Americans have always been a reactive society rather than a proactive one. The Republicans had 4 years with the Trump administration to make changes. When Trump started speaking about fake news and more importantly the mail-in ballot problem they should have sprung into action. No, like most politicians they strolled happily along shoveling in their laundered money. Why not? It benefits them not you. If our POTUS did nothing else he opened the eyes of 75million+ ppl. You and I need a longer poker to jab at our elected officials to DO SOMETHING. You choose the motive.
There is a parable in the Bible: “The parable of the Persistent Widow”. In short, the judge gives in to the widow’s demands because he just doesn’t want to listen to her any more. Persistence pays off. So, if our letters and calls to our elected officials just returns a form letter, send them another letter or call them again. They need to hear the message. For many years, we didn’t have to prod our politicians cuz we all depended on their promises to us. That is not the way anymore. No politician has ever left office poorer - Republican or Democrat. Follow the money. Let them know our eyes are upon them.
We love preaching to our own choirs - its a safe haven. But we know we are getting to them; cancel culture is on steroids! We can’t turn off the heat.
I still have faith in our POTUS because I can’t do anything else. My world has changed. I always knew intellectually that there was corruption in DC but I learned that corruption is a nice word compared to what has been going on in DC and worldwide (as it circles back to DC - lol)! They don’t even hide it anymore! There is only one way ahead and that is with Trumpism. It will be a sweeter victory with him at the helm SOON but I will take it one way or another.