JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by FiatLux ago by FiatLux

I'm out of town for the weekend and have just booted up youtube (yes I know) on the TV to watch something interesting - and it's apparently the first time it's been used on this set because it's 100% stock. I mean perfect Algo-driven content that is AI optimized to both entertain and brainwash the normies. I'm seeing things from 'inside' the Matrix and it's wild.

CONTENT OVERVIEW What are the big issues facing normies on youtube?

-Johnny Depp shakes hands with everyone leaving court" - this is part of the Depp show trial which seems pretty fake, and is either meant to keep eyes off important issues (it's not hard for many, i'm afraid) or to help undo the 'metoo' thing - which it's doing quite well. This Heard girl is pretty much blackpilling people on women claiming battery/etc. and showing how it can be used by a psycho bitch to gain pity points. It's a good lesson after the touchy-feely metoo 'all women' stuff we had to deal with. -Funniest Home videos type content, which is kinda funny but also is meant to diminish peoples empathy for seeing others in pain or embarrasment, and to laugh at that

  • Some basic boomer 'pyramid' and 'alien' conspiracy stuff, which is meant to cast doubt and confusion about issues which are worth examining in a dispassionate way, or to serve up otherwise true items through a disinfo agent who can make them look unpallatable by his association with them, i.e. AJ types (who is actually Bill Hicks, imho)
  • Win/Fail vids, I actually don't have a problem with this type of content, though it is kind of a time waster
  • Star Wars trailer, which we know hollywood uses to push all kinds of agendas
  • School Shooter stuff - however there are some about 'timeline' - probably pushing the official narrative but does that suprise anyone?
  • History Channel content, mostly the official narrative, or sells certain events as real by glossing over the larger question of 'did this actually happen' and zooms into some small detail, basically having you assume that the event did happen and there's no quesiton about that, just about this one small detail we have a disagreement. it's a scammy tactic and that whole channel reeks of it.
  • Sportsball content, can be exciting but is mostly a time waster to keep otherwise smart or accomplished men from doing something crazy like running for school board or city council - we don't want that - here's some sportsball instead
  • Late Night guys doing fake news clips - at least in the old days they would use actual sock puppets for this type of thing
  • All 'trending music' is a bunch of rap, like somehow all the songs aren't the same bullshit, or that there may possibly be some other genre of music that people would enjoy hearing, especially at 11:00 at night. But no, this is apparently the only thing that counts as music these days

IN SUMMARY Pop culture is basically a shit sandwich, and it's hard to see it if you're not looking at it correctly. So that's what I'm proposing - next time you're in a 'new' place and can take a peek at normie content I urge you to do it, just to get a handle on where many people are at on their journey. You have to be logged out or on a different device, in a new place in order for it to be fully effective. But it's worth seeing just what the Algo is serving up as a general menu to our fellow countrymen. I think it's easy to take for granted that people are all waking up, and I agree many are and it gets stronger every day, but based on what I'm seeing we have a ways to go. Just my 2¢


They have subjected us to a fake pandemic which has allowed them to totally destroy the human rights as citizens of “free” countries across the globe to freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of employment, freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom of just about everything that are supposed to be our God given rights;

They have demanded and coerced billions of us to take an experimental group of drugs to ostensibly fight their fake pandemic, which drugs are not only completely unsafe and ineffective, but are in many cases either permanently disabling and/or deadly; In their quest to reduce the population of the planet to 500 million people from the approximately 7 billion that live today, they are now augmenting their deadly vaccine program with something called Holodomor which is the genocide of a population by starvation…accomplishing this RIGHT NOW by breaking down the global food chain and producing shortages of basic foodstuffs in formerly abundant world markets;

They have caused a European hot war that is disrupting energy, food, and trade relationships across the world and may ultimately lead to a global nuclear war which could cost the lives of billions of people and the destruction of societies across the globe;

Through subversion of electoral systems, they have overthrown the government of the United States and essentially taken over and subverted the government of not only of the United States but of all of our allies including all of those of Western Europe, the UK, Canada, and Australia and placed them under their fascist style control along with all of the instrumentalities of those governments;

They have subverted and now control virtually all of the major global corporations who provide for our food, shelter, energy, transportation, and information and are now using that corporate control to control every aspect of the day to day lives of the world population directly and to depopulate the world through starvation;

They have destroyed the power of our military through death jabs, wokeness, and traitorous mismanagement;

They have turned our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies against the citizens of the country, declaring patriots as domestic terrorists and aiding and abetting the globalist enemies of our country;

They have allowed our country to be invaded by millions of aliens and are increasing their efforts to aid and abet this invasion so as to destroy the fabric of our society;

They are engaging in massive human trafficking and drug trafficking in cahoots with international criminal cartels to cause death and chaos; 11.

They are systematically destroying the value of our earnings and savings by debasing our currencies and thereby causing massive inflation that is rapidly thrusting hundreds of millions of middle class families into third world poverty and privation; and,

Among many other monstrous acts, they are systematically destroying the underlying cores of western civilization, the nuclear family of one man, one woman, and children born of that adult couple, and the judeo-christian moral ethic.

That’s all that the black hats have done and are continuing to do without any evidence of resistance except for what Juan is telling us the white hats are doing which is exposing the black hats’ evil actions enumerated above before some grand juries and in the alternative media. Doesn’t sound like the white hats are anywhere close to winning the chess game or even being in the game at all, but Juan is telling us that we have the black hats on the ropes and there are only a few more moves before the black hats are in checkmate.

From this article - Is Q like operation trust? https://jamesfetzer.org/2022/04/could-juan-o-savin-be-a-highly-sophisticated-black-hat-psy-op-how-about-dave-at-the-x22-report/

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