Question: Why did Steve Bannon leave the White House so early in the Trump administration #1?

Did he have a falling out with DJT? Was there some disagreement? Was it simply timing and Bannon had completed his designated tasks?

My hypothesis

Bannon departed the White House after a specific time, in cooperation with DJT, in order to establish the Warroom operation. That is, to establish a normie-level public operation targeting the regular 'conservative' / maga base, to mobilize them and give them a focal point for the coming 7 year operation.

Q, Bannon And The 7-year operation

Period: Middle/End of 2017 to End of 2024/Start of 2025

This 'seven-year operation', as I am calling it, is part of a larger 11-year (or 12-year) plan to restore America's central rudders. It is comprised of the latter 3+ years of DJT admin #1 (aka preparation phase) + the 4 years of 'hiatus' (& necessary) 'awakening' Biden admin (aka awakening phase) that has lead to the re-establishment of DJT as Potus with full public mandate (the execution phase - now).

In this context, Bannon's leaving the White House and establishing the "Warroom Posse" and all the related actors (some serious alt-media research journalistic operations like Revolver, etc) - inheriting the Andrew Breitbart methodology - can be seen as a conscious deployment much like the Q operation. Whereas the Q operation targeted the autist and 'conspiracy researchers' sector, aka the non-normie maga base, the Warroom deployment was targeting the normie-level maga base.

Both these deployments were timed to build their respective bases so that during the Awakening Phase of the fake Biden Admin, they would converge to advance the Great Awakening themes into the mainstream or main body of the American population, along with the collapse and destruction of the power of the Legacy Media.

In hindsight, I think that this was always the most likely central plan. In military planning form, there would be a variety of scenarios accounted for, and contingency plans developed for cases where certain scenarios played out or did not occur. i.e. for "moves and countermoves" (See Q97)

So while potential plans would have perhaps been in place if the DS collapsed or failed to steal the election in 2020, I think that the Wizards and Warlocks essentially figured the most likely scenario would be what has subsequently played out.

In other words, I think that once the DJT team got in to the Executive branch, they saw the lay of the land, as it were, with everything the DS was throwing at them, and formulated a 'most likely' plan for the next 11 years:

The 11-Year Plan (aka the latter 11-years of a 12-year plan)

Stage 1 - Preparation (2017-2020)

  • gathering core evidences,

  • begin process of identifying DS actors on all levels,

  • establishing safety parameters for a possible 'awakening' phase where the Cabal cheated and stole the election,

  • cutting off the strings of overhead puppet masters to remove DS and Cabal infrastructure from their overlords)

This is why the Q operation was established at the end of 2017. Those of us who caught the first waves in 2017, 2018, 2019 were truly in the vanguard. I think most of us, being in the vanguard, executed things to happen a lot earlier. But in hindsight, I think the deployment was timed with the idea that it would take up to 7 years for the Great Awakening aspect to reach high tide levels, where the ideas and truths revealed to the vanguard would enter into mainstream thinking, as many of them have now.

Look at the mandate DJT has now. Never had it in 2020. Just wasn't there. But the Biden admin has been the greatest redpill America has ever ingested. I mean, look at the sheer lunacy of the two now most notorious 'nominations' from Biden: Tranny fat obese 'health secretary' and suitcase stealing degenerate mentally ill 'nuclear waste management official.

Stage 2 - Awakening (2021-2024)

  • Continuing the process of ferreting out DS infrastructure players, sleepers

  • continued dismantling and harassing of DS medium to low level infrastructure

  • with controls in place (i.e. some sort of devolution),

  • kickoff mainstream awakening via lunatic uber-corrupt Biden Admin,

  • building the public mandate and awareness of the American people of core themes of corruption, elite control, etc

Stage 3 - Execution (2025-2028)

  • meaning implementation of the clean house operation, NOT capital punishment, although.... you know...

  • the wrecking ball comes in because Team Trump now has the broader, firmly established public mandate to do what the public NOW wants

Why Future Proves Past is So Important

I now think that one reason Q wrote "Future proves past" so often think (39 instances in 38 Q drops) is that the Q team and the Wizards and Warlocks (aka "the White Hats" for you normies out there) knew that we, the public, including the autists and anons, could never really understand the full plan except in hindsight. In other words, the more of the plan that unfolds, the greater context and information we have to understand it, aka for it to 'be proven to be an actual plan'.

If that is true, then consider this: We still do not know what the full plan is. We have at least 4 more years to go with a DJT administration (not to mention what happens beyond this), and so, if that's true, then we still only have about 2/3 of the plan revealed, because the final stage hasn't happened yet.

In other words, we should keep an open mind about things we may have felt certain about in the past. Re: the Q operation.

Why? Because one of the ways we survive the information war, and not only survive but also contribute and play a positive role, is by keeping the faith and persevering through what we do NOT know, by analyzing and seeing what we do or can know, and being clear about the distinction between the two.

I mean, look at GAW. This is essentially a theorizing and meme-generating community. Each and every one of us has different ideas (actually theories) as to what happened in the past 8 years (and sometimes before), what the Q operation is and how it has or is unfolding, what is happening now, who is doing what, who is a black hat villain, who is a white hat sheriff, who is a gray hat normie or extra, etc.

By sharing our thinking on these and other topics, we build a hive-mind collective with a wide variety of ideas and theories that mobilize us and keep us focused or engaged on whatever level feels appropriate to us. Meanwhile, we generate memetic ideas that help to form part of the greater Great Awakening sphere out there with all the anons and autists who are NOT here on GAW. (GAW is, after all, a very tiny portion of the Great Awakening community).

Developing our theories, understandings and on that basis formulating beliefs, convictions and ideas, gives us the energy to engage in the information war as a positive contributing entity, and to not get knocked out via blackpills and not be complete normie sheep (who have been a dead weight on the restoration of America, but whose numbers I believe are constantly dwindling).

Bannon and The Warroom Posse Deployment

I tuned in to Bannon and The Warroom for about a year during the post Jan 2021 phase when Q stopped dropping. I was looking for all sorts of sources and went through quite a few. After about a year, I concluded that Bannon's move out of the White House and in to the Warroom was a deliberate deployment targeting the mainstream maga contingent.

This more mainstream conservative MAGA contingent was a sector of the community that the Wizards and Warlocks were preparing to take the energy of the Q operation sector (autists and anons) and to translate it or bridge it over to the wider MAGA -potential population and general public.

I think the timing of the Q operation was developed knowing through game theory and super computing power that it would take 'X' amount of time for that deployment to come to the mature fruition that we see today. The Bannon deployment was also timed to prepare the ground and building a 'bridging community' targeting 'close-to normie' MAGA to be mobilized, knowing that this particular sector would not be likely to respond positively to the Q operation due to various factors (temperament, psychological positioning, etc).

I began to formulate this view of Bannon when I noticed a few things:

  • Bannon's background connection with Andrew Breitbart, whose legacy is certainly finding fruition in where America and Team DJT is today

  • Bannon's curious 'early' departure from the Trump Administration

  • Bannon's strategic thinking and heavy analysis abilities

  • The position Bannon took on Q, including things he said about the Q operation

This last aspect seemed to me to include deliberate narrative deployments to create not only plausible deniability but a distance between Bannon and the Q operation SO THAT he could speak directly to and mobilize the not-quite-normie not-quite anon sector of patriotic Americans deeply motivated by MAGA.

In other words, I felt like Bannon's particular take on Q seemed well designed to keep a distance from the Q operation. I mean, seriously. Bannon made his core catchphrase

"There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences"

I mean, tell me that you're fully on board with Q ideas while also telling me 'I don't believe in Q'.

Paraphrase? "I'm not one of those 'conspiracy theorists', but I am actually a conspiracy realist. Sort of."


I believe there the Wizards and Warlocks made many and various deployments, of which the Q operation was a core one. The various 5G psychological warfare deployments have targeted specific sectors of the population, with a strong focus on destroying the power of Cabal Propaganda Media Complex, centering on America.

The Q operation was designed to generate a certain response in a certain sector of the public that would interface with other deployments such as the Warroom Posse to get us as a whole where we are today.

Today, in November 2024, Donald J Trump is President Elect of the United States with the most important and significant public mandate since President Gen. Washington.


Obviously, the above is a hypothesis. It is a set of interconnecting ideas, notions and theories that draw on a variety of input data not necessarily referenced in the post. In other words, its a sort of holistic working hypothesis. Doubtlessly, my hypothesis would benefit greatly from a lot more research on Bannon.

In the end, there will be a LOT about the Q operation and 'The Plan' that we will likely never know. But as things unfold, we may learn more. What's important, imo, is to be always open to revising our views and perspectives, rethinking things based on new and incoming data, and to not get too stuck in beliefs that we formulate along the way.

The value of believing in a higher plan is that it provides a strong connection with a deeper anchor that gives us more freedom to question and review our own theories and beliefs about the world we are in. This is one of the most important reasons why a religious/spiritual faith in the Creator is a generally a pre-requisite for a society to be able to be humble, self-critical and open to learning more truth.



Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd’s pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.

And the Philistine moved forward and came near to David, with his shield-bearer in front of him. And when the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but a youth, ruddy and handsome in appearance. And the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.”

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with la javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”…

When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.

So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. Then David ran and stood over the Philistine rand took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

Samuel 17:40-51

We have a historical precedent to where we are now in the Awakening. November 5, which seems ages ago now, we knocked down the Deep State and their overlords, the Cabal.

But as we all know, the work is not done. The Giant has fallen, and the public mandate has been clearly won.

Now is the time to cut of the Deep State's head and end it's life forever.

Whether you believe in scripture or not, the analogy is apt. The Cabal Deep State has terrorized the American People like an undefeatable giant, a monolith that only the very few courageous could even conceive of taking on. When they did, they were smashed, inevitably.

Until one champion arose, sustained by a transcendental power, fortified by belief, calling all who desire truth and justice to his side.

Now, he is assembling an army of champions. Now, the tables have finally turned, and we get to fight back, to raise that sword of truth and cut of its ugly, demonic head. Jugular time. Breaking it's bones in a thousand different places.

"The 'CURE' will spread WW. Have FAITH, Patriot." ~ Q556



just posts TWO ThePeople'sVoice articles posts to GAW.

If you care about deliberate disinformation operations targetting our community and peoiple who are just waking up to the truth, then feel free to run a search for "Clickbait" in the GAW search field to see the extensive posts and research I've posted here on this operation, from its roots back in 2011 and its evolution to the current day.

Personally, I don't see any excuse for a member of GAW who has been here more than 6 months posting and promoting this very obvious enemy operation.


I'm finding something REALLY curious. There is almost a mutiny on X with people like catturd and Bongino leading the charge, that Pompeo must NOT be given a role by Trump.

So all these people ELECT Trump, but then think "We know better than you, Trump! Trump, you must not do this!!!!"

It's amazing. This is NOT patriotism and it is NOT trust in your commander in chief. It is adolescent kids thinking they should dictate to dad what he has to do.

You do not get to dictate to the President his decisions. You get to either elect him, or not. You choose whether to trust him, or not. After you elect him, you do NOT then get to dictate to him what he can or cannot do. That is mutiny. You can disagree with him, sure. But you do NOT get to dictate to him, which is exactly what Bongino is leading now.

Bongino thanked all the Controlled oppo figures like Hannity, etc, for Trumps win. Thanks Bannon almost as an afterthought. How about that.

Seems to me like the controlled opposition has now been activated for THIS time. Right after Trump's election, to run a massive campaign telling Donald J Trump what he can and cannot do. Backed by all their emotion and narrative etc.

It's astonishing.

This is not about Pompeo. It's about Trump.

I don't know shit about Pompeo when it comes to Trump. Trump knows 500% mroe than me about Pompeo. Heck, he worked with him for FOUR years. It's not about Pompeo. It's about Trump. Do you Trust Trump?

The decks have been cleared, DJT has flushed out ALL the fake and false RINOs and others. That's what the whole 4 years were for. He KNOWS what he is doing. 1000 times better than anyone else, including Dan Bongino.

The only real way that the DS can now attack is to mobilize a mob mentality creating a mutinous furor against DJT to cripple him. THe MSM has been smashed, the establishment, the Rinos. But controlled opposition?

It's truly astonishing. People are not acting based on facts, reasoning, rationality, but all on rabid emotions, with people like bongino leading the charge. Watch his emotion-filled rant AGAINST Donald Trump, telling Trump what he CANNOT do.

Astonishing. The very opposite of what Q trained us all to do.

Trust Grassley? Trust Sessions? Trust Kansas? Trust Huber?

How about "Trust Trump?"


This is not a research post. It's an 'opinion piece'.

I'm noticing a few posts that rag on Pompeo, with an assortment of anons (most who I do not recognize, but some who I do) jumping on the bandwagon and ragging on Pompeo, with all sorts of what seems to me to be narrative deployments against Pompeo that have an ambiguous or dodgy basis in actual fact.

In other words, (it seems to me, even though I might be wrong, of course) these are lots of conclusions drawn from narratives and headlines, without any serious research into the specific matters.

It appears to me that the DS intel apparatus (via media, etc) has made a very concerted attempt to smear Pompeo and destroy his reputation with MAGA, much in the same way that people like Michael Flynn have been attacked by obvious disinfo operatives and fake maga.

Pompeo's vulnerability to such is perhaps greater than Flynn's, because he actually served Donald J. Trump in his administration for four years, in some very key areas. So there is a lot of fodder for the DS propaganda and intel machine to spin narratives around him and seed these to MAGA and those either in or adjacent to the Great Awakening.

Given the right push, some of these narratives take on a life of their own.

Somehow, even though the breakthrough Abraham Accords were accomplished through and with Pompeo by Trump (incl. Kushner), Pompeo is a warmonger.

Somehow, even though DS anti-Trump Marxist journalists created the story (based on anonymous sources) that Pompeo orchestrated a plot to kidnap or even murder Assange, the story is seen as true.

Somehow, even though Trump saw fit to work with and rely on Pompeo for the entire four years of his administration, Pompeo is evil.

He also said things that hurt people's feelings in the same way that Trump hurt leftist's feelings. e.g. "If Trump is guilty of improperly holding classified documents, then he should be charged". (Bastard, right?)

It makes sense for different people to have different opinions re: Pompeo. But we are in the midst of a 5G war. Narrative war. Psychological war. There are serious forces attempting to manipulate us. Both sides do this, even if it is for completely different reasons.

It might be my own personal bias, but in these posts, I see people not thinking with critical reasoning, people reacting from charged emotions based on narratives that have been sown out there, which trigger reactive emotional responses that make the task of sorting fact from fiction harder than it should be. Or could be.

These frens hate and despise Pompeo, but do they ever ask "Have I been manipulated to hate Pompeo"? Some people think that they trust Donald Trump, but somehow, when it comes to Pompeo, Trump must be an idiot. Or ignorant.

One thing worth thinking about. If DJT 'caught them all' and still put Pompeo in to the CIA, well, that's like putting someone into the most dangerous, most cesspoolish environment possible. The C_A don't f*ck around. They are far worse than the Mafia. As an organization, the evil elements in the C_A kill people and are responsible for what are probably the very worst crimes perpetrated by USA actors over the past century.

To survive in that environment, you'd have to be as hard as nails. Harder. much, much harder. So regardless of what people think of Pompeo, they shoudl recognize that good or bad, he's NOT going to be just some run-of-the-mill schmuck dude. He's not going to behave like a politician, and he's not going to behave like an influencer. I think that's worth thinking about or examining whenever examining what Pompeo has said.

Note: I do not mean to be disparaging of other frogs who have different opinion re: Pompeo. I am simply attempting to make a case for why I think their conclusions or beliefs are different to mine. But its also true that sometimes those different opinions are based on facts or information I do not know.

Anyway, we'll see if Pompeo is brought in to DJT administration #2. If he is, then some people (frogs), I think, are going to have to confront some serious cognitive dissonance.

I mean, cognitive dissonance isn't something that only afflicts the leftists or those with TDS. It happens whenever someone has been manipulated (without their awareness, by actors or events, or by ones own self) into believing something that simply isn't based in reality or truth, and when they are then confronted with the reality or truth that contradicts a deeply held but erroneous belief.

If you are human, then you are potentially subject to that. We all are.

I have my own view and opinion about Pompeo. I think that DJT trusts him, that DJT trusted him enough to put him in some very difficult positions, including to lay the groundwork for the neutralization of the CIA to the extent necessary for the first phase of the Trump Plan (i.e. 3 stage plan). I also think that there has been a set of concerted efforts to undermine Pompeo in the minds of Trump supporters. I also think that like a number of collaborators with Trump, Pompeo engaged is some form of kayfebe or role play during the second phase of the Trump Plan (aka the "joe Biden" administration period of 4 years).

That view is significantly influenced (informed?) by how I understand the Q operation and also by Trump's actions, but I also try to inform those views with facts, via research, digging, and reflective analysis. I might be wrong in my conclusions, but I try to include data and research to backup my opinions or views, and to inform them as much as feels necessary.

Normally, in this sort of situation, I would write a research post enumerating the various claims against Pompeo, posting what facts and information I could dig on them, to offer some airing of the narratives and how well they gel with facts, and them discuss my (or possible) interpretations based on that data and factual information.

I might do that in coming days. I'm hesitant, because when I write such posts, many hours of research and digging and writing go in to them, and that takes a lot of energy. Anyway, for now, I'll just share my opinion piece.

Perhaps it will provide an opportunity for some interesting discussion!

Note: I made a start on one such post, that deals with the origins of the "Pompeo tried to kidnap and assassinate Assange" narrative here. I still think its worth reading as a starting point to getting to some of the facts around this particular anti-Pompeo narrative.

Now, let the flamming and the downvoting begin!

God bless America.


What can be observed over the past several days and weeks is a confluence and tightening of connections between some very interesting data points, all forming, in my opinion, greater evidence of the plan.

For example, the Rogan thing: Rogan maintains he is neutral, then Trump goes on his podcast, then Vance goes on his podcast, then Musk goes on his podcast wherein Rogan announces his endorsement of Trump. Interesting series of events, no?

Another set of events are even more interesting for anons, I think. This is the activity of Gen. Michael Flynn and Elon Musk etc, on the X platform.


October 31, 2024

We have an ARMY of DIGITAL SOLDIERS…this rings true for all eternity.

Keep pushing the TRUTH!

X Post

This post sets the tone. Flynn has it stickied to the top of his X profile.

On election night, Flynn replied to this tweet (followed up to his own Tweet):

November 6, 2024 (around 1am)

This is how #WeThePeople won an overwhelming victory. All “digital soldiers” and “citizen journalists” need to congratulate yourselves. 👏 🙏🏼🇺🇸

X Post

Side bar : Praying Medic replied to Flynn's tweet:

What we need are orders for the next phase of the operation. We will be watching.

X Post

Note: Praying Medic (Dave Hayes) is an OG anon who has been commenting and 'decoding' Q drops since the early days, and has published several books on the Q and Great Awakening, etc.

Take note, for now.

Comms or Not Comms?

Meanwhile, as u/UnvaxxedUnafraid/ points out, several days prior to Election Day, Elon Musk posts a video with a direct Q reference in it and also boosts Pizzagate, and on that same day, the listed followers of Flynn's X account = 1.7 million.

17 = Q (17th letter of the alphabet)

See unvaxxed's post here: Gen. Flynn comms - number of followers for Flynn on the day Elon starts trolling Q topics? 1.7Million! And he's gonna WHAT the deep state? 187!

That's a very nice coinkidink, considering who Musk and Flynn are.

a) Musk controls X (Twitter) and could very easily control the follower count so that it his 1.7 mil at this exact time

b) Flynn is 5G warfare, uber spook, uber patriot, 'former' military intel, and while maintaining strong lines of plausible deniability, has so many connections to Q it's not funny.

Is tis 1.7 number here consequential? It's hard to say. Is it comms? That's hard to define, as comms should always have a very clear purpose. Some things that look like comms are actually coincidence, which other things that looks like coincidences are actually comms. More on comms below.

Sure, sure, "there are no coincidences". But that's a truism, not a fact. Coincidences necessarily occur. The task is to distinguish between what are comms and what are coincidences. But that's another post.

Musk follows up his Q reference Vid and very powerful Pizzagate boosts with the following post on Election day +1

November 6, 2024 (daytime)

The reality of this election was plain to see on 𝕏, while most legacy media lied relentlessly to the public.

You are the media now.

Please post your thoughts & observations on 𝕏, correct others when wrong and we will have at least one place in the world where you can come to find the truth.

X Post

This is a clear and direct reference to Q: "You are the news now", that any frog (or deep state asset) will recognize but which normies won't directly tie to Q.

Comms Often Communicate On Multiple Layers

This is a feature of the comms (communication techniques) that Q introduced so many anons to and trained us in: Communications via multiple layers.

For example, the symbolism. Symbolism is a communication on multiple layers. The initiated recognize the symbols and what they mean, while the uninitiated (like 'normies') do not. They see only a symbol, perhaps a recognizable visual reference, but are not connected to the deeper meaning and its importance.

This is one reason why "Symbolism will be their downfall." (Q). because once the wider public becomes aware of the symbolism that the Cabal and political satanists use, their cover will be blown and they will be fully exposed for what they are. The wider public will no longer be ignorant of that other layer of communication.

Communication on multiple layers is a feature of the comms Q introduced us to.

By posting "You are the media now", Musk both touches base with anons who will instantly recognize the similarity and therefore allusion to "You are the news now", while at the same time, this message also affords Musk narrative cover and plausible deniability, because it is not a direct quote.

We know that DJT himself has used this technique time and time again. The wwg1wga theme music at his earlier rallies, the subtle Q references, the retweets of Q-related posts on Truth, etc. These are unmistakable comms to anons while still allowing DJT himself plausible deniability.

Also remember that the comms that anons tune in to are also comms that the Deep State and Cabal initiates are also alert to.

The Power of Plausible Deniability

The plausible deniability that these comms employ has multiple effects.

Firstly, it provides narrative cover for communicator. The sectors of the population that are 'uninitiated" (normies) are protected, in a sense, from being attacked with falsehoods by the propaganda adn disinformation Media. For example, while the propaganda Media was able to attack Q and the anons relentlessly .... "Qanon" ... they could not use Q content to directly push normies against DJT.

When the question about Q and the anons of teh Great Awakening was dropped to DJT, he replied something like this: "I hear that they are good people. They are against pedophilia, and isn't that a good thing?" (Not direct quote, paraphrased)

Secondly, plausible deniability keeps the enemy guessing. They don't know exactly what is going on. It generates the fog of war so essential to successful intel and covert operations.

For example, Gen. Flynn during the actual Q drop phase of the operation came out with his entire family and recited the pledge of allegiance by adding "where we go one we go all", then recorded that in video, and posted it, around the very same time that Q was exhorting anons to promote Americans to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Later on, Flynn was recorded on an interview saying that "Qanon" was a psyop, "run by the CIA" (if I recall correctly).

Some people interpreted this as an indication that Flynn is aback-stabbing, scum-sucking traitor. KEK. Serious anons paying attention to all the data know that these apparently contradictory actions by Flynn map perfectly onto what any clandestine operations operator would be doing.

Another feature of the plausible deniability generated by multiple layers in the comms is that it logically needs to be maintained during all or part of the operation itself. So the weapon of plausible deniability comms are important for people like DJT, Flynn, Musk, etc, to maintain until the operation is over.

All this aligns with everything we know about Q and the Q operation.

Thus, the implication of these actions by Musk (Q vid, direct nod to "you are the news now, etc) is exactly that: that the operation is not over.

The Operation is Not Over

Flynn points this out in resounding volume:

November 6, 2024

My counsel to everyone who reads this, listens to what I say, or gives a sh!t what I do, last nights victory was historic (YES!), but as in warfare, this was only the beginning of the long slog to achieving total victory.

The best analogy is that we have seized the beachhead and have broken through the hedgerows into Normandy. I want everyone to understand, we have not achieved a “VE Day”, we are more like D-DAY+1. We have our beachhead, the troops are arriving in strength, with determined purpose, and a clear mandate.

But now the real work of rooting out the evil infestation really begins. Removing the infiltrators, the bureaucratic systems and processes that infect decision making and do nothing to protect the safety and security of the American people along with many bureaucrats who wish nothing but ill will to our arriving troops.

Sorry, not this time Obama. Fool us once, shame on us, try to fool us again, shame on you.

Making America Great Again is our marching order and #WeThePeople are on the move.

Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell Out of the Way!

X Post

See also Post by u/Elseebee

Flynn: "Lead, follow, or get the Hell out of the way."

We won a great victory, and perhaps the most painful phase of the war is now behind us, but there is much work to do. Enjoy the victory we have achieved, but now is the time to push even harder to eventual V-Cabal Day.

The Great Awakening Now Has a Commander In Chief

What inspired me to post about these Flynn Musk comms was a post by Praying Medic.

Worth noting...

  1. Elon Musk is saluting the American flag.

  2. General Flynn has commissioned him to be Commander in Chief of all digital soldiers.

X Post

In my view, this is a BIG ONE.

It's a pretty strong comm (I think) from Flynn, which in combination with Musk's actions, forms a powerful data set pointing out the strong connectivity between DJT, Flynn, Musk and Q:

In response (quote retweet) of Musk;s "You are the media now" X post, as linked above, Gen. Flynn posted the following powerful statement, promoting Musk to the position of "Commander in Chief" of "all digital soldiers".

November 6, 2024

. @elonmusk is selected for promotion to the highest order of service. He is now designated as Commander in Chief of all Digital Soldiers. This is a great honor and we should all join in congratulating him for his selfless sacrifices to humanity and achieving total information dominance.

May the force be with you! 😎💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸

X Post

While we can think about whether the 1.7 million followers for Flynn on the day that Musk goes hard on Q and pizzagate is a comm or not (this involves evaluating what the purpose might be, the target audience, for what effect "What is being communicated?", etc,), Flynn 'promoting' Musk to the position of CIC of all Digital Soldiers seems like a clear, out and out communication that Musk's role in the Great Awakening Plan is a very real thing, and potentially something that has been a long time in the planning and the current execution is the culmination point of a longh strategy.

No doubt, we'll have good opportunity to investigate and discuss this a lot more in the weeks and months going forward.

Eyes on!

Reference: Musk:

It's Morning in America again! (Musk Salutes the Stars and Stripes)

X Post

Note: Obviously, Q+ will always be our true CIC. But it looks like in the field of the information war, Musk is well positioned to be Supreme Commander ala Gen. MacArthur or Gen. Eisenhower in WW2.


Q wrote: "Learn our comms."

This was Q conducting a mass initiation of thousands and millions of people, whether autist, anon or simple patriots, in to the realm that was formerly limited to intel operatives and the many initiated forces int eh dark underbelly of our matrix society: the Cabal.

As the Plan moves forward and the Great Awakening operation (i.e. the Q operation), it looks like many of the key players are coming out more openly with indicators and events that build an even more closely connected picture of the operation behind the scenes.

This dovetails in to a realization I had yesterday, reflecting on all these things, plus personal situation:

The content of the Great Awakening is going to become the mainstream.

Not that everyone in the population will be Qtards like we frogs here at GAW or the millions of anons around thge globe. But the core themes of the Great Awakening are going to become a part of general and mainstream knowledge.

I posed this in Daily Chat yesterday.

The Great Awakening is going to become the mainstream.

It will be mainstream talk, awareness, thinking, that:

psyops exist, falseflags exist, that the big corporations are corrupt and run against the people, that the globalist agenda is sick, that the fiat system is unhealthy, that celebrity culture is bankrupt, that pedo-control / blackmail is a real thing, that real relationships are what matters, etc.

It won't be full-on Qtards. Like us. But over the coming several years, perhaps sooner, all this is going to be "common knowledge". it won't be the fringe. It will be the norm.




We currently have a post stickied highlighting Elon Musk boosting Pizzagate one day before the Election. He also boosted a Q video.


I believe there is an important and serious reason for this tweet from Musk. ("Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here" Q (?))

Just how close Musk is/was to the Q operation, or just how much he knows about it, I think a LOT more will come out post-election.

Think about it.

~ No 1. Department of Defense contractor during the 1st Trump Administration.

~ Is an Autist Supreme

~ Managed to 'acquire' the most significant Social Media platform for news dissemination by .... "a corporate takeover" (or was it acquired under an executive order and then handed to Musk as the public story?)

~ Came from "the Left" (Darling of the Left) but has increasingly spoken out for Patriotic and Freedom Movement principles since getting Twitter

~ Posted many Q-related themes, memes and items in the first 1~2 years of the X era

~ In the final months before the 2024 election, went ALL IN on Trump (was this timing all planned? Personally, I'd bet money it was...)

In my opinion, Musk is being much more open and direct in synch with Trump and the whole 2024 election. Trump has been speaking very directly that those who cheat in the election will get what is coming to them. He never said anything like that in 2020. Only that they would steal it. Likewise, Musk is taking the opportunity to be more open and direct about core Great Awakening issues, like pizzagate, etc.

Also, does anyone think that the ROGAN podcast situation is just coincidental?

NEUTRAL >> DJT Podcast >> Elon Podcast >>> Rogan Endorsing Trump

So, timing wise, it's no small thing that Musk just boosted a pizzagate theme. Much more to come.



I'm surprised that Elon chose this particular tweet to repost. I do not doubt that Elon knows what is what (he's been undercover for LONG time, but he knows Q as well as anyone. I mean that), nor do I doubt that Pizzagate is 100% real (not much doubt about that!)

Sadly, the image shot in the reposted tweet looks suspiciously familiar. The formatting, the over-the-top headline, the juxtaposition of the images.

One simple web search shows its REAL source:

The People's Voice

Here it is: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/john-podestas-friend-who-debunked-pizzagate-arrested-for-raping-toddlers/

So let's just separate some FACT from FICTION.

Here is the reality:


Slade Sohmer was arrested for child pornography crimes. His messaging apps apparently include some very grizzly stuff:

Investigators uncovered messages on Sohmer's Telegram, an encrypted app, that involved discussions, some in graphic detail, of luring, kidnapping and raping children, prosecutors said. They noted that investigators believe there are more images of child sexual abuse on messaging apps connected to Sohmer, including his Telegram and Snapchat.



The 44-year-old Sohmer was reportedly released on $100,000 bail on Monday after being charged in a Massachusetts court. He allegedly possessed and distributed “hundreds of child pornography images and videos.”


This was November 2023.

Berkshire District Attorney Press Release



"John Podesta's Friend, Who 'Debunked' Pizzagate, Arrested for Raping Toddlers" TPV

Think about it. If this was true, don't you think that EVERYONE would have heard about it? That anons would have made certain that the whole Great Awakening knew about it?

I'm not saying he didn't rape children (we do not know at this point), but it's NOT a fact that he was arrested for raping children.

The ONLY update I could find was from The Bearkshire Eagle, 8 days ago, which starts:

The criminal case against former editor Slade Sohmer remains pending in Berkshire Superior Court as attorneys review thousands of child ....

Can't see the rest, as the article is behind a paywall.




Why did Elon Boost a fake story? Some possible explanations (no, none of them include TPV being a reasonable, good or even white hat operation. That ship has sailed.)

ONE: Musk might have been simply too busy to bother with checking the facts on this one. His priority being boosting certain themes at this time, and this particular tweet was simply in the right place at the right time.

In other words, Musk needed something Pizzagate related, and simply went with this without checking if it was true

TWO: Musk needed something Pizzagate related, and used this tweet and fake news because it serves the purpose of NARRATIVE WARFARE just at this particular time.

This would be a case of using the enemy's weapons against them. Fake false story, BUT it serves the purpose of NARRATIVE WARFARE at this moment.

THREE: Musk himself is not posting everything on his X account, which is clearly being used in the information war. So perhaps a staff member posted this, again for either a) or b) above.


Musk is boosting Pizzagate and also Q just prior to the election. There is an important reason for that. But we still need to be vigilant against fake news and disinformation operations. They are a cancer to the Truth Movement and the Great Awakening. IMO.

Musk is operating on a whole different level to any anons out there. So, I think it's fair to not go overboard on the "He's sharing fake news!" angle. HOWEVER, there is still the potential for unawake normies to be dissuaded from truth if and when they find out that this TPV story is a lie.

In my opinion, as digital warriors, anons have two core missions:

One is to uncover the truth and push it out there, for the purposes of the Great Awakening

Another is to fight in the information war, in narrative warfare, which is also a pyswar, using memes and psychologically powerful messaging.

The former is, I believe, the more critical and key element, because truth is ultimately what sets a person free. We understand that in 5G warfare, information can be distorted, and memetic instruments are powerful, but in the end, we cannot sacrifice TRUTH without suffering certain setbacks.

For that reason, I think it is valid to appreciate what Musk is doing here, but it is also valid to acknowledge and recognize that the information in this case is fake and false.

Ultimately, fake and false news are toxic, and this is why disinformation websites like ThePeople'sVoice are poisonous: they post crap clickbait fake news, distort the Awakening and poison the well of truth.

They are part of the disease. Anons are called by Q to be the antidote.

Further Research

Here is the original tweet Musk retweeted:


interesting reading, the comments etc.

Apologia: Everyone knows that the Entree should come before the Main Dish, but in this case, I think the Main Dish should be highlighted.


It took me a while.

I tried, scrunched my brow, then tried again. Then I skipped. I scrolled down, and I read the top comment.

The comment was short, brief, and apparently quite sincere. Lots of upvotes! my goodness! Almost as many upvotes as the actual post itself (yes, it had upvotes!)

So, I tried again. I went to the top, and tried to reread.

I'm no Samuel Johnson, but I must admit, to me it came across rather .... jangly. If that's a word.

But if ever there was a weave that was wove like a wave, then this was the wavey weave that wove it.

However, I'm old fashioned, I guess. I like iterature as much as the next amphibian, but somehow, "just like the BOSS" didn't quite ring all that true.

Alack! So short of attention span am I... I abandoned the good, noble text once again and dove back in to the comments.

Man, those comments. What shall I say? Tasty? Delicious? Intoxicating?

Comment after comment, after comment. Ah, so gentle the frogs! So willing to sympathize with the OP! So generous in wanting to see potential and good, to encourage a fellow froggy pepe.

So many entertaining comments.... The good-natured. The moderate and calm. The quizzical. The subtle and the direct, both!

It's not every day that one comes across a post that is such natural, healthy fodder for a chart-topping selection of high quality comments that manifest the very best qualities of froggdom.

Yes! Questioning. Patient. Self-deprecating. Direct and gentle both. And a good helping of "No nuts please, we're frogs!"

I confess. I enjoyed this post so much (even though I still, at the time of this writing, am unable to read all the way through it without reaching for a valium or shaking my head to dispel the fogging sensation that assails one upon engagement).

And, for some reason, maybe its the midnight air, or maybe its that I've been imbibing epic quantities of Trump Wins and Maga nods, or maybe, well, I don't know what.

But with all the epicness that the post (huh. "post"! Such a humble term for such a masterwork of contortion!) ... with all the epicness that the post in question gives rise to, not to mention the OP's stubborn insistence on rebutting each and every criticism, query or gentle prodding, I found myself with no alternative except....

To NOMINATE this post and its attendant commentary as a collective SHIT POST of the YEAR!!!! . . . .

(Notice the random dots and ALL CAPS used here to honor the style of the frog that that drafted the shitpost of the century? Yes!)

Trump Explaining That He Kept Hillary Out Of Jail Is HUGE To Me. . . Why ? Lets Take A Look Because Its A Massive World Stage Here (Madison Square Garden) While He References This BOMB. . .


What, you ask? What? What's so epic?

Just look at that title. Trump + Hillary + Jail + Massive World Stage (here?) + Madison Sq Garden + Bomb + .....

Has anyone every jam packed as many different topics and references in to a single post subject line?

No, for shame. This is Art, my frens. This is talent.

No, not for the faint of heart is this apparent "ramble". You thought it made no sense? Why, does the Eiffel Tower make sense? Does Mt. Rushmore? Does the Taj Mahal make sense? Then why would you look for this giant of a post to ....make sense?

Sense is for mere mortals. Sense is for the hoypoloi! This post is an epic of mammoth proportions.

Shit POST of the YEAR??? No, SHIT POST Of All Time!

'tis the SPOAT, I say. The SPOAT.

Folks remember where they were when Armstrong first pretended to pretend to walk on the moon. Folks remember where they were when Martin Luther Jn said "I have a Dream!" Folks remember where they were when The Don Served Fries at MacDonalds.

So too, may you ever remember and recall where you were when you first read the SPOAT.

"And they shall count me blessed, that I saw and read (well, tried to read) the SPOAT with my own two eyes."

Yes, frogs. Not every day. No, only once or twice in a generation does one ever see a shit post so epically emphatic, so tortuously enticing, so enigmatically evasive, and yet, so approachable as to elicit the .... most frog-like of commentary.

Yes, there I was, on the board, when I first read the phenomenon that was konadog's ode to Raiklin: post and comments and all. (No disrespect...)

May the good Lord grant you peace.

And may all shit posts - intended or not - aspire to such lofty leaps of greatness.


  • Note: This is a shitpost

Addendum: This is a shitpost about a (nominated) shitpost, so it's a metashitpost (Patent pending).


Here is the article in Question:


Also, here is the Stickied GAW post that Copy/Pastas the headline verbatim:


Read the article. It is ALL about Krebs, who I believe most thinking anons would recognize as being very deep state, but there is almost nothing about Wray, who is mentioned twice in the final paragraphs, including this:

This tiny fact was omitted from Kreb’s report, and Chris Wray and DOJ Chief Bill Barr ignored it!

Let's put Krebs aside, but look at Wray and Barr. Both individuals that Donald Trump put in place in his administration, and in Wray's case, Q says "Trust Wray" along with many other key figures.

To come to a reasoned and grounded view of either of these individuals, we need to consider the larger framework of the Q operation.

(If we ignore the Q operation, or the fact that we are in the midst of an info war/ psywar/narrative war, then its easy to accuse and believe that both Barr and Wray are evil scumbags. However, considering both Q and the fact that we are in the midst of a psywar, makes it very difficult to reconcile certain important facts with the conclusion that either of these men are evil Deep Staters.

Also, note: We CANNOT make our war through the psywar if we are being controlled and manipulated by the narratives, by either side. To not be caught up IN the war, we need to be able to step OUTSIDE of the war, and view from a place of considering the larger framework and the methods that the psywar MUST use. )

A lot of grounded, thinking anons consider the roles being played or played by both Barr and Wray as being necessarily 'undercover'. aka Barr and also Wray have been playing their roles that are part of

a) the biggest sting operation in history

b) the optimal planned way to take down the DS and their backers, the Cabal, while restoring the American govt to the People

Barr and Wray "ignored" the overwhelming evidence of many different types of fraud. The question is, why?

Also, why, with all that evidence

a) was the 2020 election NOT overturned?

b) the American people essentially LET the election be stolen?

c) did Donald Trump himself leave office, enabling the inauguration of the Biden Admin + Biden as POTUS, etc, when he had sworn an oath to protect the country and uphold the constitution against all enemies? __

Maybe some or all of the following are answers:

A) The 2020 election was not overturned because the operation required to identify and capture ALL elements of the Deep State system in ALL branches and quarters of the government (exec, legis, judic.) and institutions (banks, education inst., media, state and local govts, criminal ops, etc) was not complete, and was in fact insufficient to fulfill the task at that time.

In other words, acting before EVERYTHING was set in place and secured would invite counter-attacks that could screw things up and make the eventual goal much, much more difficult. >>> The Decisive, Knockdown Blow

Think "Ender's Game" (book). Ender's how strategy as the most successful genius tactician was to deliver a devastating blow such that his enemy COULD NOT get up again. Half measures ultimately lead to failure.

Without thinking about the situation critically, it's easy to feel like things have been bad the past 4 years and also think that somehow, it could have been avoided. "It had to be this way" (Q) is another way of saying "The way it is now is the best, optimal way to secure the victory that we need. All other ways have been evaluated as being insufficient to our end objective: complete destruction of the enemy".

Decisive, knockdown blow. Otherwise, you may not get a second chance.

B) Despite all the mountains of evidence, information and facts that came out, indicating the stolen nature of the 2020 election, starting from Nov 4th, Where have the American people been the past four years? Following the election, a fabricated false flag event on Jan 6 was pushed to create propaganda against those who stood up for the stolen election, but if the vast majority of America is asleep, what could be done?

Even if Trump fixed things at the top, unless the American people finally say enough is enough, then it will all come to naught. Why? Because the People abdicating their responsibility to the government and the enemy over time is the cause of the current situation. Restoration requires the people to take the ultimately responsibility. How things unfolded following 2020 shows clearly that the American People were not ready. That seems indisputable. Otherwise, they would have behaved differently.

C) The fact that Trump left office despite knowing that the election was stolen means either i) he broke his oath to protect the nation and abandoned his responsibility or ii) he took such steps as were practicable to secure the safety of the nation while also stepping away in order to avoid a situation that ultimately would have created a far worse result (i.e. civil war, overthrow of the govt system, etc)

If the above, A, B and C are true, then how should Barr or Wray have acted? Part of military level operations involves keeping the enemy in the dark, as well as misleading the enemy in specific strategic ways in order to undermine the enemy's capacity to counteract and block your initiatives.

So, why did Barr and Wray "ignore" the overwhelming evidence of many different types of fraud?

Were Barr and Wray facilitating the downfall of America, or part of a highly complicated and strategic plan to execute an operation that involved

A) the greatest sting operation in history, aka gathering ALL the evidence on ALL the system, including ALL the sleepers that were still underground in Nov. 2020, and allowing the criminals to continue to act in ways that ultimately could be used as evidence to take them down (e.g. money laundering in Ukraine)?

B) The one stage, two stage, three stage setup of a takedown of the greatest criminal cabal in history (not only the US, but worldwide) that could destroy the entrenched enemy so effectively that the enemy could not rise up or resurrect for centuries, if not forever?

If you are serious about finding an answer to these questions, I suggest you take a look here, for starters:


Start from #1 and read up until #4966

Have fun!

Addendum: I do not know if Barr or Wray are corrupt puppets or courageous patriots. None of us do. To be intellectually honest, we have to accept that fact.

Nor are we necessarily required to form an opinion, particularly when we do not know and do not have ALL the facts.

But if we choose to believe one way or the other, we should take responsibility for that belief. To be more responsible means due diligence, keeping an open mind, trying to consider one's own biases or the ways that different sides in the PSYWAR are working to influence public thinking, including us.

Ultimately, each of us become responsible for what we choose to believe. So it behooves us to take the issue seriously.

Edits: grammar, spelling


Latrobe, Pennsylvania, October 19, 2024


"One hundred years from now, the presidential election of 2024 will be looked upon as America’s greatest victory. I hope that’s true. Because we’ve been through so much together and the finish line is finally in sight. After four horrendous years, Kamala Harris cannot say one thing that she would do differently, right? You heard that. If you vote for me…."

The Master of Communication

Donald Trump is a master of communication. He speaks to many different people and on many different levels.

Sometimes, he is speaking to his opponents saying things that no one else would ever say to them: "(Because you'd be in jail...")

Sometimes, he is speaking to the broad middle of the population. He appears on talk shows and just talks, about the general issues: "We have inflation. We have border problems"

Sometimes, he is speaking to the Establishment, playing the game and keeping up the image: "Chuck Schumer... he's a good man. Although these days...."

Sometimes, he is speaking to the Fake News, trapping them and luring them in to a place he wants them to go, knowing that they will be unable to resist the bait.

Sometimes, he is speaking to his normie support base. "If you vote for me, I will [do X]...."

And sometimes, he is speaking to the digital warriors, the anons and the autists, who have had an inside track on what is happening because of Q.

And he can mix any and all of these levels, and which level, which strata of talk you tune in to, well, that's your choice. If you are aware and conscious, you'll see that indeed he can and does talk on these and other levels, and understand WHY he says the things he does.

Trump is like a chimera, like a mythic being, walking through the jungle and all the different jungle creatures see him differently, through the context of their own world view, their own chosen frame of reference.

Transcending Group Think and Group Levels

It's important for anons to be able to recognize this. The reason for the Q operation is not so that we become fundamentalist and only Q - "conspiracy" focused on our own view and perspective on the world. No, an important objective of the Q operation is for us to "expand your thinking", to be able to rise to the 40,000 ft view, but also to escape the trappings of "group think", even when that group think is "Q movement group think".

Because this is also what DJT does. He is the master of the 40,000 ft view, but he can also come down and talk with a little kid who has a horrible disease and pat him on the shoulder and tell him, it's going to be OK. He can come down to the little kid's level.

He can relate to the hard working laborer men and women in their unions, and he can see and understand what the corrupt elites are thinking. He is able to see and relate to so many different levels of people, and relate to them on THEIR TERMS. But he is not limited or mentally bound to any one level.

It's not easy to do that, but it's something that all anons should seek to emulate. It's part of the mission Q gave us, to be there for those that need assurance and comfort in the midst of the chaos and confusion. And we can only do that when we sympathize and understand the situation of those who are only beginning to wake up, or who do not see outside the matrix, or even our opponents, especially those trapped in decades of deception. If we truly live for our nation, it means we have to live for ALL our nation, everyone in our nation. That is true leadership.

I began this post because I picked up something when I thought DJT was speaking directly to us. It comes at a certain part in his speech in Latrobe. See the link below (time aligned).

We should feel honored and privileged to have walked the journey this far with such a leader, on a path that on the whole, only a few have been able to understand up until this point.

Does A Golden Era Lie Ahead?

Below, DJT speaks with full confidence, that the election of 2024 will be seen as "America's greatest victory". That's him speaking out the unfettered truth. But he's among normies as well, and in the end, it will be the People of America who decide. So he says "I hope that's true". And then, he says something that I think truly only anons will understand fully: "we’ve been through so much together and the finish line is finally in sight".

One hundred years from now, the presidential election of 2024 will be looked upon as America’s greatest victory. I hope that’s true. Because we’ve been through so much together and the finish line is finally in sight. After four horrendous years, Kamala Harris cannot say one thing that she would do differently, right? You heard that. If you vote for me….

He's not talking about a mere four years. He's not even talking about his presidential work. Because, after all, his re-election will not be the finish line of his administration, but simply another phase.

The only thing that makes the most sense is this: the long and arduous war, waged by the Q team (including Q+) and the anons and autists, starting from 2017, is finally coming to is conclusion. The victory of 2024, that's the finish line for this operation.

If that's true, then .... with the conclusion of one operation, well, it will become to time to begin to build.

"We are going to show you a new world."

If it's true, then we are on the cusp of a Golden Era, where the nation created under God becomes truly, one nation under God, fulfilling her God-given destiny.

The coming weeks and months will decide the destiny of the human race for the next foreseeable future. Whatever happens, however it unfolds, may you be strong, patient, and take comfort in the knowledge that you have sacrificed and made a contribution, however small or large it be, to the Great Awakening of humankind.


One hundred years from now, the presidential election of 2024 will be looked upon as America’s greatest victory. I hope that’s true. Because we’ve been through so much together and the finish line is finally in sight. After four horrendous years, Kamala Harris cannot say one thing that she would do differently, right? You heard that. If you vote for me….


Dear Frogs,

My Aussie son is now on his way to attend the Trump Rally in PA on Saturday Oct 19, to show his support for America and his love for God and country (all countries).

God bless America. Created by his own hand, for his purposes and for the sake of humanity.

God bless Donald Trump and all American patriots. Make America Vote Again. MAVA.

That is all.


Took a peruse of the TPV website today, due to a frog posting a very old (2017) NewsPunch Story to the board.

FYI, TPV (The People's Voice) was formerly NewsPunch, which was formerly YourNewsWire. It's a disinformation / Clickbait operation run now for may years by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his Gay 'husband'. Curiously, YourNewsWire.com was registered and lay relatively dormant for quite a few years until it was activated around 2014/2015, the SAME time that the "Fact Checkers" operation was pushed forward by teh Cabal globally.

The international Fact Checkers Network, sponsored by folks like the Poynter Institute with help from such luminaries as Bill And Melinda Gates foundation (specifically supporting the Africa Fact Checkers Network. hmm.....)


Anyway, even just a quick glance through very recent articles by TPV quoting their own Beiber Article from 2017 shows how this operation takes exposure of truth and developments in the Awakening and then works to exploit and distort them.


Take a look at the articles they have thrown up in the recent weeks since Diddy was arrested and exposed. It will give you a good introduction to how this operation drafts and publishes lies, twists information, using their now standard formula of

a) Create Fabricated (false) Sensationalistic Headline to Attract True Seekers (play to biases)

b) Support with two or three (usually) fabricated assertions which shore up and expand on the Headline, while providing zero source and zero researchable references.

c) Copy/ Paste actual factual stories or content lifted from actual sources that SEEM to lend legitimacy to the Headline and Assertions a) and b), but which in fact are unrelated or which do not actually sustain the a) and b).

While the Website operation is clothed as a clickbait farm, my personal opinion is that this is a deliberate disinformation operation (given timing, how the website yournewswire.com was developed (check via Archive.com), absence of actual advertising, and other factors).

Either way, if you are a frog researcher or even just have a casual interest in pursuing truth, it behooves you to learn about this sort of operation, see their tactics, learn to identify the red flags, and in this manner, build up your Discernment Red Blood Cells.

It's worth it. once you spend a bit of time on this sort of thing, the RED FLAGS of disinfo operations became quite easy to identify.

All part of building up your mental / spiritual / intellectual health.



My son is travelling tomorrow from Down Under to the US, to staff as crew for one of the largest "open carry rallies" in the USA, where apparently Gen Flynn will be speaking, and then after that, work with a bunch of others to attend and support Trump by attending Trump Rallies.

Make no mistake people. The fight that America is currently in is not America's alone. Moreover, the Great Awakening is a world-wide phenomena. And finally, millions around the world understand and know Donald Trump's value.

So, while prayers are being offered, my son is stepping out to put some sweat in to the fight, on the ground, even if it is only for a short time.



Dunno about frens, but I'm not concerned at all about the Israel / Iran situation. I feel relaxed and confident, more than I usually do about a lot of the habbeings in recent years.

Here's why.

First, "only at the precipice"

To make the return of DJT far more powerful, and wake up even the normie mainstram, some extreme, fearful situation that on the surface looks potentially disastrous seems to be required. Israel / Iran situation seems to foot the bill.

Second, timing.

All of the incidents and upheavals this year have steadily been culminating towards crescendo. The timing seems to me to be well orchestrated. If it's not being orchestrated, then its extremely fortunate.

(Note: by orchestrated, I don't mean that the 'white hats' are dominating and shaping everything on both sides of the equation. Rather, I mean that the white hats have their plan and their timeline, and are pursuing that in order to trigger and execute certain events and situations at the right (optimal) time.

Orchestrated doesn't mean that the bad guys are merely actors acting out a play. It means the bad guys are NOT in control of the gameboard, and they are being forced by the moves of the WH to respond or react, in ways that are predicted and accounted for by game theory.)

Three, symmetry.

  • Two streams of thought

There are broadly two streams of thought in the alt-media aka 'truth seeking' world regarding Israel and Jews. One is that "The jews" are doing everything, are completely evil, that Israel is 100% evil, and pulling the strings behind everything.

The other stream involves acknowledging that the DS and Cabal have infiltrated all sectors of society and government, that Israel was originally set up for the Cabal's purpose but that the real string pullers are not one specific class or race of humans ("the jews") but rather, are the satanic elite who have laid smokescreen over smokescreen over smokescreen to hide themselves and make themselves invisible, and that "The jews" is just another smokescreen, albeit one much closer to them than others.

So, consider if you will, the state of Israel being set up by the Cabal (via the Rothschilds branch) for a specific purpose, but also being a legitimate state with real human beings not motivated or driven by the Cabal agenda, but just wanting to live.

If this is the case, it would mean that just like the USA, Israel has its own deep state, it's own cancerous underbelly, and one that needs to be extinguished so that an actually viable Israel nation can continue to live on, free from control of the Globalists.

  • symmetrical takedown of Cabal elements

So, what if the White Hat operations at this juncture were planned to not only gut and destroy the Hamas and Iranian DS backed terrorist groups, but ALSO to destroy the DS assets within Israel itself, those festering elements that like the C_A in America have been the instruments of the political satanists, completely at odds with the motives and ideas of the core of the American people?

So, in just the last few days, we've seen Iranian elements fire in to Israel wiping out, I have heard, the Mossad HQ and Unit 8200, etc? What if the Israel / Iran conflict, while presenting the narrative and trappings of imminent all out war in the middle east, was actually being used as cover to destroy and wipe out, just prior to Donald Trump returning to the White House in America, Deep State assets and elements BOTH in Israel and outside of Israel.

  • war or conflict as a cover for behind the scenes operations that destroy the Cabal

The using war as cover mode has been used before by Trump, for example, when (as anons mostly agreed), DJT sent missiles in to Syria because "Bashad used chemical weapons on his population) but in fact they were precise target strikes against ISIS and other Cabal assets hiding in Syria.

And what is the Ukrainian war apart from an operation to clean out Cabal elements and infrastructure in Ukraine? Yes, the legitimate need to rescue and liberate the Donbas and ethnically Russian peoples is important and was always there, but a lasting solution to the situation can ONLY come about when the Cabal is rooted and gutted from Ukraine and Russia altogether.

  • Zelensky & Ukraine

And if you are of the view that Zelensky is pure evil and being used to destroy America, you may want to listen to this weeks Defected Ep 88, where a very solid case is made that in fact Zelensky's strings were cut a good way back, and that he's actually been used in Ukraine (now) to destroy the Cabal asset situation (i.e Azov, the oligarchs). If you haven't heard about this, and you consider yourself anon, it behooves you to check this out. A very compelling argument can and has been made that Zelensky, while put in place by the Cabal, has actually been cooperating with the White Hat agenda.

  • Coincidence?

Either way, curious that "Israel" has been destroying the Hamas network and Iranian DS assets in recent months (last weeks pager and phone attack was absolutely massive in smashing their human resource infrastructure), and after that now missiles being launched in to Israel attack and decimate .... The Israeli CIA, aka the Mossad etc.

Coincidence? Or WHs using the Israel / Iran conflict to take out Cabal assets on BOTH sides?

With the accumulation of the above considerations, I'm really not worried about the middle east situation. Certainly, I pray there will be as few casualties as possible. War is horrible, but sometimes its the only way to overcome evil.


Regarding the two streams of thought re: the nature of the 'real' Cabal and the idea of "the Jews' etc, I definitely fall in the latter one I described. I do not see "the Jews" as being the ultimate evil behind the scenes, but rather, I adopt what I think is a more nuanced view of the Cabal and the evil that has been dominating our world.

There are a few reasons why.

One, the "mah Jews" angle on this always seems, to me, to be tinged with a lot of anger, angst, vilification and emotions that I do not think are particularly edifying. To me that's a sign that something is a bit off there.

Two, the "mah Jews" angle seems way too convenient. to me, it has the smell, if not stink, of another smokescreen to hide the truth and polarize, yes polarize, those who are seeking truth and the liberation of humanity under God. Divide and conquer. It's the "mah Jews" narrative that overly empowers orgs that then tout the 'anti, anti-semetic' story. Like the anti-defamation league, for example.

This is classical satanic hegelian dialectic. Divide and conquer. Left vs Right. The ADL only has power because there are sectors of society that push the "Jews are evil" rhetoric at every chance.

Three, with effective lies, there is always an element of truth. There is no doubt the Rothschilds et al have been a cesspool of evil for many centuries now and that there is indeed a connection with modern era Jewish populations. But in my view, those connections are over-emphasized IN ORDER TO generate a Hegelian conflict, of "Attack Jews vs Defend Jews", and like I already stated, that smells to me of 'distraction' of smoke an mirrors par excellence. As such, I want to avoid falling in to that most ancient of traps, one that pits us against each other.

Four, the Israel & Jews issue is a sure-fire angle that can generate discord and division within Christianity. Some think that Israel must be restored before Christ returns, some think of Israel or the Jews as the Synagogue of Satan, etc, while others emphasize the common heritage between Christianity and the history of Israel as a people. Injecting conflict into the body of Christ using the "Jewish" issue for leverage seems like an easy line of attack, imo.

Saving Israel for Last

"Saving Israel for Last" could mean many different things. At this juncture in the game, I interpret it to mean that in the process of cleaning out the Cabal and the Deep State in all the core locations, Israel is the last on the list. I don't think it means that Israel is 100% pure evil, just as I do not believe for one minute that the USA is 100% pure evil. (There are some out there in the world who sadly think that, you know.)

Q also emphasize that Q's REASON for saving Israel for last was a "very specific reason not mentioned a single time". So we can speculate and come up with various theories, but should also avoid putting our own biases in as interpretations of what Q means.

Evil survives and thrives in the dark. Ultimately, it is political satanism that is the disease, and it afflicts all peoples, all races, and all parts of humanity. That is the part that needs to be rooted out, so that ALL humanity can unite in their various aspects as the unique expressions of God's own nature in us.

After afternote: The above is just my opinion. I think some will disagree, and that's probably a good thing. It is not uniformity of thought that can unite us, but a willingness to listen and learn from each other. That's what makes us strong.




Control of the narrative = power

When you are blind, what do you see?

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by race.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.


Like most anons and a lot of maga, I was encouraged and energized by RFK jr. suspending his presidential campaign and joining forces with Donald J Trump. Despite RFKs many obvious shortcomings, personally and politically, I think he has, as DJT put it, “his heart in the righty place”.

Moreover, RFKs move has given social permission to many on the left side of politics who could not embrace DJT because of their perception or misperception of him as the Republican Establishment to now consider DJT and move towards MAGA.

If DJT represents the anti-Establishment kickback forces on the Right, for many, RFK jr represents the same thing on the Left, and as the Uniparty has become increasingly obvious to the mainstream, we can see more clearly the emerging of a unified MAGA political force, united not by false alliances, control motives, greed and suppression of opposition, but by common cause, common fundamental values, and an ability to work together despite acknowledged disagreements.

This is good news.

In addition, just today RFK has indicated that more Democrats are slated to unite with DJT and MAGA.

To me, all this signals a watershed new stage in the plan, and it maps on to what I like to call the biblical process of restoration.

Disclaimer: biblical references used for the purpose of illustration

TLDR: The Awakening is entering a new stage where conflict is overcome and unity can prevail.

Satanic Formula Mimics the Original Heavenly Process

The Satanic forces in the world are not an original force. They have no original life of their own, and so they can only mimic and seek to corrupt the original templates created by the Creator. For example, the family is the original nucleus of God’s kingdom and ideal for creation: God, Male, Female and Offspring united in unselfish love. All the Luciferian Cabal can do is mimic that, establishing families with satanic evil at the center, and male and female and offspring connected by distorted selfish purpose.

Thinking about the original Heavenly formula, we can see that God’s original purpose of creation is manifest via a three-stage process of origin point, division and re-union. For example, God is the source of both masculinity and femininity. So, God’s vision for the family starts within God himself (the origin) and then manifests God’s own nature (“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”) into Male and Female, men and women (division). Then, when a man and woman unite centering on God’s love, they form a re-union and offspring (reunion) are created, the embodiment of the unity of the man and the woman. This is the process of the creation of a family with God at the center.

This original pattern is present everywhere. As individuals, we have spirit and flesh, both manifesting God’s nature, and when they are united through God’s love in action, we become an individual connected to God. Etc.

The Satanic world, however, takes this pattern and distorts it. We see this manifest in the Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis model of the Hegelian dialectic. In the Satanic world, they take an origin point, create something that opposes and conflicts with that, in order to manipulate an outcome that serves their agenda. In other words, Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Good and Evil are Defined by Motivation and Purpose (Direction)

Historically, one of the hardest things for humanity to get to has been a clear definition of Good and Evil. The definitions have been increasingly clarified by religious teaching and philosophy, but at the same time, have been corrupted by ideological lies (Marxism).

In my view, the solution to this is a) to understand clearly God’s purpose for humanity and b) to understand that good and evil are defined by direction and purpose. If something it directed towards (actively contributes to) establishing God’s vision and purpose, it is good. If something is directed towards advancing the satanic purpose, it is evil. (Of course, the real difficulty lies in defining what is God’s purpose of humanity, but putting that aside for the moment…)

Case in point: Making a weapon (knotting your own whip) to attack and chase out evil moneychangers in order to re-establish the sanctity of God’ house of worship = good. Making a weapon to attack and violate an innocent crowd in order to sow fear and terror = evil. It’s not the making of the weapon or the use of a weapon itself that defines whether the action is good or not. It’s the purpose and the motivation with which those actions are enacted that defines their value.

Sin Caused Division on Every Level

Originally, all the things of God’s creation are created as complementary opposites. Men and women, spirit and flesh, mind and body, male and female, plus and minus. The problem, however, is that when our ancestors fell and united with Lucifer, sin and evil usurped the center and this divided everything against the other. Instead of unity with God at the center, evil came to control the center and then used division in order to maintain that control.

In other words, because of the fall of the human ancestors, the satanic force came into being and caused conflict where there should have been unity. Man was separated from God, right became separated from left, man from woman, older brother from younger brother, etc. Sin caused division and conflict, but in God’s original purpose, the original divisions are there in order to facilitate unity. The divided aspects of creation where intended to work together for the common purpose of God’s ideal and vision.

For example, which is Godlier, the Right or the Left? Originally, both belong to God. God created us with both a right side and a left side, with both a right-side brain and a left-side brain, with both right and left hands. Both are meant to be united around the common purpose of the heart, conveyed via the brain.

Two Types of Division

With this in mind, I think it’s valuable for anons to recognize that there are two different types of division. Not all division is evil. The purpose is key. The satanic cabal uses division in order to generate conflict and to weaken the target population or people so that they are easier to control and enslave. Aka Divide and conquer. This is why the Cabal foments conflict between races, between religious groups, between political groups, between classes in society, etc. The purpose is to divide resistance and conquer in order to advance the agenda of the Cabal control.

God uses division in a different way. In a corrupt world, where good and evil are mixed, God uses division in order to separate good from evil, and then to empower good in a separated state to overcome evil and eventually then extinguish evil, thus liberating those under evil control. The true purpose of division from God’s perspective is to separate out evil elements, purify and strengthen the goodness, and then to unify all centering on good for the sake of freedom and liberation from evil.

For example (biblically), how did God choose Abraham’s descendants and separate them out from the other peoples of the world? He did this by having them adhere to a strict set of laws and religion regulations that helped to purify and discipline them spiritually. Why? In order to separate out evil from this one group of people so that they could prepare the foundation for the coming of God’s son.

Was it because the Israelites were more precious to God than all other people in the world? No. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son….” All people are God’s lost children. But to rescue them, he has to bring Christ, and to prepare for Christ to come, God had to create a people and culture separated out from the mixture of good and evil everywhere else in the world. This then also speaks to the purpose of Christianity. The real purpose of Christianity is not simply individual salvation of each one of us as individuals, but to expand God’s foundation in the world and prepare the world for the second arrival of his Son.

Restoration Accomplished by Separation of Good and Evil, Good Overcoming Evil, Liquidation of Evil Control

Therefore, in the process of restoring the fallen world to the original world and kingdom, God works to separate us from that evil center and then helps us to purify ourselves spiritually. God does this by conducting a providence that a) first divides or separates good from evil, then b) has the good side prevail and bring the evil side to a natural surrender, so that c) eventually the evil side must separate from the center of evil control and be restored to goodness.

We can see that process playing out in scriptural history. Whereas tragically Cain, the elder brother, murdered Able, the younger brother, in Abraham’s family, this was reversed when the elder brother Esau abandoned his desire to kill his younger brother Jacob and instead embraced him. Notice, however, that it took 21 years for Jacob, after being deceived and tricked multiple times, to restore a family and possessions in Canaan before he could return to his homeland and win over his brother through offering and sacrifice.

This, then, is the pattern. God at first divides, in order to separate Good from Evil (Jacob flees to Haran), then had good undergo a process of restoration by uniting with God (Jacob perseveres in a foreign, difficult land despite being deceived some ten times by his uncle, to restore both a family and his own material foundation), then has good subjugate evil naturally (Jacob returns to Canaan, offers half his material wealth to his brother, humbles himself to him and lays the foundation for the elder brother to voluntarily abandon his desire to kill the younger Jacob).

Herein lies the reason that Jacob is the ancestor of Jesus and the founder of Israel, because even though from a secular humanistic viewpoint he ‘deceived’ his father and brother, he did all this because he valued God’s blessing above all (purpose, motive) and then walked the formula course to subjugate evil.

Why the Republicans, DJT?

Many on the left side of politics who have now become supporters of DJT will at first have rejected him or had grave doubts about him because he became the Republican candidate in 2016. After all, the Republican party had become the part of the Bushes, the neocons, the corporate controllers, etc. So why did DJT go to the Republican party? Was it because the Republican Party was without corruption? No, it was because to pursue the process of restoration, one has to begin somewhere.

The political ‘Right’, despite being almost as corrupt as ‘the Left’, had more of a basis to work with. But the end goal for DJT and team was not so much to advance the agenda of the Republican Right, as it was to restore the true and rightful position of the People above the Right and Left.

Both sides of politics should be serving the People via the instrument of government, just as the Right hand and the left hand should cooperate and work together to serve the purpose of the Heart conveyed via the brain.

If we look at the course of the last 8 years via the lens of the process of restoration, we might suggest that Stage 1 (DJT administration #1) was a period exposing the corruption of the left and building a MAGA foundation, while Stage 2 (Devo Stage, Biden in White House) was the period for exposing the corruption of the right and separating that out from the Republican Party.

Today, the corruption of both the Establishment Left and establishment Right have been fully exposed. There has been a process of separation, where the corruption in both sides of the political class has been exposed and the MAGA movement of Donald Trump has emerged as patently non-Establishment, non-Deep State, non-Cabal.

MAGA is the ‘Party of Unity’

So, what is the next step? During the past eight years, the corruption of the entire political class has been exposed and DJT and MAGA have emerged as the true patriotic force working for the sake of the true owners, the People. So, after the division, and separation, the next stage is to bring unity. And that seems to be exactly what DJT and the patriots are now doing.

RFK jr uniting with Donald Trump is NOT about Right vs Left. The ‘Right vs Left’ paradigm has been exposed as the deep state control mechanism that it is. Instead, the current stage is about ‘the People vs the Establishment’, about the Globalists, Marxists and Neocons vs MAGA.

It is time to bring unity. The reason God created us with a right eye and a left eye – aka stereoscopic vision - was to give us the ability to have perspective: depth perception. So, eventually, it is a natural thing to have a ‘left side’ and a ‘right side’ in politics. The problem occurs when evil infiltrates and corrupts either or both the left and the right. But when they are working for the same common purpose, to serve the People, then they can and should cooperate, and use their different perspectives to help the overall whole.

I am beginning to think that the real legacy of Donald J Trump might not be that he destroyed the Deep State and the Cabal hegemony in America, but that in addition to this, he helped to re-establish the unity of America, a unity that evil forces have worked to undermine and destroy for some 246 years.

Americans do not have to agree on everything. There are somethings it’s OK to disagree on. But what Americans should be united on is making America great again. On the sanctity and value of the family, the sanctity of human life, the need to have corporate and government forces held to account and never in a position of supremacy over the People of the country, etc.

I think we might be seeing the beginning of this new phase of the Plan. Unity. The Deep State and the Cabal held to account, but the People of the Country brought together through uncorrupted patriotic love of God and Country.

Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us to pieces, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. Hosea 6:1

The past eight years (2 x four years) have been like the two days. I predict that the next four years will be the third day for America: God will raise America up, so that America can truly live in his presence.

If so, then it's truly going to be biblical.

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