Seeing 30 stickies on the board seems truly appropriate. What a momentous time, So many Executive Orders, so much action. Truly, this is a time we have been praying for, working for, waiting for, longing for, and hoping for.
And, it's just the start.
The Board full of splendiferous stickies seems wholly appropriate. How else are the frogs of going to celebrate? Stickies are our flags, a celebration of everything we hope to offer to the movement. Shitposts, Gen chat, Memes, glorious posts, all and everything.
But as I counted through the number, and saw we had 30 stickies up (as of posting this), I thought to myself, you know. I'd just love to see SEVENTEEN more.
And 17 more would hit two targets: Q and also Potus 47, aka Q+.
Oh, mods! Don't you agree? Can we get to 47? Once in a lifetime is the now we are seeing.
Godspeed, GAW, you glorious bastards and bastardettes.
Just be aware. This post is a rant. It's not targetting specific users, and it's not complaining about mods. It's about a general behavior and mentality that GAW seems to be displaying. But I wonder. Is GAW now above self-criticism?
NEW: Oprah Winfrey announces plans to leave America before January 20, stating "I can't live here for the next four years.' - NO, No You Can’t
Zero sauce for this story.
"Resist the Mainstream": zero sauce
"Patriot Truths" (one month ago): zero sauce
"UK Discoverer" (yesterday): zero sauce, but "announcing her unexpected departure from the United States following her appearance on The View"
Facebook post promoting the UK Discoverer
Yeah, sure. Zero sauce, zero coverage by propaganda media.
Do you think Winfrey actually announcing this in ANY legit way would NOT be covered left right and center by the Propaganda Media, which is all about sensationalist news, etc?
My, oh, my. When did GAW become so addicted to clickbait, frogs?
The post ( gets 171 upvotes in 4 hours. 70 comments and still counting.
And yet not even ONE comment seeking to see where the story originates from, if there is any validity to the report, if there is any foundation to the story, or any details (even if it was in some way legit).
Instead, a parade of 70 comments all just wetting their pants, berating Winfrey, taking the opportunity to just spew out emotional reaction.
What is a scarecrow? It's clickbait for .... birds.
If someone put a scarecrow of Biden on your front lawn, dressed it in Woke clothing and iconography, would you then spend time each day abusing the scarecrow? Shouting abuse at it, telling it how it's going to burn, how it's going to GITMO, etc? Acting as if the scarecrow is in fact real?
This is the antithesis of thinking that the Q movement triggered and inspired.
How can GAW, supposedly a Q research website, spend so much manpower, manhours, effort, engaging with a FAKE story that is clearly clickbait - if one spends even a few minutes researching - heck, even looking - on the web to find out if there is ANY foundation to the story?
Here is where the story apparently first emerged:
Take a look. Lot's of clickbait redflags.
Grandiose name. Very Tabloidy stories. Rudimentary Wordpress-type layout. 'Terms and Conditions' very reminiscent of THePeople'sVoice-type setup. Privacy Policy. But.... no ads. So is it really clickbait? Or is it disinformation operation disguised as some sort of alt-media? Inject chaos, interrupt flow of real information?
It's about time that Frogs realized that, for us, a far, far worse a problem than the Mainstream Propaganda complex, there is a vast, broad highly active disinformation/clickbait/fakenews/controlled opposition complex operating in the Alt-Media space.
If you wouldn't stick a poisonous Vax in your body, why should you let fake, false and toxic information enter your mind?
This doesn't happen on its own. Firstly, someone has to post this story on GAW. Did they do ANY effort to check, verify or even mentally VET the story before posting?
Next, we ourselves need to engage with it. Read the headline, apply ZERO effort to discern, vet or verify the story, it's origin, or veracity. Instead, a significant number of frogs need to engage with the post in a certain way, without any effort or apparent concern for actual Truth.
This collective effort then generates a monster, a stupid post that is clearly of highly dubious origins and almost certainly 100% clickbait, that more and more frogs pile on, reacting, engaging based simply on how much they despise Winfrey, regardless of whether there is any truth in the content or not.
This is not about calling out any individual (although personally, I think many of us need to really ask the question, how responsibly do I engage with GAW, and am I an asset, or a problem?) This is about GAW self-criticism.
If we're in an information war, do you seriously think that the Enemy has ANY concerns about GAW as a unit? Or are they simply laughing their heads off, watching a collective of wannabes rage and shout at a scarecrow that one of them actually sticks on their own front lawn?
Rhetorical Question. I think most of us know the answer. We're not THAT stupid that we don't realize this. The question is, what will ti take to bring a halt to this sort of culture here? At GAW? It cannot be about the mods. Unless there are mods actually promoting this sort of behavior.
Nope, it's about us, as a community. Collective responsibility starts with.... Me.
Hey, but have a fun 2025, ok?
The Book of Trump - Chapter 1 ; Kayfabe
Together with guest Absolute1776, Ghost of Based Patrick Henry (contributor at Badlands Media) takes the listener through a highly informative and illuminating discussion of the background, history and impact of 'kayfabe' by Donald Trump, starting from the 1980's up until the present day.
Psyops, Narratives and Kayfabe
For many frogs, Q was an introduction to the concept of psyops, aka psychological operations, as part of low-intensity conflict using 5G warfare. This involves coming to the awareness of how the Cabal (and Deep State) has been using pysops on the people of all nations, through a coordination of different sectors, including propaganda media (i.e. operation mockingbird), government and the entertainment industry (Hollywood, etc).
But while many of us are tuned in on specific elements of the information war, for example, the impact and use of symbology by the satanic Cabal, still many frogs seem to miss the significance of Donald Trump's history with Kayfabe.
Rooted in the world of 'professional wrestling', kayfabe is a pivotal concept that anyone serious about tracking the information war needs to be aware of and have at a minimum a rudimentary understanding, (especially in the dimensions of narrative influencing, public education and the facilitating of public awakening).
What is kayfabe
Kayfabe is 'kabuki theatre'.
Dictionary: kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/
(in professional wrestling) the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic. "a masterful job of blending kayfabe and reality"
Donald Trump has been heavily involved in Pro-Wrestling for decades. Did he learn to adopt certain techniques in order to execute his efforts to influence (inspire) the wider population?
One of the key concepts of kayfabe is the framework of Face vs Heel. The "face" is the good guy, the one everyone loves and cheers, and the "heel" is the bad guy, stomping on the 'face', the one everyone loves to boo, and hiss at.
Kayfabe, when applied to the narrative wars of the last 8 years, is an powerful concept for analyzing how powerful public narratives have been designed and shaped by the White Hats.
Why do some frogs hate certain people who were once applauded and held up as patriots with DJT during his first administration, accusing & abusing them, and so often pronouncing their 'guilt', while other frogs protest "no, that person is playing a role" for the benefit and advance of the White Hat plan?
The answer: Kayfabe. Face and heel.
For to MAGA, Donald Trump is the ultimate face, and others in the DJT sphere are 'heels' (usual suspects here). But its different for Leftist/Marxist/Woke/Democrat crowd. Trump is the heel, and anyone else are the face, to good guys.
Ghost of Based Patrick Henry ("ghost" for short) takes you through a powerful and insightful discussion of these concepts with his guest Paul (absolute1776, or "abs").
If you aren't aware of the significance and history of Kayfabe, its origins and impact, you need to listen to this podcast. If you are aware, on any level, you will still find it informative and useful, providing some great redpill content.
Whether you agree or not, you'll find this a mind-expanding experience.
In other words, a must-listen for any serious frog.
90 minutes. Listen in chunks if you need to. You won't regret it. And you might just find a bit more light on some of the confusion of the narrative wars which, if you aren't paying attention to, can easily shape your own thinking ala normyville.
Ultimately, to me, being awake doesn't simply mean recognizing symbology or realizing that there are good and bad actors. Rather, being awake means stepping outside the impact of the narrative war and psyops (by both the good guys and the bad guys), and separating the 'talk' from what's really going on by who behind the 'narrative'.
We have a new meltdown, folks.
This time, its our tadpoles! The still-normie anons. Plus of course further, deeper greater meltdown by all sorts of lefties and democrat true believers!!!
Anyone upset about Our Boy Blue pardoning Hunter for 'all crimes committed since Jan 1, 2014'?
Putting aside the question of whether a President can pardon uncharged crimes (i.e. he can pardon convictions, but not things that have never been convicted?), I'm absolutely loving it !!
This is fantastic. Absolutely great. I could not stuff more popcorn in my gob than i have right now. But (and I stress to make this clear), I will munch, enjoy and consume this popcorn because I am supremely confident that there is going to be so much more winning coming along.
But Biden pardoning Hunter? Abso-flippin-lutely wonderful! Melting leftheads and normies alike.
Once again, we have to look at the IMPACT of an action, but the appearances. This is going to help the maga cause so, so much!
Of course, along with some other of the best thinking anons, I have come to feel very convinced that Joe Biden and Hunter were flipped way, way back, and that they have been playing ball. Seriously, compared to the whole flippin corrupt system, they are the smallest of small fry.
We don't need them. We need to destroy the "whole corrupt Temple". And, if they can save their skins helping that objective out, I really don't mind.
You'll have to excuse me now. I need to get more salt for my next batch of popcorn.
Trump's announcement of the Kash Patel nomination had some very strong and definite language.
I am proud to announce that Kashyap “Kash” Patel will serve as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Note, he did not say "I nominate him."
On the other hand:
The FBI director is appointed for a single 10-year term by the president of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.
So, if this is correct, Patel would still require a senate conformation...
However, there is a plot-twist here, unlike other 'cabinet' positions. The Head of the FBI is appointed for a 10-year period.
That raises an interesting situation. As CBS news tells it:
For Patel to take the post, Wray would have to voluntarily vacate the position or be fired by Trump if he is to be replaced before his term ends in 2027. One source previously told CBS News the Trump team was aware of the complexities involved in ousting Wray.
How Would an FBI Director under Trump 1.0 have to Behave?
If the above info from CBS news is accurate, then Wray would have to resign or be fired by Trump, because his 10-year term began in 2017.
This situation brings up a certain issue, unlike say, any of the other positions like Sec of State, or Sec of Def. etc - these positions are not appointed for any specific period of time, as far as I know. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong!)
This unique circumstances might well be an important reason why Wray,l if in fact a patriot, has had to appear as such a dastardly fellow, even though Q stated quite clearly "Trust Wray".
*Trump 2.0 is Different from Trump 1.0 and Necessarily Requires Different People with Different Talents.
We know DJT has been saying "I didn't know who to appoint in 2017", but that could easily be a cover story. Because if Military Intelligence actually asked DJT to run, then they had a clear plan, and they KNEW most of what who was DS and unreliable, and who wasn't.
Either way, we've seen how the Trump 2.0 lineup is VERY different from Trump 1.0 lineup. All new players (with a few exceptions). That's logical if the first administration was:
SETUP STAGE, i.e. playing hard against the Deep State but providing an example of how good the US under Trump could be, before the
HIATUS STAGE, where Biden is "in power" and the reality of what the DS and Cabal controlled Democrat Party want to do to America drives home the need for Trump to the wider majority of the American people.
Let's face it. Biden has been the biggest Red Pill dropper since Q. Moreover, Q targeted anons, but Biden's Red Pills have hit the broad midsection of normie America.
So, it makes sense that EVEN if Wray was a good guy deployment, a switch out would be appropriate for the next stage of the Operation. The HAMMER stage.
HAMMER STAGE would be where a real shredder, like Kash Patel, would come in to get the Real Job done.
BUT, how to get Wray out or the way?
One Possible Scenario where Wray is Indeed a Patriot
Taking "Trust Wray" at face value, i.e. that Wray is in fact a patriot, consider this.
Putting Wray in there at the FBI to accomplish certain things, during the first administration (watch, get all the data, map the layout of the Swamp in the FBI, but also act to get it under a level of control, then) the redpill Biden administration (Continue to hold the fort, while ALLOWING the FBI itself to red pill the US population through all sorts of Biden-like red pilling narratives. I.e. that the FBI is corrupt, and part of the Swamp system.
If DJT had tried to put things in order at the FBI when there was NOT the public support or mandate, could it have been done properly? If not, then what do you do? You get control of it, while allowing the rotten elements to expose themselves, both in terms of committing business as usual crimes (and gathering all the evidence on them while they do it), but holding it in place so expose the apparent corruption to the public.
In terms of waking up America, has Wray's FBI been a negative or a positive? A BIG positive. Like Biden himself.
Having Wray LOOK bad but having him actually steering the ship UNTIL the time for the HAMMER is ready, this allows DJT the leverage to either fire him or have good MAGA support to call him to resign.
So, considering that Head of FBI is a 10-year position, I do not think its reasonable to think that DJT just appointed Wray when Wray is a DS goon. That would frankly be gross incompetence, considering what is at stake.
Instead, appointing a patriot who could get things under control behind the scenes, to minimize deep state effectiveness in that arena, but then also allowing him to act (kayfabe) in ways that to a normie, conservative MAGA public look bad.
We've seen the FBI play along with lots of red-pilling this last 4 years, and that might well be all deliberate. Yet, even so, other functions, like arresting human traffickers, etc, appear to have ALSO been advancing. IF you've been watching the information war, you've noticed a dual sort of reality being reported.
On one hand, the FBI is "totally corrupt", doing all sorts of rat bastard things, and on the other hand, some core, critical functions like what you would expect a good FBI to do have also been reported.
Benefits of the Kayfabe Wray Model
Personally, I think Wray has been playing a role, and is not DS. If indeed Wray is a patriot, then the role he has been playing has specific benefits for us:
a) it has allowed Biden to keep him in place with the DS and DC swamp NOT calling for Wray's resignation (so he can continue the place-holder/controller position, limiting DS damage and having a leash on the FBI apparatus),
b) staying in the FBI, Wray could then oversee but still allows a certain element of rogues to do what they do in order to allow the public mandate for someone like Kash to be created, to expose to the Public the very real corruption that existed in the FBI for decades, even if in fact Wray got it on a leash...
c) potentially allow DJT to either fire or ask for his resignation with the support of the MAGA base. Non anons are going to be thinking that Wray is certain swampy and that "the entire FBI is corrupt". Heck, even some anons here believe this, but if you listen to Kash Patel, that's not his publicly avowed view. He says that the top is the problem, and the system, and that there are good people in the FBI.
There would be VERY real benefits to running the Head of FBI operation in this way over the past 7 years. Anons who do not at least consider these benefits are being foolish, and should hand in their anon ID card. This sort of thing would be RIGHT IN LINE with 5G warfare. Although Q never stated it, "Infiltration goes both ways."
If Wray looks like DS on the surface, then there are going to be a lot in the DS at least guessing if he's their guy or not.
Q & "Trust Wray"
Wray is mentioned in the Q drops 12 times. Q writes "Trust Wray" three times. Disinformation? Or a hint to anons to learn to look beyond the surface and really ask ourselves, what is going on here?
What does "Learn Our Comms" actually mean? If you are not at least considering that kayfabe might be happening, and that the Patriots might WANT the DS to think Wray is or could be their guy, then you are NOT thinking in the level that Q wanted serious anons to think on.
Q exposed a lot of people around the world to how intel operations work. They educated us, inspired us, and helped to 'train us'. Such that even after Q stopped posting "You have more than you know". We have a handbook for training ourselves to think like intel operatives.
And, its worth asking, even if you consider yourself anon, are you still actually subjecting yourself to the manipulations of Psyops (good or bad) by thinking with or reacting with a normie brain? What does it take to make a good intel operative? "Secret info"? (rhetorical question. No.)
Real effort is required to put the pieces together.
"Oh, the FBI raided Mar-a-lago! See! Wray is a corrupt deep stater! Scumbag! I don't trust him!"
That's real normie-level thinking. But a serious anon has to consider other things, other than just appearances. I.e. that Trump was the one who announced the raid to the public, that Scavino foreshadowed it a few days prior, that the raid has actually BENEFITED Trump and Trump's campaign and ALSO helped to build a very strong public mandate for Trump 2.0 to actually bring a hammer to the entire FBI operation.
Because NOW, a large enough number of Americans have finally got through their skulls that the DS is corrupt, and that the FBI has been real poison for decades.
"I take all these slings and arrows for you". The Lawfare against Trump has only done bad things for the Deep State.
Who Is The Real Wray?
We might never know if Wray is a real patriot or not. Or, it might take decades to find out. However, to figure things out, we simply cannot reply on appearances. So we have to consider the Benefits, the Impact of actors and actions.
But if Donald Trump approached you and said "Look, I want you to put you in the FBI, and you'll have to walk a tightrope, a delicate line, so that the real (and murderous) Deep State isn't sure of what you are doing, of how little or how much they can control you and the FBI, for the next 7 years, until we can really Drop the Hammer on it once the people are on board."
"It will mean that you'll have to appear to be playing ball with some of the worst people who hate our country. The average American's may well think you are a piece of shit. But I need someone who can do this. Can you do it?"
What would you say?
A real patriot would have to consider "am I willing to sacrifice my reputation and legacy in order to help secure the future of the country?" This isn't a game. It's deadly, deadly serious.
The history of the Deep State Cabal in American politics is the ugliest part of humanity. It has destroyed so many lives, murdered, raped, and committed the worst possible crimes. Would you be willing to sacrifice your reputation and legacy to help bring an end to that? Would you?
Undercover cops live that way, and even then, they can only ever be thinking to help get a few bad guys, or maybe even one cartel.
This psywar, information and narrative war is playing for keeps, for the whole country. The whole world, really.
What Does it Mean to Be "Anon"?
We CANNOT afford to ignore the requirement of looking and thinking deeper about things, and we CANNOT afford to simply let our emotional reactions run like mad horses driven by the whims of propaganda, media and the appearance of good or bad. The emotions do not help here. Not for good intel operatives. Your emotions, if not carefully controlled, will get you killed, mentally, physically or intellectually.
One of the most important aspects of the Q operation was NOT finding the oooh, secret information or pointing out who we think is good or bad. It was getting us to apply intel community level thinking but as citizens, as digital soldiers. As I like to call it, a Civilian Intelligence Militia.
So, I reiterate, we cannot simply rely on appearances. We HAVE to consider the benefits, the losses, the impacts of actors and actions, and whether they benefit our side or theirs, or what. The real benefits, not the 'apparent' benefits.
In light of the unique nature of the 10-year appointment of any head of FBI, and the needs of both Trump 1.0 and Biden (redpill) 1.0, we must consider whether Q's emphasis to "Trust Wray" was in fact what it seems. A heads up to thinking anons to think outside the box, escape groupthink and reactive emotionally responses to what we would soon observe, and to trust that there is indeed a deeper, well-constructed plan. One that will require different forms of sacrifice.
These are just thoughts on the topic. I might be close to the truth, someway near the truth, or far from the truth. In zeroing n on the truth we benefit from listening to others, weighing out our own limitations and learning to apply the lessons Q tried to teach us. I look forward to any discussions that this post inspires.
Director Oliver Stone
I watched JFK again last night. Been perhaps 5 years since I watched it last. After the past 8 years, and specifically now with Trump coming in and RFK joining his team, it had a whole lot more weight and meaning.
America and the world owe Jim Garrison a debt of gratitude. I don't know how true to the man the film is, but I take into account these facts:
One, Stone directed and produced the documentary "Ukraine on Fire" which is a massive red pill about Ukraine that all patriots around the world really need to understand. It brings up the 2014 coup de etat by DS USA forces, the rise of CIA funded neo-nazis, etc.
Two, saw a recent clip (on GAW, ??) of the Trump 'warroom' where DJT is dictating texts to a staffer for posting on Truth, and saw that Oliver Stone was there with him in the room.
If someone is going to make a film about the rise of DJT and his war against the corrupt DS and Cabal, Stone would be a great option.
In any case, watching JFK knowing now what we know and now in Dec 2024, where we stand, the impact was really all the more powerful.
Worth the time.
PS. Congratulations Anons. Trump has Announced Kash Patel as FBI Director. We made it. Let the good times roll!
Inauguration Meltdown (XX) Days & Counting
.... listing and compiling all the ways that the Deep State, the Minions, the Cabalites and Lefty Loonies are melting down and losing it, day by day.
I know this is extremely limited, but I'll start:
Mika and Whathisface at Morning Joe proceed to visit Trump (formerly Hitler) at Mar-a-lago and say "Oh, we're going to try to be more balanced in our reporting". I.e. they caved and grovelled
LA Times Owner decides to adopt a white suit and fires entire editorial board, pledging balanced coverage going forward (ok, but don't pretend we haven't watched you for the last 8+ years)
Ellen DeEpstein flees the USA for UK (no comment)
Ugly Ladies decide to withhold the prospect of sex from (someone), pretending that anyone cares (insert factual report / actual reports here)
Etc. And we know there are dozens more examples.
Put on your froggy overalls, tadpoles! Add to the list!
Let's compile a record for frens who need a pick-me-up, or for future normies and tadpoles to see a factual record that SHOWS how effective Trump Team and the Great Awakening are, going forward.
(Hey, it's just a suggestion...)
Question: Why did Steve Bannon leave the White House so early in the Trump administration #1?
Did he have a falling out with DJT? Was there some disagreement? Was it simply timing and Bannon had completed his designated tasks?
My hypothesis
Bannon departed the White House after a specific time, in cooperation with DJT, in order to establish the Warroom operation. That is, to establish a normie-level public operation targeting the regular 'conservative' / maga base, to mobilize them and give them a focal point for the coming 7 year operation.
Q, Bannon And The 7-year operation
Period: Middle/End of 2017 to End of 2024/Start of 2025
This 'seven-year operation', as I am calling it, is part of a larger 11-year (or 12-year) plan to restore America's central rudders. It is comprised of the latter 3+ years of DJT admin #1 (aka preparation phase) + the 4 years of 'hiatus' (& necessary) 'awakening' Biden admin (aka awakening phase) that has lead to the re-establishment of DJT as Potus with full public mandate (the execution phase - now).
In this context, Bannon's leaving the White House and establishing the "Warroom Posse" and all the related actors (some serious alt-media research journalistic operations like Revolver, etc) - inheriting the Andrew Breitbart methodology - can be seen as a conscious deployment much like the Q operation. Whereas the Q operation targeted the autist and 'conspiracy researchers' sector, aka the non-normie maga base, the Warroom deployment was targeting the normie-level maga base.
Both these deployments were timed to build their respective bases so that during the Awakening Phase of the fake Biden Admin, they would converge to advance the Great Awakening themes into the mainstream or main body of the American population, along with the collapse and destruction of the power of the Legacy Media.
In hindsight, I think that this was always the most likely central plan. In military planning form, there would be a variety of scenarios accounted for, and contingency plans developed for cases where certain scenarios played out or did not occur. i.e. for "moves and countermoves" (See Q97)
So while potential plans would have perhaps been in place if the DS collapsed or failed to steal the election in 2020, I think that the Wizards and Warlocks essentially figured the most likely scenario would be what has subsequently played out.
In other words, I think that once the DJT team got in to the Executive branch, they saw the lay of the land, as it were, with everything the DS was throwing at them, and formulated a 'most likely' plan for the next 11 years:
The 11-Year Plan (aka the latter 11-years of a 12-year plan)
Stage 1 - Preparation (2017-2020)
gathering core evidences,
begin process of identifying DS actors on all levels,
establishing safety parameters for a possible 'awakening' phase where the Cabal cheated and stole the election,
cutting off the strings of overhead puppet masters to remove DS and Cabal infrastructure from their overlords)
This is why the Q operation was established at the end of 2017. Those of us who caught the first waves in 2017, 2018, 2019 were truly in the vanguard. I think most of us, being in the vanguard, executed things to happen a lot earlier. But in hindsight, I think the deployment was timed with the idea that it would take up to 7 years for the Great Awakening aspect to reach high tide levels, where the ideas and truths revealed to the vanguard would enter into mainstream thinking, as many of them have now.
Look at the mandate DJT has now. Never had it in 2020. Just wasn't there. But the Biden admin has been the greatest redpill America has ever ingested. I mean, look at the sheer lunacy of the two now most notorious 'nominations' from Biden: Tranny fat obese 'health secretary' and suitcase stealing degenerate mentally ill 'nuclear waste management official.
Stage 2 - Awakening (2021-2024)
Continuing the process of ferreting out DS infrastructure players, sleepers
continued dismantling and harassing of DS medium to low level infrastructure
with controls in place (i.e. some sort of devolution),
kickoff mainstream awakening via lunatic uber-corrupt Biden Admin,
building the public mandate and awareness of the American people of core themes of corruption, elite control, etc
Stage 3 - Execution (2025-2028)
meaning implementation of the clean house operation, NOT capital punishment, although.... you know...
the wrecking ball comes in because Team Trump now has the broader, firmly established public mandate to do what the public NOW wants
Why Future Proves Past is So Important
I now think that one reason Q wrote "Future proves past" so often think (39 instances in 38 Q drops) is that the Q team and the Wizards and Warlocks (aka "the White Hats" for you normies out there) knew that we, the public, including the autists and anons, could never really understand the full plan except in hindsight. In other words, the more of the plan that unfolds, the greater context and information we have to understand it, aka for it to 'be proven to be an actual plan'.
If that is true, then consider this: We still do not know what the full plan is. We have at least 4 more years to go with a DJT administration (not to mention what happens beyond this), and so, if that's true, then we still only have about 2/3 of the plan revealed, because the final stage hasn't happened yet.
In other words, we should keep an open mind about things we may have felt certain about in the past. Re: the Q operation.
Why? Because one of the ways we survive the information war, and not only survive but also contribute and play a positive role, is by keeping the faith and persevering through what we do NOT know, by analyzing and seeing what we do or can know, and being clear about the distinction between the two.
I mean, look at GAW. This is essentially a theorizing and meme-generating community. Each and every one of us has different ideas (actually theories) as to what happened in the past 8 years (and sometimes before), what the Q operation is and how it has or is unfolding, what is happening now, who is doing what, who is a black hat villain, who is a white hat sheriff, who is a gray hat normie or extra, etc.
By sharing our thinking on these and other topics, we build a hive-mind collective with a wide variety of ideas and theories that mobilize us and keep us focused or engaged on whatever level feels appropriate to us. Meanwhile, we generate memetic ideas that help to form part of the greater Great Awakening sphere out there with all the anons and autists who are NOT here on GAW. (GAW is, after all, a very tiny portion of the Great Awakening community).
Developing our theories, understandings and on that basis formulating beliefs, convictions and ideas, gives us the energy to engage in the information war as a positive contributing entity, and to not get knocked out via blackpills and not be complete normie sheep (who have been a dead weight on the restoration of America, but whose numbers I believe are constantly dwindling).
Bannon and The Warroom Posse Deployment
I tuned in to Bannon and The Warroom for about a year during the post Jan 2021 phase when Q stopped dropping. I was looking for all sorts of sources and went through quite a few. After about a year, I concluded that Bannon's move out of the White House and in to the Warroom was a deliberate deployment targeting the mainstream maga contingent.
This more mainstream conservative MAGA contingent was a sector of the community that the Wizards and Warlocks were preparing to take the energy of the Q operation sector (autists and anons) and to translate it or bridge it over to the wider MAGA -potential population and general public.
I think the timing of the Q operation was developed knowing through game theory and super computing power that it would take 'X' amount of time for that deployment to come to the mature fruition that we see today. The Bannon deployment was also timed to prepare the ground and building a 'bridging community' targeting 'close-to normie' MAGA to be mobilized, knowing that this particular sector would not be likely to respond positively to the Q operation due to various factors (temperament, psychological positioning, etc).
I began to formulate this view of Bannon when I noticed a few things:
Bannon's background connection with Andrew Breitbart, whose legacy is certainly finding fruition in where America and Team DJT is today
Bannon's curious 'early' departure from the Trump Administration
Bannon's strategic thinking and heavy analysis abilities
The position Bannon took on Q, including things he said about the Q operation
This last aspect seemed to me to include deliberate narrative deployments to create not only plausible deniability but a distance between Bannon and the Q operation SO THAT he could speak directly to and mobilize the not-quite-normie not-quite anon sector of patriotic Americans deeply motivated by MAGA.
In other words, I felt like Bannon's particular take on Q seemed well designed to keep a distance from the Q operation. I mean, seriously. Bannon made his core catchphrase
"There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences"
I mean, tell me that you're fully on board with Q ideas while also telling me 'I don't believe in Q'.
Paraphrase? "I'm not one of those 'conspiracy theorists', but I am actually a conspiracy realist. Sort of."
I believe there the Wizards and Warlocks made many and various deployments, of which the Q operation was a core one. The various 5G psychological warfare deployments have targeted specific sectors of the population, with a strong focus on destroying the power of Cabal Propaganda Media Complex, centering on America.
The Q operation was designed to generate a certain response in a certain sector of the public that would interface with other deployments such as the Warroom Posse to get us as a whole where we are today.
Today, in November 2024, Donald J Trump is President Elect of the United States with the most important and significant public mandate since President Gen. Washington.
Obviously, the above is a hypothesis. It is a set of interconnecting ideas, notions and theories that draw on a variety of input data not necessarily referenced in the post. In other words, its a sort of holistic working hypothesis. Doubtlessly, my hypothesis would benefit greatly from a lot more research on Bannon.
In the end, there will be a LOT about the Q operation and 'The Plan' that we will likely never know. But as things unfold, we may learn more. What's important, imo, is to be always open to revising our views and perspectives, rethinking things based on new and incoming data, and to not get too stuck in beliefs that we formulate along the way.
The value of believing in a higher plan is that it provides a strong connection with a deeper anchor that gives us more freedom to question and review our own theories and beliefs about the world we are in. This is one of the most important reasons why a religious/spiritual faith in the Creator is a generally a pre-requisite for a society to be able to be humble, self-critical and open to learning more truth.
Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd’s pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.
And the Philistine moved forward and came near to David, with his shield-bearer in front of him. And when the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but a youth, ruddy and handsome in appearance. And the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.”
Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with la javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”…
When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.
So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. Then David ran and stood over the Philistine rand took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.
Samuel 17:40-51
We have a historical precedent to where we are now in the Awakening. November 5, which seems ages ago now, we knocked down the Deep State and their overlords, the Cabal.
But as we all know, the work is not done. The Giant has fallen, and the public mandate has been clearly won.
Now is the time to cut of the Deep State's head and end it's life forever.
Whether you believe in scripture or not, the analogy is apt. The Cabal Deep State has terrorized the American People like an undefeatable giant, a monolith that only the very few courageous could even conceive of taking on. When they did, they were smashed, inevitably.
Until one champion arose, sustained by a transcendental power, fortified by belief, calling all who desire truth and justice to his side.
Now, he is assembling an army of champions. Now, the tables have finally turned, and we get to fight back, to raise that sword of truth and cut of its ugly, demonic head. Jugular time. Breaking it's bones in a thousand different places.
"The 'CURE' will spread WW. Have FAITH, Patriot." ~ Q556
just posts TWO ThePeople'sVoice articles posts to GAW.
If you care about deliberate disinformation operations targetting our community and peoiple who are just waking up to the truth, then feel free to run a search for "Clickbait" in the GAW search field to see the extensive posts and research I've posted here on this operation, from its roots back in 2011 and its evolution to the current day.
Personally, I don't see any excuse for a member of GAW who has been here more than 6 months posting and promoting this very obvious enemy operation.
I'm finding something REALLY curious. There is almost a mutiny on X with people like catturd and Bongino leading the charge, that Pompeo must NOT be given a role by Trump.
So all these people ELECT Trump, but then think "We know better than you, Trump! Trump, you must not do this!!!!"
It's amazing. This is NOT patriotism and it is NOT trust in your commander in chief. It is adolescent kids thinking they should dictate to dad what he has to do.
You do not get to dictate to the President his decisions. You get to either elect him, or not. You choose whether to trust him, or not. After you elect him, you do NOT then get to dictate to him what he can or cannot do. That is mutiny. You can disagree with him, sure. But you do NOT get to dictate to him, which is exactly what Bongino is leading now.
Bongino thanked all the Controlled oppo figures like Hannity, etc, for Trumps win. Thanks Bannon almost as an afterthought. How about that.
Seems to me like the controlled opposition has now been activated for THIS time. Right after Trump's election, to run a massive campaign telling Donald J Trump what he can and cannot do. Backed by all their emotion and narrative etc.
It's astonishing.
This is not about Pompeo. It's about Trump.
I don't know shit about Pompeo when it comes to Trump. Trump knows 500% mroe than me about Pompeo. Heck, he worked with him for FOUR years. It's not about Pompeo. It's about Trump. Do you Trust Trump?
The decks have been cleared, DJT has flushed out ALL the fake and false RINOs and others. That's what the whole 4 years were for. He KNOWS what he is doing. 1000 times better than anyone else, including Dan Bongino.
The only real way that the DS can now attack is to mobilize a mob mentality creating a mutinous furor against DJT to cripple him. THe MSM has been smashed, the establishment, the Rinos. But controlled opposition?
It's truly astonishing. People are not acting based on facts, reasoning, rationality, but all on rabid emotions, with people like bongino leading the charge. Watch his emotion-filled rant AGAINST Donald Trump, telling Trump what he CANNOT do.
Astonishing. The very opposite of what Q trained us all to do.
Trust Grassley? Trust Sessions? Trust Kansas? Trust Huber?
How about "Trust Trump?"