GetUmGitmo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you, it is the saddest damn thing in the world, kids get preyed on then eventually they too become a predator, what the hell do you do to stop this, the victimization knows no end, but this is a cancer that MUST STOP before we as a species, as a civilized society , can progress forward. Jesus said "suffer the children to come unto me/truth for of such is the kingdom of God" also "unless you become as one of these little ones/born again, you can in no wise enter into the kingdom of God". Alot is put on our responsibility to children, don't forget millstone, tied to neck, thrown into deep sea...!

GetUmGitmo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks good job, I don't know how to put up pics or links, I do this from my TV and firestick LOL my thumb hurts if I try to say too much....lol but you see what I'm saying but more to your point of pedos being violated and the vicious cycle that follows.

GetUmGitmo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I use Duck duck go, but just put in CIVANO nothing else, see what you get....and their motto is "civano means successful gardening"....DAMNed

GetUmGitmo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Crazy huh... my daughter lives nearby and took pics and even tried talking to some residents... no one wants to talk!

GetUmGitmo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nah he's just pissed, no one knows what these victims have had to endure. Everyone has been scared to comment for one reason or another, and these victims, no doubt, were intimidated into silence like no other, that type of insanity, making victims of this type of crime, feel this powerlessness again and again is inhumane.

GetUmGitmo 6 points ago +6 / -0

You're right, there are generational victims, there is a gated commuity in Tucson that has pedo symbology "artwork" surrounding the place on the stucco wall around it and the street name entering is called "eleven generations drive". I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure this out, or maybe it's coincidential...CORRECTION: street name is "seven generations way" and CIVANO is the name of the hell hole for kids...side note, they use the boylover triangle for the A in civAno....of course they have a Rockefeller for mayor.

GetUmGitmo 2 points ago +2 / -0

These dregs of humanity say this aweful stuff because they are projecting, they should not be so quick and so willing to OUT THEMSELVES for their narrative...some people are probably taking notes, alot like Santa Clause does....naughty or nice, you get it...so just keep telling everyone who is who.....MERRY CHRISTMAS.....NCSWIC

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