I'm curious about what you guys think. On one hand we have the Q plan, the hope for a better future, where all the rotten people in power get what they deserve (gitmo) here on earth. America would be great again and by extension, the world. On the other hand we have the degeneration of our morals, ethics, faith and values that we used to hold high. It is literal Sodom and Gomorrah out there & we know that for God to truly win and get rid of all this evil, it will only get worse before the Rapture, not better.

Can these two "futures" be reconciled?

Will the Q plan's removal of criminals bring about world peace and the return of morals or will it be an exercise in futility due to the widespread rottenness of humanity?

Is it some form of test from God?

Looking forward to reading your takes.


Tried to make a new account after I got banned for stating that a man will not be a woman / the truth. I wasn't harassing anyone.
My issue is that I can't make a new account on my phone or even view Twitter at all without giving them my phone number which I don't want to do obviously. Tried some fake numbers but they're all blocked by Twitter. Did you guys use a VPN on your phones to make new accounts? If so, do you have any suggestions on which one would be best? Android phone. Thanks :)


Were they ever dropped? Haven't really seen / heard anything about it here since the announcement.


First off, these are the premises I base the rest of the post on:

  • The cabal creates division by race, politics, gender, identity, wealth/class, nationality and many more

  • The statement "divided you are weak" by Q refers to a country as a whole, not just one group (for example republicans / truthers)

  • There are hidden and public agitators who rile people up on both sides of the political divide

  • The cabal is global and above political affiliation and their biggest fear is the people coming together and realizing they are the true enemy

  • Most people on the left / democrats, while deluded and manipulated right now, are at their core rational people and can be saved (many of us used to be democrats too + the proven efficacy of red pills)


The path to defeating the cabal can only be realized when the divided people overcome their differences and unite against the true enemy.

Strategy status quo

  • Making fun of democrats and their ideas (Memes)

  • Red-pilling (uncovering lies)

  • Insults / Shaming

  • Supporting truthers financially or politically

Reflections on improvements to strategy

  • Reflecting on personal relationships: If our goal is unity, what are we doing to further or hinder this in our private circles?

  • Reflecting on public comments: Democrats visit this site (to mock & out of curiosity) but it is not exclusive to this site. How can we appeal to the good within them through the comments and posts we make?

  • Reflecting on our thoughts and convictions: The agenda pushing lunatics are the absolute minority, yet they are being amplified the most. Are we right in condemning all democrats or are we, too, playing along with the division game?


If "4-6 % lost forever" refers to the population of the United States or even the global population, there are a lot of potential allies left to win for us here. What can we do to ease tensions and come together against the cabal? Can our strategy be improved?

I stole this gay meme. (media.greatawakening.win) 🐸 BUY THIS, GROOMERS! 🏳️‍⚧️
posted ago by FondueFerret ago by FondueFerret

All mask requirements and clot shot certificates will be lifted by tomorrow. Only on public transport you will be required to wear a mask till March 31st. Looking forward to the fear subsiding in the populace. Some are suggesting they'll bring the measures back in fall when it gets colder but I don't think so. Imo this phase of "their" plan is over. Anyway, wanted to share the good news :) looking forward to seeing people's faces again!




Synopsis: We are at a tipping point globally - people are waking up and starting to pay attention: What is our future? Have we been lied to all our lives? Does the media have an agenda? Distrust is building and we realize: We have to change the system - we are seeing the writing on the wall. Mentally prepare for the changes about to happen. The feeling of "end times" is nothing but a new beginning in disguise.


I searched duckduckgo for "myocarditis" and the first link that came up was the following:


About complications they claim: Usually, myocarditis goes away without permanent complications.

Yet before 2020 that sentence was not there, it just read: "Severe myocarditis can permanently damage your heart muscle, possibly causing: [...]"


I wonder why they felt like they had to change that, what do you think?


Please pray for our children. We need to pray for the children. All those innocent souls who never made the choice to get vaccinated. Please Lord, protect the children from serious harm... how many parents will never be able to overcome the guilt when their child dies from heart failure...

Please say a prayer for the children's health today.

Thank you.


Pls no ban, I have been here for a while. Shit's getting serious with tyranny world wide. Is there a point where we say, ok, the plan didn't work? I'm not saying Q was necessarily a psyop but when is something actually gonna happen that was promised? Podesta wasn't arrested, which is supposed to be a big marker and 2022 midterms are coming up. Are they safe, as promised? I'm not so sure. What about our families being safe, re: forced vaxx? What about "COVID ending is election day +1"? It can't be one year, that passed, so is it one decade? Is there a cut off point for you guys, where you say "it ain't happening"? I really want it to happen and I'm sure for many of you, as for me, Q is/was the last hope. I'm starting to feel like whatever it was, they might have been stopped or aren't coming to help us and that now we can just pray to God and start coming up with our own "plan". I guess I need some real hopium, and Scavino's Twitter posts just aren't enough.

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