Psaki Admits She Tells Joe Biden Not to Take Impromptu Questions From Reporters. “That is not something we recommend. In fact, a lot of times we say ‘don’t take questions,’” said Psaki. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/psaki-admits-tells-joe-biden-not-take-impromptu-questions-reporters/


"Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said he had foiled a US-planned "coup" and "assassination" attempt against him and his family."

"Then we discovered the work of clearly foreign intelligence services, most likely the FBI, the CIA," he went on.




Combined with the earlier allegations that the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”.

• force them to wear face masks.

• impose very strict curfews.

• impose a police state.

• crash the economy.

And the staged Navalny poisoning.

Putin claims opposition figure Alexey Navalny working with American intelligence. https://www.rt.com/russia/509944-putin-claims-opposition-figure-cia/ https://www.rt.com/russia/510380-fsb-video-navalny-poisoning-fake/

Russia will face 'consequences' if Navalny dies. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56794744



Bodycam footage released in police killing of Daunte Wright( Warning: Fake News) https://youtu.be/GTU9JFcB3mM?t=34

Bodycam footage of fatal police shooting in Ogden (Warning: Graphic) https://youtu.be/eV4ecppgDzg?t=338


In December 2019, Agnes Kalibata, president of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa(AGRA), was appointed as Special Envoy to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Following this event, 176 civil society organizations and farmer groups from 83 countries sent an open letter to the UN Secretary General António Guterres to withdraw the appointment of Kalibata due to her close ties to corporate actors. This letter was followed up by a second statement signed by over 500 organizations, academics, and social movements, raising concerns about both this nomination, and about the overall approach of the Summit.

In response to the two civil society letters, twelve individuals representing several development banks, academic institutions, and the private sector, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General to support Kalibata’s nomination to this position. This letter emphasized Dr. Kalibata’s leadership skills, work ethic, capacity to listen, and other qualities.

AGRA Watch analyzed the signatories and found that out of 12 total signers, 11 had past or current connections to the Gates Foundation. In some instances, the organizations were directly funded by the Gates Foundation, and in others, the Gates Foundation funded specific programs in which the signers had played roles. One organization was funded by AGRA, which is funded by the Gates Foundation.



Back when talk against Bill Gates. https://newint.org/features/2012/04/01/bill-gates-charitable-giving-ethics

Gregg Gonsalves, an experienced AIDS activist and co-founder of the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, welcomes the Foundation’s funding, but is concerned about its power. ‘Depending on what side of bed Gates gets out of in the morning,’ he remarks, ‘it can shift the terrain of global health.’

Dr David McCoy, a public health doctor and researcher at University College London and an advisor to the People’s Health Movement. ‘Through its funding it also operates through an interconnected network of organizations and individuals across academia and the NGO and business sectors. This allows it to leverage influence through a kind of “group-think” in international health.’

The WHO’s head of malaria research, Aarata Kochi, accused a Gates Foundation ‘cartel’ of suppressing diversity of scientific opinion, claiming the organization was ‘accountable to no-one other than itself’.

Tido von Schoen Angerer, Executive Director of the Access Campaign at Médecins Sans Frontières, explains, ‘The Foundation wants the private sector to do more on global health, and sets up partnerships with the private sector involved in governance. As these institutions are clearly also trying to influence policymaking, there are huge conflicts of interests... the companies should not play a role in setting the rules of the game.’


I'm sick of seeing doctors and politicians on tv saying "The benefits outweigh the risks". They are still saying it when fully vaccinated people are getting covid and scientists are saying the fully vaccinated are even more prone to getting other variants witch, by the way, is all there is now, more and more variants, what exactly is the benefit here, am I missing something? There is ZERO talk in the MSM about treatment, just vaccines, and why the rollout is so slow. Surely, if it were true that the benefits out weight the risks, the people with seizures, and Bell's palsy, anaphylaxis, blood clots, would be on CNN letting everyone know that it's ok to get the vaccine, and maybe the family member of someone who died could come on and say that "it's ok the vaccine killed grandma because the benefits out weigh the risks".


I just stumbled on to this, in case you are missing the amazing energy of the Rightful President... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCITMedGC5PA-zMrLTH5-kg


I was reading a ZeroHedge report from a Hedge Fund guy, “People work in order to convert their time into a unit of account,” he said. “We call that money, and it’s an invention that allows us to store time.” interesting way of thinking of it, as someone who trades their time for money daily, made me think of the movie, "In Time" with time as a unit of currency, so I looked up the writer, Andrew Niccol, and his other scripts. Gattaca (1997) Natural born man overcomes his limitations in a society of genetically modified humans. The Truman Show (1998) Man discovers his whole life is actually a reality TV show. S1m0ne (2002) A film Producer decides to digitally create an actress to substitute for the star. Lord of War (2005) An arms dealer forced to confront the morality of his work. In Time (2011) Welcome to a world where time has become the ultimate currency. Good Kill (2014) A family man begins to question the ethics of his job as a drone pilot. Anon (2018) The government requires that everyone receive an ocular implant that records everything they see except for "The Girl." She has no identity, no history and is invisible to the cops. Just found it interesting because I'm questioning what I once believed to be true and how I am using (investing) my time, and how much the Government / Banks want to supervise (dictate) every little thing you do ......https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/hedge-fund-cio-some-point-through-inflation-war-or-confiscation-system-will-restart. .....https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0629272/?ref_=tt_ov_wr#director


Just saw that a movie/propaganda piece has come out about the creation of the Silk Road, not watched it yet but has the same vibe as The Social Network, which is total bull crap..."Philosophical twenty-something Ross Ulbricht creates Silk Road| a dark net website that sells narcotics| while DEA agent Rick Bowden goes undercover to bring him down." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7937254/. To me it is the best way for DS to sell drugs and people and arrange assassinations for bitcoin, while "they" take out the competition operating on "their" platform and look good in the eyes of the sheep.


Excerpt: Our Founders meant their United States Congress to act as honorable stewards of a simple Public Trust, to provide a safe mutual meeting ground at the Federal Capital, Washington, DC. They did not envision foreign Subcontractors doing that duty or exercising that trust. Instead, they initially redefined the members of the ersatz unauthorized Territorial Congress to be a Board of Directors for the new Municipal Corporation acting as the Government of the District of Columbia, and then, proceeded to place everything under the thumb of a Municipal Governor for the Municipal Corporation acting as the Government of the District of Columbia.

Over time, even this bizarre rearrangement of powers and duties was truncated and messed with until by 1913, less than half a dozen men were required to — purportedly– pass the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve, and by 1940, the Governors of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia didn’t even have to be elected members of any Congress at all.

And all with no authority whatsoever to do any of this, all done under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, all done under color of law, and all done under conditions of fraud against the American States and People.

This same “system” of fraud and usurpation was extended, as revealed in Part 2, to other countries and nations around the world. To them, it appeared to be championed by “the Americans” — and trusting “the Americans” far more than they would have ever trusted the Queen or the Pope, they all fell in line, adopted similar means of private control of public institutions, and the politicians elected by purported “shareholders” under this scheme enjoyed the coercive abuse of “governmental powers” under color of law, and instead of being true representatives of anyone but their own greed, they redefined themselves as Agents carrying Proxies from the corporation’s “electorate”.

Three part report with detailed explanation from Legal teams. https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2021/01/16/misinformation-about-the-act-of-1871-is-an-ongoing-problem-part-1/ https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2021/01/16/misinformation-about-the-act-of-1871-is-an-ongoing-problem-part-2/ https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2021/01/16/misinformation-about-the-act-of-1871-is-an-ongoing-problem-part-3/


We all need to prepare mentally to see what we believe would be the most disgusting abuse of America, Biden being sworn in, prepare yourself now so that you don't lose faith in the process of exposing all of the traitors to the country, every day that goes by the rats jump ship. Trust that 80 percent of the country is with us and that THEY HAVE GOT THIS, take a breath, pray if that's your thing, and then you will know it. If this ends too early everything will go back the way it was in the very near future, it has to get VERY bad so that we remember to never let it happen ever again. Michael Jaco with Juan O Savin 1-13-21 https://www.brighteon.com/eba3fb77-b65e-428a-ab0c-d8836e7fbd79


Project Truth Beam on Brighteon had an idea to send a message to the Republican Party that they have lost their base. If anyone is in contact Brandon Straka maybe they can float this idea.

I believe President Trump will form a new party when he is Inaugurated, that doesn't have the stink of corruption like the Democrat or Republican party's have.