Fuckadabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

HIV wasnt created in a lab, it was the green monkey.

Fuckadabullshit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Similar issue, in the winter I went the Dr for dehydration I knew it was dehydration he knew it was dehydration we did a blood test and it showed dehydration. he told me to assume I had Covid. Fucking Clown world

Fuckadabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

its more of a multipronged attack, Its about Control and Depopulation, you have to understand that they are Rushing this whole agenda, Hillary was suppose to have this kicked off back in 2016 but Trump got in the Way, he made the populous aware that Covid was a Hoax thats why the Deep State and the Globalist went after him so hard. Also the Deep state and the Elite live in a bubble of their own bullshit, they think the people are not smart enough to figure out none of this Covid shit makes sense, they dont care about who they think supports them, those are the useful idiots. The goal is to have people dependent on the Gov, hence the UBI, killing of small business, covid vaccine propaganda etc.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0