Well Lin Wood did play a part of this. He was ramping up the optics real hard before Jan 6. Lin leaked some emails between Pence Ryan for the PenceRyan2016 thing so there's that.
Even we're not saying it's 100% confirmed he's a white hat but we're not ruling out any possibilities.
lol imagine TDW reactions if Pence actually does turn out to be a white hat. What I love the most about GA.win is there is no absolutes here. You think logically and ask the right questions. Only the best arguments count here. You guys don't rule out any of the possibilities right away.
This investors board seems to think Q is happening.
I'm generalizing here but I think the average poster on that board would be smarter than your average reddit NPC
LOL everyone on that board is red pilled and completely BASED. And it looks like this site is completely clean from shill attacks. NPC shills wouldn't even think of looking to raid a site like this, they're programming isn't advanced enough.
If it's a basic question like "Is Austin Streinbart a larp?" or "Is Alex Jones a doomer?" probably better to just ask here than make a post about it.
So like low effort stuff that's only a sentence long should be kept here IMO.
Ah yes, that's a much better description. Although I'm not even sure if most of them care or bother to reach to truth. They'll just stick with the "TRUMP IS A FASCIST" narrative because it's easier to accept the blue pill.
You know what I find funny, demoralization tactics are useless towards the awakened. The more shills they send here, the more they reaffirm the truth about Q. If "Qanon" is just some dumb conspiracy larp, they'd be celebrating for Biden instead of wasting their time here. I'm sure most of us here have barely thought about looking at reddit after the mass exodus. We're not concerned about reddit comments, we're laser focused on confirming the deltas and waiting for the plan to unfold. Meanwhile Q lives inside these shill's heads rent free. Q has figured out a way to completely neutralize these outdated tactics of the left. The more they attack, the stronger we get.
he says he's fighting for zog, it's over boys pack it in, been a good run /s