posted ago by BillyBatts ago by BillyBatts +25 / -1

The willingness to flip flop on any one of the players in this movie ie Trust Wray, no fuck Wray, no trust Wray , ect ( only one example) and using as justification for it • disinfo is necessary •, I’m good with that. But the flat out anger towards Jones is hard to get. “ Jones is fake, Jones is Mossad” is hard to understand. Let’s just get real for a second - AJ has been talking about 90 percent of what Q has said for oh, I don’t know, the last 20 years ? Trump went on AJ’s show before he got elected, and thanked him on air after. Flynn just did his show. Epstein, Clinton’s, Chicocoms, weaponize viruses and vaccines, he’s been there done that for two decades before you knew Q was anything other than a letter in the alphabet. Shit want to know about Covid and the NWO plan for viruses, watch Endgame, it’s like 15 years old. You’re mad the guy publicly denounced Q ? What if he hadn’t ? Q would have been lumped in with him and would have lost the attention of 50 percent of those it woke up due to media strawmanning him. So • disinfo is neccisary• except for this one case in which you have decided it is not . I’m just wondering if people hate Jones because they think he’s the bad guy or if it is because they bought the new shiny toy and thought they were the coolest kid in the block, only to find out their neighbor has had one for 15 years.