FAhayek 1 point ago +1 / -0

I second this, both about too much info and laying off the weed. Also, he says he's in the PNW. FUCK THE PNW. Idk what's in the water there but when I lived there for about 3 years I couldn't wait to get the fuck out. I was from the NE. People were slower, too introspective (like, smelling their own farts introspective), too quiet, passive-aggressive, etc. For me, it felt like my fire was going out spark by irreplaceable spark. Pseudo-intellectual's with severely distorted images of themselves addicted to emotional masturbation and physical masturbation, lol. Body language that if a strong gust of wind blew by they'd knock over like a twig. Women who are too afraid to flirt or are jaded wayy too early in life. Men who don't know themselves, mostly due to the lie that you should be judged for who you are, rather than what value you create, and if you ask them "well, who are you?" they'd most likely answer "I don't know". Anyway, people are "Different" in the PNW, so it's already hard. Do what these guys are saying and take care of yourself. Don't do dumb shit, keep your nose clean of drama/issues, create a plan for yourself so you're not always thinking of the ugliness/evil in this world and realize you can set an example. Be the good, shine the light and don't get a fat head while doin it. Form real relationships and don't waste energy with people not goin anywhere in life or make you feel like you're stagnant/going in reverse. Most of all, take care of your mind. It's there to be a tool. Emotions are like computer readouts, so take a mental inventory and evaluate yo self before you wreck yo self

FAhayek 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ron Paul supporter checking in...

FAhayek 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think libertarians like myself would beg to differ. EO’s are now commonplace. No one batted an eye when Trump used them, and day fucking 1 of Biden’s term he signed 17. EO’s are mostly useless, but the expectation that the CIC is responsible for legislation is dangerous and misguided. I agree with the automation bit but Capitalism isn’t the enemy like most (not you specifically) think. I’m getting into IT finally so I can get my over-glorified 21st century blue-collar maintenance job but it took me years to stop paying so much attention to entertainment and novelty to apply myself to something real. I think it’s our nations mentality that needs to change more than Capitalism.

FAhayek 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's with us from the day we're born till the day we die. The ultimate friend, protector, confidant, Father & witness.

FAhayek 19 points ago +19 / -0

Had a Lyft driver with an American flag cap a few days ago and he was a fren. He said he found God and it saved his marriage and he left his corporate job. He gave me a booklet for free about repentance and we talked about God for the 15 min and Q, The Donald, etc. the hair on my arms stood up and when I got home I kneeled at my bed and started sobbing tears of joy. We’re out there and we have each other’s backs more than I can ever remember in my 33 years of life. God is watching. He’s got our backs.