Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is aura Aboli?

Laura wishes to inspire, motivate and uplift her readers and viewers. Her work aims to make people think, discover new perspectives, feel good and focus on a positive outlook...


worldcouncilforhealth.org›Laura Aboli: Changing the World One Person at… Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #65


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Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Related video by The Hill about Tucker in Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvWzZWHuzB4

They don't think he's a traitor. They think this is what all journalists are supposed to do with all their sources of information.

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tucker is indeed in Russia right now. He said "we’ll see" about an interview with Putin. Sources & related videos in my first comment at https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOnjyUev/

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tucker is indeed in Russia right now. He said "we’ll see" about an interview with Putin. Sources & related videos in my first comment at https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOnjyUev/

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0


  • Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, 54, was spotted in the Russian capital on February 1st, 2024 at a Spartacus performance in Bolshoi Theatre

  • A picture of Carlson was published which appears to show him in Moscow and it has sparked rumors of an interview with President Putin

  • Tucker refused to confirm or deny that he plans to interview President Vladimir Putin, merely answering the question with “we’ll see.”

  • When asked about Carlson’s visit on Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was not the role of his office to comment on the movements of foreign journalists. If Putin is interviewed by one, the press will be informed accordingly, he added.


  • This is what journalists are supposed to do? I mean, for journalists to get DIRECTLY to the source and get information DIRECTLY from any source? Instead of regurgitating INDIRECT news. Which were created by others or by anonymous person?

  • Is the Biden's administration supporting DIRECT journalists? Or trying to bully them into silence?

Related Video

Russian citizens about Tucker. Spoiler: They love him. https://www.bitchute.com/video/toWpmA4aUHym/

The Hill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvWzZWHuzB4





Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Related news from 5 months ago "SECRET CABLE LEAKED – Reveals Biden Regime Ordered Pakistan to Remove and Arrest Prime Minister Imran Khan Who Was Jailed This Week – Now Ineligible to Run in Upcoming Election" https://greatawakening.win/p/16c243DTrY/secret-cable-leaked--reveals-bid/c/

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Summary & Sources

Related sources:

Francewhoa 4 points ago +4 / -0


In Donbass, captured Ukrainian soldiers were taken to Engelsallee, a memorial built to commemorate the children killed by Ukrainian military in Donbass over the past eight years

Francewhoa 3 points ago +3 / -0

How to change DNS to COEDNSSecurity.In or Yandex.Com?

Both COEDNSSecurity.In or Yandex.Com are FREE, SECURED, and STABLE. And that I know of, they do not censor legal content if configured appropriately.

Steps to change your device's DNS at:

This is optional, but if you have a router, if appropriate, it is suggested to also change your DNS in your router. In addition to each of your device.

What is VK.Com

It is an alternative to Facebook

As of August 2018, VK had at least 500 million accounts

VK is the 16th most visited website in the world

VK is an online social media and social networking service. VK is available in multiple languages. VK users can message each other publicly or privately, edit these messages, create groups, public pages, and events; share and tag images, audio, and video; and play browser-based games.

Summary & steps to reproduce

Summary: Starting today, [Neo-NAZI-Supporter] Trudeau's administration CENSORED the social media giant VK.Com Potential millions of users affected.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set your DNS to the free CIRA Canadian Shield DNS. How-to at https://www.cira.ca/en/canadian-shield/configure/summary-cira-canadian-shield-dns-resolver-addresses/

  2. Try to create an account at https://vk.com it will likely fail. Either with an error saying that CIRA does not have any record for this domain or claiming that https://login.vk.ru is available only using HTTP not HTTPS. Yeah, right. Anyhow, CIRA will block. Because CIRA censored the domain name https://login.vk.ru Which is a requirement to login VK.Com If you're not familiar with https://login.vk.ru, think of https://login.vk.ru has a Single Sign On Authentication.

  3. If you somehow managed to create a VK.Com account above, or already have one, log-out, then try to log-in. Using CIRA, it won't work. Because CIRA blocks you. Censorship.

  4. Now change your DNS server to either https://COEDNSSecurity.In or https://DNS.Yandex.Com you're now able to access https://VK.Com Enjoy :)

What is CIRA?

CIRA's Canadian Shield DNS is one of the most popular DNS server in Canada. The Trudeau's administration allegedly use CIRA to censor content that include feelings or thoughts they disagree with.


CIRA's Canadian Shield DNS "private" mode claim to not censored. This is both false and a lie. Since the Trudeau's administration was elected, CIRA increasingly censored websites.

Francewhoa 8 points ago +8 / -0


Heiko von der Leyen is the Medical Director of Orgenesis, a US biotech company that specializes in “cell-based vaccines” and gene therapies and deems itself “the Uber of the cell and gene therapy space”.

He has held this position since September 2020 and served on its Scientific Advisory Board since 2019..



Francewhoa 3 points ago +3 / -0

Summary and Sources

Taxi drivers with other grievances also organized drive-slow protests Monday. Traffic authorities in the Paris area reported protests causing snarls on multiple major highways heading into the capital.

French taxi drivers block a ring road as they protest against transport tariffs set by the health insurance company and as they demand a renegotiation of the remuneration conditions for patient transport, in Paris, France January 29

Operation Starve Paris: French farmers begin 'indefinite' tractor siege of the capital as it's warned the city only has THREE DAYS of food, Toulouse is 'cut off' and hay bales are used to build blockades

Source https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13018123/Farmers-Paris-France-cities-today-latest-protest.html

As part of this action, taxi drivers occupy all lanes on the highway and drive at a minimum speed, thus slowing down the rest of the traffic.

Source https://tass.com/society/1738671

In France, taxi drivers and farmers decided to take part in a protest demonstration together. Radio station France Bleu reported this.

Source https://oopstop.com/french-taxi-drivers-will-protest-alongside-farmers/

Grève des taxis : plusieurs rassemblements organisés en France

Source local in French https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2024/01/29/les-taxis-a-leur-tour-mobilises-ce-lundi-avec-plusieurs-operations-escargot-menees-partout-en-france_6213657_3224.html

Taxi drivers with other grievances also organized drive-slow protests

Authorities recommended that road users switch to public transport if possible.


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Francewhoa 3 points ago +3 / -0


“We will publish and tell the Slovak public what really happened during this Covid period,” declared PM Robert Fico.

He accused the previous governments of prioritizing pharma’s interest over the public’s:

“They made a lot of money from unnecessary purchases of various medical supplies and vaccines.”

Furthermore, Fico confronted public officials, accusing them of turning a blind eye to vaccine-related cardiovascular deaths.

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Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0


"New promising opportunities for building up our fruitful cooperation are opening up in connection with Egypt's accession to the BRICS. I would like to emphasize that from the very beginning, Russia sincerely supported the desire of the Egyptian side to become a full member of this association. During the Russian presidency of the BRICS this year, we will try to do everything possible for Egypt to effectively integrate into the work of the group," Putin said.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi said that he is deeply grateful to Russian President Vladimir Putin for implementing the Dabaa nuclear power plant project.

BRICS membership of five states – Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) took effect on January 1, 2024.

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India PM Modi's Egypt visits https://rumble.com/v48l240-special-moments-from-pm-modis-egypt-visit.html

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0


Whoa. A massive convoy of truckers is gearing up to stop the invasion at the southern border.

Republican rep. Keith Self says, “Once again, the truckers are standing for We the People.”

The Daily Mail reports:

“Hundreds - possibly thousands - of big rigs will head for Eagle Pass in Texas, Yuma in Arizona, and San Ysidro in California from January 29 for the four-day ‘Take Back Our Border’ event.”

Tucker Carlson remarked that it was just a matter of time before citizens took action into their own hands:

“We haven’t had secure borders, and now we’re being invaded, and no one’s really doing anything about it. So it was just a matter of time before citizens who love their country, in many cases who have served their country overseas, decided to get a little more active in protecting their country. And that’s why we’re about to see the take our border back convoy. It begins January 29.”

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Francewhoa 4 points ago +4 / -0

Judge’s Ruling

“I have concluded that the decision [of Justin Trudeau’s administration] to issue the Proclamation (of the Emergencies Act) does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified,” Mosley wrote.

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___• https://archive.ph/OIcgA

___• https://web.archive.org/web/20240126054932/https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/invocation-of-emergencies-act-in-response-to-freedom-convoy-was-unreasonable-unjustified-court-ruling-5572115


___• https://archive.is/1lLJJ


___• https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68038172

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• National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) Hearings at https://rumble.com/user/NationalCitizensInquiryCA

• NCI’s website at https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/testimony/

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