EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is complete BS. They pay for their water and the government dictates when they can turn it off? Furthermore the water is necessary for them to earn their living. This is disgusting...

They used Covid to come after small business, and now they are furthering the agenda to use "Global warming and climate change" to take charge of our food.

Join me and pray for these farmers; may they continue to fight the good fight.

EveryKneeWillBow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not going anywhere, but sad to those that have left.

EveryKneeWillBow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right, I think my concern is for those who have cheated the system from the beginning why are we to think they will all fall into line and play by the rules. Who controls the price of the stock? Supply demand, market makers...again lots of grey area there.
However, with that being said if WH are in control then putting my stock in them. If they arn't, then nothing has changed and we are in same plight we've always been in. In the end I do think MOASS will happen but as its been stated "timing is everything" so I believe it will come when we least expect it. There are so many references to watching a movie. Good guys win when all seems lost; maybe MOASS will happen when we least expect it too.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always have the same experience as well; anytime I place a limit I feel they see it and set the floor there. Its almost like they drive the volatility to push all close existing limits off the books. Just a reason I feel the markets are manipulated as I see these patterns when I trade.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doubled down, to the moon!

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed, these polls drive me nuts. No way he is anywhere near 37%...all to create illusion its "closer than it seems" so they can try and steal it again.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also a PA resident. Rigged beyond blue; 2020 were Trump flags everywhere. Yet they will play off like PA is blue. No chance, at least from everywhere I've been. And that is factoring in all Shenanigans that go on in Philly.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry you feel that way I will pray that God opens your heart to receive Him, truly.

We are not in control; He is. Think about how scary a thought it would be if we were; instead there is something infinitely greater than us. Jesus Christ is Lord.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Understood and we are in 100% agreement. Of course wish we had zero from the get go but at least can do what we can to spread the news to others going forward. You are right, so many fall prey to Dr's. One of my best friend's wife is a pediatrician; we had a huge falling out over all this to the point we don't even talk anymore. She called us irresponsible parents not to vax, told her she can have her opinion but not going to change ours. Eventually we got up and left because you just can't reason with people like that. I truly think she still believes she is right...all the years at med school, money spent etc. She sees as an attack on her money train; I doubt she ever made the connection the evil these Dr's are doing to children. Peace to you as well brother

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, see what I said above about my daughter having none. Everyone wakes up at different times. While we didn't get many before for my son, my daughter was born within the year and has none. We are in agreement.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also another 2% after hours. Curious to see where we are pre-market tomorrow

EveryKneeWillBow 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yup hate to say it but I think a big nothing burger. But if not this path, another; all will unfold as it should so filled with hopium!

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement and prayers to you and your family!

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you say deworming any suggestions on where to find. Obviously Ivermectin is an option but any others? If anyone has any dosage suggestions for a small child let me know. Obviously not asking for medical advice just some very general guidance.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. We didn't get our daughters any vaccines. Even with my son who I made OP about we got very few. No Covid, boosters any of that crap but of course now we really don't trust any of it.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

See above...We have never gotten a flu vax, my wife wasn't even aware she got the first dose as was hidden in the most limited vax package. Was then told would cause significant harm if I didn't get 2nd part of it.
Do I kick myself for proceeding yes; I was angry told them I thought we were tricked blah blah blah. Not happy about it but can't change it. My daughter has gotten zero vax's and we are unvaxxed. So as I said to others was perfect storm of events.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good points...yes to my knowledge was Influenza shot and was about 2 weeks between both shots. Maybe a week tops. Either way was back to back. I just am worried now I'll check out all this info people are giving me and like you said can't change the past. We researched other Vaccines and he got very few of them (tetanus I think, among a couple others).
Was just really a perfect storm of events; I was angry said we did not want 2nd does and nurse was saying that would actually cause a lot of damage blah blah blah. Should have just left but I did and angrily complied....

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard this too with the dyes. Ssue1216 shared could be attributed to sugar too. So the combination of the two probably is not good. We try to limit many processed foods but obviously arn't doing enough. I take Vitamin D drops but will start giving him some too. We do a good mix of organic but like I said not all. Our income is very modest at best so it does limit how much organic we can do. But, sacrifices can be made if it means improving our health.

Totally get they will hate at first; but over time they will get used to it right? Thanks fren!

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the link Mr_A see there are other good sources on there as well. I'll check it all out; plan on doing some deep dives/researching in near future. Thank you so much for sharing!

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. Any particular brands you recommend or doses. He's 4; I've read quality can vary greatly between brands. I'll research but if you have anything you recommend feel free to share. Thank you!

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