Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"
Watch, then read.
1 minute view.
I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.
Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.
Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.
In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is
FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.
Here's why I think that.
There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.
ONE The discourse and its whole context
TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker
THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"
FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence
1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.
Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.
How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"
Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.
Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.
Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"
Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.
He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."
2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?
What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".
Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.
Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.
"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."
So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.
3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?
Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".
That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.
If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.
I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.
BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.
4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence
I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.
But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.
IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.
More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.
Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling is literally KAYFABE.
If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.
kayfabe is real.
Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?
Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the likes of other establishment conservatives.
Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically and balanced (based).
It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because it's all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and to condition you to think less, react more.
I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:
Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)
Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)
Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum
Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.
The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.
Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?
Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".
If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.
It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.
The war is real. The news is fake. Q
Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
It's a sad day when Maga influencers stoop to the level of fake news to destroy an opponent, perceived or real.
That's what the Cabal propaganda machine does. Maga has to do better.
re: Ballard and accusations now being brought forth....
Hmmm... Doing a bit of a dive on this. Lots of fodder there for speculation. However....
You can often ascertain the direction that certain information and messages are coming from by deconstructing the techniques and methods they use to impress, direct and /or manipulate (aka psyop) the audience's response.
So, for me, rather than digging on all the accusations and claims, my first port of call is to look at what is being said, by who, and in what manner.
Sometimes you can just get a sense of the spirit behind things. (If I was unable to do that, i would never have listened to Q or pursued Q in the first place.)
Is it a mean spirit? is it intended to be divisive, to inspire mistrust as opposed to trust? When it inspires trust, is intended to inspire trust that is reactive and emotional, rather than trust through discernment and independence rather than by appealing to authority?
Yes, there are things that can be questioned.
However, a few things I find encouraging, because they are great targets for deconstruction of (psyop) effectiveness:
Lin Wood and such ilk are heavily attacking Ballard and Caviezel, and Gibson. (apart from anyone or everyone associated with MAGA and Q, etc). I find that encouraging because if Lin wood is attacking it, that's pretty much like CNN attacking it in my book.
A LOT of people are attacking Ballard, etc. Some of the questioning is valid, but they ALSO rely heavily on set prejudices, association, etc., that trigger (in certain people's minds) reactive and negative responses. Religious prejudice, guilt by association, innuendo, etc.
That's another point in the favor of Ballard etc, because the psyop technique of attacking in order to cast doubt by triggering 'bogeymen' and prejudices is well established and by now, hacky.
I found another "investigative" Mormon Stories piece 'raising concerns' about Ballard, OUR, etc, which in the same breath as certain concerns, also cites
"using false statistic to over-state the prevalence of sex trafficking worldwide to lure donors"
"using excessive emotion and religion manipulation to lure donors by claims to be called by God and being protected by God..."
"Drawing money away from legitimate charities who are meaningfully providing solutions...."
Plus the kicker:
"Associating with and taking advantage of known false conspiracy theories like QAnon."
All those things tell me something about where the 'investigator' is coming from.
'false statistics' = Child sex trafficking is not really that big a problem; "Claims to be called by God" = "how dare you say that God has called you to this work?!?!?!"; "legitimate charities" = red cross, oxfam, and all the establishment charities under Cabal control; "False conspiracy theories like qanon" = self-explanatory
This is just s small sample. Only a few data points in a big lake, but for my purposes, they are enough to quickly lead me personally to conclusions about what is going on here. (Maybe my training with Q for 5 years has paid off?)
I don't wish to spend much time on this, but at this juncture, it seems clear to me that the disinfo machine and agents (aka the infiltrators on 'our side' whose mission is to sow discord, confusion, blackpills and division) have been activated to attack Ballard, Caviezel, Sound of Freedom, and Mel.
I see the same spirit that attacks Trump (when they can) because he's evil, he's one of the 'elite', he had a photo with Epstein, he's deep state mobilized to keep us all asleep, etc.
Sound of Freedom is a massive red pill for the wider public. Unless of course we have more than 50 million anons in the USA (I guess that's possible, but where are they all?). As such, the DS Cabal will pull out ALL the stops to cast doubt, dismay, discord, distrust, etc.
It will mobilize the 'LEFT' aka the neo marxist propaganda arm of the media world. It will mobilize the 'RIGHT' aka the infiltrators and disinfo agents and provocateurs within the Q movement and the Great Awakening sphere. All attacking the same thing.
If that isn't a tell, I don't know what is.
PS. I'm not posting links etc here. If you spend even a short time digging on Ballard, OUR, i.e. "timothy blain ballard" or Carlos Slim Ballard, etc iv afreespoke or google you'll find the muck. And, it's mucky. So if you want to dive in, do so. What I'm reporting here is simply my own findings and my own conclusions.
One anon's opinion. Research for yourself. But be prepared for the muck, and ask yourself "what is the spirit active here?" The masters of deceit are masters for a reason. Learn to identify their tactics and their ... vibe. What feelings do they inspire?
I WANT to believe. And there is a strong part of me that DOES....
I’ve seen this man’s accomplishments and can’t comprehend how we’re in this spot. He did more than any President has done in my lifetime. I also see the wholly ineffable way in which the “system” has been against him. And it’s made me bolder.
Then the 20 election happened, which we all know he won. It made me apoplectic. It made things feel helpless to me. Q has made things seem more sane, but I’m still disheartened.
I want to believe. ... I am the biggest supporter of Trump of anyone I know. I want to trust the process, and I do, but I have a built in questioning process by way of the incessant, relentless and seemingly impossible hoard of Power, Greed, and Filth with which the powers that be have given me question.
It’s exhausting. I do believe Trump is anointed by God. And even THAT still grants me pause. It’s a dilemma the likes of which I hate to admit.
Please pray for our President
Many times, if I see a clip of DJT or a short video of him interacting with people, etc., tears of hope and gratitude and sorrow well from my eyes momentarily. "Please protect Donald Trump" comes a silent prayer to my lips, unstoppable. "Thank you Father" I pray.
And, fren, I'm not an American....
Yes, the election thing in 2020 and January 2021 was a period when anons like myself, and others like you, went through a dark night of the soul. As I mentioned, it took me 6 months just to process. Anons expected so many things to happen. Not just on Nov 3, but after, each week, each day, each moment. It was gut-wrenching.
"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness...."
Once Jan 20th, 2021 rolled over, I think many of us went into a form of shock. I did. I had to put Q aside. For several months. I just simply could not figure it out. What was going on? What was the purpose of the Q operation, if not for this election? So what was this about? Nothing made sense any more, so I put things aside, and focused on my home territory.
I happen to live in the most locked down city in the world. 20 and 21 were total Orwellian lunacy. Over 2 years, we had some 6 individual lockdowns, 263 days in total, the longest of any country or city around the world. No travel allowed more than 3 miles from your home, without a special permit. No working allowed except in special "essential services" and then you needed a work permit to travel. Maximum of 1 hour shopping per day, per home/family. Maximum of 1 person allowed to do that shopping. Maximum of 1 hour each day allowed for exercise outside of the home. Maximum of 2 people from the same home allowed to exercise together. Curfew of 9pm to 6am. Must wear mask at ALL times when outside the home. All public gatherings banned. Businesses shut down. People were being stopped, fined, threatened, etc, when violating any of these rules.
So, I had plenty to focus on. I began networking and organizing with others forming local groups and resistance networks.
But over the course of '21, I found myself coming back to the Q community. Slowly, things started to make sense. Slowly. If you ever tap in to Pepe Lives Matter on telegram, he constantly emphasizes how difficult the terrain has been for anons, but how important.
Keep your questioning process. This is NOT about simply believing. It's not. True and potent belief comes through understanding. The goal is understanding, and understanding guides and reinforces belief. We’re all in that maturing process, at one point or another.
The Great Awakening Is A Dual Process
To summarize, the great awakening is a dual process.
One, the external awakening, is about learning the truth about the world, the matrix, the mechanisms evil has been using to control and manipulate us.
Two, the internal awakening, is about developing understanding, fortitude, internal endurance, emotional strength, resilience, in order to digest and overcome the emotional / spiritual swings that the external awakening generates.
We are constantly hit by expectations & disappointments, but it's all part of the internal terrain we need to cross. It's part of the process of unplugging from the matrix.
What Is True Faith?
True faith never comes without confronting doubt, fear, questioning. In truth, there are three stages of faith: Childlike faith, adolescent-like faith, and mature faith.
Childlike faith is the first faith. We accept, embrace, without conditions and uncritically. It's a pure form of faith, but not mature, and not resilient.
Adolescent-like faith is the second faith. We begin to question. Our critical faculty starts working. We ask, doubt, wonder. We push and pull on the limits of what we believe and understand. We grapple and we struggle. This is the faith which is most difficult. It's faith being challenged, but its also the faith that, if traversed with perseverance, internal honesty and determination, leads to the third faith.
Mature faith is the third faith. It is faith with understanding. It is faith with endurance and balance. It is where reasoning and logic, where evidence have all worked together to support , enhance and refine our faith. And it is where faith shifts from 'belief' into 'knowing', where experience affirms our understanding and our understanding affirms our faith.
God Is Not Finished With America
It's not just America that needs to be free. American was created and founded by God to be the First Born, the Beacon, the Beachhead. God wants the world to be free. Yes, America has stumbled, but only because the Enemy has hated America more than any nation on the Earth. Every nation has stumbled, some far worse than America. But God is not finished with America. And God has done what he did and paid the price necessary to reclaim and restore America, and the world, at this time.
Ultimately, there is no getting away from the fact that part of the Great Awakening is our own internal journey. So be of good courage. Millions and millions and millions all around the world are experiencing this, right now. We are at the front of the wave, where the water is crashing and breaking and thundering the most. We get hit in the face by the wave. But the swell that is developing behind us..... Oh, fren.... It will sweep the Earth clean.
So let us be grateful for the tribulations, the exhaustions, the difficulty of this journey. This is how Truth forges Steel. This is how God makes Diamonds. And rejoice, because we are making it that much easier for those who will follow behind us.
Someone did that for us. Now it's our turn to do that for others.
God bless you fren. And welcome to the Great Awakening.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. ~ Q4951 November 12, 2020
Disclaimer: Please read using the following terminology <ahem> conventions
"Qanon" is now the entity or movement defined by the LameStream media (fake entity)
"Q-type anon" is used in this post to mean the real Q movement, including anons and Q but not "Qanon"
"Convention" is used in the sense of a practice or usual behavior, NOT in the sense of a meeting or gathering. (This is where the play on words, is, folks)
The intent of this "Sheiss-post" is to highlight the contrast between how the DS propaganda paints "Qanon" and what Q and the Anons really are.
It's a joke. I'm not saying that any of us actually have the 'Qanon conventions'. OK? Sorry I have to explain this, but um, misunderstandings seem kind aeasy these days.....
The Qanon Conventions
Qanon convention 1: Sound crazy and nuts, and believe anything especially if it's doomy or involves opium-level imaginings.
Qanon convention 2: behave like a 'cult' and basically behave like weird, social outcasts whose numbers are small enough to not be important or significant but big enough to threaten 'our' democracy'
Qanon convention 3: worship idols and leaders and whatever you do, don't apply discernment or think for yourself
Qanon convention 4: think whatever you are told by the 'leaders'
Real Anon Conventions
(Q-type) Anon convention 1: practice discernment, foster a querying mind and don't take anything simply on authority
(Q-type) Anon convention 2: expand your thinking, consider various possible explanations for the narrative reality and the actual reality, and refine your thinking to decide on the most logical one, or the one that resonates the most, which maps the best on to reality, but always keep an open mind.
(Q-type) Anon convention 3: have faith in God, trust in a higher power, or in the ultimate victory of good, persevere and grow internally
(Q-type) Anon convention 4: have fun, make and precure and send out memes, keep your sense of humor but still see through the noise to read the signal
(Q-type) Anon convention 5: be a source of comfort and help to those around you, inspire, support, share red pills but don't force them on anyone
(Q-type) Anon convention 6: be honorable
Sorry. I couldn't resist. Conventions and conventions! :D
Research Wanted
Jon Herold of Badlands Media and the Devolution series posted some interesting factoids worthy of anon attention:
He references a video recently posted by Dan Scavino on Twitter; June 28, 2023.
In the video, we can see someone in DJT's entourage who is carrying a black bag with a tag indicating that the bag belongs to an active military personnel. It happens to be very similar to the bag being carried by a military aide, who in that image is carrying both a very similar bag and also the 'nuclear football'.
The questions here include:
1 Would non-active military personnel be permitted to use a military identifying tag for a bag like this? If the person was former military, could they still use such an identifying tag (which is reportedly air force in this case)?
2 Do former presidents have military aides? We know they have secret service assigned to them, but military aides?
Another potentially less relevant question is:
3 Is there any connection between the President's emergency satchel aka 'nuclear football' and this other bag being carried by, and identified to, the military aide? If so, what is that connection?
Regardless of 3), the real questions here are 1) and 2), because if the answers to these questions are 1) NO and 2) YES, this would be a very clear devoproof, that in fact DJT is still serving in a presidential capacity, either as Chief Executive and/or as Commander In Chief.
Also, if 1 = NO and 2 = YES, then 3 becomes more interesting. Who or what is this fellow accompanying DJT and why.
Patel Patriot discusses this in last week's episode of Devolution Power Hour W/ Burning Bright and Just Human (JH was absent). Start 1:39:28 ~ 1:47:00. Around 8 minutes in total.
Patel Patriots thread on this on Twit is here:
EDIT: note - this was brought to the surface first (apparently) by "Mechanic" on twitter
EDIT: apologies for twitter links. Was unaware that twitter is now blocking access to tweets unless the viewer is logged in. In future, will take this into account, and provide alternate access to data.
The clickbait Shi*te article from The People's Crap, Sorry, I mean The People's Voice is now doing the circles. Sadly, the penetration from this disinformation clickbait site run by an ultra liberal gay couple (targeting truth seekers and patriotic persons who have begun to wake up) is increasing, with more people spreading the rubbish.
(Check out the site to see just how fake this rag is. Used to be NewsPunch, but they have rebranded just this past year because their reputation became so bad.)
The story at hand is that a whistleblower related to the Biden-Burisma connection has been found dead.
This is proven fake news.
Sadly, the crap from NewsPunch aka The People's Voice aka Your News Wire is now reaching more and more of the community and far too few people are practicing discernment. Even Hannity had this story posted until they found out it was super crap clickbait. InTheMatrixxx also retweeted the story, etc.
The standard pattern now used by NewsPunch is 1) ultra fake clickbait headline 2) followup one or two paragraphs of fabricated clickbait 3) underwrite with actual news that SEEMS to lend verisimilitude to the made up clickbait headlines.
A quick video by Sather on this story (Burisma whistleblower dead) - about how the truth was distorted for clickbait.
FYI: for background on The People's Voice:
Know your Clickbait:
More from Sather on this:
This is what people are misinterpreting about the "Biden whistleblower found dead" clickbait going around
From Giuliani's interview with Newsmax - he said he gave the DOJ "a witness to was the wife of Burisma's former owner".
That former owner is Mykola Lissin, who died in 2011.
Giuliani did NOT say his witness died - parse his words.
But disinfo site "The People's Voice" are twisting his words into "Biden Whistleblower found dead!" - which is false - yet it's going viral now.
You see how easily things are misinterpreted and false narratives go viral?
Note: I'm only quoting Sather here because he pulls apart a LOT of clickbait disinfo stuff.
Opinion: As anons we search for and analyse truth. We also need to point out disinfo and fake clickbait lies which target our community when they happen.
Random prediction: Donald Trump will reactivate (engage with) his Twitter account once he is returned to the White House officially as the Potus.
Musings: I just joined Truth Social. Never thought too much about TS due to not being able to connect with it. An immediate reflection as I signed up and logged in for the first time, and rolled through the recommended accounts to follow was that TS is possibly like the home base, just as Voat was for anons after the Reddit purge of r/GreatAwakening, or like here for many old goats, etc.
TS doesn't yet have anywhere near the reach of some other platforms. But the recommended accounts were by and large a LOT of the people I'd want to be following on any platform. So perhaps, I thought, TS is first and foremost Home Base, where Maga-type Freedom Oriented folks can connect, follow and network, as a base for then moving out in to the broader social media sphere, where in many cases the battle is/was being waged against the DARPA-funded platforms and their controllers.
And leaping from that thought, I then thought, it's pretty cool that Q+ himself, the Potus with the Mostest, is heading up that Home Base, safe, secure, and with a dedicated platform. It's not quite the same, but it feels the closest we might get to having Q+ drop in on the Q research board all the time, or be posting here at GAW via an anon account.
It's his platform, it's peopled with his people (by and large) and it's secure.
Sure, I recognize that in some ways, it's very likely that TS is a bit of an echo-chamber. But that's OK. To some extent, we all live in a combination of echo chambers and expansive vistas.
pros and cons of hanging with your own kind
A close, unified family will be a sort of echo chamber where you share the same values. That's a good thing. But, if you are well-balanced, you'll also be out there, interacting with a wider community where there's more diversity in the viewpoints, and you can make a real contribution in terms of offering alternatives or opening people's minds.
A church can be an 'echo chamber'. So can a community. And 'echo chamber' emphasizes a negative aspect that naturally follows with being associated with your own kind. But it need not be a negative. Having strength, unity and solidarity 'at home' gives you abilities and options that are simply not available to folks who are constantly struggling just to find a bit of understanding, or camaraderie, or moral support.
In any case, the Boss can very well hang at TS because, after all, in this phase of things, he's just a 'private citizen', right? Sure, a 'former' president, and leader of a yuge movement, but officially, a private individual nonetheless.
However, when once again, he wears the official mantle of POTUS, that means he has a specific obligation to the entire population of the United States. He's there for ALL of them, and not just those who vote for him.
Thus, I suspect that when DJT is inaugurated for the next administration, he'll re-boot his Twitter account, and begin posting there. I don't really think it would be quite good optics for the President to post solely on his own private platform, aka TS.
I don't think he'll leave TS at all, and he may post there things he doesn't post on Twitter, but when he steps back in to that official role, I think that Twitter will be there waiting and ready for him to raise it to a whole new level. And I strongly suspect that Elon is there working to prepare for that day.