11.11 CRIMINAL LAW IN OCCUPIED TERRITORY 11.11.1 "Occupying Power Must Respect, Unless Absolutely Prevented..."; "...May be repealed or suspended by the Occupying Power where they constitute a threat to its Security or an Obstacle to the application of (GC Art. 64) the present Convention." GC Art. 64... Subject to the latter consideration and to the necessity for ensuring the effective administration of Justice, the tribunal of the occupied territory shall continue to function in respect of all offenses covered by the said laws" Podesta - Abadin = clerks/participants to all lies, crimes, and evil. Current Judicial Broken = "Obstacle" = Mil. Tribunal executing penal laws. CJJR, JB and Dozens more... "They know everything, I'm Sorry"... No way out. "They can't stop what's coming."
I must say...I see so much panic within the very ranks of the prognosticators ... It does not have to be this way. In my 73 days from today & prior, I have waged a personal war against my own ignorance, fear for self and the good, and loss of optimism and hope, through an intense and progressively deeper dive, finding & moving beyond, until here just 7 days ago. In that time, what is clear to me is during such a monumentous battle as this, a very best place to find golden nuggets of truth that far exceed, while remaining contiguous with the most positive & uplifted of humanity is right here with the Real Q folk! A peaceful mind and bloodstream full of Hopium can be acquired here. LISTEN, LEARN, THINK. Trust the Plan. Where we go one, We Go all.