Codemonkeyz, did you mean Ron Watkins? He is now Ron @codemonkey on Gab correct
So where do Q drops appear? 8chan? Has Q been quiet for 4 months? Who is EWillHelpYou that I have been following on Gab for 10 days or so? Been on TDW for awhile and trying to catch up at least a little.
Welcome to The Donald. Win crowd. We have plenty of chairs! Pull one up. Enjoy the fresh popcorn.
Aw thanks Bud. It was getting a little shady next door so thanks for having me over. Show start yet?
Thank you. Don't need anymore BS.
Transfered to whom?
Might as well at this point right. I'm here.
I clicked the $whackd link after the video timer ran out and when I came back the owl image was gone. Anything else?