I’ve been on some government surplus equipment sites. Nothing is dirt cheap. Not the cars, trucks, tractors, bulldozers. Not the filing cabinets, printers, or office furniture. In fact the starting bids were so ridiculously high and the process so ridiculously complicated, Craig’s List repeatedly has been the better bet.
Well, why not just post the link to the government auction contractor through which it will be auctioned then? There can’t be more than a few. Then start a Give Send Go for MAGA’s to be the biggest bidder when it does go to auction.
Same. And I question Don Jr.'s judgment as well. But I had a feeling Kimberly wouldn't be around much longer soon as I saw that photo of the Trump women at Tiffany's wedding. They had obviously kept Kimberly out-of-the-loop about the color palette of dresses. She stood out like a sore thumb. Then, reportedly, Ivanka photoshopped Kimberly out of the photo, only to put her back in later. The whole thing -- weird.
NJ anon here. I've seen them. Yes, I think they're ours.
Locally, lots of speculation going on and people are demanding "answers." Some say Chi-nah; others Russia. No one seriously believes extraterrestrials. Then VanDrew's statement yesterday about the Iranian mothership out in the Atlantic got a few riled up, similar to the reaction when Bush Jr. called for a "crusade" following 911, but it was a half-hearted outcry, like a weak tail-thump when a dog is glad to see you, but too old, too tired, to get up and go for a run.
Besides, that faction was quickly silenced by the Pentagon's spokesperson (btw...is she really a she?) announcement which utterly refuted VanDrew's statement about Iranian drones and their Mother Ship. That press conference, in contrast to VanDrew's, made everyone think, WTF --regardless of political affiliation. No one, absolutely NO ONE believes the Pentagon, but very few actually believed VanDrew's claim, either. People who typically would shun anything that even hinted at "conspiracy theory," are now beginning to connect the dots that something is wrong--very, very, wrong--with our government. Clearly, there are at least two factions, probably more, in opposition to each other. Moves and countermoves. I think of it as Coups and Counter-coups.
Of all the many theories, I (currently) think the dirty bomb one is the most plausible, given the alleged/feigned confusion coming from our law enforcement, intelligence, and military leaders. Could even be the Samson Option being played out. Perhaps VanDrew, (a former Democrat-turned-Republican) was "motivated" somehow by (((those))) that would like to see us at war with Iran. Perhaps those in the Pentagon would rather see us at war with Russia. As I said, it is obvious there are at least two distinct and opposing factions.
Another theory I find plausible is that the US powers-that-should-not-be are on a scouting mission/drill for what is yet to come.
Another theory I find eerily plausible, even more frightening than the nuke suitcase theories, is that the drones are releasing, or will release, the next bioweapon.
I have just one optimistic and hysterically funny theory, and that is this: The drones belong to Elon; he and Trump are trolling us all, but especially the deep state puppets, in a massive show for all the world to see of how easily their darkness can be exposed through their own compromised ineptness and utter impotency. I mean "they" can't even get their collective dicks hard enough to DO anything about it. If so, it's High Comedy. Enjoy the Show!
I hope this movie is coming to an end here shortly and that all of the things I discussed above happen
Sometimes I view it all through Freytag's Pyramid and it does seem things have escalated to such a frenzy lately that it would signal the Climax of the action, after which we would have falling action and "resolution," followed by Denoument (or Catastrophe, as in the fifth act of a Shakespearean tragedy.)
that I can just stop thinking about all of this and get back to my life.
Well, you are not alone in that. In moments when I'm honest with myself, I don't really believe I'll ever get back to life, not as I once knew it, anyway. Although Hope does indeed spring eternal.
Regarding Q, though, two (paraphrased) drops come to mind:
- The end will not be for everyone.
- Pray.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son..."
I'm sorry I can't be more optimistic than that.
Agree about the “who the hell knows” part, but while I rarely if ever take a “drop-dead certainity” about anything, the speculation that the drones are mapping out/searching for suitcase nukes remains the most plausible explanation to me. This would explain the months-long lack of official explanations (prior to VanDrew’s announcement today), the FBI reportedly wanting people to report drone sightings, the local sightings I have personally witnessed, and a bit of local LE insider info that I’ve been privy to.
When I saw VanHorn’s announcement, my immediate thought was “Oh great, they’ve found a way to explain the drones AND get people behind MORE support for Israel using the Iran, Iran, Iran narrative.” 🙈. Not that I’m in favor of MORE support for Ukraine, or NATO, or even the UN, either.
Just…two wings, same bird, imho. Afterall… All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars
ETA: Then of course there is always the possibility of The Samson Option Game Changer
Egg-zactly. Two wings of the same bird.
Re-watching this right now as a black-pilled reminder.
My pleasure. It was actually a surprising relief to write that all out. BTW...update: they fly most frequently between 6:00-10:00 pm. I haven't been outside scouting for them per se, but just happened to be outside around 6:30 with the family bringing in firewood and whatnot. There they were, some somewhat lower, a few others, up high, in more of a hover. We even had a low-flying helicopter fly right over the house. I had a string of lit-up Christmas lights in my arms because I was re-adjusting the wonky way my spouse had put them on the tree. I must have looked a spectacle. But I waved and the heli blinked its light at me. Or least I think it was for me. Granted, being in the northwestern relatively rural part of the state, on the forest's edge, we get a lot of air traffic. And we've actually had the Forest Fire helis fly low when we're burning brush in the firepit. We wave and they blink. But this evening this was different. While not in a hurry...that heli was definitely trailing the drones. And IDK whether it was the Forest Helicopter, State Police, or Military. Didn't really catch the color though I don't think it was black. Grey, maybe. Anyhoo, my part of the state has been getting lots of sightings tonight. Spouse just came in, said they spotted ten of 'em on the way to the store and back.