Q and the Eclipse by sleepydude (sleepydude.substack.com)
posted ago by EchoLight ago by EchoLight

The Russo-Ukrainian War: A Six Month Retrospective (Sept 1, 2022)

Link: https://bigserge.substack.com/p/the-russo-ukrainian-war

This is an excellent article about the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine to the date of writing (Sept 1, 2022). If you are unsure about the Russian's rationale behind their military decisions, this article should help provide key insights.

In this article, Big Serge analyses the strategies employed when Russia took Gostomel, the slow but methodical war of attrition in the Donbass, and the economic war into which Russia has drawn her adversaries.


George News (GN), also known as Team George, has been entirely nuked from YouTube.

Their last remaining YT channels, George News (ANONYMOUSQ) and YouTube TV Live (YOUTUBETVLIVEplus) were purged by YouTube in the week beginning August 15, 2022, eight months after their first and primary channel GeorgeNEWS was nuked In December 2021.

Today, only Telegram remains of their established lines of communication.

(Note: George News is not to be confused with George Online, which is a separate attempt to revive the magazine brand started by JFK Jr and has no affilation with George News.)

GN generated severe controversy on these boards in late February 2021 to early March 2021, when arguments arose over whether if they were friend or foe over their claims of their association with POTUS45. At the time, those arguments wound up being inconclusive due to the scarcity of proofs for or against them and a lack of concrete information. This left a deep and uneasy schism between those whom supported GN and those whom were suspicious of GN. It did not help that GN are notoriously cryptic, which messages that could easily be misunderstood without the necessary context. They make little attempt to prove anything substantial.

Despite the bloodbath, there were still supporters of GN who remained on this board including myself, and one requested that I continued my graphical compilations, which I originally put together out of curiosity just to clear up misunderstandings. I've since continued compiling their livestream chat messages, and although they now receive little attention and yield few updoots but some downvotes, I now have a sizable collection of compilations. These have occasionally yielded some juicy hints across over 90 livestream chats.

In fact, in some of their most recent chats this year, George News became a lot more pointed with their hints from the President and the Q Team. Most significantly, GN's now-deleted video, "Take the Oath. Do Not Stand On The Sidelines", which had been uploaded on June 24, 2020, synchronised with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Q's return post #Q4956, "Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath. Q", both occurring on June 24, 2022 — i.e. a two-year Delta.

[86a] June 24, 2022: "Take the Oath. Do Not Stand On The Sidelines": 2-year Delta between George News and Q#4956. Video has Comms.


Another proof included GN sharing a red Hi-5 (:dothefive:) YouTube emoji which synchronised the following day by ZULU82's hand:

[87a] RED5 is marked by YOUTUBE TV LIVE in "LIVECHAT, by GEORGE NEWS 07/04/2022, 10:30PM ET", by il Donaldo Trumpo on 07/05/2022, and by ZULU82 on 07/06/2022 (Airbus Zephyr S, hex AE1313). Immediately after, the Georgia Guidestones go BOOM on 07/06/2022. ZULU82 then draws "R♡C" on 07/07/2022.


And most recently, GN gave hints that forewarned about the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago against President Trump, showing that they know precisely what was to happen.

[89] Chat Line Compilation for "GEORGE News Telegram Livestream, 07/31/2022" George News hinted at the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago 8 days in advance. They and Trump and his team were well-prepared for what had been coming. GeorgeChat: "MSM WILL DO A FULL 180 ON THE BIDEN ADMIN NEXT 14 DAYS"


Given these proofs and their previous interactions, I am now fully confident that George News is in fact a part of the Q team, or at least closely associated with the Q team. Moreover, based on the kind of activities they have undertaken, I believe that they are members of the White House Communications Agency who work directly with Dan Scavino, and regularly accompany DJT and his family, to both record the work of POTUS45 behind the scenes (think of archives) and to help distribute any comms necessary (see compilations [86a] [87a] and [89]). They have stated that there are at least four members of the team, and they are not necessarily together in the same location nor assigned the same roles.

Life and work have made it difficult to compile on time, and the loss of GN's YouTube has made catching livestreams a little more difficult. However, I will try my best to continue compiling at least until my 100th compilation, and at least until George News are finally revealed. Ever since my first compilation, my life and my faith have both deepened very much for the better, such that I was able to connect with my wonderful life companion.

Thank you all for your support.

See also an earlier investigation on George News (Feb 07, 2021)


YouTube channels nuked, with archived pages to confirm their existence:




Archive (Earliest archives)










All George News links via LinkTr.ee:


GEORGENEWS Telegram (Primary channel which chat, open only for livestreams):



Compilation Index:

Volume 1: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hl5CQ7Im/chat-line-compilation-index-to-d/c/

Volume 2: https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4ldmeF/chat-line-compilation-index-volu/c/

SOVEREIGN's Gnews Live Chats Archive



Prev [89] | [89a] | [90] Next


A Letter to Patriots: To the American Citizen


Dear Patriots,

Firstly, we would like to thank you all for the overwhelming support and kind remarks in the comments of our series. We truly appreciate your support and we are excited to publish more of our series soon. But first, we’d like to pause and explain a few things that will shed more insight about The 17th Special Operation Group, or 17SOG for short, and why we are presenting our research this way.

We also would like to remind you patriots to do your own research on the information we present. We are not afraid to be challenged in regards to this series. In fact, we truly believe the more you dig on our series, the more you will see the light and truth. The biggest mistake a patriot can make is to be lazy minded while looking through information. This is why we are in the position that we are regarding this great nation. DIG DIG DIG!!!!

Patriots, are we truth seekers? If so, what does that truly mean? Seeking truth sometimes means challenging our current narratives, theories and ideologies that are presented to us. In order to find truth, we need to challenge our own instincts and beliefs. Why? Because by challenging the reality around us, we find the truth. By challenging ourselves and others, we forge ourselves to learn more and grow.

But seeking truth first starts with ourselves. If you’re not willing to open your mind and go against what you think may be true, then truth is and will be impossible to find. How do we do this? We do this by listening to other possibilities. We do this by allowing others to speak their minds and present their ideas and opinions. This allows us to make our own decisions based on as much information possible.

Attacking others for having a different opinion is very shallow minded and extremely dangerous for our movement. The MAGA movement. That’s why we are all here after all. Free speech is the foundation of our country, the foundation of creativity and the key to maintaining our freedoms. To silence others because you don’t agree with them, or they don’t agree with you is the most damaging thing that our movement is currently experiencing. Remember Patriots, we are all Americans first, above political party, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

There are several reasons why we, the four of us, wanted to remain anonymous until the end of our series. The main reason lies in the true meaning of what an anon stands for. One that doesn’t want attention or needs recognition. Ones that seek truth, without retribution for finding it. Anonymous. We here at 17th SOG have many friends that we care about and respect that have very embedded theories. Theories that we once believed as fact as well. That, if we were to go against these theories, we would be banned and attacked. This is the reality that we are in unfortunately.

We would like to point out, that we are not afraid of these attacks. The fact of the matter is, all of the bickering is a huge distraction from what we are doing. So we will continue to remain anonymous until we get all of our facts and thoughts out entirely. That way we can address questions and concerns as they come, without being distracted while we write this series. We also will not monetize this series. Any donations made will go directly towards our chosen veterans charity. Money divides truth when attached to certain narratives. We are open to criticism, and welcome the challenging of our findings.

The 17th SOG Reconstitution series was created by challenging both each other and current narratives within our communities. The four of us initially started as our own research group. We talked about many things, bouncing research and questions off of each other no matter how obscure, without fear of being ridiculed or ostracized. We want to share this with you Patriots. We want to show you all how important freedom of thought and freedom of expression really is.

All of us were willing to have our minds changed. Even though it challenged our own beliefs and ideas.

On July 2nd, one of us mentioned this:

Want to hear my theory? On everything?

Our government has been devolved for decades. Fractures upon fractures, etc. Trump knew this. And had to devolve his government the best. Which he did. That’s why I love President in Exile, AND Devolution. But to think that Trump was the first to devolve, is just crazy. That’s the issue with our government now. So many fractures and devolved entities. That’s why when Jovan was talking about groups cheating without the other groups knowing, kinda just proves the point.

From there, and after a few days of digging from the best researcher we have ever seen, a new piece of information was uncovered, a question was asked, and then fittingly as if a message from those great patriots who came before us, on July 4th Reconstitution was born.

“George Bush activated COG on 9/11 for the first time ever in our country.

It was never rescinded.

What if we’ve been under a constant state of a devolved government ever since, and that is why all of these scumbag Presidents have been able to infiltrate our country and burn it to the ground?

What if Trump didn’t ACTIVATE devolution… what if he took it away?”

Throughout our conversations one member was always drawn back to Game Theory, presenting different games that would explain the moves being made, other times, facts would be presented by each of us about the topics we were each most passionate about, and often met with the challenges a learning curve yields, we would forge on.

That is how we work. One member sparks a thought, and the other three members dig on it, either confirming or challenging the thought without any judgement of each other. Throughout our time together we’ve discussed, challenged each other and in some cases, we’ve argued. But it was through this very process that we have been able to find the truth. This to us is the very definition of, “Together we stand, divided we fall.”

The Best is Yet to Come……

17th Special Operations Group

P.S. We are planning on publishing The 4th Branch: Reconstitution Part 4 later this week. Typically, we like to publish one article on Saturday, one on Sunday, and one on Monday (3 round bursts).

17SOG on Substack:


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