop vaccines for diseases let alone TEST THEM the last I checked). And to add to that, the vaccine manufacturers can't be sued and don't want the test data to be released for fucking 50+ years? Can anyone fucking buy THAT BS?

Not even your normiest of normies can retort to that one. Seriously, go try it out for yourselves (not on the internet however, because that's just a ego-fueled mud-sling-fest house in there and nothing more).

Redpill TWO launched into orbit successfully.

Finally, imagine if, suddenly (and overnight), ALL governments and ALL media agencies against the world turned against YOU, yes YOU. Then, by definition and by ANY logic --- if ALL of the evil people upon the planet turn against you overnight, then by ANY DEFINITION (and by PLAIN logic), it must be automatically true and deduce-able that YOU MUST BE the good guy. There can be no other deduction in such a case, and one doesn't even have to be a Sherlock Holmes or an Einstein to make such a deduction. For such is as obvious as a two plus two equals four.

And now, replace the word you with DONALD Motherfucking TRUMP.

I rest my case. Mic drop. And thank you for listening.

Enjoy your 2022 Redpilling Global Tour everyone.



To begin with, a quick disclaimer: Everything provided below is my own perspective, my own learnings, and, to some degree, my own biases regarding things. That being said, I do indeed feel that as an awaken-ing being, the topics mentioned below do indeed deserve your time, your energy, your research, and above all, your deepest inquiry and contemplation. Sure, some of these topics might be of no interest to you at this time, or you'll simply disagree with them, or you'll find them too basic (or too advanced) for your liking --- and ALL of those things are perfectly fine. But at the very least, you'll now KNOW what you DON'T KNOW, and that, to me, is more than enough of a 'return on investment' for spending my time / energy in writing this post. And, with that now being cleared up, it is now indeed time to begin.

Question: What exactly IS the Great Awakening, specifically?

Answer: The Great Awakening, in its simplest terms, is humanity's return to its TRUTH. And while some may just limit it to the idea of "going down the rabbit hole of deep secret conspiracies and hidden agendas", there is, in fact, much, MUCH MORE to things than just THAT.

Allow me to illustrate this with a VERY SIMPLE example:

Think of a child. The child, is naturally carefree, innocent, joyful, and playful. It can find and express joy in the smallest of things, and, often, for no reason at all (even though adult humans think such is not even possible). The child is honest and truthful. Passionate and (more often than not) kind. The child is ever eager to express and receive love. Ever excited to learn, create, explore and grow. The child is able to laugh things off without being so very serious all the time. It is pure and glowing. And above all, the child knows no LIMITATION. (Please remember this last line, for it will be referenced later during the course of this post).

No wonder they say children are the closest things to GOD. Because, well, at an EXPERIENTIAL LEVEL they truly, literally, ARE.

Next, consider a (so-called) "adult." It's LITERALLY THAT EXACT SAME CHILD IN TRUTH, but their poor soul has been CRUSHED BEYOND BELIEF. Their carefree nature beaten out of them through endless "disciplining". Their passion for life and creativity and excellence and craftsmanship and perfection replaced by a dead-end education that teaches them to be the perfect little slaves to some anonymous elite (and their respective corporations). Their jobs being basically no different than prison enslavement camps (in return for RIDICULOUSLY unfair paycheques), but with some air conditioning and a cafeteria (if they're even fortunate enough to get one, that is).

This "adult" is now afraid of eternally speaking their own mind, and, is a slave eternale to society's expectations of it. And oh, the society themselves are slaves to some unknown master, and literally, are the very pawns that (willingly and sincerely and obediently!) run and maintain the slave manufacturing systems for their own masters!

But even THAT is not even ALL.

For not only does "the system" perpetually fuck with these "adults" OVERTLY, BUT ALSO does it do the exact same thing to THEM and their CHILDREN and the ANIMALS and literally all of the ENVIRONMENT COVERTLY as well.

Their FOOD gets (knowingly!) poisoned by these ones via chemicals of immeasurable toxicity. Their AIR gets poisoned via dedicatedly-setup chemtrails. Their very DNA gets manipulated via technologies that most of mankind has no CLUE about, yet. Their WATER gets poisoned. Hell, even their very planet's WEATHER (and other natural disasters) have basically been manufactured. And these are just the PHYSICAL aspects.

On a mental level, their very MINDS and HEARTS are poisoned by various forms of media (and other hidden technologies and elements) to keep them FOREVER angry, fearful, and above all, greatly and tremendously HATEFUL. Everything from their TVs to their Netflix subscriptions to their Social Medias assist in this cause, and I'm not even getting into the hidden radiation-tech (and negatively-intentioned parasitical/demonic beings) in here. False flags and other politically charged people, events and actions continue the process.

Last, but by no means the least, every single system upon their world from Healthcare to Politics to Education to Religion to History to Transportation to Communication to Technology and what-else-have-you has been not only ENTIRELY manipulated by these ones, but downright CORRUPTED. But most of you reading this know that fact ALREADY.

And yet, that's STILL NOT what THE GREAT AWAKENING is all about.

And with that, I'll now get to the ACTUAL point of this entire post...

The Great Awakening is about people WAKING UP to their true, RAW and EVER-INNATE POWER.

Please read that line over and over and over again until it really sinks in.

The Great Awakening is NOT merely about awakening humanity to "the rabbit hole" of lies and deceit and manipulations and conspiracies by the elite, as it is all so very often thought to be.

The Great Awakening is about HUMANITY awakening to, and taking BACK it's own, true, innate POWER and INNOCENCE BACK.

In other words, if you are of the opinion/understanding that merely knowing about "what's ACTUALLY going on out there" makes you AWAKENED, well, I'm afraid to say, that you're only PARTIALLY understanding the truest, deepest purpose of it all.

Because you're not REALLY "awake" until and unless you've realized as to how very truly POWERFUL, YOU, both PERSONALLY as well as COLLECTIVELY are.

In laymen's terms, a truly AWAKE humanity would represent a populace that is CHILD-LIKE at its very CORE, and yet, MATURE and WISE to the T. It represents kind, passionate, loving, innocent, pure, joyful, wise, mature, balanced, accepting, harmonious, innately-blissful, abundant, prosperous, compassionate, discerning, creative, intelligent, expressive, truthful, and, above all, POWERFUL AS HELL CREATOR BEINGS who quite literally EXEMPLIFY and LIVE a life fit for fucking GODS no less.

And much like the child of a king is eventually destined to inherit the keys to the entire kingdom, the child of GOD is eventually destined to one day inherit the entire COSMOS for itself. And yet, NOT in a sense of conquering and conquest and control and domination and some false sense of "superiority" over another, BUT, in a sense of LOVE, WISDOM, HUMILITY, HARMONY, BALANCE, KINDNESS, TRUTH, and ALL GOOD THINGS that are TRULY worth STANDING UP for. Where human beings find and recognize and accept and acknowledge and above all, APPLY their TRUE POWER, and NOT some illusory, insecure, fucked-up and distorted/demonic version or interpretation of the same.

And THAT, my friends, is what the GREAT AWAKENING is ALL ABOUT.

You are NOT merely called the Children Of GOD without some DAMN GO(O)D REASON you know ;) ;)

Enjoy the show.

P.S. Feel free to SHARE the post or SPREAD THE WORD around, if you feel so inclined to!!! Cheers!!! And have a wonderful day!!! <3 <3 <3



EDIT: For people who are entirely new to praying / meditating / visualizing, please READ THIS HOW-TO GUIDE. For people looking to assist their local Freedom Convoys but don't know how, please READ THIS POST. Hope this helps!!!

The cabal is now on its LAST LEGS. And they know this. Unfortunately, they've decided to go to go down fighting, and lashing out at everything within their reach like some cornered and wounded animal, (which they most certainly are.)

Your PRAYERS, your POSITIVE THOUGHTS, and your LOVE and BLESSINGS are ALL the "weapons" that you'll EVER need to defeat these ones.

It's TIME to go all out with your prayers, meditations, positive intentions, positive thoughts, love and blessings. Take out even just 2 to 5 minutes out of your daily routines every hour to send out your prayers, blessings, positive thoughts, positive intentions, love, and what-else-have-you.

Canadian truckers, their men, women, and especially children (who are being threatened by Justin Castro and his thugs for no reason at this time) could use your prayers for love, support and above all, protection and healing just about NOW. Trucker convoys popping up elsewhere around the globe could use your prayers, love, positive intentions / thoughts / visualizations and blessings just about NOW. The Ukraine-Russia situation (which the cabal is trying to escalate into World War 3), as well as the India-China border situation (which the cabal is ALSO trying to escalate into World War 3), and many, MANY other places around the world that the cabal is hoping to trigger into violence, chaos, breakdown and meltdown could ALSO use your prayers and love and light just about NOW.

So NOW IS the time to go all out.

Request GOD for assistance, healing, support and PROTECTION. Request the Angels, Archangels, Saints, Sages and Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Buddha etc.) for assistance, healing, support and protection. And trust that it's more than enough to get the job done. NOTHING can stop the power of God and his holy team, so TRUST THIS F A C T AT ALL TIMES.

Finally, please, please, PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE EVERYWHERE YOU SO CAN. You'll SAVE many, many, MANY LIVES with this, trust me on this. SPREAD THE GOOD WORD all across your Social Medias. TALK ABOUT THIS with your friends, family, relatives, colleagues, neighbours, acquaintances, and all other loved ones alike. If you're part of a trucker convoy / convoy supporters, TAKE THE LEAD and get everyone involved in some kind of prayer/healing circle and go say some prayers TOGETHER. You can do the exact same thing with your family members or close friends in group settings as well.


Thank you for reading! And please do upvote and share for visibility!! Cheers!!! :) <3

P.S.:: Also, if someone can find/locate/tag the Daily Prayer Thread creator OP, PLEASE do so! Much love!!!


...just make it a racial / sexual / gender issue like THEY always do. Like, say, "These vaccine mandates are a way to marginalize the already oppressed African American community" and/or "The vaccine passport is transphobic" or something. This achieves two ends. Either people start to see through the ridiculousness of it all (i.e. using groups of people as a political means to achieve your political ends), get redpilled THE FUCK UP and awaken --- OR, they join the mandate protests alongside us (because of whatever triggers their constant Twitter-fuelled persecution complex or whatever) and support the rest of the planet in the Great Awakening anyways. Useful idiots and all that.

Fight fire with fire and politics with politics, and above all, give 'em a taste of their own medicine! Say what?


Greetings frens. As you all know, the Freedom Convoy in Canada has now started making waves, nay, Tsunamis all across our beloved planet --- and the rest of the world will soon begin following suit (just in case they haven't already) in their footsteps as expected. That being said, this unprecedented (and entirely unanticipated) development greatly threatens those of the negative variety. And make no mistake, they will NOT go down easily. They'll do their level best (and they already ARE doing their level best) to create division and separation both within the movement, as well as around it. We all know their usual tactics already, namely: Sabotaging, Gaslighting, Censorship, Violence, Planted-wrongdoers, Smear Campaigns, and above all, their most favourite tactic, divide and rule. Yes, they will try their very best to wedge divisions between truckers and farmers, or farmers and people, or movement supporters and cops, or what-else-have-you. Above all, they will likely attempt to resort to their time-tested tactic, false flags and violence. Unfortunately for them, we are so NOT going to allow them to even as much as IMAGINE doing this.

So, what can someone like us even do to support these many numerous convoys?

ONE: We create an impenetrable shield around these convoys and their supporters globally. The shield of Love, Prayer, Peace, and, above all, GOD. Every single day, we take at least 2-5 minutes to send out our prayers for these ones; because where humans fail, God succeeds. DO NOT EVER UNDERESTIMATE what a Positive Intention, a Prayer, and/or sending folks the energies of Love, Support, Peace, Harmony and Wellbeing can do for them. For the power of Love/God is an IMPENETRABLE SHIELD OF POWER AND INTELLIGENCE that protects ALL concerned. That being said, Here's a Handy Guide to Praying / Meditating for ALL new visitors to this website.

TWO: Love and Support. Do you know what those of dark intent hate THE most? Well, it's people coming together as ONE. Nothing, NOTHING pisses them off more than a WWG1WGA, special emphasis on that last A. So do your best to share and spread that LOVE as much as you can. If you can share food or water, do that. If you can lend someone a helping hand, do that. If you are great at making amazing banners, do that. If you are great at Meme-ing your support, do that. If you can simply have a chat (or a game of hockey!) with a trucker or more, do that! Trust me, you'll make their day even with but a smile and a wave, that much I can pretty much guarantee you.

If nothing else, just send out a PRAYER for all of the truckers, the farmers, as well as all of the entire populace itself that ALL be taken care of during this time of dire need, and that every single person, EVERY LAST CITIZEN AND THEIR PET has adequate access to Food, Water, Shelter, Care and Love and Warmth not only merely during this time ...but also well, WELL into the future beyond it, FOREVERMORE.

Please remember, they are here for US, so we have to be there for THEM; that's how all of this ultimately even works. Especially so given the fact that truckers and farmers are some of the least appreciated people within our worlds. Worlds, that are more concerned with Kim Kardashian's ass measurements than they are of the very rights of the people putting food on their table, well, quite literally. And NOW is our time to change this retardery for GOOD, and to (finally!) pay these ones the RESPECT that they've ALWAYS deserved!

THREE: Keep an eye out. As incredible as the White Hats and Truckers are, even they cannot have their eyes and ears absolutely everyfuckingwhere. This is where WE THE PEOPLE come in.

Report any weirdos or anti-social elements that you get wind of to the right people to report to. See anything dangerous or messed-up being plotted (online or offline?) REACH OUT to these ones and get that shit shut down ASAP. Remember, we are in this whole thing TOGETHER. One for all, and all for One.

FOUR: CELEBRATE!!! For these last two years (and many, many more), our world has been something of a dark and draining place. Whether you have been awake or asleep, life has so not been easy on you. And now, finally, at long last, do we have our very first rays of LIGHT peeking at us through the clouds in the forms of these Trucker Convoys. So WE HAVE TO keep this POSITIVE MOMENTUM going up and up and UP ALL THE WAY!

So spread the love and cheer. Join those street dances. Uplift everyone you meet and everyone you know. Speak Up about the incredible good times that are coming for all of HUMANITY ITSELF, because coming they are, GUARANTEED. Share your love. Smile often at people. Do an open-air barbeque. Make some snowmen.

It's time for the world to see innocent human smiles once again, SCREW SO CALLED "ELITES" dreaming of putting a mask on it.

For NOW is INDEED the time to restore ALL of that lost HOPE, POSITIVITY, OPTIMISM and GOOD CHEER amongst the people of this planet, ONCE AGAIN!!! Once again, don't ever, EVER underestimate the MIRACULOUS Healing and Uplifting POWER of JOY, POSITIVE ENERGY and GOOD VIBES!!!

Let's keep this incredible positive momentum building and building and building up till it reaches a crescendo (and even beyond that, forevermore), and let's pray, intend and visualize to have even MORE such trucker convoys, in literally EVERY SINGLE CORNER OF THE GLOBE! And so shall it be done, guaranteed.

Because in the end, as always, God Wins.


Be sure to ENDLESSLY SHARE these words of HOPE as FAR and as WIDE as you quite POSSIBLY SO can...through Social Media, conversations, or what-else-have-you! (Because if not now, then when???)



...and start redpilling normies left, right, and center. Twitter can't "fact check" it (or even ban you for it) because they can't even dare call it misinformation without making themselves look like a total fucking joke. The censorship debate is already waking more and more normies up by the day (thanks to our incredible Joe Rogan haters) so blocking people from saying THIS would only add MORE fuel to the fire. And just like "Let's Go Brandon", THIS is something you can say over and over again without worrying about it being "offensive" or "misleading." BUT it most DEFINITELY helps get the message across when repeated by EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, all thanks to our friend, reverse psychology.

The dark ones have for long used and known the power of words, labels and psychology (or the reverse of it) for gaslighting, misleading, brain-washing and straight up lying to people. Called us "conspiracy theorists" and "tinfoil hatters" and "flat earthers" and whatnot for telling the TRUTH. So now, it's TIME to use their own weapons against them for the cause of bringing the TRUTH out. Besides, I'm sure we have many, MANY major Twitter influencers and huge-Twitter-following Patriots who lurk on here daily. Even if a "fringe minority" (heh) of them were to start doing this religiously and all-at-once, we are suddenly looking at a phenomenon that is AS potent and AS viral as a "Let's Go Brandon". The dark ones won't be able to ignore it, and they won't be able to deal with it either. The words will hurt these snowflakes yet again whether they like it or not. And that's EXACTLY as it should be.

Let's bring out the Meme War nukes and strike the iron while it's HOT.

P.S. Also, while we are at it, let us also start referring to that Canadian dummy as Crime Minister Justin Castreau wherever and whenever we can. Let's GO!


Greetings frens! As we all know, the dark ones have miserably fallen short of reaching their desired mass-culling / mass-population-control goals with this fake ass plandemic of theirs. That being said, now that they know that they're going down (and down for good), they're pulling all stops (that they possibly can) to bring as many of humanity down with them as they possibly can. They're trying to push us into World War 3 with this whole Russia / Ukraine situation, and they're trying to turn peaceful protests into riots. Because, and let me highlight this point specifically, don't think for ONE FRIGGIN' SECOND that turning protests violent hurts THEM whatsoever. Only common people like you and me get hurt and mindlessly slaughtered when protests turn violent -- while their asses relax happily in their air-conditioned, red-carpeted ivory towers. Same with wars. Soldiers get incited under the false label of "patriotism"; ordinary men and women like you and me lose their children, pets, loved ones and livelihoods amidst bloody massacres; whilst weapons manufacturers, Bush, Obama and the crew enjoy their margaritas under a sun umbrella at the Epst. Island.

WE are so NOT going to allow them this "win".

So I invite you, one and all, to join the Global Mass Meditations / Prayers for World Peace, Love and Light that are currently happening every four hours -- at 12:30 AM UTC; 4:30 AM UTC; and 8:30 AM UTC; as well as at 12:30 PM UTC; 4:30 PM UTC; and 8:30 PM UTC. You can also find the requisite Time Zones for some of the biggest cities around the globe at https://bit.ly/3ACiygH

If you're new to mass meditations / prayers, worry not! All you even need to do in here is to firstly choose one (or more) of the given meditation timings provided above -- although if no timing given above works for you at all, just join in at the timing that suits you best! Once done, simply find a comfortable and relaxing place to sit / sleep / stand. As an entirely optional thing, you can create a 'prayer mood' or 'meditation mood' using incense, flowers, and/or by playing some soft instrumental or Tibetan Healing music on your headphones (or speakers). Fantastic selections of such music are freely available on YouTube and elsewhere.

Once done, just relax yourself (close your eyes if you wish to), and INTEND (verbally or mentally) that this meditation is for bringing the Light of PEACE, LOVE, Compassion and Forgiveness upon the ENTIRE planet, with special focus on Russia and Ukraine at this time. Then, simply imagine / visualize global peace in whatever ways that work the best for you. You can either imagine Love and Peace descending upon Planet Earth as a brilliant White / Golden / Pink / Multicoloured / Colour-Of-Your-Choice light; or you can simply imagine people coming together and hugging it out. You can imagine soldiers dropping weapons and joining hands and hearts instead, and you can imagine nature joyfully restoring the energies of peace through beauty, flowers, clouds, and what-else-have-you. Imagine walls and barriers between people breaking down and joys being shared. All up to you as to how YOU'D like to visualize / imagine this best!

More importantly, FEEL as if all of this was happening right NOW, right in FRONT OF YOU. FEEL into the JOY you feel upon seeing these visuals and images and incidences play out in front of you. And then, simply KNOW that what you've willed for, is DONE. Because indeed, SUCH is the true raw POWER of a good, kind and benevolent INTENTION / PRAYER!

You can do this Prayer / Meditation / Intention-Setting for as little as 2 minutes, or as long as an hour or more if you so please! There's no specific time requirements here, although the more the merrier! (That being said, PLEASE do NOT exhaust yourself out or anything of the sort here though, for SUCH is NOT needed to be done here AT ALL whatsoever!)

~ONE LAST but SUPER IMPORTANT thing (NOTE: this is ONLY for those who have any belief at all in the existence of higher power benevolent entities the likes of Angels, Archangels, God etc): BE SURE to invite ALL higher dimensional beings and energies (God, Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Soul Families, Deceased Loved Ones, All-Beings-From-Heaven etc.) to support you in whatever ways that they so can during this meditation. Also, DO ask them to AMPLIFY your energies and intentions INFINITELY for the greatest good of ALL in the most INCREDIBLE ways...beyond your very wildest imaginings! Note that doing so is basically grabbing all of that FREE and (immensely!) POWERFUL energetic help, so go make the MOST of it! Note that you have to specifically ASK for this as the Higher Dimensional Ones will NOT intervene in these matters without your explicit FREE WILL permission as per DIVINE LAW. So do note that!

LAST BUT BY NO MEANS THE LEAST: PLEASE do freely SHARE this message across ALL of your Social Media profiles, Spiritual Communities (both online and offline), and what-else-have-you! Feel free to bring the topic up in your conversations with like-minded / open-minded friends, family members, and neighbours etc. alike, and spread the word like wild-fire! (who says we can't fight fire with fire?)

You are MORE appreciated for doing this than you EVER WILL come to know or even REALIZE! Rather, let me put it this way: YOUR PRAYER could be the difference between a mother not losing her only child in some act of mindless violence. YOUR PRAYER could be the reason a father gets to see the rest of his beloved family members alive and well at the dinner table that night. YOUR PRAYER could be the reason a sister doesn't have to see her beloved brother as a coffin. And don't just think your prayers are saving one or two people in here, you're preventing a literal WORLD WAR here through merely your prayers ALONE...you're saving people in the THOUSANDS and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS here. So please, never, never, NEVER EVER underestimate what your benevolent prayers, blessings, and positive thoughts and intentions could do for someone feeling all alone, lost, and helpless in another corner of the world.

Your prayers and meditations have INCALCULABLE POWER. Go make the most of it!

In INFINITE Love and Gratitude to you ALL,

  • notQ

My dearest frens, I have waited for quite some time to share the following post with you all. And, be warned here well in advance...many of you are NOT going to like it. Not one bit. But like-ability isn't the reason for which this post is being written in the first place. Instead, this post is being written in the greatest benefit of ALL (of humanity) concerned. So well, here goes nothing...!

Guys, we HAVE TO stop with the division and hatred and separation-consciousness (that we see on here so very often). If you think judging others is serving you or making you look all pious and cuddly in the eyes of God, you, my frens, are GREATLY mistaken. If you think hating on the "commies" and the "libs" and the "normies" and the "sheeple" (or whoever else) makes you enlightened or "above all" or something, well, you've chosen a path that leads NOT to the light, but to complete and total DARKNESS.

A fantastic way to become the very thing you set out to destroy, might I add.

Now, I know that there's many Jesus followers on here, so I'll remind you of exactly what he said. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Please remember, he said this about the very people who were about to slaughter him in broad daylight and publicly at that.

And today, it is your turn to actually LIVE that message. And not just his message, but that of countless other saints, sages, messiahs and God-beings from every religion and culture upon this planet. Because you don't need to be following a religion to tell that Forgiveness is the way to go.

Compassion is the way to go.

Kindness is the way to go.

Unity is the way to go.

LOVE is the way to go.

My dearest frens, the idea of dividing our world into oppossing battlefronts is a Black Hat idea, and has NOTHING to do with how God sees things. These people you are fighting and hating on daily, however asleep they might be, are ultimately all a part of the EXACT SAME HUMAN FAMILY as that of you and I. In fact, there may well have been a time in your life when someone who helped you out with something was a person that you're busy hating on right now (for their religious, political, economical viewpoints, or what-else-have-you). And frens, how does this serve ANYONE?

I know it's super hard for some of you to hear, but we simply CANNOT win any 'spiritual wars' in here as a DIVIDED human race. And yes, that does NOT mean that we let ourselves get gagged by the powers-that-be and stop fighting / resisting them or whatever. But it ALSO does not mean that we stop putting out LOVE over HATE and UNITY over SEPARATION wherever such is possible at all.

Yes, they've turned our own people against us, and our own people are (at the moment at least) too damn zombie-fied and brainwashed to realize it. And yes, many of them are actively supporting those who seek to destroy US (and THEM, too). But, one, this is NOT a permanent situation as more and more of the sleepers are awakening daily. And two, the Great Awakening is going to awaken THEM eventually too, for such is inevitable. Nothing can stop what is coming after all.

So please, PLEASE remember the many examples that those like Jesus and Gandhi set in front of us. Examples, that they set because truly, "(these ones) KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO (for now at least)." But we know better, and we can show them better.

Please remember, Q has always said "Where we go ONE, we go ALL." Q never said "Where we go SOME...and oh, the rest can go fuck themselves."

If Donald J. Trump has enough love and forgiveness left within him to tell you to "go home with love & in peace" after the negative ones stole his very presidency (on top of attempting to eliminate him AND his loved ones numerous times); and if Jesus H. Christ has it within him to forgive the very people who turned against him and murdered him in broad daylight...then WE most certainly do have it within ourselves to forgive the ones who are currently attempting to destroy us (and failing miserably at it, too), all "normies" and "sheeples" very much so included.

Because, indeed, they know not what they do. (But they will all know the TRUTH eventually, coz THAT'S very much a given).

It is about time that we raised the spiritual bar a tad higher up in here for this 'spiritual war' (no matter how difficult it is to do) because THAT is what true DIVINE-EVOLUTION and LOVE is all about. It's not about division and separation and brother-against-brother and sister-against-mister and other forms and varieties of hate and violence and war-mongering...the kinds that are exactly what the Dark Ones would have you do. Instead, this is about making amends and treaties and peace and coming together as one strong, rock-solid, UNIFIED human collective of global proportions and taking humanity back to an era of true global harmony, unity, awakening, love, truth, prosperity and PEACE. Again, this DOES NOT mean that we take negative agendas and plans lying down or anything...but this indeed means erasing all of the HATE that has been artificially SEEDED and PLANTED within us by agents of the darkness.

Is it going to be super-hard to forgive them when they are actively trying to kill us and take our jobs and restrict us in every way so imaginable? Yes. Yes it is. But if a DJT can do it and a JHC can do it in pretty much the exact same circumstances (i.e. a direct threat to everything they stand for AND a threat to their very lives and loved ones too), then so can WE. After all, God's tests aren't exactly meant to be easy, ya know. So RISE UP.

So please, PLEASE, this new year...let us promote more and more and more LOVE each day on here (and elsewhere across our real-life, social media etc.) instead of hate and division and separation, and this whole "us vs them" nonsense that our entire front page and comments are currently filled with. For indeed, is it getting us all NOWHERE. Besides, that is NOT what Q would want us to do. That is NOT what DJT would want us to do. And it is most definitely NOT what the Christed One or God would want us to do.

Let's do BETTER than our (perceived) enemies in 2022.

Cheers! And have an amazing day and week and month and year!!!

P.S. If this message resonates with your HEART at all, feel free to SHARE IT all across your social medias, and at your family and friend / relative/ colleague (one-to-one) conversations and mass conventions, your LinkedIns, your Tinder profiles, and wherever else you so please! Much love to one and all! :) :) <3

  • NopeStillAin'tQ

EDIT: Some posters on here seem to imply that my post encouraging people to love and forgive reeks of one who "lacks courage". I'm just going to say in here that it perhaps takes the MOST courage to speak of LOVE when you KNOW for a fact that HATE is what sells the MOST on the internet at this point -- be it on this platform or elsewhere upon the web. In fact, it takes so much courage to speak of love that rare few people throughout history have even as much as dared to even suggest such a thing, and almost all of them have been ridiculed, mocked, and humiliated; or worse, straight up tortured and murdered.

I'm not saying this to toot my own horn or to even as much as imply that I'm one amongst them. Far, far from it. I have my bad days too and I know EXACTLY what being consumed with the feeling of pure hatred and vengeance even feels like. But if I don't make a conscious effort to rise above it all, who even will? Same goes for anyone and everyone reading this gigantic gigawall of text.

Contrary to popular belief, it perhaps takes the GREATEST amount of courage to openly and fearlessly go contrary to popular belief.


In my last post on here, I encouraged people to try becoming more positive, more hopeful and more JOYFUL (despite the current circumstances that befall us ALL at this time), in order that we may win this 'spiritual war' with ease. So today, I am going to build upon that thread by elaborating upon some of the simplest ways by which you can find happiness and joy in your lives. Read on for more! :)

To begin with, where does lasting happiness on EARTH come from?..."LASTING" being the key word here? Well, it comes from either of two things: The first one is SERVICE; the second one is SELF-EXPRESSION. And more often than not, SELF-EXPRESSION IS SERVICE. Allow me to explain.

"Service", in its simplest form, is bringing joy to another, whether that another is a human being, an animal, or a plant, matters not. Also, service isn't just "charity" or "rescuing a cat stuck on a tree" alone...you can be of service by simply offerring a warm smile to someone who looks cold, lonely and depressed. You can be of service by sharing your meal with someone. You can be of service by offering an old lady help with loading up her groceries into her car, or what-else-have-you. You can be of service by visiting an old age home near you and giving them all some Christmas / New Year gifts, and even better, simply spending some TIME with them sharing and having some CONVERSATIONS...you guys have no idea how lonely these people's lives are. And then again, if that type of service isn't exactly your cup of tea for some reason, guess what....SELF-EXPRESSION is exactly what the doctor ordered for YOU!

Self-Expression: This can be anything that comes naturally to you and brings you immense JOY. It can be writing. It can be singing. It can be painting, gardening, cooking, gaming, or even plain old prayer and meditation! It can be playing a sport that you enjoy playing or going for a jog or fishing. It can be inventing something or doing something the rest of the world considers "nerdy". It's simple: If YOU'RE the one doing it (as opposed to passive things such as watching Netflix or getting a massage), it then becomes your INEXHAUSTIBLE source of SELF-GENERATED joy (i.e. you don't have to rely on ANOTHER person to get that joy for yourself).

Not only that, self-expression makes you feel FULFILLED and ACCOMPLISHED...for example, you're not going to feel like a waste of space if that last post you wrote about on greatawakening.win brought joy, hope and happiness to another person. Or that last song you sung got your troublesome neighbour to finally consider relocation. Not saying you shouldn't watch Netflix or get a massage or anything (whatever keeps you going, go do it! (save super-negative shit like addictions and such!))...but that when you do or create something AWESOME, it not only brings joy to YOU, but also to SO. MANY. OTHERS!

Which makes SELF-EXPRESSION one of the most amazing forms of SERVICE too!

Along with these, there are many other incredible things that you can do to bring more and more happiness into your lives, bit by bit by bit!

A. Connecting with nature, going for walks in your local garden, connecting with animals etc.

B. Decorating your own home...you stay there all day, might as well make it beautiful and great smelling, great feeling, right? And no, it doesn't always have to be expensive. For instance, putting flowers in a flower pot and changing them twice or thrice each week costs you nearly nothing...but a simple flower or two in your room changes the entire ATMOSPHERE of that entire place and brings you LOADS of JOY! Just try it out and tell me it doesn't work!

C. You can also use your OWN creativity to do the above...you don't need to purchase an expensive painting if you can literally paint one yourself (if you're new to painting, try YouTube or something for some easy lessons!) and decorate your wall with it! Or, if you suck at painting, try writing a poem or something...frame it up and put it up on your wall (bonus points if you can write it in a great handwriting...or, even better, Calligraph it!).

Not only will (doing) the activity ITSELF bring you joy, but also it's RESULTS! After all, YOU are going to enjoy seeing YOUR painting on YOUR wall a whole lot more than seeing some random painting done by some random ass artist...doesn't matter how good they are. That is, of course, unless your paintings are total shit, in which case, consider writing a poem or an inspirational quote or something.

There are virtually ENDLESS things that you can do to bring pure JOY to your life (AND other people's lives as well)...from creating art and craft and music to simply recreating your life from scratch...to going out and having conversations with the lonely and the depressed to going and petting pups at your local animal shelter! If nothing else, you can simply find time to grab a hot cuppa tea / coffee for some time each day and just admire nature. Or go watch a "Tourism in 4K (place name)" video on YouTube on mute with some beautiful, soft and soothing instrumental / tibetan music playing in another tab! (I do this a lot myself, but with Live Cam videos of planes taking off or trains travelling). If nothing else, you can just do some Yoga / Tai Chi...or better, just take some time off of a busy day and simply enjoy the sheer act of BREATHING!

LIFE offers you AMPLE chances AND time each day to bring JOY to yourself...and every SMALL bit of joy you bring to yourself, ADDS UP to make your OVERALL life all the more happier, sexier, and RICHER! So, it's all up to YOU whether you choose to spend whatever bits of free time you find in your day reading NEGATIVE stuff on social media, news websites, alternative news websites etc. that make you feel BAD...or whether you'd rather utilize the EXACT SAME TIME in doing something that brings you JOY...and in some cases...SERVES THE WORLD AROUND YOU (and brings OTHERS some JOY) as well!

BE the change you wish to SEE.

Have a very Happy New Year, everyone! :) :) :)

EDIT: Also, you will find here (to your great surprise and JOY) that YOU being happy and happi-er inspires OTHERS around you and in your life to be happy and happi-er as well! Because remember, JOY (much like sadness) is INFECTIOUS (unlike the current "virus"!!!) Also, it is INSPIRATIONAL and it GETS AROUND much like K.D. Harris on an average day. So yeah, instead of some fake flu, go make your JOY go VIRAL instead! Much love and many hugs to you!

GIGA EDIT: Also, if you feel so inclined, PLEASE do SHARE this post across all of your social medias or whatever. Or, in case TGA.WIN links are banned, just copy-paste this text or such. Or, if you are a blogger or a YouTuber or such, feel free to address this topic in your next video or blog post...because THIS IS EXACTLY HOW WE can support the White Hats in bringing forth a better world! After all, THEY can only help clean-up the bad guys. That ALONE is of little use or consequence if the NEW WORLD that we are building here is filled with people who are not HEAVEN-BENT on making our world a better place, ONE SMALL STEP at a time! Cheers! And have an incredible day!

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