Yes. Let nature take its course:
I just gotta be me! I'm just like my crazy Husky!
Dear Fourth Horseman 🐎,
I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. My husband tells me earth is only our temporary home. We really belong in eternal life, and where we go upon death will be decided on what we did here on earth and who we were. From your posts and opinions, I can tell you are a good man, and God sees that.
I really think there is a lot of information being withheld from the masses. Medical information, which hopefully will soon be disclosed. I hope that this information will be helpful to you.
I would agree with you, I respect the mods and all with the exception of one have been very civil, polite and reasonable.
I am sorry to see you go from GAW. Someone wrote to me this am and told me they were leaving. This a another well-known anon who is very smart, informed, based and brings a lot to GAW. But they are leaving because of this mandate and the site will miss his absence. Collectively, several valuable members are leaving and taking their knowledge, insight and talent with them. They will be missed.
In part, that's what made me decide to make this post. Time will tell.
I agree. There's tons of evidence.
This woman, a private citizen tested 20 samples of rain water collected after it rained after chemtrails. On this particular day, she said they had buzzed her twice so she actually went down to where the pilots are to talk to them about her findings. They of course said she should contact their superiors. She said I've done that many times and have never been contacted back, so I'm going to talk to you.
She secretly recorded the visit:
It's been known forever that Aluminum leads to dementia.
I think topics will live or die based on what the majority of the board sees as plausible or possible.
We have a wide range of posters here. Newbies for a few days to anons who knew about this before Q. George Carlin would be one of those.
If I were a newbie and didn't understand the depth of a post, I wouldn't participate. I think people will choose to participate in what they feel comfortable with or want to know more in-depth information about.
If something is bogus, it will organically die because it is ignored or refuted. Like Cesar Milan, the dog pack works naturally. And it works out.
Thank you for taking the time, Lone Wulf. I'm glad we could have this discussion.
But RFK. Jr. thinks that chemtrails are real and they're harmful. Also Trump has not banned him from speaking about it. And they're not chopped liver.
This is what I see:
My pleasure friends.
In college and other educational venues I would occasionally not think that the professor was correct, and I would voice my opinion. This was about medicine.
You know what? After time had passed, it turned out I was correct.
Hi LoneWulf,
One question: Do you think Chemtrails are real? If so, do you think they are potentially harmful? RFK Jr. thinks so, and he very intelligent, concerned for our health and an excellent researcher.
CIA Director John Brennan, 29 June 2016, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) Geoengineering:
Chemtrails being laid down:
Chemtrail skies:
Regarding Q, I don't think Q was meant to cover everything. Q encourages us to do critical thinking for ourselves. Q posts are now several years old. There may have been new technology that has come to pass after those messages were ever written.
I understand.
I was banned for associating DEWs with Lahaina:
I think all those people holding up their phones and recording were fried.
Aww, Ash..... YOU'RE A PEACH! 🍑
It's funny you should mention that.
We have chemtrails every single day. Then it stopped about a week or two ago. Now we have clouds like that photo. Huge, white, fluffy clouds. I remember seeing them like that when I was a kid. And they were moving by quickly with the wind.
I got really excited and told my husband to come to the window to look at them. They're big, they're fluffy, they're moving! He said those are the kind of clouds we used to have. I had actually forgotten what a pure sky looked like! I thought I was looking at something unusual.