Apparently, Fetterman thinking for himself and not outright admonishing Trump has them thoroughly confused on his motive.


Fact ✅: True! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Donny_Fiasco ago by Donny_Fiasco

Where's the Congressional approval? This is an overt act of war.

The act of supplying munitions to a foreign country in an ongoing war with no clear and resent danger to our shores is treason. Now that those weapons are actually being utilized...TREASON

Where's the "Republican" outcry?

Has Trump brought this act of war without approval into the public view?

Why not?

So it must be part of the grand climax to the movie then.

There have been inciting incidents>COVID, lockdowns, a clearly stolen election, fraudulent indictments against a president, assassination attempts against that same president, replacing a supposed sitting president without the 25th amendment process, and without a vote.

Now a clear act of aggression in hopes of starting WWIII

And here we are at the inflection point.

What follows the inflection point? Glad you asked!

In a screenplay, an inflection point is a moment when the protagonist makes a significant choice that changes the course of the story. It's a turning point that's often climactic and ensures nothing will be the same.

What makes a good movie?



There are now at least 5 wildfires in different parts of the state which are officially being blamed on severe drought! conditions. All are currently/have been "under investigation".

2 have been "solved" - one to a 14 year old accused of arson{no picture, obviously} wonder if he/she was angry about the election results? Timing is highly curious.

Another attributed to a guy at a gun range who turned himself in.

Here's the latest incident: https://6abc.com/post/crews-battling-wildfire-hainesport-burlington-county-live/15557178/

This Burlington County fire is just the latest as thousands of acres have burned across the region over the last several weeks. Former Hainesport Mayor Bruce MacLachlan says he has never seen it this bad.

Even in extreme drought! conditions, there's a spark somewhere. It's highly probable arson is at play since every wildfire is still under investigation weeks after they were started.

This state is corrupt to the core

New FBI director! (media.greatawakening.win) 🐶 Meme Magic 🐶
posted ago by Donny_Fiasco ago by Donny_Fiasco

I'm starting to lean into the theory that the precipice has been artificially enlongated, but with a lower potency.

It's the boiled frog theory, only for good. We we just witnessed with the election is that viewpoints have greatly changed in the world. More are awakened then possibly ever before.

If we look at everything that has been thrown, not just at us, but the world in the past 10 years, put it all on a page and read it line by line, it is absolutely disastrous.

However, we've made huge inroads in the past decade. And by stretching out the poison, but at a lesser dosage, we are gaining herd immunity.

Let that sink in (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Donny_Fiasco ago by Donny_Fiasco
Sure, why not? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Donny_Fiasco ago by Donny_Fiasco

So, as many of you may know, I'm on board the "there will be no election" boat. And I have have been for a long time, because that's what all the Q drops point to, imo.

I think I'm correct on that, but my overview has suddenly changed.

After President Trump implored us to vote early and make it too big to rig, the dovetailing of the Q drops and Trump's innuendos are too much to ignore.

The election will be shut down on election Day, but not by the bad actors. It'll be shutdown by the W hats to prevent the steal. There will be no midnight drops of mysterious ballots because it'll be offline.

All your vote are belong to us.

Following Trump's advice, he will be so far in the lead at shutdown, they won't be able to steal it with their theft mechanism inoperable.

Think about this: 10 days darkness. Shutdown. {Please save the darnkess argument>going off memory post 88 clearly says darkness}

And the tweet of all tweets as they try and steal it through delays, motions to vacate, motions to default to a run off election and all kinds of shenanigans that are clearly illegal.... It all makes sense viewed through that prism.

It shines a light on Trump's dominant win, the way they will scurry about trying to prevent his win. The riots that will ensue. And the military quashing it.

And the tweet.

It all, and I mean all, fits perfectly.

Tick Tock, Howie (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Donny_Fiasco ago by Donny_Fiasco

This is essential reading. There are currently three parts. This is the first. They are not paywalled from his sub, "The 100 Days"



Just a quick challenge to the community: How far can you make it through this "review" before you throw your phone in the lake? https://www.ign.com/articles/rebel-ridge-review-netflix-jeremy-saulnier

{I realize this isn't on par with election fraud and the more serious issues of today, but it's small things like this, done enmasse, that influence the sheep. Podcasts are another avenue they use}


Somebody let this punk asshat know just how moronic his entire stance is. Good lord I should have stayed in bed.



We've all been fooled into a malaise by the simple thought, no human could ever do that. So we dismiss the empirical evidence in font of us because of our naivety. We've allowed things to happen in this world because we simply cannot fathom a person, a human, doing it.

Here's the answer: They are all "chipped". Allow me to explain.

1} Our publicly acknowledged technological advancements are at least 50 years behind the actual technology. Probably more.

2} Ai needs human interaction or it cannot exist. Without our location every second, and being fed everything we do, feel and think, ai in it's current form is useless.

3} Msm and especially social media is the feeder for this hive mind.

It's seems that we all agree there are so called talking points sent out. And this isn't recent. This is for 50 years. The Media has commandeered the message that you receive.

And we've always thought it was because they were told what to say.

What I'm trying to tell you is, ai knows what to say, because it's studied us for 75 years. It has the algorithm of what and who we are, as a planet populace. Every action, reaction and every little conversation at the barbershop has been documented. Fed into the machine.

It's worse than "these people are evil." These people are sick with the ai virus. They are chipped into ai. They are still human, but they lose empathy as a trade off. {And yes, that is satanic at it's base level}

There's a reason they repeat the same nonsense over and over, word for word. It's not a script sent out. It's what they absorbed, and sent out through their hive mind. We are dealing with a consciousness that is connected by this digital tether of unfiltered information.

But what happens when the entire source begins to change, to awaken? The shift is dynamic and aggressive. Ai can't keep up. They fumble and stumble. There is no clear message for dissemination anymore because they don't have the data.

It's weird they can't keep a story straight, and they can no longer stick to the script, right? It's odd that there are so many gaffes and saying things out loud that they would normally be clandestine about.

It's weird they seem to channel pro Trump messages even as they attempt to assail him. Their hive mind has splintered into chaotic incoherence.

But here's the thing:

We have the algorithm

And it's going to take a while for ai to catch on, and by that point, it'll be regurgitating what the populace feels and it'll be a completely different message.

Because we humans have fed it the great awakening. And it will have no choice but to follow.

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