She decided not to get it right now and wants to wait until the information comes out with Fauci. She said she probably wouldn’t get it anyway because if I have covid, then she’s already been exposed to it. I am feeling bad and had a fever last night so I guess this played a role in God’s plan. My dad is still vaccinated witch sucks. He’s fine so far…


My mom didn’t get the jab yesterday BUT she is going to get it today. I’m desperate to get her awake but it’s not working. Can you please pray for her. Can you pray that something might happen that delays it or can you pray that the Holy Spirit may speak to her about it. Can we pray that the white hats will prevent this


One of our family members almost died and the hospital claimed it was covid. My parents have been paranoid about it. Before you ask, no they aren’t idiots, they just fell victim to decades long brainwashing.


Q props up Reagan to be this huge patriot. Everything that I look at points to him being a black hat. Don’t get me wrong, I want Reagan to be good, but I just need someone to explain how he was good. Some have said he was good till he got shot but why would Q continue to quote him and act like he was a patriot if he turned bad.

I’m not saying I’m right, because I’m probably not. I’m just confused and need someone to tell me why I was wrong.


Yesterday I made a post theorizing that the controlled opposition would be weeded out. It didn’t go quite how I theorized it would but Trump canceling the event did one major thing; it took the some of the focus off Trump and put it more on whoever decided to open their mouth. That person happened to be Fed Cruz. He’s trying to back out of this but it seems like the more he tries, the worse it gets. His father’s ties to Cuba and GHWB will be a huge Red pill. Il Donaldo Trumpo said, "I know it was you, Tedo." on gab. His wife’s job at Goldman Sachs is a good exposé too.




He’s in a vulnerable position, permanently crippled, and forever on the defense now. The best offense may be a great defense, but his defense is utter crap.


Pray for Trump. Pray for the patriots. Pray that a BQQQM may happen. Pray that everything once secret, will become common knowledge! Pray with me please.


With conservatives calling him cowardly, all it takes is one being exposed to turn the narrative back on them. If he takes out the Controlled opposition, then the media can’t claim he’s taking out his Democratic enemies. He’d expose the uniparty and put the cabal on defense. Trump is the only thing holding conservative media up, even if they think the opposite. The truth social being released would make it worse for the “right wing” media. The controlled opposition would crumble right before their eyes and the left’s reputation would be in shambles, with the people knowing who they truly work for.

TLDR: it’d crack the matrix


I don’t care about your race. They want to divide us. I am not fully white, I am biracial. There are bad whites and bad blacks too. You shouldn’t treat individuals like a collective. I am responsible for my actions and mine alone. The state wants us to be divided by race so they can take control of us. This is not just a genocide against whites, it’s everyone. This is a genocide against the Holy Spirit. I agree that the US should remain Christian. I am one out of many Americans, responsible for my actions and mine alone. Don’t fucking tell me that I’m responsible for ANYONE else’s actions but mine. I’m not responsible for black people’s actions because I am part black. I’m not responsible for white people’s actions because I’m part white. I don’t care if you think it’s natural, I will NOT expect any type of behavior from you because you’re white. I’ll treat you like I treat any other American, an individual.