This is an interesting 12 min interview by quite a new Swedish podcaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk0Bj5_p9n4

The ID Group is also called The Identity and Democracy group and consists of the following members:

  • Lega - Italy
  • Rassemblement National (National Rally) - France
  • Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) - Germany
  • Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (Freedom Party of Austria) - Austria
  • Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) - Flanders
  • Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (Conservative People's Party of Estonia) - Estonia
  • Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People's Party) - Denmark
  • Svoboda a Prima Demokracie (Freedom and Direct Democracy) - Czech Republic

Yes, in my country we celebrate on the eve of the 24. December, which is about 6 hours from now.


(damn spell checker changed all to al)


Just tossing out some thoughts...


I know Q talked about saving Israel for last, but does this mean that the Ukrainian conflict is finished? I know the cabal runs a story until it doesn't work any more. Ukraine effectively stopped covid. Is Israel now stopping Ukraine, since many are now realizing that Ukraine has lost?


This is an excerpt of the World Bank on imports by country in 2017:

Medical Test kits (300215) imports by country in 2017


Now let's see how this page looked like back in September 2020:


Notice the change. What they call "medical test kits" today, was called "COVID-19 test kits" back then. The same title, except the medical kits was called something else:

COVID-19 Test kits (300215) imports by country in 2017

Our countries were apparently starting to import COVID-19 test kits all the way back in 2017.

Many people should hang for this!


Does this mean Xiden is under Patriot control, or does it mean he has weaponized Trump's Executive Order from 2017 against the Patriots?



I love GAW and we get lots of news daily. We are really up to date regarding current events and real news. However, most of the times I am unable to enlighten my family, friends, or colleagues. Most of the articles presented here are from sites, my circle of interest would just dismiss as "right wing conspiracy" or "fake news". When they google the topic, the first hits they get are from the fact checkers, and they are confirmed even more.

I'm not saying the good posters should stop posting - on the contrary. I would like to make a suggestion to all here. When posting on a subject, at least try to also find something mainstream that can corroborate the news. I know lots of big topics have been covered to our advantage by the mockingbird media like Newsweek or NYT. It might not be the first day, but eventually there is going to be some golden nuggets from so called "reputable" sites that we can use to red pill our surroundings,

The latest example for me was the information that the G20 members have signed on to using digital vaccine passports. I can never use sites like Zero Hedge, Natural News or The Gateway Pundit to red pill my friends, so I tried to find something that they would not just dismiss. I was unsuccessful with google (duh!), so I tried Yandex, where I found this little gem:

We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/16/g20-bali-leaders-declaration/

This, they cannot just dismiss.

Am I making any sense here? I would really like each and everyone of us to at least give it a few minutes to try and find an extra link to a site, our normies cannot outright dismiss.

If we don't try, then we are just preaching to the choir here...

PS: Not sure how this fits with the timezone of my US/CA frens, so I might repeat this post in 12 hours or so...

Edit: It doesn't have to be OP that does the extra work, it could be someone else. All it takes is to post a supporting link on OP's post. If OP has time, he/she could include it in the post, so it is easier found. Remember, this should be teamwork...


Computers can never be as transparent as paper ballots, pens, and manual counting under supervision of all candidates.


Any idea what is causing this? Any idea how far it will dip?

Some are saying it is a massive sell-off by investors amid heightened inflation fears. Why would fear of inflation make you sell? Wouldn't crypto be a kind of safe haven?


Watch the water refers to the painting in the background in NK. The painting changed from a storm to a beautiful sunrise and this was pointed out by an anon to symbolize that Kim Jong Un was liberated from deep state. Q acknowledged this in post 849:

First picture from NK: https://qanon.pub/#744, https://qanon.pub/#745

Second picture: https://qanon.pub/#846

Final post with anon showing both pictures, where the background has has changed: https://qanon.pub/#849


I just viewed it again and boy did she mention stuff back then that has come to complete fulfillment today. She even used the term "New Normal", which today is even used by the company I'm employed at. Just like "sustainable" it is a phrase I really loathe. She also and mentioned climate and vaccination...

The video is about one and a half hour, including Q&A. I know we're all busy and every second post here is a video, but I really recommend you to take the time to watch it. Having lived through the last almost two years of this corona horror, re-watching her speech really was an eye opener for what a visionary she was.

Rosa Korie in 2013 Live at the Open Mind Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark)

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