So this has been weighing on me for a while. My wife and I have a four year old an and a < 1 year old. 4 year old was born during COVID...crazy times but we were never worried. He got some of the standard vax (though nothing off the menu). He is a super bright kid in fact won a Bible award at his preschool promotion which as a father was an incredible joy to witness.

That being said his behavior as he's gotten older has become more and more excitable. Bordering on the point of ADHD...I of course have an issue with all the categorizations but there is something that is sticking with me that has me contemplating his behavior.

My wife was coerced into having him get a flue vaccine around 2.5 or so. She wasn't told anything they just said part of the process. Both of us are unvaxxed, and I wasn't even aware of it till I took him in for another appointment. I was then told he was given first dose couple months prior and if he wasn't given 2nd he could get very sick. I was visibly angry and got into it a bit with staff/nurse. Ultimately felt cornered and kick myself for allowing them to complete that 2nd dose. Shortly thereafter we cut ties with that practice but over the next year his personality seemed to change. He was still the sharp, creative kid but his personally changed. Much more excitable, dramatic etc. Some of this can be chalked up to growth but I keep questioning myself as to whether damage was done with that flu vaccine; again something I would never support.

If anyone has any thoughts they can share as to possible remedies to "detox" from what I believe are parasites would be greatly appreciated. Love my son so much but I feel so irresponsible for putting him in this position. I just pray whatever potential damage that was done can be reversed. My daughter by the way, unvaxxed through and through and is developing well above schedule, really makes you think. Thanks frens, I am so appreciative of the guidance this community is able to provide. May God bless you all.


So anyone have a clue when DJT warrants can be excersized. Was told through my B/D I could exercise them then they came back and said not yet.

I have a link below that explains some of it but[DJTWW Warrants] (https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000110465921114267/tm2127182d1_ex4-1.htm)

My best guess is if I am interpreting right would be month after 4/24 according to item (i) below. Just curious if anyone else had a better pulse on language used here .

A Warrant may be exercised only during the period (the “Exercise Period”) commencing on the later of: (i) the date that is thirty (30) days after the first date on which the Company completes a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination, involving the Company and one or more businesses (a “Business Combination”), and (ii) the date that is twelve (12) months from the date of the closing of the Offering, and terminating at 5:00 p.m., New York City time on the earlier to occur of: (x) the date that is five (5) years after the date on which the Company completes its initial Business Combination, (y) the liquidation of the Company, or (z) the Redemption Date (as defined below) as provided in Section 6.2

Wow what a ride with GME. Know other threads already covering GME, but just amazing to see the volatility. Love watching MOASS unfold. NCSWIC!!


So curious if anyone else has witnessed the same thing. I live outside of a medium sized largely Hispanic City in PA. This is by no means meant to be a post about race; so please let's not go in that direction. I am only bringing up because I believe increase in illegal immigration has resulted in many relocating to said city as would be easier for them to acclimate.

Just the other day witnessed a person driving 25 in a 45 in the fast lane (normal speed of traffic at least 60); then another an hour later drive through a red light without even stopping again at a low rate of speed. The very next day on the highway similar event; someone driving at a very low rate of speed, clearly oblivious to signs/lights almost as if they didn't have a clue how to read them and a danger to any around them.

I can't be the only one noticing this trend...My thought is with the massive influx of immigrants something has to give here. Is anyone else noticing more dangerous drivers on the road?

I read about huge bump ups in insurance rates due to uninsured drivers in illegal immigrant hotbeds, but I'm also noticing its becoming a much bigger problem than just money as significantly more people are going to get killed in accidents Couple that with the rising drug dilemma and you have a powder keg ready to go off. Just my thoughts, interested to hear how others will weigh in here.


I think of Isaiah 9:10 "The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place"

After the great awakening takes place how will we rebuild? It is imperative that we rebuild with God first. Even on this forum, how often does mans pride get in the way? How often do we bicker among ourselves to try and prove to each other we are right. We hide under the pretense that we are trying to illuminate our brothers and sisters but truthfully it can come down to pride.

I heard Mar Mari preach about when Trump wins in 2024 that it is imperative that he doesn't just use God. While it is wonderful he acknowledges God, the name of Jesus Christ has power. Notice, when Jesus Christ's name is used heads turn; James 2:19 I truly wonder what will happen. Will we continue to under the same guise thinking we are all awake but over time revert right back to where we started or will we truly put God first as it is written Duet 6:4.

The big question is Will Trump uses Jesus's name and choose God over the world? Or will he capitulate and simply use God to placate the masses. I know what the tactical option is, but this is truly a monumental opportunity to show the world God first; I pray if he truly knows Him, he has the strength to do this. Unless he does the latter, I believe over time we will find ourselves right back in the similar mess we are yearning to break free from.

Here is a link to his sermon; I am of a different denomination than Mar Mari and we disagree on some tier 2, 3 issues but I do believe this man Loves the Lord and preaches truth.

enter text


Just got a notice that masks are back at my local hospital/affiliates. Will not name names, but pretty big hospital system.

I"m hoping that we've learned our lesson from 1st run; I know this community has. However our success will depend on our ability to get others to PEACEFULLY NOT COMPLY. I've already let them know I will be leaving their services.

We showed the world we are capable of removing the bullhorn with Target/Bud Light. Let's continue to hold the line and remind them what the majority truly feels about their mask mandates for "our safety". God Speed!


I know I'm not the first to propose this; however the more I keep seeing imagery and symbolism I can't help but think that Antichrist may come in form of AI. God is the great creator; the Antichrist is by definition the opposite of what God represents. Truth, Holiness, infinity, creation, justice etc. While we could argue that AI will be able to "create" it merely is able to only enhanced what has already been created.

There is some really demonic stuff going on out there that we are all aware of; and some things that we likely are not. We've heard that 99% of us won't be able to process the truth. What if AI has already been in control? We know we live in a fallen world; we know that Satan rules over this domain.

I wonder if the precipice is us finally being made aware of this truth which would bring in Armageddon. For those of us who have read the Bible we should have the discernment to tell good from Evil when we see it; and I think that is what this is all about when they say things are going to be Biblical. AI could come back from a seemingly "mortal" wound and win over the portion of the world who can not discern truth. Therefore brothers, we must put on the Armour of God. Eph 6:10-18

Lot more I could delve into, but just wanted to start the conversation see what others in the community feel on this issue.