Instead or reaching it way across. Plus who else has that? Seems awesome to me you could have right and left hand configuration options even

  1. Q is a LARP from the deep state/china to keep us pacified whilst they 'complete the steal' and we patriots keep checking for when the Happening happens - but it never does. by the time we realize it, its too late and China has our land for farmland and we live in a divided states - by the time we realize we are playing Go we are twenty moves back. Q was a way for them to buy a head start the whole time, and it worked.
  2. Q was a real plan but it failed. Just like everything in life you cant win them all. Perhaps the enemy they faced was much larger, much older, and much more entrenched than the patriots realized. The plan was a good one, a noble one and one worth the sacrifine, and men gave their lives and sacred honor to see it through, but in the end some traitor betrayed it and it was stopped. As schumer says, they have six ways from sunday... now trump is bluffing to buy time and figure out the next move, or perhaps placing his bets on arizona, or even using that to bolster the chances if getting meaningful election reform by 2022 that conservatives win the house and senate.
  3. Q was a bluff to freak them out while the real work happens in the background on election reform. just like how he ran the presidency, he has them chasing the qtards while setting up for conservatives to sweep in 2022.
  4. Q was a clever marketing ploy by the Watkins family to promote their image hosting platform 8kun. now the son Ron is known to us as CMZ
  1. Q is a LARP from the deep state/china to keep us pacified whilst they 'complete the steal' and we patriots keep checking for when the Happening happens - but it never does. by the time we realize it, its too late and China has our land for farmland and we live in a divided states - by the time we realize we are playing Go we are twenty moves back. Q was a way for them to buy a head start the whole time, and it worked.

  2. Q was a real plan but it failed. Just like everything in life you cant win them all. Perhaps the enemy they faced was much larger, much older, and much more entrenched than the patriots realized. The plan was a good one, a noble one and one worth the sacrifine, and men gave their lives and sacred honor to see it through, but in the end some traitor betrayed it and it was stopped. As schumer says, they have six ways from sunday... now trump is bluffing to buy time and figure out the next move, or perhaps placing his bets on arizona, or even using that to bolster the chances if getting meaningful election reform by 2022 that conservatives win the house and senate.

  3. Q was a bluff to freak them out while the real work happens in the background on election reform. just like how he ran the presidency, he has them chasing the qtards while setting up for conservatives to sweep in 2022.


Like I said, it seems like these guys would have accounts. i cant think of one single celebrity paytriot who i have seen around here


The January 6 “Attack on the Capitol” WAS STAGED by Miles Mathis First published February 21, 2021 This is all just my opinion as usual, gotten by internet research anyone could do. . . but doesn't. Several Democratic Congresspeople and many other paid talking heads have compared the January 6 “Attack on the Capitol” to Pearl Harbor and 911. Which is true: like those events, the events of January 6 were staged by your government. I already redflagged this is my paper on the Presidential Election, but I decided to clip it and expand it here, since more evidence is coming in daily. Here is what I said there: January 6: They staged the fake storming of the Capitol today, with a woman supposedly shot by a Capitol guard. Of course she turned out to be Air Force, 16-year veteran, so that was fake. You can tell by the blood, which is always the wrong color. Her name is Ashli Babbitt (above), and it turns out she is Jewish and military intelligence. Note the nose and the handsign. She was “a high level security official”. So, let us guess: Lt. Colonel? The Viking leading the charge and then standing at the House podium had previously been caught on camera at a BLM protest, so he wasn't a Trump supporter. He has been exposed as a professional actor as well as a Navy veteran. His name is Jacob Angeli Chansley, and he just happens to be 33 years old. He has his own Wiki page, where the date January 8 now appears prominently: 1/8, aces and eights. He and his mother are from Phoenix. His father is hidden. He has been on Alex Jones, talking about Satan... Addresses for Chansley include Thousand Oaks and Burbank (Hollywood)...

Are Chansley's tattoos even real, or they like his face paint? They don't look permanent to me, and my guess is they are just drawn on. The bricks on his arms are pointless, and say to me “another brick in the wall”. In other words HE is just another brick in the wall, and is reveling in it. But whatever the case may be there, just ask yourself this: does the film you see from the Capitol really look like a serious riot? Or does it perhaps look more like a lot of young actors having a romp? As usual, these people overplay their parts by a longshot, and Chansley is just the worst of the bunch, using the event as a costume party and promotional tour for his career. If a real far-right militia had attacked the Capitol, it would look nothing like this. Or even a riot of MAGA people would look nothing like this. Things get destroyed in real riots. There is property damage. Other than the fake barrier that Babbitt broke through, there was zero property damage. These actors were clearly instructed not to touch anything, like the expensive paintings or furniture.

And as for the alleged deaths, as you are seeing they didn't happen. We are always told there were five people killed, but that is an outright lie. The other four alleged deaths were just people who keeled over from natural causes, or from stage fright or something. Individually, there is no evidence at all any of them were “killed”, and that isn't even the story. But as with Covid, they apparently just lumped in anyone who died of any causes in DC that day as a death from the riot. If you choked on a wing at Church's Fried Chicken that day, you got put on the riot death list.

[Update April 19: The mainstream media is now admitting officer Brian Sicknick, at first reported to have been bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by the mob, actually died of a stroke. He had no internal or external injuries, according to the DC coroner. Which means someone just made up the fire extinguisher story from whole cloth and fed it to the media, who then ran with it in chorus. It also means he “lay in honor” at the Capitol rotunda for having a stroke. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery for having a stroke. So when the mainstream media says they don't get involved in fake news, remember this. Also remember that just a few days ago the New York Times admitted it made up the story about Russia targeting US soldiers in Afghanistan, so it is no wonder the public's trust in the media is approaching zero.]

Another reader has pointed out that among those arrested at the Capitol was Nick Ochs, leader of the Hawaii Proud Boys. Hard to believe they didn't change his name for this. Do you remember who has owned the New York Times since the beginning? The Jewish Ochs-Sulzbergers. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

[Added February 28: And yet another Proud Boys leader was present: Henry Tarrio. He has since been outed as an FBI asset, and informant for federal and local police. That link goes to The Guardian, not some online conspiracy site. His comrades at the Capitol included Louis Colon, Felicia Konold, Cory Konold, William Chrestman, Christopher Kuehne, and Ryan Ashlock. Kinda strange, don't you think, that despite allegedly hating all women, the Proud Boys brought along one of their sisters to this play? I guess she needed the FBI appearance fee. Also strange that the racist Proud Boys are led here by the black/Cuban Tarrio. But these events never make any basic sense, since they never hire continuity editors. They figure you will believe anything. Do you want to guess what all those people have in common? Not only are they FBI assets like Tarrio, they are all Jewish. Tarrio is sold as black/Cuban—although he doesn't look black—but many Cubans are Jewish, including the Castros. At MyLife.com, the Tarrios are related to the Bullocks. Think Sandra Bullock, Jewish. Henry Tarrio, age 37, of Miami, is related to Janet Brito Diaz, principal of Spie Securities. Should we spell that Spy Securities? She is related to Israel Diaz. Also to the Britos, who are prominent in Miami. The name comes from the Hebrew B'rit, meaning “convenant”. Also related to Rigoberto Tarrio, according to Bizpedia the president of Borguitar Investment Corporation. So the Tarrios are not looking poor.

Another one arrested (and released immediately without charge) is Aaron Mostofsky, Jewish of course, son of Kings County Supreme Court Judge Schlomo Mostofsky. He is a Project Veritas spook actor, probably Intelligence or an asset.

February 9: It has now come out that another one arrested at the Capitol as a fake rioter was Thomas Edward Caldwell, Navy intelligence officer (ONI) and FBI section chief 2009-2010, with top level security clearance since 1979! That isn't from Alex Jones or something, it is from The Washington Post. He was posing as a paramilitary leader of the Oath Keepers. Telling us the Oath Keepers were either infiltrated or created from the ground up by Intelligence.

Now, February 20: Yet another one has been uncloaked: John Sullivan (above), who filmed the fake death of Ashli Babbitt and sold the footage to CNN for $70,000. He also was not a Trump supporter, being previously tied to BLM and the left, but he caught himself on tape yelling to “burn this shit down!” Which he didn't do. Nor did anyone else. No fires were started. No one even pissed on the carpet. He just happens to be the son of 3-star Lieutenant General Kevin Sullivan, Air Force retired. Wow, was anyone in this riot not a hired actor from the Pentagon? Although we are told the general's retirement was forced, due to selling nuclear fuses to China, there is no evidence of that. If there had been any evidence of it, he would have been court martialed and tried for treason. Not only was he not tried or even reprimanded, he subsequently was tapped for a cushy job brokering military contracts. Do you really think the military would hire a suspected spy for that? No, obviously what we have here is a family of ranking spooks, with the father working Air Force projects, and the son an Intel actor and agent being assigned the filming of the fake Babbitt shooting. The author at Shockya.com who is breaking this news in the link above, Jeff Stevens, ends his report this way: “Here’s how it looks to me,” said the analyst. “Dad was sidelined. The son was indoctrinated–turned into a Trojan Horse for the Chinese. Maybe he thought it was for ideological reasons — at the bottom levels people often do — but at its core it almost certainly involved massive amounts of money.”

But this is misdirection. There is nothing pointing to the Chinese here. This is just the standard spin of the alternative press, and we see the same thing at Fox, Infowars, NaturalNews, GatewayPundit, and Zerohedge, where the Chinese are behind everything. From 2016-2020, it was the Russians, but now it is the Chinese. But any idiot can see that all these military links in the Capitol “riot” don't point to China. They point to the Air Force. This event was clearly a covert operation out of the Pentagon, with a large band of military actors.

We now also have Larry Rendall Brock, Jr., , decorated fighter pilot and combat veteran. He was in full combat gear, and wearing his yellow fleur de lis patch of the 706th fighter squadron. Of course, the fleur de lis is also a sign of the Phoenicians, akin to the Cross of Lorraine. An affadavit has been filed confirming that Brock worked for L3, that is the huge defense contractor formerly Lockheed and Loral. According to that testimony, “he still had contacts at L3 who knew he was flying to DC for the event”. So he is obviously another agent planted here.

[Added April 11: We also have Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson, allegedly retired and disabled, and now allegedly in prison somewhere. We know that, as another Oath Keeper, he is fake and that he is not in jail. He is probably not retired. As to how he is disabled, we are told he has high blood pressure. Really? Who doesn't? I guess he also has athlete's foot. Alex Jones is running a video now as a Special Report from JustAnotherChannel.com of an alleged interview with Harrelson from jail. Unfortunately, we happen to know phone interviews from jail are not possible, so this is JustAnotherFake. Notice they don't bother to tell you where he is being incarcerated, since if they did we could look it up and prove he isn't there. Another outlet tells us he was in Seminole County Jail, about to be transported to DC, but no word on where he would be held there. Maybe one of my readers from Florida can check records there. This means to me that interviewer Brandon Gray looks like JustAnotherFraud, probably beaming his project from Langley or somewhere. Harrelson says, “Hopefully the people will see this is not what it is”. Yeah, Kenneth, I think we have already figured that out. Lt. Colonel Air Force

That is the photo the alternative press is posting of Harrelson with his wife. He's still a specialist there, which is just above private. He has some kind of weapon's badge, probably rifle, which is what the Maltese cross probably represents on his pocket. Can't make out the other one. Also three service ribbons. Tried to place the shoulder patch with an inverted sword, but couldn't find it. Maybe someone can help me out. Seems to me that for an E4 specialist he has a lot of decorations. Wonder if he is related to Woody Harrelson. Since he is a military actor, I would say the odds are good. They are asking for donations, of course. I for one will not be donating.

Added April 13: A reader found that patch. It is the 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, dissolved and units transferred to Fort Bragg in 2015. It was originally the 1st Support Brigade, which was the “theater sustainment group” of the military. Note the word theater, which may have a double meaning. It may have been moved to Bragg as part of Special Operations there. Also worth nothing is that Harrelson was arrested in Titusville, FL, which happens to be the location of Cape Canaveral AFB— which would be Harrelson's link to Air Force and the Pentagon here.] If you still have doubts, I will quell them. Let us return to Ashli Babbitt. The Washington Post has listed her age as 35, but MyLife says she is 33, as does Intelius. Intelius tells us she has never lived outside of Wyoming—which makes no sense—and that she is related to Tatros. Her father is given as Larry Eugene Babbitt. A search on these Babbitts finds they are related to the Gishes, Pfeiffers, Marshes, Stoddards, and Bartletts, confirming they are Jewish. But we find a further problem at Instantcheckmate, where the big computer there has apparently not been fully updated to match Intelius. According to them, the Ashli Babbitt in WY is not 33, but 73. She is aka Ashli Lari Tatro. So we will have to come back to that. Also strange is that the mainstream media refuses to say who allegedly killed Babbitt. Alternative sources are claiming it was David Bailey, also involved in the fake event of Steve Scalise. That is certainly possible, though these alternative sources are selling the event as real, saying Bailey is a vicious murderer. Funny, since their own evidence points at Bailey being an agent, and the event staged. They even call him an agent before saying he is a murderer.

Also of interest is that the mainstream (New York Magazine, DailyMail) is now admitting this “conservative Trump supporter” Babbitt was actually living in a menage a trois with her Marine husband and Kayla Joyce. Doesn't sound like the Trump supporters I know. But this report actually clears some things up, since we discover that Babbitt is her husband's name, and that her maiden name is Ashli Witthoeft. We know that because her brother is given as Andrew Witthoeft. Which means that MyLife and Intelius linking her to the Ashli Babbitt in Wyoming was misdirection. MyLife

explicitly states this is the Ashli Babbitt, 33, Air Force veteran, but I don't think it is. The Ashli Babbitt in Wyoming is 73 and probably recently deceased, which is why the Air Force planted this misdirection. They don't want you realizing this is actually Ashli Witthoeft, who really is 35, and related to McEntees. In fact, it may be that she isn't married to Aaron Babbitt...

for the whole thing along with photos http://mileswmathis.com/jan6.pdf


"Doing the math, that means that you have 160 million people you can mobilize, if you do it right. The CIA's only hope is that you don't organize. So their job is to keep you on the couch, drinking beer and kicking the dog. To do that, they have a zillion ways to divide and corral you, squash and confuse you, divert you and drug you into a stupor. The only question is, are you going to continue to let them do it? You can wake up tomorrow and begin fighting back. You can begin organizing locally, talking to other men and planning the resistance. That is what I recommend, since action is the best cure to depression."



... We Go All!

Let us remember this day - and remember that it is us - we happy few - who have been given a vision of what a brighter future looks like for our county and the world.

No other group has been shown this, and it is something we have celebrated and hoped for. Now it is becoming clear that we must also work for it too, out in the real world, in order that it shall someday come to pass.

We wanted Trump to do it all for us, or at least to cut out the cancer. And perhaps enough moves were made behind the scenes to gain a slight upper hand, if not the crushing defeat we prayed and hoped and prepared for - yet time will tell. This is the initial celebration of the opponents seeming victory, to us it looks very dark and that's understandable.

It's a tough time for many of us, and I think it's OK to admit that. That we have suffered a seeming defeat and must endure what is to come may weigh heavy on our hearts and minds - and is a fresh wound of real concern. How we dress it will determine whether we live, or die.

I for one, choose life - and I think this group should choose life as well. As a group.

Look around you - surrounded by a literal digital army of like minded individuals - those who are awoken to the corruption and lies which plague our world - those who are interested in researching and coordinating plans and information - those with a sense of humor, and a positive outlook on life - and those with a vision of what our country might look like were it to be freed from the chains of corruption and evil which bind it. Those who trust in God, and believe in his promise of a better world.

You are not alone. We are together. If this be our moment of shared loss, let it bind us together as the loss of of a chance, perhaps, but not the loss of an Ideal. Indeed, we retain our Ideal here and share it together - we celebrate it, discuss it, and create our Plan for it.

We have all made it to this point - together. And if the plan for exposing the corruption did not work, are we just going to disperse to live our lives in creeping tyrrany, alone without our fellows? I hate to say it, but we're here, and we may be all there is.

So regardless if anything happens with Declass, FISA, the EO, IA or anything else - if we throw each other away at this point then we really do deserve to suffer in private agony.

Sometimes a shared loss can be an occasion which binds those affected. I think if we treat this with the reverence that it requires, the mourning of yet another chance to set the world aright, and allow ourselves to take it as a chance to redouble our efforts and find strength together, that it will be looked back upon not with shame and loss but with a growing sense of the inevitable triumph of a worthy Ideal.

That is why we always remember, Where We Go One, We Go All.

I may not know you, but you are my brother and fellow Patriot. We hold the line, not just for President Trump, but for an Idea which resonates to the truest core of our being.

And we have to have faith, that the Best in Yet to Come.

Together we rise.


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