Suspicious Details of Aaliyah's Plane Crash:



  1. Hype Williams was the video director for Aaliyah and Left Eye. Both died in crashes. 22 year old Aaliyah was already in Miami and her director, Hype Williams changed the location to the Bahamas, even though Miami would have been acceptable for a tropical beach setting. Left Eye lost control of her vehicle in Honduras and died at age 30.
  2. Jay Z was pursuing Aaliyah, but she chose Damon Dash.
  3. Lenny Kravitz offered Aaliyah his private jet, which was then taken by Hype Williams.
  4. Aaliyah didn't want to get on the plane and said so. She said she had a headache and wanted to take a nap. She was given a pill and taken onto the plane unconscious. She had e-mailed her boyfriend Dash, and he told her not to get on.
  5. Was the Illuminati involved? Will Diddy open the gates to revealing Satanic Hollywood?



Left Eye Lopes:


Lenny Kravitz offered Aaliyah his Private Jet which Williams took:


Cessna 408 - Similar to the plane (not a jet) Aaliyah crashed in:



This info is from mid-February but I didn't find any references using "search". icymi

Just the facts, ma'am: https://miro.medium.com/v2/0*1Kt4-vOCGVZ5Q0H-.jpg


Cape Coral Florida - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_0pBhHMEBY

Cape Coral, Florida - Residents see mysterious green flight lasers Reporter: Annette Montgomery Published: February 13, 2024 Updated: February 13, 2024 https://winknews.com/2024/02/13/cape-coral-green-lasers/

Cape Coral residents see mysterious green flight lasers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t7O5fiyRoE&t=18s


ICYMI - This was posted on The Donald (I never read that), but warrants repeating on GAW - Excerpts:

From Truth Justice - PENTAGON CHILD PORN: The U.S. Department of Defense ranked 19th out of 3000 networks in terms of peer to peer sharing of child pornography. The DOD computers are being used to share, spread and access child pornography at the highest level within the DOD. 80% are not prosecuted. U.S. Immigration and Customs Investigations identified over 5,000 Pentagon Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA and NASA employees involved in Child Pornography, some had the highest Top Secret security clearances which may involve blackmail.

Thousands of sexually exploited children were as young as 3 years old. (DCIS) The Department of Defense Investigation Service dropped the case after 8 months due to lack of resources. Over 1,700 employees were never investigated. I'm sure there are many < 3 years old. They didn't say that 3 years old was the youngest, just thousands of them. Some are newborns.

Pedophilia is the induction glue of the Deep State. Pedophilia is how the Deep State recruits and controls its people, it is also the achilles heel of the Deep State. Once the public realizes that the government is not protecting their children, then everything else about the government will be called into question.

Former United Nations Executive Director states that the Oligarch's, all of them are related to the System of Pedophilia and use Pedophilia to control Presidents, Prime Ministers and other Top officials around the world. Millions of children every year disappear without a trace. These millions of innocent children need you to fight for them. They are being raped, tortured, murdered and sacrificed every year.



This is how it all started. Trouble starts about 5:30:

1/22/24 - The Chinese Video - Worldwide Interest And TalkTV Interview Tonight


As a precaution, Brendan left the area for a few days and returned to this fallout:

This is a video of how some of the Chinese were reacting to Brendan before the Chinese spy showed up: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOZjNfFp/pianist-brendan-kavanaugh-being-/

1/26/24 - Chinese Spy IDENTIFIED Following Piano Incident- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aeBj6DgRLc

1/25/24 - DON'T TOUCH HER! (Nasty Newton Remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efHfjD0PmfE

1/26/24 - "This Piano Is A CCP Free Zone" | Brendan Kavanagh Speaks Out Against China With Winnie The Pooh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM2nMBpjrsE

Disclaimer to anyone complaining this was already posted: I didn't find any keywords in search, looked at the Hot and New news for the past few days and didn't see it. Also, I do learn a lot from "duplicate posts" after missing the original post. Not everyone has the time to look here 24/7.

Brendan is asking people to archive the videos are they are trying to remove them.



Guest Brings Up Epstein At WEF 2024 Conference In Davos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ksfzBY_-G8

Damon Imani Tells Klaus Schwab To Go F**k Himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2VZyY2ENts

Damon Imani Apologies To The WEF & Klaus Schwab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tghavzp2sbc


I searched and couldn't find if this was already posted, but I saw the new and improved version of the documentary "DIED SUDDENLY" last night. So skip this post if you already know of it.

It has so much more information, first person events and compelling evidence than when I saw it in 2022. Very comprehensive information.


World Premiere: Died Suddenly: https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html


Dr. Peter McCullough's brilliant address to the EU about the dangers of the Covid jab. Informative, comprehensive, factual, evidence to back-up all his claims, intelligent, rational, compelling, clear and concise.

After 3 years, my mother who received the first two Covid shots, saw this video tonight and now believes the Covid-19 shots were a mistake. My sister who organizes legal parameters for experiments said she just talked to a scientist and she told my mother to get the new shots coming out via e-mail. When I heard that, I said "F*CK!" out loud. Then I said: "Excuse me". And then my mother said: "No, you're right".

She even apologized for not believing all the evidence I have shown her the past 3 years! Dr. McCullough RED PILLED her tonight. She's sharing this with her friends and I will too. Dr. McCullough, you're a genius and a saint.

This is the FIRST time I've seen someone get red-pilled. Thank God, it's my mother.

Video: https://rumble.com/v3hwcgm-dr.-mcculloughs-speech-at-the-european-parliament.html


Jim Crenshaw at Bitchute:

I have not been able to verify or deny this information. However it would not surprise me. But if these are the buses, where are the kids? - Plausible.

  • From the maker of the video:
  • This is new!!!
  • Is it real?
  • There’s no way to verify this
  • And the sign? Want to adopt…




Q has spoken often about freedom of speech, transparency, and how opposition will silence or "disappear" people.




WHAT ARE DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS (DEW) http://chemtrailplanet.com/DEW.html

Directed Energy Weapons Are Real . . . And Disruptive News/Jan 9, 2020 According to DOD’s Joint Publication 3–13 Electronic Warfare, directed energy (DE) is described as an:umbrella term covering technologies that produce a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles. A DE weapon is a system using DE primarily as a direct means to disable, damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) through damage, destruction, and disruption.1 https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Media/News/News-Article-View/Article/2053280/directed-energy-weapons-are-real-and-disruptive/

ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF THE DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS USED IN LAHAINA. Watch for the pulse flashes - They have a trajectory from the air to the ground. https://www.bitchute.com/video/1XjoTTM0zOCa/

PARADISE FIRE (11/8/18) EVENLY SPACED DEW FIRES: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Ooq6aa7oKLiegLoqbPxcTAHaEd&pid=Api

TYPICAL, NORMAL HOME FIRE: http://chemtrailplanet.com/housefire1.PNG And: http://chemtrailplanet.com/housefire3.PNG

DEW FIRE: Homes Buildings:**http://chemtrailplanet.com/ForestFire.PNG

PHOTO: http://chemtrailplanet.com/From%20above.JPG This one in California in 2017. No fire path led to the building. It's as if the building was attacked from above.

Tree burning from inside out. This phenomena was seen in the October 2017 fire in California. This picture above was taken in 2018 and is from the video: Directed Energy Weapons deployed in #CarrFire PHOTO: http://chemtrailplanet.com/TreeBurningfromInside.PNG

Tree hit by lightening has same burning pattern as DEW https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmO_AZ70b_f1kEkQq5EeNxffq604MEyDhNXg&usqp=CAU

8/17/23 - MEMA Head Herman Andaya resigns, after saying he did 'not regret' not activating sirens in deadly Lahaina fires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHLCjaL2oDs

Maui Under SIEGE: Govt & Red Cross Reportedly BLOCKING Aid But Good Samaritans Are Breaking Through!: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hKmkVwEKlr6I/

8/15/23 - Maui firefighters say water stopped from hydrants while fighting fire: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7QqcadhDGGGm/

Maui Police Barricade Key Exit Forcing People Into The Deadly Flames, Sabotage Caught On Video @ 2:20: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d7X9T1bCivAW/

AND Amazon sells book on Maui fires 2 days after it began! - Photo: https://static-3.bitchute.com/live/cover_images/NYZMjDr6JOG3/bcOoHZ7SAEmD_320x180.jpg




8/18/23 - The Category 4 hurricane is anticipated to make landfall in the Mexican state of Baja California before moving north.

Nevertheless, California cities like San Diego and Los Angeles are bracing for heavy rains and winds, with isolated areas expected to receive up to 25cm (10 inches).

“Rare and dangerous flooding will be possible,” the National Hurricane Center said on Friday.

California has a relatively sparse history with tropical storm systems. Cold currents travel south along its coast, making conditions unfavourable for tropical storms, and winds tend to push them westward.

The last time a tropical storm made landfall was in September 1939, when a tropical system called El Cordonazo struck near Long Beach, California, as part of a string of storms. What a coincidence.

US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather with DARPA/HAARP - 6/6/2015

The technology is covered under US Patent 4,686,605 on the “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere. https://geopolitics.co/2015/06/06/us-air-force-admits-they-can-control-weather/

HAARP PHOTO: https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E22AQGoY5L5EXsDMg/feedshare-shrink_2048_1536/0/1690013158871?e=1695254400&v=beta&t=bPaWDbQSPkbXfVZEmvUi4fYbvZXwCWy8HBOcWO6xNNE


Tate is a chameleon who will change his words and himself according to who he is talking to.

Here's what Tucker and Candace missed:

Please watch this video if you like Tate before commenting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLqCS0esFPE

More extensive research and proof from our own anon:

A Brief Essay Showcasing Strong Evidence of Andrew Tate Committing Human-Sex-Trafficking - posted 24 days ago by The_Knight_of_sunset https://greatawakening.win/p/16bj0aB5lP/a-brief-essay-showcasing-strong-/


Olfactophilia is a fetish for smells and it involves becoming sexually aroused by smells and odors. The arousal typically comes from the smells of the human body, and particularly those coming from sexual body parts. I think Biden gets sexually aroused doing this.

Biden Makes His Classic Predator Move On A Toddler And Sniffs Him On The Back (video)


Creepy Joe Biden nibbles on little girl in Finland 7-14-2023


Biden tries to touch girl’s breast (gif):


This little girl is why Biden fell off his bike. As soon as he got up, he made a beeline for her and couldn't take his eyes off her.


Cory Gardner being sworn in Biden grabbing girl in red dress

  1. https://i1.wp.com/www.thedailysheeple.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Joe-Biden-pizzagate-e1480300293376.png?resize=500%2C309
  2. https://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/2020/08/14/045705/86349822/inappropriate_meme_biden_2020.jpg
  3. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/V4PLSPvJ9BY/maxresdefault.jpg
  4. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ETMWj8qXgAEnxWN.jpg

Kissing Ashton Carter’s wife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYSDACKjdIA


China is spreading everywhere like a bad infection. Kick them out. No passes. Do not allow China or anyone who is not an American citizen to purchase American land, politicians, companies, organizations or put their sleeper CCP students in our universities.

Shawn Ryan: Shawn Ryan is the founder of Vigilance Elite and the creator and host of the hit podcast “The Shawn Ryan Show.” Ryan, himself a former US Navy Seal and CIA Contractor with 14 years of service spanning multiple combat operations, developed the series to document the untold stories of war, loss, and redemption from the men and women who lived them. https://shawnryanshow.com/pages/bio

Shawn Ryan on China: https://youtube.com/shorts/tFkmZWc36HQ?feature=share


7/9/23 - THIS IS THE WAY:


Get rid of "pride month" and get them back into the closets. That's what our ancestors did.




For those that don't want to know about it, you can't fix the problem if you don't know anything about it.

Knowledge is the LEAST we can do.


Interesting example 11:00, 12:00 opinions and dialogue.



Poster says this man is using foster kids as props. I think it was actual abuse:



Banker Ronald Bernard worked for the Illuminati and was invited to become one of them:

“I was training to become a psychopath and I failed.”

ICYMI - Ronald Bernard blew the whistle on occult practices and child sacrifice among banking industry elites, describing his experiences in a gut-wrenching TV interview that went viral earlier this year. Sharing explicit details about the way the Illuminati uses child sacrifice to test and blackmail its members, he said he was asked to sacrifice a child at a party.

“I was warned off when I got into this – don’t do this unless you can put your conscience 100% in the freezer. I heard myself laugh at it back then, but it wasn’t a joke at all.” “I was training to become a psychopath and I failed.” Describing the period his “freezer began to malfunction”, Ronald also told stories about crashing national economies and bankrupting companies. These actions led to suicides and destruction – successes worth celebrating, according to his banker colleagues.

Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IDeO3XxAKtFJ/ (3:45 - 5:00 commercial)

Ronald Bernard, Dutch Banker Who Exposed Illuminati, Found Dead

Video: https://yandex.com/video/preview/1171974831635650011

Article: https://unknownnews.net/ronald-bernard-dutch-banker-who-exposed-illuminati-found-dead/


Actress Denee Benton accidentally calls DeSantis "Grand Wizard" then corrects herself to Governor:


Top Illuminati Grand Wizard “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” (WW3). They want to destroy society to usher in the New World Order. Lucifer will be worshiped instead of God.



They want to shut us down: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZsXpHoHEFH2j/ (icymi)

Smith-Mundt Act

Protected Americans from MSM Propaganda until Obama modernized it in 2012, allowing MSM to use propaganda on Americans.


This makes it legal for the mainstream media to lie to us and disseminate FAKE NEWS.


Jamaican Owner of Vacation Rental Company Says No More Black American Guests black travel, Jamaica, news, Travel News,Spencer Jones • May 25, 2023**


Black man initially from Jamaica, now Americanized:

2023 - part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GXf_76BSP8

2023 - part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MESvlHlxTJU

Here are videos and information that links MONSTERISM to the Covid jab. Very little information on this. Must use alternative search engines. Could be a reality, but more research is needed.

MONSTERISM: A potential side effect of the vaccine is biological regression, or “Monsterism,” an irreversible process by which a homousian devolves into a Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal. The 28-billion-dollar pharmaceutical conglomerate has buried evidence of Monsterism to prevent its stock—which has quadrupled in value during the pandemic—from tanking.

Graphic: NSFW, NWFL

MONSTERISM: Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism” 1/11/21 ARTICLE:


MONSTERISM: Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism”


Monsterism video


MONSTERISM: Mike Adams and Dean Ryan discuss Monsterism and Human Goo


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