Deltacron (
posted ago by ElevenBanger ago by ElevenBanger

I was looking at my states religious exemption

I was wondering if I should get a lawyer to draft a formal letter informing the school that we are going to utilize the states religious exemption. I know some of you will say homeschool, however this is my own personal hill. My area is great, and her school is great, my reason for challenging her school is my own. I just believe they need to be reminded about who attends school here. This is where im fighting. I need to know if this would be a good idea. If so, what type of lawyer can I contact to get something like this drafted. I want the school to understand that yes, they are facing legal discriminatory threat by acquiescing to our governor.

Edit- Clarification. I am talking about mask mandates here, and was wondering if there is any legal, medical, angle I can play here.

Id rather not post this because this is a Q board, however im getting annoyed by the shit that keeps getting shoveled into people's throats by people who know nothing about the inner workings of the active military. Ive read a post where some dude said that humvees were rigged to blow and the higher ups knew about it and people believed it. Thats retarded. Understand that the military has its own rules and laws, in addition to normal state and federal laws. They work differently. Soldiers hands are tied way more than you can imagine. Anyone who has served will tell you the same thing, so stop making shit up when you have absolutely no idea what you are saying. That shit makes this board look insane.

Coof vac approval- There is very little a soldier can do, that we can do on the outside. If your work says you have to get the jab, you can be fired and deal with litigation afterwards. A soldier cant do this. For one thing, he is bound by UCMJ. which means he can be reduced in grade, put on extra duty, put in confinement, and ultimately discharged with a bad conduct discharge that follows him around the rest of his life. Yes that BCD has lasting effects on his life on the outside. Now a typical soldier is 20 something with a young wife and a new baby. They have decent pay, housing allowance and tricare prime for the entire family. Chances are he is stationed nowhere near home. That soldier will not risk that all because of this jab because he does not have the luxury to tell command no. He has too much to risk, and the military does not operate the same way a civilian company does. The only recourse I can see that would have any effect is if there is a mass call to their respective state representatives. That is all.

Rant complete


I was driving home late last night after work, listening to one of those Cuckservative talk show hosts. He was going on about how no Qanon showed up to the Capitol for insurrection. Now ive known he was a fraud for quite some time, simply because every show he would proclaim, "I am a conservative but..." or " I voted for Trump but..." then proceeds to vomit whatever the approved narrative was. Yesterday was different though, he just seemed so sure that "Qanons" would attack the Capitol. Afterward's he proceeded to call people on the board this or that because anyone who reads about Q is as crazy as the guy with the end is near cardboard sign. He and other gate keepers were dazed, hell even Nancy was faked as well. I dont know if the 4th was used to draw fire, to expose, or what... Either way that shit was funny as hell listening to his reaction.